
Photograph via snooOG

A place to talk about decomposing materials into compost.

Compost - organic matter that has been decomposed and recycled as a fertilizer and soil amendment.

Do you have a garden and want an easy way to make fertilizer?

Wondering what to do with all those table scraps, leaves, and grass clippings?

Make compost! It is easy to start and easy to maintain.

Share your tips, stories, ideas, pictures, or questions!

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  1. Account must be at least 30 days old.
  2. Accounts must have a combined 100 karma points.

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Green Waste Help!!!

Bought a larger property that generates a lot of green waste, mostly palm. Previous owners piled everything up in a hidden corner of the property. And aside from being unsightly, it is also a fire hazard here in CA. Is there anything I can put on the pile A lot of small to help n decompose all that fiber. Bad example, but I’m thinking lye or similar, just something to help break all that stuff down.

1 Comment
00:05 UTC


Improvised a 500 gal food, yard mulch, and cardboard compost from a $65 wire dog pen. But how much will it really hold?

Wanted to go size up at my new house from a 300 gal HDPE wrap and settled on a dog pen for value but more importantly, having a gate.

1 Comment
23:50 UTC


Specialized compost?

Would the best compost for a particular plant be one made from that type of plant?
For example, would compost made from old apples and chipped apple wood have more of the nutrients an apple tree would need than compost made from mixed food scraps and maple leaves?

20:54 UTC


Rate my compost. Any guru suggestions?

19:48 UTC



hello fellow composters!

allow me a twist on a question we see quite often there namely: will X compost. usually, it does and in my case I'm guessing hairs do compost (they do right?)

my question is more: would you guys go as far as collect hairs in hairdressers places for the sake of adding to your compost?

thank you all and have a beautiful day!

15:27 UTC


Smells can be remedied, greens & browns found will be found, and the black gold will flow

I've been composting for decades and in the end, the house always wins-- nature will break it down. We're just here to supervise.

15:12 UTC


Is there anything I can or should do about Poison Ivy/Sumac roots that maybe in my compost?

Long story short there is a huge possibility that there is either poison ivy or poison sumac roots in my compost and now my garden soil. I use tumblers. I know the roots can live for well over a year. Will the heat kill off the roots or do I have to get rid of everything?

12:58 UTC


Is this safe?

Was planning on shredding this shipping envelope to add to my compost. Noticed it is two layers with foam dots through out. Not sure what the white foam is made of. Does anyone know if it is safe to add to my compost? I’m really in need of browns.

12:49 UTC


Does this compost bin look like it’s doing its job? Or should I replace it?

I am keen to compost but I’ve never done it. Just bought a house and it has a composting bin. The green bits are what I threw in this morning, the rest was there to start with. Does it look like it’s working?

11:46 UTC


Cereal boxes?

I know most corrugated cardboard is compostable, but are cereal boxes with the print on the outside?

03:18 UTC


How to go about composting with this behemoth?

The city I live in offers these for free, so I took them up on it. I can’t tumble it, I can’t stir it around too easily… any tips? Just put stuff in it and let ‘er rip?

02:43 UTC


Should I get a babysitter for my compost while I’m out of town?

I’m new to composting at home. I’ve been doing it for about 3 months. What should I do when I am out of town for a month? I usually sift and add more food scraps once a week.

01:10 UTC


Looking for solutions to the smell coming from 6 outdoor compost trash cans at my restaurant!

I run a restaurant in Texas where summer temps are high. We compost all food waste and have it transported to our farm once every two weeks. The compost bins are located outside behind our dumpsters in the parking lot.

As you can imagine, the smell becomes horrible, especially during the summer, and I’m looking for any suggestions. I’ve heard of some ideas but we have a large quantity of compost that we are dealing with, aka six residential size trash bins (like the ones on the side of your house that the city picks up). And it sits there for two weeks and rots until it’s time to be lugged off. So I’m not always convinced that the suggestions someone might have for an individual composting at home, for instance, would suffice.

For the record, using the city compost service isn’t an option because the compost is transported and used to fertilize and grow produce on our farm.

Also, transport is rather costly so we can’t afford to pay someone every few days or anything like that.

Does anyone have any suggestions as far as deodorizers that i can buy in bulk or something along those lines?

Thanks in advance!

23:41 UTC



Hello, I'm newbie in compost,is this bsf and are they harm any other creatures like worm? Tq for knowledge

23:20 UTC


Compost after hurricane Beryl

Compost got one hell of a top off after hurricane Beryl in Houston knocked out the power for a week.

1 Comment
21:02 UTC


composting animal waste

I seem to have a neighbor who has trained their dog to do it's business in our front yard next to the cars. I put up a camera to monitor the area and within an hour the dog was already there. I've been thinking on how to handle the situation and the thought occurred to me to compost it instead of getting mad. When life gives you shitty neighbors, make compost?

20:46 UTC



Rn I have a bag of everything I've collected. I need to transfer it to a bin, but don't have the money currently.

Can someone explain in a BASIC way what browns are? Avocado skins? Meat? I'm really confused.

19:39 UTC


Can I rig up a basic commercial compost solution for a couple hundred coffee cups + lids/week from my church?

My church made the effort to be eco friendly by switching to compostable coffee cups, but they are commercially compostable plastic (lids are fully plastic and cups just have a coating... so probably better in the landfill than normal plastic, but not really compostable seeing as we don't have anywhere even remotely close we could take them.

I don't think it's realistic that everyone would agree to no lids (always trying to avoid sanctuary spills) or less sturdy, home compostable, cups and lids with potential leakage or tearing problems. (Though if you know a good, inexpensive, home compostable brand, that could solve the problem too!)

We have some amount of property and resources to get something set up on our campus, but its obviously a prereferral concern to meeting community needs and such and ideally it would be something that didn't need like contractors and heavy machinery so some friends and I could pitch it to leadership, pick a corner, and take turns turning all that waste back into dirt!

I'm sure we could probably get a good supply of grass clippings and leaves from the maintenance staff to help the process. I also thing if we put the bins next to the water fountain, people would probably rinse it out for us to avoid gross creamer and sugar issues.

What do we think?

17:30 UTC



I have a ton of cut tree branches, can they be compost or do I need to use a chipper first?

1 Comment
04:55 UTC


Can I rig up a basic commercial compost solution for a couple hundred coffee cups + lids/week from my church?

My church made the effort to be eco friendly by switching to compostable coffee cups, but they are commercially compostable plastic (lids are fully plastic and cups just have a coating... so probably better in the landfill than normal plastic, but not really compostable seeing as we don't have anywhere even remotely close we could take them.

I don't think it's realistic that everyone would agree to no lids (always trying to avoid sanctuary spills) or less sturdy, home compostable, cups and lids with potential leakage or tearing problems. (Though if you know a good, inexpensive, home compostable brand, that could solve the problem too!)

We have some amount of property and resources to get something set up on our campus, but its obviously a prereferral concern to meeting community needs and such and ideally it would be something that didn't need like contractors and heavy machinery so some friends and I could pitch it to leadership, pick a corner, and take turns turning all that waste back into dirt!

I'm sure we could probably get a good supply of grass clippings and leaves from the maintenance staff to help the process. I also thing if we put the bins next to the water fountain, people would probably rinse it out for us to avoid gross creamer and sugar issues.

What do we think?

17:35 UTC


SciShow compost episode

I love the SciShow channel on YouTube. I've been watching it for years. They just released a compost episode, today!

It's a pretty good overview of composting with some great tips and science.


17:35 UTC



I know oils are no good because they repel water. But what about animal fats? I'm not concerned about pests or smell.

17:08 UTC


Sparkling water for compost

We often have leftover flat sparkling water lying around and I've been pouring them over compost to moisten. It's been hot and dry here with no rain. Thoughts?

16:44 UTC


Check out my setup

Hi all, I have a load of long grass that I've scythed down from the garden and my plan was to let it rot down and eventually become compost, I'm in no rush and it's mainly there for wildlife habitat, it's about 2 ft deep (wheelbarrow there for scale)mainly freshly cut grass, chucked some cardboard on there aswell. Is this a fire hazard or am I safe to let it rot down and maybe use in later years for the flower beds once it's rotted

15:59 UTC


My compost bins- a different way of seeing them.

I got bored and did a quick sketch of my compost bins 😂 Because why shouldn't compost be art?

14:06 UTC

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