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  1. No Black Market Sourcing: Do not offer, or ask for, recommendations on: where or how, on the black market, to acquire cannabis or anything derived from it (extracts, edibles, seeds, THC, CBD, etc.) freely exchanged or otherwise; or on how to smuggle, transport, ship, mail, or otherwise travel with cannabis or its derivatives. Do not make any posts involving meetups or other location-specific topics.
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The /r/Trees Weekend


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  • Not everything goes though: you still can't upload NSFW, ask for hookups/meetups, show disrespect towards other users or advertise anything at all. Read more here.


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  • This allows for a break from all of the link posts during the week, so the community can share their stories and talk with each other. Naturally, we are less strict regarding the removal of text posts.

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    2,027,350 Subscribers


    Will I get high if I drink bong water?

    I’m not gonna do it, but I’m curious if it would be like taking an edible.

    02:38 UTC


    My sweet treat, the “Dab Bag”

    My arizer xq2. I I crank it up to 440f, add in a little flower, drop a dab on top, then sandwich it with a tiny bit more flower. It makes 2 pillows that glue me to the couch

    1 Comment
    02:35 UTC


    Oral hygiene help

    (Writing this while having consumed excuse the grammar)

    Been doing edibles for a hot minute, recently got a pen from my SIL. I know inhalant can affect your teeth and oral hygiene more so than edibles, look for tips on keeping my teeth in best condition possible. Should I wait to brush after smoking a certain amount like with vomiting or should I brush right after finishing hitting the pen? I’ve got xylitol gum, would a tongue scraper be good? Etc. My oral heath isn’t the best already cuz I got shitty genetics so just wondering if anyone on here has tips for not killing your teeth

    02:33 UTC


    How often do you use eyedrops?

    I feel like I use them too often. My eyes get almost blood shot that I’ve had several strangers point out my eyes and completely ruin the vibe. If I’m going to smoke anywhere but my house, I’m taking my eyedrops. If I smoked and gotta leave the house, I’m using eyedrops, been doing that for about 5 years now. Wby?

    02:29 UTC


    Please what the mysteries of stem tea with me.

    I heard that you can use the stems from the ganj to make some tea. Curious if anyone has done this, please give me details. How was the high? How was the tea? Do you have a recommended recipe? Will I be able to peer into a crystal ball and see the mysteries of my life? I need to know, and y’all are my only hope.

    02:26 UTC


    Please explain how this works. We can't figure it out after 2 instructional videos.

    1 Comment
    02:17 UTC


    Eliminate dry mouth

    Is there a method of weed consumption you recommend that causes less dry mouth? Both smoking and edible gummies both make my mouth dry. Any particular way to hydrate during and after?

    02:15 UTC


    Do you also have a mental illness/condition and somehow smoked cannabis, then read this...

    Hi, I'm a casual cannabis consumer and also have a serious mental illness/disorder. I fell in love with cannabis in college when I had it with my friends and was in a safe/warm environment. It never caused psychosis then, but later on as I got older I would have "episodes" after using cannabis. Almost every time even. The best advice I have is to EAT something! It gives you something proactive to do if the high is overpowering, and will most likely lessen if not eliminate all the nasty feelings that a bad cannabis trip can bring. I haven't tested this theory with edibles, but it works with smoking it. It's possible, though not recommended to still use cannabis if you have a mental illness. I am sure there are plenty of people that do. Just remember food, hot showers, and baths are your friend! Happy smoking all!

    02:15 UTC


    edible dosage question

    i just bought some edibles and it's been a longgg time since i last had any. i've only had edibles maybe twice that someone else gave me so idk how much i took those times. i have very limited experience with them so i have no idea how much to take, idek how much most people normally even take. i don't want to not take enough to where i pretty much wasted it, but i don't want to take too much and be ridiculously high.

    i go through a half gram cart in about 1.5 weeks but in the last two weeks, i've only been high maybe 3 times. i have five 10mg gummies

    01:56 UTC


    How come more people don’t use dab rigs?

    They’re clean, low odour (can do em indoors), cool flavours, high concentrate (a gram of shatter last sooo long!)… am I missing something? Why don’t folks like dabs?

    01:52 UTC


    Hope everyone is having a good time!!!

    1 Comment
    01:49 UTC


    Oh yeah I’m rockin and rollin now!

    01:47 UTC


    plug tried to kiss me

    he's friends with my best friends bf and i've been buying from him for about 2 years. i am in a relationship and he is aware of this because we are in the same friend group and he's met my boyfriend multiple times. he pulled up last night and we were talking about a party we were both at a few days prior (i was standing at his car window i didn't go in the car) and he literally leaned in with his lips out and his eyes closed and tried to kiss me. i leaned away from him and he said "sorry i should go". this is so awkward because we have the same friends and we cross paths all the time. why did he have to do that??? how would you handle this situation?

    01:33 UTC


    Have tried edibles at 10mg - four separate times. No results. What is the correct next step?

    Please note, I (33m) have never used Weed, TCH, etc. Not because of beliefs, but because of sports/jobs. Some of my life has changed as of late and allows for experimenting. So, I have been more interested and curious.. I bought 100mg (10mg pieces) of edibles over the past weekend. I have now tried 10mg (one piece) on four separate occasions. The most result I got from them (so far) is some muscle relaxing/muscle soreness reduced) and that is it. I assume i should be feeling something more euphoric. My question is: what is the next correct step for a "high" or better result of the edibles?

    01:19 UTC


    I think the shop worker was tryna say I stink in a nice way

    1 Comment
    01:18 UTC


    Smoking discreetly..

    I live on the second story of an 4 unit apartment in a smallish town in a illegal state. I enjoy smoking from a water pipe and always go outside on our porch and smoke at night. Do you think my downstairs neighbor can smell the smoke from in their apartment, directly below mine, when their windows are shut? Also, any tips for being discreet in general?

    01:13 UTC


    Holy shit

    Anyone else watch hotel Transylvania while high af?

    HONORABLE MENTIONS: SpongeBob SquarePants

    00:57 UTC


    [Food/Munchies] Oklahoma Onion Burger on a Griddle

    1 Comment
    00:55 UTC


    Puffco not working out box

    It won’t turn on, it won’t charge, it won’t connect to Bluetooth. I just got it delivered today after paying 400$ just for it not to work! Anyone else having this problem?( got from ZeeVapor.com )

    00:49 UTC


    If edibles don’t work on me will Syrups/ Drinks work ?

    I’ve tried many edibles they don’t work on me I think it’s my metabolism is really slow will syrups/ canned thc drinks hit me faster or even at all since it’s a drink ?

    00:41 UTC


    561/west palm beach checkin in

    Some garlic runtz 🤤😍. Any other 561 locals? 📢

    00:34 UTC


    Help Me Remove Sticky Vape Cartridge Off Fabric

    The goo from the vape cartridges are among the stickiest of the sticky. At some point, like while I was smoking weed and playing guitar, a cartridge leaked all over my amp and is in my amp cover as well. I used goo gone and had some success but it seems as bad as ever. I have to wonder if it didn’t get back on the amp from the amp cover. This is a new amp (about 2 grand) and a custom amp cover. It’s been this way for over a year! Help!

    00:17 UTC


    Barney's Farm

    Does anybody know about BF? I've been looking for lsd, tangerine dream and blue cheese since I moved to Los Angeles but I can't find shit out here. Has anybody used the website to buy seeds? Is it legit? Also not bf related but does anybody remember a strain from the early 00s called red hots? I remember that being 🔥🔥 as a kid

    23:59 UTC


    Kinda new to buying online, does anyone know if this is a trustworthy site?

    23:55 UTC


    Pottery bong

    Made a bong for my nephew. Hope he likes it. I think I’ll give a test run before I give it to him.

    23:53 UTC


    Drug test help!

    I’m getting recruited for a job right now and I’m worried they’re going to drug test me. I just heard from this recruiter today and have a call with them tomorrow. Obviously I don’t know if I even have the job yet, but I want to start prepping for a drug test now just to be safe. I take a 10mg edible probably about twice a week. The last time I took one was two days ago. Obviously I’m not going to take any more up until I get tested, but I wanted to know if y’all have any pro tips of how to make my urine clean as fast as possible and if y’all have any ideas of approximately how long it’ll take me to get the THC out of my system. Any and all tips are appreciated!!

    EDIT: Since so many people are suggesting synthetic urine, I’d like to point out that I’d like to avoid going that route unless I absolutely have to. I don’t even know when the test would be yet. It’d likely be at least a couple weeks out, so I’m pretty confident I can get it out of my system on time with the right precautions. Just came for any tips on how to get the THC out of my system as fast as possible.

    23:46 UTC


    yo did i overdo it lol ]

    I hit my friends pen, I was fine at first and then it freaking hit me, nothing felt real, I kept looking at my friend and I thought that reality innitself was going to collapse, its been like 2 days and i keep looking back on that and i keep questioning if reality is real or wtv. I sometimes feel like im inna dream, am i cooked?

    23:11 UTC

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