/r/Marijuana is an educational and informative subreddit focused on Marijuana, hemp, and the various cannabinoids. We are dedicated to policy reform, news, advocacy, opinion, health, and discussion.
/r/Marijuana is an educational and informative subreddit focused on Marijuana, hemp, and the various cannabinoids. We are dedicated to policy reform, news, advocacy, opinion, health, and discussion.
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Just interested to see anyone else’s thoughts on a good sedative flower. Granddaddy purple is the best one I’ve had so far……anyone else have any suggestions for a good strain.?
I come from cigars, and tobacco pipes. I have a bic for my tobacco pipe but use a torch for my cigar. Which one is better for weed? How big of a difference is it?
Anybody else notice not being able to find anything that tastes like what marijuana used to. It seems like no matter where I get it from it has an off flavor compared to what I would consider to the original taste and smell of pot. Idk I could just be crazy or losing my taste but it doesn’t seem to really be the same kind of high anymore either. Thoughts?
Hey fellow cannabis enthusiasts!
I just dropped a new video on my YouTube channel that dives into the top 5 compliance mistakes dispensaries often make and how to avoid them. As we all know, compliance can feel like a daunting maze, especially in an industry where regulations are constantly changing. In this video, I cover:
👉 Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ueaC5Gz7p0 I believe that staying compliant not only protects your business but also helps build trust with your customers and the community. I’d love to hear your thoughts on these mistakes—have you encountered any of them in your operations? What strategies do you use to stay compliant? Let’s share our experiences and support each other in navigating this complex landscape! Thanks for checking it out, and don’t forget to subscribe for more tips on simplifying cannabis compliance with AI solutions!
#CannabisCompliance #DispensaryTips #TrippnSageAI #ComplianceMistakes
Hi guys,
My partner and I were doing edibles and classic story, gave him too much as it took a long time to kick in (3 hours maybe?).
We went to the hospital and he was seen, confirmed okay even though he had symptoms of a big panic attack and believing he was going to die.
Now he’s feeling better but I believe he has a weed hangover, I’ve now convinced him to have a nap as he was scared he would die in his sleep if he fell asleep. Any advice on what to tell him to get through this/ any advice on what more I can do - given him some food, trying to get him to rest and encouraging him to drink water. Thanks all.
What does anyone know about the least harmful way to indulge? Figured edibles might be the better option vs smoking and it’s effects on lungs etc?
I noticed most dry are vapes. You have to puff on it so hard to get anything out of it. I’m looking for one where I could just take a pull off of it and get a good amount without feeling like I’m breathing in an asthma inhaler.
Ok so I’ll give a little background before I get into this story I’m about to tell. I’ve always been strongly against smoking weed all throughout high school and even into the beginning of college. But I finally gave into peer pressure and finally tried it. Fast forward a few months and that’s where this story begins…
Over Christmas break from school I went to visit my roommate in his hometown. His friend’s parents weren’t home and ended up throwing a party. After all the huzz left my roommate’s hometown friend asked if anyone wanted to smoke a joint? My buzz was wearing off so I decided to take a hit or two. Well… things went on and I ended up smoking way more than I ever have before. At first everything was great I was laughing and everything had felt exactly like it should. I proceeded to sit down on the couch and look at the carpet. The carpet I was looking at was a maze of different colored circles. As I intently stared at the rug the circles began to wave and move in ways I’ve never seen before. Suddenly, they began to step up from the rug and walk around the living room. As I said before I’m not a big smoker so this caught me off guard and I began to panic. I wasn’t sure what was going on but I just kept looking around at the circles walking around each with their own feet and hands. Then a slow humming sound began to ring in my head. I couldn’t make out any words but it was there. At the same time I began to feel a tingling sensation in every fiber of my body. As if you were standing in a freezing cold shower and you could feel each droplet of water hitting your skin. An endless shower of freezing rain I felt all over my body. The humming began to grow louder and I started to make out what it was saying. “You’re caught in the invotion, of the emotion, of the motion, of the emotion, of the notion, of the emotion, of the motion.” And it would repeat. “You’re caught in the invotion, of the emotion, of the motion, of the emotion, of the notion, of the emotion, of the motion.” And so on. During this time my vision began to blur. It was as if you closed your eyes and looked at the sun peering through your window and saw that orange redish color. But circles were zooming in and out at the same time. The voice grew louder and faster saying “I was caught in the invotion of the emotion of the motion…” at this point I was completely in panic mode. All went black and a split second later my point of view was on the ceiling looking down at myself on the couch seizing while everyone around me was watching in laughter and concern. Then everything began to reverse. In what seemed like 500x speed. All of my memories ran through my head. From that night, to that week, to that month. Everything I had seen and remembered flashed through my brain. My current year in college my freshman year. All of high school. All of middle school. Flashing, fast, speeding through my head. Everything I had ever seen and remembered was there, blazing through my conscience. While this was happening I heard other voices in my head saying things like “this has all happened before.” And, “you’re going to wake up soon.” And, “everything will be ok after the bang.” All while “you’re caught in the invotion of the emotion of the motion” replayed faster and faster in my mind. As everything sped up the tingling sensation became overwhelming. I could feel it everywhere. Hands, toes, head, abdomen. At this point my vision was 100% gone. As if i were in some trance like state I saw two glowing orbs Speeding towards each other at speeds that didn’t seem possible. “The big bang is coming.” “The big bang is coming.” “The big bang is coming.” “You’re caught in the invotion of the emotion of the motion…” “The big bang is coming” “The big bang is coming” “you’re caught in the…” Everything went black.
I could see again. But the world was moving in slow motion. I saw my friend walking past me and I was able to tell myself that this was new. You see the entire time I had been hearing voice telling me “this has happened before.” But when I saw my friend I was aware enough to understand that this was different. So I grabbed his hand as he passed me and didn’t let go for anything. He looked at me with worry and asked if I was ok. I looked at him and all I could get out was “water.” Like a cut scene all I can remember is bringing the cup to my mouth and watching myself drink the water from the pov of inside the cup. After, I was brought back to reality. The voices in my head slowed and the world around me stopped moving in slow motion. My friend asked me again if I was ok. Again I responded water. He ran and grabbed me more water and instead of drinking it I poured the entire cup on my head. This brought me completely back to reality. The tingling sensation had subsided and the voices were out of my head. Everything seemed normal and I believed I was safe. Sadly, this was only the beginning.
We began to watch a movie in the living room when everything started to rush back to me. The voices. The horribly good tingly feeling. The blurry vision. Someone thought it would be funny to say “nightmare, nightmare, nightmare” and this truly messed me up. Those words began to ring in my head infinitely on repeat. Echoing in every direction with the highest level of reverb. Like as if my head was a paused tv screen with the little box bumping around the corners. “NIGHTMARE, NIGHTMARE, NIGHTMARE.” It rang louder and louder. I was so scared I yelled out QUIET. I needed complete silence. People were laughing thinking I was just high. I needed silence. It got to such a point where the only thing I could utter was “You’re freaking me the f*cking out tho.” This too began to ring and echo in my head. So awfully that I was scared, yes, scared of my own voice. Ringing, incessantly, in my head. Finally I screamed for my roommate. SHOWER! It was the only idea I could muster that would take me out of this horrible reality I had been stuck in for what felt like days. My friend was able to get me to a shower and I stripped and hopped in. I put it on the coldest temperature possible and stood there. As the water beaded off of my body I began to realize I was in a bathroom. I could see again. The walls were white. The tiles were gray on the floor. Yes, I was coming to. The voices again had ceased. I then began to projectile vomit everywhere. On the floor, the walls, myself. But it wasn’t over. It was as if the trip wanted me to believe it was over but yet again I fell into the trap of “You’re caught in the invotion, of the emotion, of the motion, of the emotion, of the notion, of the emotion, of the motion.” My memories flooded my brain once again. This time I went all the way back to my earliest memory of myself in my kindergarten class sitting on the rug listening to a story. The voice was so loud at this point screaming at me that I was caught. I had convinced myself the entire universe was caught in the invotion. That everything that had ever happened or will ever happen has already happened because it has always and always will be caught in the invotion of the emotion of the motion… that all I am and ever will be is repeated for all of eternity in an endless cycle because we are all caught in the invotion. An endless spiral of infinity possessed by an unknown power that created the invotion. It was going black. Everything was black. I was screaming but without sound. I could hear but without reaction. Finally, I passed out.
I woke up at 4:33 in the morning in a freezing heap in the shower. Disheveled and terrified I slumped to the couch and slept. I woke up the next morning not feeling real. And it took several days to come back to the world I was living in. There were no psychedelics in the weed I smoked because three other people smoked the same joint and had no reaction. My question to all reading this is, am I insane or are we all just caught, in the unbeatable, unimaginable, invotion of the emotion of the motion.
I have weed and no bowl or papers. I don’t want to wake up my friend whose house this is he’s sick. So am I. My head hurts so bad hence wanting to smoke. Not that I need a reason.
So plastic water bottle and aluminum foil with holes. Do I need a carb? The thought of hearing plastic crunch hurts my head already.
and no, no apples here.
We need a leadership change at the New York State Office of Cannabis Management (NYS OCM). New York’s cannabis market is evolving, the office needs a NEW LEADER with cannabis industry and business experience.
Have you heard the issues?
Hello! Long-time lurker and first-time poster here. I am currently feeling rageful, and I came here to share my rant, my love of cannabis, and my wish for a change.
Without disclosing too much information, I am a medical student living in a recreationally legal state, and I will be matching (hopefully) into a residency program this year.
I love weed. I enjoy the high—the way it slows my ADHD brain after a long day. I enjoy the ritual—the way it feels to light up and toke. (I know smoking isn’t the healthiest of ways to partake, but we all have our vices.)
Here’s my rage, however. Why is it that any physician or other healthcare worker can go drink a handle of liquor after work, show up hungover the next day, and it gets laughed off as a “rough night.” Why is it that I could drink every night if I desired, and the medical community would be fine with it, as long as I could perform my job within the confines of the law?
Most importantly, why is it that I, currently not rotating or involved in any direct patient care, must abstain from marijuana use to pass a urine drug screen — that may or may not be administered in the next 6 weeks? If it’s not, it may be administered anytime between April and July. Failure of the screen revokes your position in the program, thereby halting your progress to becoming a physician. Mind you, I have already completed 8+ years of schooling and will have Dr. in front of my name at that point… but I would be unable to practice medicine until completing residency.
The laws don’t make sense. The attitudes of lawmakers don’t make sense. I feel so helpless and am tired of having to play the system because of these unjust and frankly archaic practices. And yes, I know, I could abstain, take a break, and not risk my career. But it’s hard to do, especially when I shouldn’t have to.
Thanks for reading, and please comment any suggestions for pushing this agenda along.
Please help me advocate for marijuana reform. For federal legalization. For regulations similar to alcohol.
I have bad anxiety and ocd is there an edible that just shuts it all down......
Maybe someone can explain this to my very novice butt. I get mine from my local dealers cause my state sucks ass! But they get it from dispensaries. I like vapes but prefer flower. I have a friend from many years ago who sent me a sample of the weed he grows and when I say it's the best weed I have ever had in my life I mean that! This stuff is a brain high, happiness, energy, a reset of the brain is what I am feeling. Is that normal for weed? How about a strain like Northern Lights?
I really like the idea of using cannabis, I have alot of anxiety and physical pain in life that I would like to take a break from. But I feel like no matter the dose, ingestion style, the terps, it only makes me feel too introspective and I don't really feel the body relaxation anymore. Any help would be appreciated.
So I'm new to cannabis and everything alike (only smoked 2 times in my life) but I bought a 10-oh-hhcp vape (seemed like the best option from everything available) because they are still legal in Poland (where i live), its only 10% and the rest is cbd and each day that i smoke it it seems to get stronger - first day nothing besides some gastro effects, next day mild euphoria/lightheaded and today full on euphoria, very lightheaded. What could cause that? or did you have the same experience
This is probably a GenX thing, but I'm genuinely curious across all friends here: is anyone familiar with the term "Fuzzy Bunny"? This was a term my friends and I used back in the 90s to refer to a toilet paper or paper towel cardboard tube stuffed with dryer sheets that we would exhale into to mask the smell of the devil's lettuce. Why "Fuzzy Bunny"? Fuck if I know, we're talking about stoners here. Just wondering if this is a widespread term or if it was just my own personal weirdos.
First time posting here, but honestly I'm hoping there's someone that can help me with this bizarre issue.
So for a little bit of context I've been smoking weed for about 6 years now but very sporadically, I pretty much buy around 8g and smoke how I like, sometimes it lasts me nearly a month, others not even a week, but I always take at least a 1-month break, I say at least because it varies, for instance one time I didn't smoke for around 9 months. After a roughly 3 month break I smoked like usual, and I got a nice high, the second time however I barely got a buzz, confused I bust out the bong but even though it was a bit stronger it was still no more than a buzz, I bought different flower but same thing, I even bought a HHC vape that a year back gave me a blast but even that barely did anything at all.
Has anyone experienced something similar before? I'm just lost on this but if you're here thank you for taking the time to read this :)
I need this container to be pretty big as I store different strands in 2.6 and 5 gallon food grade buckets w/ intergra boost 62% 2 way humidity packs. I'll have 10-15 strands at a time.
Here's some ideas I've had:
Got the endorsement of my PCP first thing in the morning and mailed it out immediately!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳
Should have my card by next week :)
Title says it all. It seems like for me sativa strains in edibles are mellow while indica edibles are too much but when it comes to flower/concentrates sativa induces anxiety while indica is more mellow. Anyone else have this reaction to different methods of consumption for the traditional terpenes found in sativa/indica strains?
Forgive me if this is against Reddit etiquette somehow. I'm not even sure if I'm posting this right. I made this just to ask this question basically.
Does anybody else get hardcore withdrawal symptoms from quitting concentrates after an extended time on them? I've always had an addictive personality. And even when I used marijuana sparingly, I still craved it mentally. But this stuff... I've been a heavy opiate user before. I've withdrawaled off those many many times. And this, this is barely any better. Is it me or is this normal?
Just want to start off by saying that I don’t smoke often but have started to get into the habit of taking edibles for a while before this. I bought my first bong the same day and some weed and decided to smoke some late in the afternoon. I had never hit a bong before so I didn’t know what to really expect. Looking back i probably I packed myself too big of a bowl cause after I hit it I started to spin a little. I sat down for a little bit just trying to get myself together and I eventually moved to my bed to lay down. I was thinking a lot about myself and my mental before my roommate came home and walked through my bedroom door. For some reason it set me off and I became afraid of him. My vision had shifted to seeing in almost a frame every 2 seconds. I remember crawling back from him in terror as he approached me and asked what was wrong. I grabbed his head and hugged him pulled him into my bed as I laid down and began to lose it. I don’t remember much from what happened except bits and pieces. I remember talking to him and thinking I was talking to god or some being. I only remember seeing a white space and not being able to feel my body. Until I almost snapped back to reality and started looking around the room. I felt my roommates hair as I was holding him in a death grip and was listening to him telling me I was okay. Except I had still no idea who he was. I looked at his side of the room and saw a New York Yankees flag hanging on the wall. All I could think was I had no idea what universe I was in cause I didn’t know who the Yankees were. Everything started to slowly come back to me and a smoked a couple times after that experience with nothing remotely similar to it. It was a bizarre experience and I don’t know if it would fall under a weed ego death or psychosis. Regardless. Shit was crazy and terrifying. If anyone knows what happened feel free to lmk.
Looking for an original proto pipe and/ or a gasket for my old one