
Photograph via snooOG

This is a support and recovery community for practical discussions about how to quit pot, weed, cannabis, edibles, BHO, shatter, Delta 8, or whatever THC-related product you're using, and getting support in staying stopped.

People smoking weed when they want without recrimination? Good. Not being able to stop smoking weed even when you want to? Bad.

This subreddit is for practical discussions about how to stop smoking if you've decided to and support in staying stopped from your fellow leaves. The only requirement for being here is that you have decided it's time to quit for good.

If you're looking for meetings or additional help try Marijuana Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or SMART Recovery.

Please note: Our first and most important rule is that we be kind, courteous, and supportive with each other. Even (and maybe especially) people that aren't being kind to us. If someone is breaking this rule, please use the report button and we'll sort it out. Remember that you're here to actively inspire people toward success, yourself included.

Keep it About You: This group is pot-positive and we have no problems with weed other than the fact that it isn't right for us, so we keep this a selfish place. If your problem is with other people, other smokers, or cannabis in general then keep it about how that affect you.

You're welcome to talk about bad experiences, but they have to be yours, not other people's, society's, or general anti-smoking opinion. If your post doesn't have "I" or "me" in it you should question whether you're describing your own experience or just talking about others.

Also, this is a politics-free zone. There are lots of thoughts on legalization and plenty of places to debate them, but they are a distraction from the mission of this subreddit which is to help people stop smoking.

Badges: We get occasional requests for badges -- please see this post: http://bit.ly/K0Y6Hg

Other things that will be removed:

Posts regarding strategies, wait times, products or anything related to drug testing or "detoxing."

Posts in which the sole subject is tolerance breaks or moderation management. This subreddit is for people who have decided to quit for good, not for people who will resume or continue.

Posts discussing or advocating weed substitutes, CBD, or any remedies other than mutual support and the sharing of our experience. There are medications that can help mitigate the effects of quitting or conditions that might have contributed to addiction, but you should get those from a doctor, not an Internet chat group.

We only allow text posts, and recommendations of resources outside the group will most likely be removed. Outside resources can be informative or inspiring, but it's better to talk about your personal experience and inspiration in your own words.

The only thing we want to hear about is you, and on that topic you're the world's foremost expert.

This include your own quitting or vlog videos. I'm afraid we just don't have time to review them as part of the modding process.


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Withdrawls worst they've ever been

Day4 I'm playing in bed currently been awake for about 40 hours straight. I'm so tired and yet my eyes just don't want to close. It's like my eyes naturally open when i'm trying to sleep. Im mentally and physically exhausted, there's no way I will make it one more day without sleep. What can i do ):

02:56 UTC


Nothing feels right since I quit

Been about a month since I quit. Can't ever sleep, mind constantly racing, and I find myself chasing dopamine like it's no bodies business. That itself is leading to all kinds of issues I can see developing: other addictions.

But I quit THC and I'm happy about that. I just wish my stomach would stop aching, that I could stop stressing, that I could freaking sleep. I wish my head would stop spinning, and hurting. I wish I could feel good about quitting, but I just feel like shit.. all around honestly.

That's enough of me complaining. Time to lay in bed for about 7 hours trying so hard to sleep

02:38 UTC


Close to a year sober and feel way better

I had no idea there was a community like this so now that I've found it, figured maybe someone would want to read my experience.

Honestly I don't remember the exact time I quit but I think it was pretty close to a year ago. It was totally unintentional at first- And then I realized how much weed wasn't right for me. It kind of makes me sad but oh well. I feel a lot better without it and decided to stick with leaving it alone.

It made me so paranoid, and all I could think about all day was getting high. I fainted in public and had some scary overconsumption episodes and it got to a point where it was pretty much playing roulette- would this time be horrible or alright? So one day, I just decided I didn't want to purchase anymore, and it went from there. Decided I don't need it, it doesn't make me feel good and it feels good to be clean. No worrying about drug testing or greening out or spending crazy amounts of money on it anymore!

In the past I was easy to fold if someone offered me a hit of anything, but now I can easily say no thank you and not really care. Sometimes people are jarred by this but I don't care, I'm doing so much better without it and I'm glad to not be the only one in the world that doesn't hate marijuana even though it just isn't for me :)

01:59 UTC


How did you stop?

I’ve had a very difficult time with letting my weed addiction go. Whenever I’m alone, I crave getting high. It’s second nature, the muscle memory of my body and brain goes there every time and next thing I know, I’m smoking. It makes it sound like I have no control, I know that I do. But exerting that control is where I’m really struggling. I think it would be so cool if I could completely stop smoking weed. Just to experience it, see what it’s like, let my brain breathe. How do I do it though? For some stupid reason that I don’t understand, it’s harder than just “don’t buy it or have it in the house” for me. As soon as I run out, I get more. Even if I try to not get some, I eventually end up getting some. That’s where I feel like I don’t have control. But why? Why do I not have control? It’s an excuse of some kind obviously but it’s a habit loop that I haven’t been able to break in years, YEARS of trying.

What techniques or approaches have you used that have helped you to let the old friend that's no longer serving me go for good?

01:48 UTC


I've been on an 8 year cannabis induced bender and I'm trying to stop.

I'm currently going through withdrawal writing this. Guys, give me some advice or personal reflections here. I'm feeling lost. I've been trying to quit for about 2 weeks, titrating down diligently day by day and meeting goals, and it's down to once a day now. I want to QUIT, but it's been really hard to get over the hump of needing that last bowl at the end of the day. For reference, I'm a 23 year old man whose been going since he was maybe 14 or 15 (I honestly can't really remember). My withdrawals have induced psychosis every other time I've quit and my emotions are very on edge (bipolar as well). I fear not being able to sleep is going to lower my inhibitions enough to cave. I fear having self destructive manic episodes that hurt my family and friends feelings and traumatize them about spending time with me. Any feedback is greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.

01:35 UTC


it gets so much better

i'm 2 years sober now. genuinely i never thought it would get better. i couldn't imagine my life without weed especially since i deal with chronic pain daily. i smoked for 6 years every day. in the end i was dealing with paranoia, hallucinations, and it made my OCD and PTSD very, very bad. i knew i had to quit or i was going to end things.

the first 90 days were the hardest. the first YEAR was hard. a year and a half in, i started to notice the positives. now 2 years in, i'm much more emotionally stable. i'm very rarely paranoid and the mental health issues that i do have are much more under control now than when i was smoking. my chronic pain has gotten better too.

im much more content with life now that i'm not stuck in an addiction cycle. i actually engage in my hobbies, go out into the world, spend time with friends, etc. most days i don't think about weed, some days it's all i want. some days i want the other substances that i used to use. i will always be an addict. but i'm happier now that i'm not feeding that part of my brain. it's not easy and i'm hoping i'm not making it look easy. staying sober is HARD. but it's worth it. hang in there.

edit: editing to add in that i relapsed probably hundreds of times over the years before my sobriety stuck. i may relapse again in the future. who knows? it's all a part of the process.

01:11 UTC


I haven’t smoked in 3 months and I feel not different at all.

So I have been smoking for quite awhile a few years, mostly on the evenings. After being depressed for a few weeks and being out of bud, I just decided to stop. I didn’t have any withdrawals, besides having messed up sleep for a few days, but that normalized fast. I didn’t even think of weed for the most part. The only thing I miss is smoking weed after cleaning (such a satisfying feeling). Besides that no problem at all, no struggle with eating, no aggression, no insomnia, nothing. Also nothing else has changed. I am still a lazy person, I do nothing but watching tv and playing video games. My apartment is still a mess, I am still unmotivated, lethargic, indifferent and depressed. My headspace feels the same maybe even worse. I know that it takes some time for everything in the brain to stabilize, but after 3 months I would have expected more, especially after hearing how people quit and it literally changed their life’s after just 2 weeks of absence. Funny thing tho, I smoke 10 cigarettes more now every day so props on me.

00:38 UTC


this is embarrassing but help..please :(

i don’t really know how to start this but i guess i’ll start off with a backstory. so really my whole life i never smoked/drinked and didn’t plan on it but one day as me and my cousin were chilling in the car she just offered me a blunt and i hit it. i don’t know why i did it or whatever but that’s the backstory on how i started smoking.

  • (been smoking for 2 years now)

now onto todays problems…weed is ruining my life and i know that sounds crazy or whatever but it genuinely is i know i have an addiction. the main reason i’m making this post is for some people to help me get out of this cycle of quitting and then relapsing over and over i know that i WANT to quit and i always plan on it but it never comes…i’ve been switching through family members for months asking for money and nobody notices i’ve also (today included) been getting weed with no money and just hoping that somebody will give me the money to pay the plug back and it sucks. i used to cop in big pools but now i just get $10 worth and just smoke it and repeat i currently owe $20 to my guy and idk how i’m gonna get it..this isn’t me asking for money on reddit cause…i doubt anybody would help me and expect me to NOT use it on more weed but i just want help please i dont wanna live like this anymore i’m afraid if i keep going i wont be here much longer….thanks any form of help is appreciated:)

23:49 UTC


How bad are the withdrawals?

I’m 16, Finally quitting carts and flower, what should I expect? I’ve decided to quit because it’s seriously affecting my life. Over the past 4 months (I started smoking 6 months ago) I’ve been using carts daily (HHC specifically), literally high for at least 4-6 hours a day, and smoking joints about twice a week. Recently I’ve had zero motivation, and it’s causing me to fall behind in school.

I’m committed to quitting, but I’m nervous about what the withdrawals might be like. I really don’t want to skip school for the withdrawals if it’s bad. For anyone who’s been through this, what should I expect in terms of physical and mental symptoms? How long does it usually take to start feeling normal again?

Any advice or help is appreciated !!

23:21 UTC


Day 3 - I’m going to relapse


Not day 3 of sobriety. Day 3 of trying to quit. I was on about half an oz every 6 days consistently.

Both day 1 and day 2 I had a tiny relapse. at my peak of withdrawals (shaking, agitation, insomnia) I gathered up some dust from my grinder and smoked that.

Well, it’s day 3 now, and I’ve already decided to get on after work. Weed helps me suppress my overly active mind. I’m a recovered alcoholic (5 years drinking, 6 months sober) and weed was my way of staying sober.

I absolutely can’t go back to alcohol. I was on 2 bottles of wine a night, sometimes a full bottle of spirits. I think Americans call it a fifth. Some nights I’d go back to back finishing a fifth of whisky or vodka.

So back to smoking. I think the worst of my withdrawals are over, but I’m constantly wondering… what’s the point? I have absolutely just lost my desire to live my life. Nothing tastes good. Nothing is fun. I’m constantly thinking about anger, broke relationships, missed opportunities: I understand it’s healthy to process these thoughts and emotions, but it’s so fucking overwhelming.

I can’t go to the gym because I’m bound by duties at home. I have a home gym, but I can’t motivate myself to use it.i try going for walks, drinking water (I have no appetite). Nothing works. I want to cry.

I haven’t been truly sober from a substance in over 12 years. I don’t know how to live a normal life anymore.

I have a supportive wife, she used to smoke with me til we had kids, but she’s never tried to control me or tell me to quit. I’m fortunate in this regard, but anyone who has mental issues will know it’s not really about your situation, but about the mind.

Well I want on abit of a tangent. Sorry, and thank you for reading. I’m Pacing up and down at work, last 3 days very productive, very sweaty always shaking. My colleagues have loved it haha. But they don’t know what I’m going through.

wtf should I do? My addict brain tells me to get a quarter oz and store it away incase I have a withdrawal episode when I’m stuck at home. Or buy alcohol.


23:18 UTC


This shit is so fucking awfull

Just wasted prime 2 years of my life not doing jack shit just sitting in my room smoking weed watching porn playing games.

School has sailed away, this beautiful girl i liked lost interest. Cuz who would wanna be with someone who doesn’t do shit anyway?? At least it was doomed to fail cuz of the delusion i put myself in smoking every day in and out, there wasnt a real connection and she moved on. Now i’m an adult and i’m starting from square one. I fucking fucking fucking hate weed.

The thing that makes me mad is i have to be 10x more resilient because i live with two people (my parents) who always have at least 5g in the house. I come home; theyre smoking. I go to the kitchen to eat; theyre smoking. I wake up; theyre smoking. Go say goodnight; theyre smoking. Then they force me to look at jobs with them WHILE SMOKING. I already made it clear to them that this is an issue for me but somehow it doesnt stick. I dont feel comfortable reminding them.

ffs i hate this shit. I need to be monk level resilient for this. I’m on day 5 now. Sorry for cursing.

22:06 UTC


Around 17 years ago I quit smoking weed.

I had smoked, grown, dealt, every day, for the better part of 6 years.

And I smoked a lot of weed.

You are not missing out on anything getting rid of it from your life.

You won't miss out on being "cool" if you refuse to start.

Dulling your brain down constantly won't lead you to happy places.

You can ditch smoking weed, and you will never look back after getting over generally the 3 month hump.

Go enjoy your life. Being stoned isn't enlightening your life. It's using a dimmer switch on it.

22:05 UTC


CHS: A breakup with Mary

Struggling. Stopped doing all methods of THC on Thanksgiving. Was in the ER two days later it was a brutal two days getting to that point. The ER was fine horrible experience but they gave me fluids and I left feeling better than I came. Am I the only one whose whole face goes numb when they’re dehydrated?

Anyways it’s been Friday Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and now we’re here on Wednesday and I still feel awful. There has been improvement yes. Big giant steps for mankind. Kind of improvement but I still feel like hell. I still threw up at 4 AM and 7 AM. I still feel awful and I am on a lot of nausea meds. What do I do? What is the timeline? When does this end?

I don’t plan on smoking anymore or doing edibles. My self planned intervention on Black Friday with my whole family went over ok. Dad and mom were supportive and so was husband. I told them I have a problem with MARY Jane and it’s making me feel really sick and anxious. Feeling like this has just wrecked me. And I have a lot of other life responsibilities just like we all have.

So, no I am not asking for a friend; I am asking for myself! Anyone make a full recovery from CHS (not the still use THC just less kind of thing-complete cessation) and live to tell the tale?

21:31 UTC


Almost 4 months sober from vape carts, here's my story.

For context, I was a heavy user of weed vape concentrates (carts) for a few years, before that I was using flower as a means to get high. My usage had spiraled out of control since it was so easy to smoke and get instantly high unlike flower where I had to go somewhere out of sight, crush the flower, pack the bowl, spark the lighter and blow the smoke all while making sure nobody could see me and then clean it all up and put it away. Flower made it so I couldn’t just get high whenever I felt like it, it was more of a delayed gratification type of usage where I would only use in the evening once everything was said and done. You could say it was a bit more cumbersome but it made sense because I treated it as a desert and not the entre. I started smoke weed vapes about 3 years ago when I was laid off from my job, before then I was only smoking flower which was great because I wasn’t constantly high. I want to share my story for those who are struggling to get past day one and I want to highlight a few of my insights as well as some of the methods I used to help cope with the struggle. Been clean for about 4 months now and I’ve never felt this way ever. I can’t and won’t say the journey was easy but to me I think it was the biggest step I could’ve taken in my life. I am 37 years old and have been smoking regularly for the better part of the last 17 years of my life. Weed to me was my escape and it helped make the monotony of my life that much more bearable. I won’t say that weed helped cure my boredom or my fears or even my lack of motivation but it definitely made me feel like everything was going to be ok, until all those years went by and I realized the feeling itself was just synthetic and once it was gone I was back to those feelings of anxiety and despair all over again.

Over the summer I was invited to a wedding overseas and I decided that I would quit smoking weed vape concentrates for good since I had the chance to leave the country and leave my vape behind for a few weeks. I had always wanted to quit but never really made the effort and so I just always stuck with smoking weed vapes because of how easy it was to get high. Honestly, it takes almost zero effort, you just need to make sure your battery is charged and that the tank has enough liquid juice. So I took my last hit and made my way to the airport, boarded the flight and landed in a different country without thinking much of what I had just done. Unfortunately, vapes are a bit different from flower in that they are far more potent hence they become far more addicting. Just myself I was smoking about 1 gram every 5 days….yes I know, how stupid that sounds. Immediately upon arriving I began to feel anxious, nauseous, irritable and panicked. I couldn’t understand why until I realized that these were all withdrawal symptoms from the concentrates. Long story short, I went through hell coping with those symptoms abroad. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t enjoy my time whatsoever. Made me rethink my decision and I almost wanted to go around the city I was in and see if I could find anything to help me with these feelings. I had quit flower in the past before and I never remember it being this vicious on me. This was like a whole new monster, something I wasn’t prepared for. Upon returning after 3 weeks, I realized I had 2 choices, either fight through the pain and suffer a bit more or just completely cave in and go back to where I was. I chose to fight it, but it wasn’t easy. I experienced anxiety, depression, lack of appetite, irritability, sleeplessness and it nearly broke me. It’s been nearly 4 months since my last puff and I am far better now than I was a few months ago and I am very very grateful for making the decision to quit for good. I can’t stress enough how potent these vapes are and the feeling they give is so much more powerful than flower. These should be deemed dangerous. Now I know that everyone’s experience will be different but this is my story and I want to share it. Stay tough, stay positive and most important get as much exercise as possible, the boredom will only make it worse. You need to take action and that could also be tough. Hang in there, you can do it too.

21:15 UTC


Ladies, is PMS week a bad time to quit?

So I picked today to quit and just realized this morning that it’s also day 1 of PMS week for me. Is this a bad idea? I’m currently filled with rage and feel like I just want to cry, scream, and smoke. I struggle with severe PMS (PMDD) so I’m just unsure if this is a wise idea? 😅 Thanks lol

20:57 UTC


17 Days clean - what even is addiction

As the title says, after over a decade of being a stoner I have now been sober for 17 days. First off, the dreams are crazy. I’ve forgotten that I could dream that vividly and I often wake up distraught. And insomnia started kicking in for the past 5 days at night before I sleep. Other than that, I honestly have had no symptoms whatsoever. I think I’m super determined this time because the shift happened in my head and my logic and reasoning is what pushing me forward. This was the logic: I’ve spent years convincing myself and my loved ones that weed doesn’t make me worse, yet never considered that it’s not making me better… at best it’s keeping me right where I am. And I want to be better all around as a person and weed stops or slows down in my progress.

In my humble opinion (which could very well be wrong but helps anyways) we don’t get addicted to substances, we get addicted to routines. Often it’s not the weed itself; rather it’s the ritual of rolling a joint, or hanging out with that one good friend that we have a great time with when we smoke, or all the other activities that we think weed makes more fun/exciting.

I’ve had to rediscover these habits without weed. And it takes some time to form those new habits, but once you create that new “normal” then it feels just that, normal. You aren’t someone who is recovering, you aren’t someone hanging out with the same stoner friends and be the one that is quitting. You are just a person that doesn’t smoke. If you usually smoke at 6PM and game till midnight, then right at 6pm when you crave it, do a 5 min meditation and then go hit the gym. You’d be surprised how much energy you have when you aren’t constantly burnt out. And before you know it… the new habits will form, and you won’t be craving weed, cuz that’s not the person you are.

I fully understand that my perspective is subjective, but I’m a firm believer that our brain is our most powerful tool, yet it’s extremely gullible. Lie to that motherfucker, keep telling it you’re not a smoker, and it’ll believe eventually.

Stay strong leaves fam, y’all have helped me through the rough times, and I hope I can do the same for you by sharing my personal experience.

20:49 UTC


I need help with marijuana tapering schedule [new year, new me]

My New Year resolution this year is to quit a 20-year, 1-2gram/day marijuana habit.

To have the highest chance of success I started tapering down over the last month. I am down to .6 grams a day but hitting a wall because I am starting to get some withdrawal symptoms between doses and feeling like crap in the morning until I take a hit or two.

What would you recommend my taper schedule be for wanting to quit in 4-5 weeks? Also what supplements will help me through the tough times ahead?

20:36 UTC


dealing w regrets and anxeity

ok so, i successfully quit smoking in the spring of this year, id made it around 6 months used oncez then another 2 months. i felt overwhelmed by my work load this semester and started using again, this time edibles as my main concern was lung damage. after the first month or so however i lost the control i had and have now been using mlre than id like to for the last 3 months. i did what i had to and i threw it all away again, the first time i quite there was a part of me rhat just didnt care about the mental/non lung physical effects of weed at all and i figured if there was a 'safe' way to use i would. im glad to see that i learned the lesson- even if it was the hard way- that i cant use any weed and I'm confident i can get clean again. however im wondering how to over come the like embarasment of repalsing after doing so well, and the anxeity about using while under age, i cant help but worry about how its effected my brain or iq but i know the anxeity is pointless, i know i need to move on from the past but im not sure how. any advice?

20:32 UTC


Is there a texting service for quitting?

I’m currently subscribed to the nicotine (88709) text messages to help motivate and with cravings. But I can’t find any services related to weed other than apps but I tend to forget abt those.

20:13 UTC


4 months sober, feel a relapse coming on

I've had a really great sobriety journey. I'm really enjoying sobriety. My main joy is how much better I am at video games, of all things lol. My physical urge went away in a matter of days. No withdrawal, miraculously. After 8 years of moderate-high usage.

I don't really want to relapse. But I feel like when I'm downtown Friday it'll be super easy to walk into one of the 5 pot shops I'll walk past between therapy and my haircut appt.

I've got willpower issues with mental health. I can't even pinpoint why it might happen. Not sure how to navigate this

19:56 UTC


72 Days but Struggling Bad

Yesterday my wife and I got into it bad. I snapped on her several times, once while holding my 7 month old baby and screaming. I said incredibly hurtful things to her that I regret and I acted like a child at times. I had 4-5 fits of crying between getting off work at 5 and bedtime. Idk why I’m so moody, but maybe caffeine isn’t helping? I seem fine during the day but hit a wall and notice a mood change when the coffee wears off. I got a new job 1.5 months ago and all the changes and stress of life has gotten overwhelming at times. Now I’m nervous she wants a Divorce. She’s been distant today, even with me apologizing and saying I want to work this out. Things were going so well… this would make me spiral bad, as I’m pretty codependent. The world just got a lot colder for me today, but I got some yummy food to chase that cheap dopamine hit 😔

1 Comment
19:36 UTC


Day 4 about to be complete, Longest record in the past 6 months...

Idk how to feel/ what i feel.
I just feel empty.
Started praying to God again. Its the only thing that brings me happiness now, which is good

19:13 UTC


Had a drunk relapse after a month sober

Man this is embarrassing, but I got drunk last night met some girl and ripped the absolute hell out of her pen the whole night. What sucks is I was able to surpass some of the cravings I had a few days ago thanks to this sub and this past month I’ve felt great. Even if it is a relapse I’m honestly just going to pretend that I’m still a month sober or at the very least not view it as a complete reset to square one. The cravings aren’t really there (yet), but it’s mostly guilt over a dumb decision and the fact that I actually had fun high. Any advice on how to stay on the right path after a stumble?

19:11 UTC


16 days without it, smoke yesterday.

(Sorry by advance, English is not my main language) I was smoking daily 7/8j for 10 years but I don’t want to go back in addiction. It was cool, I smoked one will watching one of my favorite stoner movie, alone, the moment was cool. And today I was sure that I would have withdrawals but nothing. I’m sure it didn’t change my mindset about it. Do you guys think that a problem if I « think » I can handle smoking sometime (1/2 per month) ? Are the probability of going back at it really high ? Or this is just my brain trying to trick me ?

Some of you have already been in my situation and I’m sure I’ll get some great feedback !

18:57 UTC


Relaxation Techniques?

My last post was pretty wordy and also posted late at night so I didn’t any responses so I’ll ask again. What are some after work relaxation techniques you have taken up since quitting weed?

18:51 UTC


What does it mean (or what advice do you have) if I think I should be rewarded for not smoking anymore?

Rewards in the form of happiness, productivity, opportunity, epiphanies, new/healthier relationships and so forth. And yes I know that that’s not exactly how it works (read title again).

18:40 UTC


Thought dumping

Throughout the last 12 months, I’ve stopped smoking 3 times. Last year, I quit for 45 days, this spring, I quit for 100 days, and most recently for 21 days. Each time I have obviously relapsed and for different “reasons”. First I convinced myself I could be a casual user & boy was I wrong. I came back stronger and was hitting carts all day every day. This spring, I relapsed after over 3 months because I somehow convinced myself I was gaining weight due to replacing food with weed. Most recently, I relapsed once again thinking I could casually use and vowed to myself no more carts as I had believed they were the issue. I haven’t hit a cart since but can safely say I still have a marijuana issue. I’ve been smoking for over 8 years daily and all I want is to be sober. Every time I get high as of lately, all I want to be is sober. It’s instant regret when I first get high and then obviously I just have to continue to ride the wave the rest of the day.

Getting high has seriously controlled my entire life. I don’t enjoy hanging out with people as much because I’d rather be at home high and vegged out. I feel like it makes me stupid, even when I’m not high, and I tend to blame all my little mistakes on the fact that it makes me so stupid. As of lately, I hate the feeling of being high. Like every part of me wants to quit, so why is it still SO hard? I quit nicotine after 5 years of use last summer and haven’t looked back. Knowing how much more addictive nicotine is, I just can’t wrap my head around why it’s this way. My husband is a smoker and has no interest in quitting, so I think that when I’m sober, having to be around someone who smokes every night and smelling it probably doesn’t help. The thought of quitting scares the crap out of me every time because of how bad my sleep is the first week or 2. I believe that my lack of sleep when I quit is purely mental, but I struggle to overcome that hurdle. I’ve listened to podcasts, read books, listened to others stories about the negative side of cannabis and I fully agree with everything they’re saying and really believe that for me, weed is terrible. So again, WHY IS IT SO HARD TO GET SOBER AND STAY SOBER!!

This is really just me dumping my thoughts somewhere I can go back and read them, but appreciate anyone’s words of encouragement or advice as I begin day 1…. Again. Ugh.

1 Comment
18:36 UTC


Help what do I eat?

Hello, Today is my 2nd day of quitting my vape. I have been smoking weed for 10 years on-off now, and I’m just tired of it. I decided to quit definitely, and I feel like I’m handling my withdrawal symptoms okay 👌🏽 my only problem is that I have such a sour stomach that I can’t handle any food. I’m want to eat SOMETHING but everything I see makes my stomach turn 🤢🤮 I’ve been eating saltines and drinking water but I want some real food that I won’t throw up. I’ve been throwing up nasty bile because I’m not eating too 😭 anything that’s worked for you I would greatly appreciate it.

18:24 UTC


83 days and mom needs a break

I’m proud of myself for making it to almost 90 days but I’m feeling totally overstimulated by my kids, work, pets and livestock, cooking cleaning, making sports games and practices, grocery shopping and trying to hold it all together. One kid was sick last week, the other is sick this week and my dog is getting dementia and won’t stop following me around while I try to get everything done and get ready for Christmas.

I’m grateful for this life but I can see why I felt like I needed to smoke. I don’t want to go back to smoking but today all I can think about is going to the woods and smoking by myself.

How are parents doing this?? I don’t drink, eat well and exercise but man I miss checking out for a few hours of fun.

18:06 UTC


Hey guys, 5 weeks in yesterday - noticed I’ve been FUCKING EXHAUSTED

This is my other account (can’t get the one on my laptop to be the same as the one on my phone for some reason)

But yeah basically this - just been so tired. Wake up - exhausted. Finish work - exhausted. Sunday morning after a chilled Saturday night in with the Mrs - EXHAUSTED. It’s like there’s no escape, has anyone felt this after a month off?

Have a theory it’s the 10 years of daily cannabis flushing out of my body, but it’s just a theory

17:41 UTC

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