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FAQ / Common Posts
The following posts are frequently asked, and may be locked or deleted.
Posting that you are out of weed: All these posts do is lead to people being messaged by potential scammers and rule breaking, they provide no real discussion.
Asking how much something weighs/is worth from a picture: No one can tell you, get some cheap scales
Asking for strain ID from a picture or asking if a cart is legit: Virtually impossible to tell from a picture, if you don't know we won't either.
Is this THC vape juice safe?
Someone has asked me to send crypto/giftcards, am I being scammed? Yes. Scamming people anonymously has never been easier.
Other things
Wasn't expecting to like this one aa much as I did
I got this shitty weed off the backup plug for a rlly cheap price so wasn’t expecting much, advertised as gelato my bollocks, but besides that im just wondering what makes smoke really sticky and when it grinds literally grinds into ntn im sure ppl will know what im on about ive had this with a few hazy strains before and actually jars the fuck outta me cus I find you always get a much noticeably tighter draw off the spliff den.
Tried my best to make an example here but the bud literally feels like play dough
Nice lil bit of wedding 🎂
Straight gassy citrus terps on this I was done for halfway through the J
Absolutely stinks of liquorice at the moment with a hint of gas
I was on wedinos to look for a different drug and ended up finding this, I thought you would only find this stuff in the e-liquid, but I guess I have to be cautious about hash aswell now. Not trying to fear monger or anything, this is definitely very rare, but I thought I would post it since I haven’t heard or seen anyone mention this being a possibility in the uk.
Just got 28g from these guys can't, nice bit of bud massive buds in this oz and nice smoke they say its 41% thca but I'm not feeling it lol but nice smoke
Recently got gifted a volcano off of one of my friends who no longer uses it.
Such a nice experience using it and it’s so easy, anyone else use one regularly?
What’s the best headshops sites for different papers, filters, glass tips and other cool bits and bobs?
hypothetically couldn't someone spray cbd bud with that bs spice liquid and sell it as normal bud
Beautiful bit of flower every time. NO FILTER
This one tastes kinda like PermZ, if you’ve ever had that?! Fresh. Sticky. Terps. Mellow, lifted high. Excellent quality.
Any TinMan fans on? What you blazin? 💨
anyone else just prefer normal papers to stuff like this?
i don’t think i know anyone irl who smokes bongs
If i mix hash with cbd in a joint will the cbd reduce the effects of the thc?
Used to smoke dawg but switched to Ammo lemon haze for some months. This strains getting repetitive and too stimulating. Anyone had positive effects for sleep with dawg?
Has anyone had any experience with any clubs out there?
I know its technically illegal in Spain but there are clubs and some dispensaries