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No sourcing: No requesting or giving hookups, meet-ups, advice or guidance (including any talk about Insta, wickr, clearnet, DNM, vendors or how to reach them), no asking others to DM you / DMing others, these rules also apply to CBD flower (which is illegal) please note this list is not exclusive, if a post or comment implies sourcing it will be removed under this rule as well.
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Be on topic: Posts must be directly related to trees [Off topic posts are allowed from 5pm Fri-Sun].
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/r/uktrees mods reserves the right to remove any post at our discretion, feel free to drop us a message with any questions.
No sales of weed paraphernalia i.e vapes, glassware ect. These posts will be removed and locked.
FAQ / Common Posts
The following posts are frequently asked, and may be locked or deleted.
Posting that you are out of weed: All these posts do is lead to people being messaged by potential scammers and rule breaking, they provide no real discussion.
Asking how much something weighs/is worth from a picture: No one can tell you, get some cheap scales
Asking for strain ID from a picture or asking if a cart is legit: Virtually impossible to tell from a picture, if you don't know we won't either.
Is this THC vape juice safe?
Someone has asked me to send crypto/giftcards, am I being scammed? Yes. Scamming people anonymously has never been easier.
Other things
Nice chunky joint of my home grown Zcube from random Dutch cutting I got early this year.
A few weeks ago I pulled my first ever whitey. Thing is, I’m not convinced it was because of the cannabis.
I’m a medicinal cannabis patient and 99% of the time I vape it. Sometimes I’ll use a bong and if I’m with a friend we’ll have a joint or whatever.
I can happily do a full bong bowl over the course of an hour if I’m feeling chill and it’s fine. I can smoke a joint or a blunt that’s just weed and be fine.
Had a joint with a friend, friend rolled it with baccy, ended up throwing up after the joint was finished. I don’t smoke cigarettes in my day to day life so I wonder if it was the tobacco that made me hurl?
I have recently gotten a bong, an 18 inch ice bong with a perc and I know how to use it correctly. Firstly, i get strong coughing fits when using it, and despite the high volume of smoke at once i never seem to get high enough. I would smoke a .4g bowl within 5 minutes and feel not much but if i smoke a 0.3g joint i get a lot more baked and its in a longer time frame. So am i doing something wrong??
I usually vape flower and extracts but my tolerance is getting way too high.
If I just do edibles for a while would that help to lower my tolerance?
I hear this one is great.. I'll let you know how it smokes later 😁
Just got to buy some rosin now to try it out
Enjoying this with some apple fritters this evening 👌
Definitely notice different effects vs. smoking pure, what I've read is the "entorouge" effect of CBD combined with THC.
As the title says after some decent seeds from uk vendors
I smoked this with a friend and he said that it‘s sprayey with hairspray. I‘m a pretty new smoker so idk if he is right
Hi, I’ve been smoking 2-3 joints a day for the past 4 years and for the past six months or so, I would say that I’m struggling to get any sort of high from smoking. I’ve never really taken a break from it before, just looking for any tips or advice from you fine folk with how to go about having a tolerance break. Cheers.
Anyone know anywhere where I could sell a ball vape I ordered one a few months ago and the company must have made a mistake and sold me 2 I've kept hold of one just incase but can't see the point in keeping it anymore, not sure if could get away with selling it on eBay ?
I'm planning a weed holiday next year, sitting in the sun, enjoying really nice weed flavours in clubs and by the pool. Can you recommend where in Spain (regions, particular clubs) has the best scene in terms of accessing the highest quality flower as a tourist?
I'm really interested in trying dank complex terpy weed akin to the top shelf UK / import you see in the UK
Lovely bit of Dawg, super dense and well cured. When done right this strain is a treat!
this milkbone smokes a lot better than it looks