
Photograph via snooOG

A friendly haven for ents 18+.

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Previous AMAs

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Last sidebar update: 7/14/17


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Rolling machines and hand-rolled RAW filters - video?

I can’t find a video showing how to use RAW hand-rolled flat cardboard filters with a rolling machine. Do I roll completely and pop it in? Does it matter whether it rolls with or against the roller?

I can find good videos on rolling filters without a rolling machine.


(I can experiment of course)

22:05 UTC


Can eating before smoking cause issues in the long run?

Hey y'all. So got my card back in January and been enjoying trees ever since. I got a vaporizer after complaints of smell and been enjoying that. Suddenly my stomach has been in a funk recently this past week though. I get nauseous throughout the day. I always smoked then ate, but I'm wondering if that could cause something from doing it for a while or maybe I could be dehydrated? No throwing up either, just nausea. I'm chalking it up to last week I ate multiple meals of saltfish that was extremely salty but I didn't want to waste it, and maybe a combo of that and smoking kind of dried me out a bit. Just looking for any similar situations. Thank y'all

15:58 UTC


Question for long term, chronic users...

I am an "elder" tree but didn't come to appreciate the plant until much later in life. I am fascinated by MJ and like to research it, as it has been positive for me in so many ways. I have a question for you elders who have smoked for a LONG time (decade or longer) chronically. I read an anecdote on another app where an elder was saying that, "Weed seems to have some odd drug characteristics. You can build a short term tolerance. For instance, if you smoke too much one day, you can definitely stop getting more high. So you do build a short term tolerance. But, over years and years, I think it's pretty common for your long term tolerance to go down." This poster stated that he and many friends who had toked for over a decade went through high tolerance issues but that the longer they used, eventually their tolerance naturally lowered on its own. I've read a bit about "reverse tolerance," which seems to be what this poster was alluding to, but there's very little on it. For those who've partaken for a decade or longer quite chronically, has this happened to you? Or has your tolerance just stayed high with the exception of T breaks? Either way, did you get high the first time or did it take a few? (Wondering if there's a correlation there.) I'd like to hear your personal anecdotes/experiences on tolerance after many years of sustained use.

01:30 UTC


Are there any drawbacks/downsides in your opinion to vaping or smoking Hash?

I’ve never tried Hash, but I’m planning on it and I want to get this community’s input on what you would recommend I do, and if there’s anything I should keep in mind before I buy some. Thanks!

22:25 UTC


To grind or not to grind.

So I quit smoking for a Litte while but decided to luc some up recently along with a small pipe. I also have a metal grinder and am curious if you think its worth it to grind it that way vs breaking it up with your hands in this situation. I know you catch the kief with your grinder but since I'm only planning to smoke it occasionally I'm not worried about that. I'm more. Just curious. Would it make the ball burn slower? Or make the hits that much smoother?

What are your thoughts

20:38 UTC



I've been smoking for a good bit and I've always loved the effects a lot.

I'm now hitting a point where I feel like when I use it, it honestly makes me feel not good. Like it does for a tad bit but then it makes me feel like shit low-key.

What's wrong? I miss enjoying a joint and feeling good.

18:20 UTC


What is Hash exactly?

Based on your knowledge, what do you consider to be Hash?

Do you subscribe to JollyRoger's take that hash is any full spectrum meltable extract? https://www.reddit.com/r/puffco/s/PHE8A17jWf

Or is it something else... Some say that hash must be solventless, and others go further to say rosin isn't even hash; only the OG bubble or dry sift is But then what about BHO, aka Butane Hash Oil, and its derivatives? It seems like people are against it because of the possible contaminants. But the remnants aren't a thing in the rec market, so is it Hash if it's genuinely free of that?

I'm inquisitive because you got people on all sorts of high horses on all sides

This is attempting to clarify things, so please explain why you stand where you do. Thank you

02:09 UTC


To those upset about Sched 3

I get it, I do. Full descheduling and immediate legalization would have been the best outcome. But we live in a fractured society where that can’t happen without immediate legal challenges from the opposition. Look at what happened to Biden’s original plan to wipe out student debt. (For those who aren’t in the know, it was shot down by the conservative Supreme Court.)

Yesterday was a big step and with big steps we gain momentum. Schedule 3 is going to open so many new opportunities and a bunch of money is about to be made. Cannabis stocks were up sharply yesterday in anticipation of the news. This is the wave breaking. There is no turning back now. The system we live in is going to dictate cannabis is legal. And yes it sucks giant donkey dick that pharma (ohh…they’re on board) and big corporations are going to be in the game. But there will always be homegrown and mom and pops. They weren’t able to stop at Schedule 1, definitely no stopping it now.

BUT…now is the time to stop this “oh the government…” cynical bullshit and get to work. Remember we live in a democracy these are not our leaders, they are our servants. Contact your city council, county sheriff state reps, governor, House Reps, Senators, etc. Tell them to start voting pro legalization or you will vote their ass out. AND THEN SHOW UP AND FUCKING VOTE! If there is no one running against them, run.

Contact Chuck Schumer and your senators, tell them to pass the “treat marijuana like alcohol and tobacco” and to pass the cannabis banking bill. Remind them there is an election coming up and you will vote their ass out if they don’t. AND THEN SHOW UP AND FUCKING VOTE!

Stop bitching on the internet and let’s go get shit done.

But let’s go get high first…

23:12 UTC


What do the kids do with their hotboxed car?

Assuming the car is not stolen, what do the kids do with the car after hotboxing? I don’t think the smell can be undone. So it’s gonna be a forever tell…

18:29 UTC


How useful have you found cannabis terpenes to be?

I found a brand called Rare Cannabinoid Company that sells a spray that solely contains terpenes. It says it's great for relaxation and I wanted to know if it's worth it.

14:23 UTC


How did dabs develop?

When I first smoked in the 70s we had hash knives and the like but I don’t remember dab rigs. I think those came along when I was away from weed. I had a dab the other day (like it!) and it made me wonder about this history.

So, what do you remember?

19:49 UTC


Rolling machines are brilliant.

A friend showed me his rollers and I quick got one. Even though mine is pretty cheap it still works great. Using RAW standard papers and doing hand rolled filters. I’m learning amount of weed that works best, not over rolling, orienting holding filter — all little things. But really, with one demo you get it.

Love popping out joints almost as much as smoking then. (NR. I love smoking them more.)

01:37 UTC


Perma cough that has not gone away help???

So I'm a regular smoker daily and have been smoking for a year plus probably and recently I decided I was going to get a cart for the first time in like a year just cuz you know I was going on a bus and I wanted to use it I ended up using only half of it and then I got this terrible cough and it would not go away so I got rid of the cart and it's been a week since I've stopped smoking completely to take a tolerance break and also hoping that it would get rid of my cough but it did not and I'm still coughing does anyone have any tricks or tips that they do to get rid of like a cough? Also just so you know I was spitting up flem but now I'm not

22:13 UTC


Someone got me a straight THC disposable vape, and I’m not getting very high. What’s going on?

TLDR: 900mg THC disposable vape isn’t getting me very high… What’s going on? —————————————————————————————— I have this disposable someone got me, and I’ve been using it on and off for the past 6 weeks, and I haven’t felt anything very potent on it. Now, I’m usually a VERY “lightweight” person when it comes to pot, but this just isn’t doing anything. I’m also a medical user and my prescription stuff gets me higher. Granted, it’s both a CBD and THC mix FLOWER but CBD supposedly “dampens the effects”. I have tried another disposable in the past, called “Buckets” by V1OLA, and I absolutely loved that one. It got me high, but it was a manageable high.

I’m just curious what your input would be on this and whether or not you can educate me and give me advice on what to look for when I’m purchasing anything the next time I go to the dispensary.

P.S. The strain I’m using is “Peach Lemonade” by BACK FORTY with 900mg THC and under 5mg of CBD and honestly, it hurts to use. Way more than smoking did, like my pipe doesn’t actually irritate my lungs like this is doing. It tastes good though.

Thanks everyone!

05:38 UTC


Anxiety, depression and chest palpations out of nowhere?

Not sure what happened but over the last few days my consumption has dropped mightily because out of nowhere I've been getting major anxiety everytime I smoke. It did start from a new strain I picked up but after 2 joints from it, I moved onto my older strains and now experience the same symptoms everytime I smoke. Anyone experienced something similar?

03:02 UTC


Anyone else throat get dry and stuffed nose when high?

What’s your guys tips to combat this? Helps with my back pain but god damn does it make my sinuses congested and throat mad dry.

01:25 UTC


[29+ Discord Server] Happy 4/20, my friends. Let’s congregate (virtually).


Have you been looking for your fellow Midlife Stoners? We’re a community of weed enthusiasts 29 and older who hang out over a chat platform called Discord.

Discord is akin to old school IRC where we vibe over text and voicechat. The server is like a house, with channels which are like rooms, organized by topics such as weed (of course), movies (we're big movie buffs), memes, as well as general chat areas.

Got no plans this palindromic 4/20/2024? Join us and see if it's a place you'd like to hang. We aren't for everyone, but it can be your new digital home.

Join us: https://discord.gg/784kseYAy2

If you have problems signing up for discord, send me a private message and we'll get you sorted.


16:37 UTC


Random problems when smoking?

So i used to smoke nearly everyday for about a year and then went cold turkey 4-5 months and recently started smoking again and my tolerance obviously low asf so i have small amounts but no matter how much or how little il smoke il feel on edge il go very very hot and have to take my jacket off and my heartbeat will go rapid any advice??

05:45 UTC


Listening to Trixie Smith: gage as 30s jazz slang for weed.

“Jack I’m Mellow” lyrics talk about blowing gage.

Perplexity summary:

According to the search results, the term "gage" was used as a name for marijuana in the early 20th century, particularly in the jazz community:

  • The name "Gage" pays homage to a nickname for cannabis used in the jazz community of the early 1900's. Musician Louis Armstrong used cannabis throughout his career, including before performances and recordings, and referred to it as "the gage", a common term of the times.[1]

  • "Gage, tea, muggles, reefers, and a dozen more names for marijuana, were common parlance among jazz musicians and friends who were 'Vipers.'" This was during the 1930s.[3]

  • The search results indicate that the term "gage" was used to refer to marijuana as early as the 1930s, and was a common slang term among jazz musicians and the "Vipers" (those who smoked marijuana) during that time period.[2][3]

So in summary, the term "gage" was used as a name for marijuana in the early 1900s, particularly in the 1930s jazz community that Louis Armstrong was a part of.[1][2][3]

Citations: [1] https://gagecannabisco.com/our-story/ [2] https://greensdictofslang.com/entry/xqst6ma [3] http://www.shellac.org/wams/wgage.html [4] https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/jan/29/marijuana-name-cannabis-racism [5] https://www.leafly.com/news/lifestyle/louis-armstrong-and-cannabis

16:28 UTC


What is THCa?

Surprisingly, few are aware that THCA is essentially THC in its raw form. When heated, THCA converts into THC, exploiting a legal loophole. Consequently, numerous retail outlets and online vendors now advertise THC products as THCA, containing less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC, thereby classifying them as hemp and meeting federal legal criteria under the farm bill.

13:45 UTC


Any wooden pipe lovers here?

A couple years ago I picked up a nice wooden pipe and I haven't looked back. I love the way it smokes. Slowly puffing on it and trying to keep it going is a fun activity.

20:00 UTC


The Science Behind Cannabis Watering Techniques: What you need to know

I just wrote an in-depth article breaking down the science behind dialed-in watering practices. But so that you don’t have to read the whole article, here are the key points:

  • Quality Over Quantity: Maintain the right volumetric water content (VWC) levels to ensure cannabis plants receive adequate hydration without drowning or experiencing water stress. The optimal VWC varies based on growth stage, environmental conditions, and strain.
  • Back it With Science: Monitor VWC and water to dryback percentages based on scientific principles like allowing the growing medium to partially dry out between waterings to encourage root exploration and prevent issues like root rot.
  • Unique Plant Insights: Follow watering practices tailored to each cannabis growth stage - seedling (gentle misting/bottom watering), vegetative (increased water for rapid growth), and flowering (careful monitoring to prevent mold/bud rot).

The full article covers critical topics like optimizing volumetric water content, benefits of watering to dryback percentages, and much more.

Thanks for reading!

12:32 UTC


Good quality bud for high price VS low quality bud for low price

Hello trees, I come to you with a great question. Say you have 250$ (I use $ just for global reference), and you want to purchase some green. What would you prefer, low quality bud , say 50G, or good quality bud , say 25G?

I smoke pretty heavily (around those amounts a month) for a couple of years now and I find it very hard to decide whats better.

On one hand low quality bud will give you only a mild buzz, but will surely last longer. On the other hand high quality bud will smack you in the face , but will last a short time.

And surely lets not forget our good buddy hash, I live in the middle east so we got lots of good quality hash here. Hash is very cheap and very strong, but contains pretty shitty chemicals. Some say hash contains addictive chemicals which are unealthy, but again, hash is very cheap and will last a long time.

I mostly vape , and when available I mix my herb with hash to give it a little boost. It works fine.

What do you fellas think?

11:15 UTC


Understanding Crop Steering Principles - The Basics To Healthier Plants

I just wrote an in-depth article discussing basic in crop steering principles. But so that you don’t have to read the whole article, here are the key points:

  • Light Spectrum and Photoperiod: Light is one of the most critical environmental factors influencing plant growth. By controlling light spectrum and photoperiod, cultivators can manipulate plant development to suit their cultivation goals.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Cultivators can use insulation materials, ventilation systems, and climate control devices to regulate temperature and humidity in the growing environment. By preventing temperature fluctuations and excessive humidity levels, cultivators can create a stable growing environment conducive to healthy plant growth.
  • Water Management and Irrigation: Proper irrigation involves delivering the right amount of water at the right time to meet the plant's needs without causing stress or root suffocation. Various irrigation methods, such as drip irrigation, flood irrigation, and hydroponics, can be employed to efficiently deliver water and nutrients to plants while minimizing water wastage and nutrient runoff.

The full article covers basics such as light spectrum and photoperiod, environment conditions, and water manager/irrigation, and much more. Will go into much more detail on each topic later.

Thanks for reading!

12:50 UTC


Is dabbing THCa worth it?

I’ve never dabbed any kind of wax. With the hemp bill, I now have legal access. Does it hit that much harder than vaporized THCa flower?

22:19 UTC


The effective interaction between THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) has become a focal point in the cannabis community, leading many enthusiasts to explore the advantages of combining THC and CBD flower. This interesting combination offers a range of benefits.

  1. Balanced High with Reduced Anxiety:

Combining THC and CBD creates a balance that helps lessen the anxiety and paranoia often associated with high-THC strains. CBD, a non-psychoactive compound, has anxiolytic properties that can temper the psychoactive effects of THC, delivering a more mellow and enjoyable experience.

  1. Enhanced Therapeutic Potential:

The entourage effect, a synergy between different cannabis compounds, is amplified when THC and CBD are combined. This collaboration is believed to enhance the therapeutic potential of the cannabinoids, offering a more broader range of benefits, from pain relief to anti-inflammatory properties.
3. Customized Effects and Dosage:
Mixing THC and CBD flower provides users with the flexibility to customize their cannabis experience. By adjusting the ratio of THC to CBD, individuals can tailor the effects to their preferences, whether seeking relaxation, creativity, or a functional daytime boost without the intensity of a pure THC strain.

  1. Reduction of THC-Induced Memory Impairment:

CBD has shown promise in reducing memory impairment associated with THC use. Combining the two cannabinoids may offer a good balance, providing the potential for a more clear and focused experience while still enjoying the psychoactive high associated with THC.
5. Potential Reduction of Negative Side Effects:
CBD’s regulating effects on THC goes beyond anxiety reduction. It may also assist in minimizing common side effects such as dry mouth, red eyes, and increased heart rate, offering a smoother and more comfortable overall experience.

In summary, the combination of THC and CBD flower opens up a range of possibilities for cannabis enthusiasts. The synergistic effects, enhanced therapeutic potential, customizable experiences, and potential reduction of negative side effects make the combination an interesting method for those looking to explore the full spectrum of benefits that cannabis has to offer. As with any cannabis consumption, individual responses vary, so it’s recommended to start with lower ratios and gradually find the balance that suits personal preferences and desired effects.
The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professionals.

16:23 UTC


Ease me into extracts?

Long story short I've only consumed edibles, dry herb vaped or smoked a joint. Very occasional user and have what I assume is a low tolerance.

I'd like to experiment with extracts but I have no idea where to start or how anything in that area works haha.

I have been pressing dry sift into hash pucks and storing them in the fridge but I don't even know how to use them. Embarrassing I know.

Take it easy on me, I'm old. Got any tips on easing into this new world?

19:43 UTC


I successfully lowered my tolerance - now what?

I completely stopped edibles and dry vaped a minimal amount a few times a week for about 3 weeks… had some free time today (no wife/kids) and decided to smoke a J. It was amazing.

What’s your routine to keep the tolerance low but still get whacked every now and again?

20:35 UTC


Stoner photography?

Anyone else have a collection of photos taken when stoned?

I have about 750 now. I enjoy a slideshow of em when I’m both high and low. They have a special flavor - close, tight, texture, often include smoke related things.

21:12 UTC


Does anyone else find crosswords (or other puzzles) to be rewarding and relaxing while high?

Vaping my Dyna, listening to music and solving the NYtimes crossword is a nightly ritual for me now. It's very therapeutic after a long day especially since I'm taking care of my Dad with dementia.

I don't vape till he's in bed unless my brother or Mom has complete control and or I'm done with work. It feels very rewarding too saving it for a few hours before bed too plus it makes your tolerance low for years. But combining the ritual with the crossword and music is pure comfort and bliss.

I think because you're using your brain and when you think and actively engage in stuff it makes the high better and therapeutic.

01:30 UTC

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