Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.
Veganism: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." - The Vegan Society
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I am moving out of my parents home soon (woo) and unfortunately I am a pretty useless adult who has not learnt to cook on account of my wonderful family who veganises their vegetarian food for me! So would love some recommendations for cookbooks with meal plans and shopping lists to help me with solo cooking! Preferably ones with high protein focus as I have adhd and require more than normal but not too fussed
Heres some background Im 21 went vegan 5 years ago. I’ve suffered from undiagnosed BED (binge eating disorder) since i was 8 years old
When i first went vegan for the first 3 years i managed to stay 100% plant based I was able to slightly control my binge eating and only binged on plant based foods but last year my binge eating got worse, it’s always been pretty bad massive amounts of food in a uncontrolled state of dissociation sometimes i would even eat food out of the trash but last year it escalated. I was living with a few non vegan friends and sometimes they would leave free for all food in the fridge (mainly food with dairy or egg like desserts) In a binge episode i ended up eating some and hiding it after that it started getting worse i would go weeks without binging eating fully plant based but when i would binge if there was something in the house with dairy or egg i would eat it its made my guilt so much worse. Fast forward to this year im not living there anymore but im finding myself every time im in a binge episode i order food with dairy in it i feel insanely guilty and still haven’t told anyone even my closest friends. Whenever someone asks me about my dietary needs i say i’m vegan and i still act like i eat 100% plant based i feel like i’m lying to everyone despite my best efforts and morals Aligning with veganism. I don’t know how to stop. today i had a dairy binge and then bought a big grocery shop of 100% plant based foods and im confident that this will be the last time but im worried that its going to happen again any advice would be much appreciated. Even so if someone asks me how long i’ve been vegan for i feel like saying 5 years is lying im genuinely so ashamed i felt like posting this to get some advice and get this off my chest.
People in this conservative beach city were hypocritical in the most obvious way. . . Observe..
Hi everyone.
I'm excited (and a bit nervous) to share some news: "The Empowered Activist" is now available in paperback, with the eBook version also on sale, and a hardcover on the way! 📚🐾
This book is born from personal experience and a deep desire to support fellow activists, and the paperback and hard cover versions include special "Reflections and Inspirations" pages. Here, you can jot down your thoughts alongside inspirational messages and also quotes from famous animal rights advocates. All versions also include some of my photography from over the years.
I'm committed to giving back to the cause we all care about so deeply. 50% of all profits will go directly to animal rescue sanctuaries and animal rights organisations. To be transparent, the profit margin on each book is small - only about $1.30 after costs and taxes. Most of my half will go towards advertising costs and promotion to help spread the word further.
While each sale might not seem like much, with enough support, we can make a real difference for these vital organisations and help more activists discover this resource.
Creating this book has been an eye-opening and humbling experience. If it helps even one fellow activist stay healthy and motivated, while also supporting our animal friends, I'll consider it a success.
For those interested, you can find it on:
Australia - https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0DH3MKXZP
US - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DH3MKXZP
UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DH3MKXZP
Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish - it's how we stay in this fight for the long haul. Our animal friends need us at our best. 💚
I bought this ice cream that had a green label “dairy free gelato” late at night / mindlessly and my brain just assumed it was vegan. I didn’t know that there was ice cream made with eggs. Today I checked the ingredients i feel so stupid and gross. What am I supposed to do with the rest of that ice cream, toss it or feed it to my roommate?
Hello, I just gave up meat a couple of weeks ago. Im super committed to staying vegan but almost all of my comfort/favorite foods have meat in them :(
I started out pretty strong and have been feeling generally great. But recently I’ve been having intense meat cravings. I’ll eat a full meal and be ravishingly hungry, just craving some kind of protein. I’ve tried a lot of plant based protein options but these cravings are still there.
I don’t enjoy most “impossible” versions of meats and have seen that some of them are too processed. Does anyone have any advice for how to deal with these cravings?
Ps: love this community, it’s been such a great support <3
I (19M) and my girlfriend (19F) are currently switching to a more plant based diet. We still make allowances for certain products while we are figuring things out. We haven't had any meat in about 2 weeks and both of us feel lots healthier so we want to keep it up (not to mention the benefits to the environment etc). What advice do you have for us to not f this up.
Also how do you cope with every family member telling you why you shouldn't be vegan 😆
So iv been wanting to become vegan for a long while now and I think long term that is the goal. Just there is a couple issues I’m having and was wondering if anyone has any advice or suggestions?
My first issue is, iv always struggled with my weight. Always been underweight and it’s always bothered me. My diet was pretty terrible, not having an appetite and only eating junk foods and drinking beer everyday. Iv now found myself in a better place in life and I’m now on medication for my mental health. Luckily the medication I’m on gives me an appetite and it helps me put a bit of weight on. Iv started eating meals and been going the gym. For the first time in my life I’m starting to like what I see in the mirror. I know it sounds silly but I’m worried that if I go vegan I will loose weight again and it will effect the way I see myself.
The other issues is I’m a fussy eater and can get a bit funny about textures. I am proud to say I have been very adventurous with trying new foods and incorporating foods I don’t like into meals. For instance blending mushrooms to put into my pasta sauces. But again I’m worried that if I cut out the meat and dairy, i will start to shrink again or struggle to build muscle in the gym.
I’m not too keen on eating fake meats either. I have in the past and not judging anyone that does. I have in the past and I’m not too fond of the tastes and texture. Plus I think I’d rather have more of a fresh and bean based diet.
Does anybody have any tips, trick, suggestions or experiences that might help me?
For those that you don’t know, vegan motorcycle suits exist and are as safe or safer than kangaroo suits.
In the US you can have one made by Bison suits, in Spain you can buy them from Andromeda, and the best one in my opinion is from Virus Power, based in Italy and raced by pros in WSBK, and all over different championships in Europe.
I already crashed my vegan suit by Bison and it holds up OK. I am going to upgrade to a Virus Power suit soon. All my gear is vegan. There is no reason to wear the skin of an animal to be safe riding motorcycles.
Hi r/vegan,
I am not a reddit user but I wanted to give it a try. I am a long time on and off activist living in New Orleans who is hoping to rejuvenate the activism scene in the city. I have been performing PETA Action alerts for the past few months and want to get other volunteer's who have a strong desire to spread the vegan message by performing demonstrations, protests and actions throughout the city. If you live in the city and this interests you, send me an email at roberson.noahble.99@gmail.com
I'm a vegan but not great at math. I read an image which shows that 77% of land used for animal agriculture provides only 18% of the world's calories, while the remaining 23% of the land provides 83% of the calories. Additionally, it said that the 18% of calories from animal agriculture contribute 37% of the protein, whereas the 83% from plants provide 63% of the protein. However, when you google "protein in eggs/chicken/pork" vs "protein in soya/almond/peanut" it states that meat generally has less protein compared to plants. So, which one actually has more protein?
Hello folks,
I'm looking for the best-tasting vegan coffee/tea creamer (in powdered form) - ideally also available in small packets - mainly for backpacking/bikepacking/traveling etc. I have tried a few (like Joi Oat Milk Coffee Creamer Powder), but they all taste bitter/bad and/or do not dissolve well (compared to liquid ones - e.g. Sown Oat Creamer is exceptionally good). Any suggestions?
I recently went to Europe (France, Switzerland, Germany, Austria) this past summer, and I’m from America. I follow lots of vegan news sources such as Vegnews and I constantly hear about new products, innovations, etc. One thing I’m wondering if anyone has a precise answer to, is, why does there seem to be so much more vegan options in the European market as compared to the American one? Like, apparently there isn’t a vegan burger at McDonald’s when there is one in the UK (it didn’t perform well in America cause when they want junk they want real junk?!), and the same can be said about so many other fast food chains and grocery items. Is it really just because Americans omnivores are too prideful to eat any of “that artificial shit”? Or are omnivore Europeans just more open to trying new things? Damn I wish we had a market like that in America. Or maybe it’s just cause they’re geographically smaller and in America it’s more likely that you’re farther out from a city with vegan options. Anybody have a definitive answer?
Okay, so I've been calling myself a vegan for at least three months.
Just for some background, I used to be a lacto-ovo vegetarian in middle school, but my resolve was not as strong as it is now. I felt like giving it another shot, but now I wanted to challenge myself even more. Personally, my motives are health improvement and the environment. I suppose my veganism currently only extends to my diet, so then does that make me just "plant-based?" I guess initially, I just liked the idea of labeling myself "vegan" in front of people and being able to belong to a group. I don't really have communities I feel apart of.
Obviously, I've cut out meat, dairy, eggs, and honey from my diet. However, I haven't decided what I'm going to do about my leather belt/wallet, other animal-based clothes, and personal care products that may or may not be vegan. But I kind of don't care? I've been telling myself I'm going to do some digging and replace any products that don't align with my lifestyle, but I just haven't. I really wish I could care more about animal exploitation. Essentially, I feel bad for not feeling bad. In addition, I still live at home. Even though things have been going fine with meals, I feel like certain products (e.g., shampoo) would have to be something my parents can agree upon, since we all use it.
Ultimately what I'd like to know is, is what I'm feeling normal in the beginning? Perhaps I should do some soul-searching and re-examine why I truly decided to go vegan anyway.
Thank you. I hope this isn't too long, I just needed to get all this off my chest.
So I just got back from the UK a few weeks ago (I live in Ontario) and I was blow away with the meatless meat options in the supermarket.
I shop at Sainsburys when home because it is close to my house.
There were cheap options for everything. Not just veggie ground, 2 types of sausges, beyond burgers, and 2-3 types of cheese… which is what I get in ON. Even whole foods is pretty shit here.
The quality of the food was also top notch. Everything was a way better comparison than anything I have had in Canada, and again, the cost was super low compared to here. (here everything is around 1.5-2x more than the carcass alternative).
So. I am interested - where have you had the best eats? What are the brands? What are the vibes?
Potentially looking into import options.
I’ve ditched the nonstick cookware due to health concerns and I won’t be going back. I’m using Cast iron and stainless steel. Problem is, I find that plant based proteins stick like crazy. For example, I was cooking shredded tofu for tacos and I could not get it to brown because I had to constantly stir it around to keep it from sticking to the pan. It ended up mushy.
Any tips?
Hi all, I have a YouTube channel and want to make a video about the Vegandale situation.
After hearing horrible stories about the NYC event I did some digging and found numerous posts on here outlining the horrors of past events. My goal in making a video is to spread awareness so other vegans don’t waste their money (or risk their safety) as well as explore why this event is so poorly run. The upcoming LA and Miami events are currently being heavily advertised and if I can save anyone the hassle, money, and potential safety risk, I will be happy.
Please send me any experiences you have had at Vegandale events, as well as if you happen to know anything about the behind-the scenes of the event (the team behind it, logistics, etc). You can either comment, message me here or on Instagram @ totallyforkable. Thank you.
Browsing the various vegan subs over the last few months has helped influence me to change my diet. I suppose I was a flexitarian for years, meat was never a major aspect of my diet, cutting it out of my life wasn't a major step. Seeing various posts helped me come to the conclusion that I should change my diet to better represent the beliefs I hold.
My current partners were also a major influence in me changing my diet, since neither of them eat meat or dairy, I would conform my diet to whatever they are eating.
Here is my prediction:
Step 1: this is happening right now. We are transitioning toward clean energy. Considering the rise of things like electrical vehicles and the urgency of our problems, this could be done quite soon! This step is important for later.
Step 2: 2050 (due to predictions many cities will be under water): climate change gets to a point where extreme weather makes land scarce. Flooding and droughts significantly reduce the land available for agriculture, which, on it's own, hit the beef industry really badly. Also, because of the urgency of the problem, laws are passed against the very polluting beef industry, including banning ads and removing subsidies. The beef industry is on the brink of collapse.
Step 3: Lab grown meat does not require much land or water. Also, thanks to clean energy, lab grown meat does not need to cause tons of CO2 like it does at the moment. People love beef, so if lab meat can make a break through, beef would instantly become popular. This means that we will see massive investments in trying to replicate cellular beef meat. I do not think it will take long to develop: the beef lobby was scared enough of it that they lobbied Ron Desantis, the governor of Florida, to ban lab meat. Considering that these industries do not think long term (look at their climate effect lol), I really think they believe lab meat could threaten them quite soon.
Step 4: the knowledge needed to grow lab grown beef can, in part, be used for other animal products too. Lab meat can then take over conventional factory farmed chicken and pork.
Step 5: the human brain is good at finding moral excuses for something that is convenient. Since animals are no longer required, animal meat will be completely banned due to being cruel. Currently, killing animals for fun, without eating them, is looked down on. If we do not need to eat them, killing them for food will be banned.
My prediction: despite what some people are saying, climate change will force us to significantly downsize on animal agriculture, especially beef. Vegans seem to think we will ignore it, but there are many problems that will really force us to act.
Water shortage. Beef consumes three times as much water per kg as almost every other type of meat. Climate change will definitely cause huge problems with water supply in the USA, as some areas are low in water.
Immigration. Not just from the outside, but from inside the country. By 2050, it is commonly projected that many cities will be under water. People complain about "they steal our jobs", but they can't really keep U.S citizens out. Not to mention that Mexico could get really bad, so that's a lot of immigrants. Based on the "they are eating the dogs, they are eating the cats" meme, I think it is clear that the USA will do anything to keep them out, and if it means taking the climate seriously, so be it!
We already lack the land to sustain animal agriculture. Imagine if a lot of land gets flooded and the population increases, how will we manage to sustain so much life stock?
Look at what we managed to get done before even really suffering from climate change. EV, tons of plant based alternatives to carnist products and the invention of lab meat are just a few examples of reasons to be optimistic.
Water per animal stats: https://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2013/jan/10/how-much-water-food-production-waste
Vegetarian here about to convert to full on vegan, when i move out on my own in a year or so. Swapping out meats from recipes was childs play, but eggs and milk prove a lot tougher to replace.
One of my favourite recipes was a traditional casserole here in finland, basically made with
Ground beef Macaroni Shredded cheese Food cream Eggs Whatever veggies i feel like
Swapped beef for TVP but what now? If anyone has a good replacement for the other ingredients i'd love to hear it.
i know coconut cream is a popular substitute but isn't that way more sweet instead of stark, salty and savoury? I know of no other cream substitutes or how well they suit this situation
Also need a good cheese substitute that makes the food cheesy, in the melted stringy way, it's cooked like a normal casserole with oven at 250 if that helps.
And eggs.. i can make it without but as it adds a whole bunch of nutrients and most importantly is a bonding agent i have a hard time thinking of substitutes
I don’t mind tofu and make a nice tofu scramble but I would like to make some nice tofu chunks to snack on either alone or alongside some veggies but so far I’m not doing a good job of it! Can anyone share a very simple sugar free marinade they have tried and tested, I have an air fryer so can just pop them in there. Thank you!
I recently launched VeganHub, the largest online collection of vegan articles, podcasts, videos, books, and more. The feedback so far has been amazing, both here on Reddit and in other forums and groups. Now, I’m looking to level up the product and expand its reach.
I’d love to hear what’s worked best for others in terms of growth and visibility—whether through partnerships, collaborations, or other strategies.
I've started running Instagram ads, which have been effective in driving traffic to the site. I'm also launching a Stores section soon. If you own a vegan business and would like to be featured, feel free to reach out! I’d be happy to include you, with or without a collaboration or affiliate program—totally open to supporting the community.