
Photograph via snooOG

Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

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Veganism: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." - The Vegan Society

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Is Veganism Healthy? What about eggs?
Is Veganism Expensive? What about honey?
Why should I Go Vegan? What about Protein?
Effects on the Environment? What about Vitamin B-12?
World Health Organizations? What about Vitamin D?
Is Meat Bad For You? What about Omega-3?
Lab Grown Meat? What about Calcium?
Feelings on Pets? What about Iron?
Feelings on PETA? What about Soy?
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People who should be vegan and who you couldn't believe is?

Either celebrity or specific jobs.

For me I think David Attenborough should be and of course all vets, it just amazes me that they aren't.

I'm in the UK but I couldn't believe that Graeme Souness is vegan, a well known ex footballer, a proper hardman. Finding out he is vegan for the animals was amazing.

08:45 UTC


Food suggestions

I used to be vegetarian and I am newer to veganism than many, although I’ve been at it for some months now. I’ve been eating a variety of foods, ensuring I get the proper nutrients. I was wondering if there is a good example of a very cheap, fast to cook, and nutritious vegan meal that I could cook and eat daily for months and not have to make anything else. Any suggestions on where to look?

08:00 UTC


Violife Cheese. YES

This is a post of pure and utter enthusiasm.

Violife Cheddar shreds are a ****ing amazing product. That is all. I can’t believe I’ve been in the dark about this brand for so long.

If you haven’t tried Violife cheese yet, go do yourself a favour and get some next time you’re at the store. IT’S SO GOOD.

I can finally enjoy cheddar cheese.

Even with their new “oat cream formula”, Daiya cheese is still disgusting as ever. It’s hilariously bad tasting in comparison. Hilariously bad.




06:44 UTC


Why should I stay a vegan?

So I'm 20 years old and I've grown up eating meat like everyone else in my family and society. Only recently, I went vegan and cut everything else out and the main reason was because of the morals around eating other living beings like chickens. However, if I'm being honest, it hasn't been the best experience, I'm an athlete, I take part in various sports like football and badminton and going vegan has had a really negative impact on my performances due to a lack of energy and just overall strength, and I just don't feel good on a day to day business doing regular activities.

What do you guys think, is it better to try and stick to my morals and remain a vegan meaning I'll probably suffer on a day to day basis or go back to eating meat so I can try and improve my health.

I'm going to be releasing my new website really soon talking about my experiences and opinions on being a vegan, and there will also be so much more content on the website like delicious vegan recipes. I truly belive the information on the website will be really helpful to many of you and may even inspire others so be sure to check it out when I release it and of course I'll keep everyone updated with more info about it soon.

02:50 UTC


non-vegan all you can eat buffets?

I haven't been to an all you can eat buffet since going vegan and I don't intend to because it just feels like I'm paying for the animal products even though I'm not eating any. my brother said it would be the same as me going to a non-vegan restaurant and ordering something vegan, since my money is still going to a non-vegan place so basically I'm still paying for animal products even if I'm not the one eating it.

I don't agree with his line of thinking but I also wasn't sure how best to respond. what would you have said in response?

just as a side note, I'm not trying to a pick fights with with my brother, argue or anything really. I was just curious what would be the best, rational respond to something like this.

02:24 UTC


Do you remember the last meal you had before deciding to go vegan?

I know a lot of people gradually went vegan, but for me, it happened in a snap. One second I was an omnivore, and the next, I was vegan after watching a video about livestock when I was 13. My last meal was at an all-you-can-eat sushi place, and I immediately started regretting all my past food choices.

Do you remember your last meal before deciding to go vegan for real? Did it influence your next decision?

01:18 UTC


What to do with a bunch of vegan vanilla heavy cream?

Hi guys!

I ended up with a bunch of oatly vegan heavy cream from my work because they decided to change to a different brand. I was so excited to make crazy good mac and cheese but its vanilla flavor so I'm stuck

I dont really eat many sweets or even put milk in my coffee so I'm kind of lost. I have been vegan for my entire adult life so I've never used even regular heavy cream for anything, even when I was younger I didnt, i have no idea what its used for... I eat a lot of peanut butter sandwiches and either ramen or rice bowls or burritos. So its pretty useless for any of my regular meals.

It is very tasty just by itself but I dont need to drink 5 boxes of heavy cream just as a treat lol. Maybe I could start making smoothies but it would take a long time to use it all unless I'm making like crazy thousand calories smoothies

Any ideas? Suggestions? Can I freeze it and it will thaw normally?

00:09 UTC


I hate beyond’s new “beef” recipe

Beyond’s new “beef” recipe is really bad. It’s so bland now and has completely lost its unique flavor. It was soo good the way that it was, I’m so disappointed. I’m not a fan of Impossible burgers, so I guess I’m done with having burgers for now. I tried the frozen Beyond patties that they claim are the old recipe, but it doesn’t taste the same to me. What does everyone else think of the new recipe?

23:29 UTC


When referring to people who aren’t vegan, what word do you use?

I hear people say “omnivore” a lot, but I don’t think that makes sense. I’m a vegan, but because I’m human, I’m also an omnivore. Being an omnivore just means one is capable of living off of plants and animals, right? Sure I’m capable of eating animals too, but I just choose not to.

I like Dr. Melanie Joy’s term “carnist”, but I see people getting mad over it. I don’t quite understand because if the word “vegan” distinguishes someone who abstains from animal products, why not have a word for the opposite category?

I suppose “non-vegan” works too. However, I don’t hear it often.

What do you all think?

23:25 UTC


How do you maintain good relationships w/close carnists who seem uncomfortable w/your activism?

How do you reconcile being an activist and having very strong beliefs surrounding veganism while maintaining decent relationships with carnists, particularly extended family, coworkers, and other people that you are kind of obligated to have a decent relationship with?

I’m very intentional about not coming off as preachy or any of the negative vegan stereotypes (even though I think the stereotypes are often exaggerated). I don’t tell them my thoughts or bring it up. When with them, I focus on other shared interests and passions (ex: sports, music, art, etc)

However, simply because veganism is a big part of my life, it inevitably comes up sometimes. For example, it obviously comes up if I’m ordering food. Or, the most awkward moment was a coworker once asked “what did you do over the weekend?” and I made the mistake of saying “I spent it at a pig vigil”. I didn’t want to lie, but I immediately regretted saying that because I could sense the discomfort.

How do you guys deal with this? I want to have normal relationships, but some people and clearly uncomfortable with my existence sometimes.

22:21 UTC


I became a vegetarian about two years ago and I'm wondering why I should go completely vegan?

So, I'm in my 30's now and since a teenager there's always been a thought in the back of my head as to why we eat meat and the moral implications of it. I didn't understand why people thought it was okay to eat the meat of a cow but would consider dog meat disgusting. Why don't they consider both disgusting? I asked myself was my empathy for dogs hinged upon their cuteness compared to cows, chickens, lobsters etc. Dogs have been bred for hundreds of years to be as cute as they are today yet other animals have not gone through that transformation.

So I decided a couple of years ago that I shouldn't eat meat at all because I thought it was immoral. I don't like the idea that another sentient being suffered excruciating pain in an abattoir just so I could eat it's meat.

Now I'm thinking whether I should go vegan? I still love eating mozzarella on a pizza and I enjoy cows milk. Should I feel bad for doing so? Can you explain why I shouldn't be eating these things? Thanks

22:18 UTC


Can Soy milk be used as a milk substitute while cooking?

So NGL I am not planning on going Vegan RN but I am a vegetarian and my vegan friend is telling me to get on soy milk to be healthier and I was wondering if I would still be able to make like mac and cheese and mashed potatoes with soy milk?

I heard that it may turn into tofu? IDK about that. I want more protein and fiber and stuff in my diet and I thought some of you would know the answer.

21:15 UTC


How many of you take supplements?

Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, omega-3s, and so on. Either supplements or fortified foods. And how often do you take/eat them?

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20:30 UTC


High cholesterol and Vegan

In India, it’s been a Vegan country since 1500BCE. I have met chefs and such that crossed and came to other parts of the world. Recently one such vegan was diagnosed with high cholesterol.

I didn’t even know how that can be. Nor how would a strictly vegan person who was raised and born into veganism, combat High Cholesterol.

What would you suggest or do?

Thanks all, got ALOT of feedback. The India comment was the most.

Have a great vegan experience and happy week. At this post most comments are just repeated so no need to keep commenting. ❤️

20:26 UTC


what's the longest you've kept tofu in your freezer?

I had a bunch of ofu that was about to expire that I've kept in my freezer over 6 months now. I slowly went through most of it, but I wonder how much longer it'll be safe. How easy is it to tell if it's gone bad? Because I've noticed a lack of flavor over time (not that tofu has much) but no weird smells so far.

(I normally go through tofu pretty fast but I made an amazon fresh order in the winter where they gave me a bunch that was too close to the expiration date. In hindsight, I should've just gotten a refund.)

20:16 UTC


Do vegan girls want to be approached at the grocery store?

This is a question for Vegan women. Would you mind being approached by a vegan guy at the grocery store?

Sounds like an odd question but every once in a blue moon I’ll see a cute vegan girl grabbing some groceries at the store. we usually do the same thing look at what the other person is grabbing, and has on hand. Make short eye contact smile then shyly go on about our business. I’m not the most social person, but trying to work on it. I feel like the girl never says anything so it’s up to me. I’m just honestly curious how vegan women would want to be approached IF AT ALL?

19:43 UTC


App that tells you if a product is vegan or not?

Anyone use an app that does this? My 55+ year old mom has cognitive issues, recently she is trying to become vegan but is being really hard on herself because she keeps forgetting which ingredients and brands are vegan, I don't live near her and was wondering if anyone knows those apps you can download for in store use to scan a product and it tells you if it's vegan or not, and do they actually work well ??? She has an iPhone SE and lives in America

19:42 UTC


After turning vegan, my Facebook feed is now filled with meat/carnivore posts

I went vegan around new years after extensive self-research through several UN reports, the extensive danish agricultural education syllabus, documentaries and several books on vegan points (primarily Earthling Eds two books and videos).

Since around march, my feed on Facebook has deteriorated sharply. I am getting so many post from US FB pages like ‘Dan Quibell - the bacon experiment’, ‘Montana farmers for life’ and the likes. Posts like a comparison between a carrot and a slice of bacon with a caption “suck on this vegans”. And these posts are filling around 1/3 of my feed from pages I do not even follow.

The only change I have made on Facebook in the period is replying on some, primarily danish, posts in some debate forums around animal agriculture.

Are any of you guys experiencing the same thing?

19:39 UTC


DoorDash got my option wrong

I ordered vegan burger than clicked on meal and it ended up being a real burger, thought it was undercooked, so fed the patty to my dog most of it, the ingredients for the original product are safe, but I realized it was the real thing, looking at the label. I feel so disgusting right now. I want to hurt myself over how horrible and sick I feel. I don’t want to be a monster but I feel like one.

19:38 UTC


Can I become a vegan without turning like an almond mom ?

So I really want to eat accordingly to my values, and stop eating animals. It's stupid but my worst fear is to become an "almond mom". I just love eating (especially sweet things)and my fear is to crave snack (bread with nutella) and to only have almond or the healthiest things...

Also I eat enormous quantity of eggs, so I don't know how to replace that.

Thanks all, be kind with me :')

17:50 UTC


Lab grown = Vegan?

I'm not vegan myself . However, I am looking into it. I also happen to be a big tech nerd. I've been coming across articles about lab grown meat and hid. A process that doesn't require the killing of ANY animal. But it does require obtaining a sample of an animal,at least for now. If the process can involve nothing that comes from an animal at all, would it be considered vegan? I mean, I know it will still technically be meat, but it wouldn't be come from an animal. So would that make it vegan or not?

16:43 UTC


Damn you Kale!

My teeth started to hurt during the 5th day of my 8 days being vegan now, and learnt it was due to lack of calcium subconsciously im thinking milk the horrible one then i think of the mother Cow who it got stolen from.

But after realising that Kale a cheap easy tasty thing and high in calcium per 100g to my surprise when raw, i go make my usual sandwich and added kale now 3 days later the aches are gone! Every excuse i subconsciously try to make due to old habbits slowly being replaced, i managed to so far replace and fix the issue.

Vegan is possible to be healthy on, and also i noticed how much better sleep quality i get :)

16:38 UTC


Help finding video about internet vegan outreach

Hi all. Bit of a shot in the dark but I’m looking for a filmed conversation I once saw on YouTube about using reddit and other social media for vegan outreach. It was a conversation between two vegans, with one telling the other about subtle animal rights posts they post on reddit. They provided advice on how to be subtle and not put people off, how to make the posts popular etc., and they shared numbers on the amount of people they’ve reached using this method of outreach.

Could have sworn it was a convo with the dude from Debug your Brain (great Youtube channel btw) but I can’t find the video anywhere.

Anyone know what I might be talking about and willing to link it my way? Would be much appreciated!

15:29 UTC


Colostrum ads

I have seen a few of my favorite YouTubers sponsored by Arnra (sp?). They are selling Colostrum as a super food for better work outs and gut health. Anyone else see this? The colostrum comes from animals. This makes me ill to think about. The company even shows a “happy cow” certification. If the company is taking the colostrum for human consumption, what does the baby animal get? Adult humans do not need colostrum. I have sent messages to these content creators and asked them not to accept these sponsors. What else can I do. This is a horrible product! I also sent a couple of vegan creators messages asking them to speak about it.

15:10 UTC


Vegan diet and PMDD

I (26) suffer from PMDD (Prementrual dysphoric disorder) and have been vegan for 10+ years, vegetarian even longer. I have supplemented b12 and other vitamins for the last years (but not from the start, i was very young) and my blood level is okay but i have other blood values that indicate low b12. I eat a lot of Tofu (~400g/day) and since i tried everthing that comes to mind i really fear that my diet is a problem causing the pmdd. Do you have any experience with optimizing a vegan diet and supplementation for pmdd? I am just looking for general advice/experiences.

15:01 UTC


Suggestions please

Hi everyone, I am new to being vegan and I'm happy so far with my decision and want to continue this lifestyle for the rest of my life.

I also practiced cooking my own foods, however, lately I noticed I always circle back to tofu as my main source of protein for each meal. I wonder if you guys can recommend: 1. other protein rich ingredients that are satisfying 2. ingredients I can use to make omelette like meals (ofc without eggs) 3. Ur fave go to healthy desserts

Thank you in advance!

14:04 UTC

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