
Photograph via snooOG

Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

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Veganism: "A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals." - The Vegan Society

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Vox: USDA kills tens-of-thousands of animals, inhumanely and ineffectively

--- "Wildlife Services represents yet another example of the USDA’s seeming indifference to animal welfare, but it also highlights a little-known fact of human-wildlife conflict: Most of it stems from agriculture.

Almost half of the contiguous United States is now used for meat, dairy, and egg production — most of it cattle-grazing — which has crowded out wildlife and reduced biodiversity. And whenever wild animals end up on farmland that was once their habitat, they run the risk of being poisoned, shot, or trapped by Wildlife Services.

That’s true for animals that find their way onto fruit, vegetable, and nut orchards for a snack, too. But Wildlife Services’ primary goal is to protect the interests of livestock producers, USDA public affairs specialist Tanya Espinosa told me in an email — yet another subsidy for an already highly subsidized industry." ---

Source: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/24138394/usda-wildlife-services-livestock-meat-animals?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-us

19:13 UTC


Vegan and working for DoorDash

While I am thankful to earn money on DoorDash, it’s quite a struggle knowing that I am delivering animal products to customers. It’s not just that I know mentally, there’s also the pungent smell.

The problem is that I lost my apartment after a recent change in my business and now live in my car. Doordash is literally keeping me from losing my car, too. For now, it is an absolute necessity.

How I managed to make my peace with this situation is knowing that I did not buy the animal product, and someone else would be there to deliver it anyway if I don’t do it.

Anyone else here work in an industry where you are so intimately involved with animal products? How is it affecting you on a daily basis?

18:01 UTC


First time at the grocery store after going vegan

I became vegan three days ago. Today I went to the grocery store for the first time I couldn’t believe how much animal products were there and I couldn’t believe how I never saw this Clearly. feel very defeated. I feel very sad. This system will never change. Does this feeling of hopelessness ever go away? I feel very lonely. There’s so much suffering in this world.😕

17:35 UTC


Doctor said at 1 years old baby should be drinking cows milk

Using a throw away because my friend knows my Reddit account. So my friend and I were talking about cows milk. I explained why it’s bad blah blah…. She said “what do I feed my baby? The doctor said at 1 she should be drinking whole milk because she needs fat” I said why would they need to drink milk at all? Why can’t she get her nutrients from foods? There isn’t a thing called healthy fats from avocado and nuts.

What do you guys think about this? She’s not raising her baby vegan by any means. Why do doctors force animal products on babies? What are some high fat foods or milk alternatives that would be good? The internet also recommends yogurt and eggs but I’m trying to avoid giving her that advice.

16:42 UTC


Re: Extinctionism is extreme

16:12 UTC


Depression causing nihilism with veganism

Sorry the title is a bit convoluted. I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

I have been vegan for 6 years vegetarian for about 18 years. Recently my depression has presented in just pure apathy for existing and I find I end up craving dairy. I don't want to eat it I believe its morally wrong to do so. I don't eat it. But I'm just wondering if people have experienced their mental health enduced apathy causing thoughts of like why does this matter? Like If I did x once why does it matter? I haven't but I'm disappointed that I've even had these thoughts recently and I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

16:03 UTC


Kala namak not eggy anymore?

**Edit: it's not COVID related. I can smell and taste everything else just fine. this change happened before I ever caught COVID, and as mentioned in my post the salt that comes with Wundereggs is still very strong to me.

Seriously, no one else has noticed this?? have you all been getting black salt for more than 2-3 years? or more recently?**

I've been having this problem for the last year at least (probably 2+). The Kala namak I always buy from an Indian grocer just doesn't smell or taste as eggy anymore. So I've been branching out trying other brands with no real luck. I gave up altogether until recently when I was really missing my morning tofu scramble. Bought a brand off Amazon that had good reviews from other vegans, but it still had very little smell or taste, leaving my scramble very bland and unsatisfying

Is anyone else having this problem?? What brands are still good?

One thing I did notice is when I bought Wundereggs, they came with a packet of black salt that was Very eggy, just like mine used to be. Is it possible all these new vegan egg companies are monopolizing the good supply? Are the mines over mined? Is this a new conspiracy??

15:41 UTC


Article: "The meat industry’s war on wildlife"

The meat industry’s war on wildlife

Your taxes fund an obscure government program that kills millions of wild animals to benefit Big Ag.


15:27 UTC


I think a lot of us experienced this...

14:24 UTC


Beekeeping harmful to wild bees


Saw this article on another sub. I don't eat honey, but I've never cared a ton about those who do. Still not a big issue for me, but thought this article did a nice job explaining that beekeeping is not beneficial for bee populations (likely harms wild bees).

I know some advocate for eating honey as supporting bee populations, but more domesticated honeybees is not what ecosystems need.

Plant flowers (that flower at different times) and limit pesticide use instead.

12:05 UTC


Been vegan almost 10 years, quick thoughts

Okay long story short, started dating a vegan, she made me watch cowspiracy, said I’d go vegetarian for a week, turned into months, moved to vegan. Came from the farm, uncle owned a dairy farm, father worked at the abattoir. Hunted as a kid, rabbits for dog food, totally seen both sides of the coin. I doubt there will ever be a stage I eat meat again, yes I’m tired of answering questions from omnis, no I don’t tell people unless we are out for dinner and it obviously comes up. I feel veganism is one of the kindest things you could possibly do (also register as an organ donor and donate blood as often as possible!). Its not about us, it’s about being kind to nature so don’t sink to the low arguments with people that will never agree, do answer questions honestly and openly if asked, b12 you absolutely must supplement, get involved in gardening and cooking, just let that spider in your bathroom hang out and most of all, im proud of you if you’re in this journey too 🌿

10:46 UTC


Fertilizer problematic

Hello fellow Vegans, i had a lot of descussions and ive read a lot about the meat and diary industry.

Every single point from pro meat eaters etc. i can disprove so far or show other ways. The only thing that makes sense to me, is that animal feces are needed as fertilizer. With the ammount of food that is produced we still beed the feces.

My question. Is this true? Or are the other ways to get a reliable outcome with other fertilizers? Can we really produce enough food for everyone when we cut the animal industry?

PS. Sorry for my english, i hope u guys can understand me.

10:23 UTC


Easy breakfast

09:47 UTC


Nongassy microgreens

I read microgreens can be an ungassy amino source. Red cabbage microgreens was the top suggestion and there was a warning that brocolli microgreens cab cause gas. Is there a list of ungassy microgreens that are ample amino sources and how many we'd need to get enough for a daily allowance for females or males. I one daily allowances aren't exact but realize many vegans eventually show symptoms of lacking aminos so I don't want to just assume I need a very small amount and accidentally suffer. Any clues?

09:21 UTC


Ungassy Aminos

I looked this up and will try to ask a doctor. Lately, I'm more sensitive to some things and need to find a least gassy amino source, but I have some challenges.

First, I'm still working on my kidney lymphatic system so nuts and seeds with all the virus break me out.

Second, tempeh sounds good as grains make me gassy, and it looks like other things like lentils and garbanzos are gassier. Nevertheless, I saw some is with wheat which gives me gas or buckwheat and that binds me up very badly. I need to stay away from plastics and the only local organjc tempeh is with plastic.

Is there a safe way make organic soy tempeh at home?

08:50 UTC


Cliff Grant, legendary activist, on the importance of being non-judgemental

07:36 UTC


Sage not plant based bistro.. Calling CA vegans!

So I just saw sage, the restaurant who has always claimed to be “kind” make a switch to using regenerative farming and bringing meat on their menus now. The way this woman talks is so fake, Mollie, who co owns the restaurant. Well I had no idea that her parents own Cafe Gratitude and Gracias Madre too! (Both vegan restaurants) And back in 2015 showcased how they’re abandoning the vegan lifestyle and started having a cattle ranch where they eat the cows and drink their milk! So crazy. Anyone else see all the news about sage ?

07:14 UTC


Just finished pignorant. Wowww…..

I am so distraught. I am so inspired. I am ready to spread the word. Together we can move mountains, together we can turn this world into something great. I’m 18, went Vegan at 15 and I am ready to dedicate my life to this cause. I will not just sit in silence and let this happen without a fight, without an argument. This is fucking awful. We should not let this happen. There is no such thing as HUMANE SLAUGHTER. No such thing…

06:49 UTC


Vegan in Greece

Good "morning" everyone ♥

In June I will visit Greece for 2 weeks - the island Kos to be exactly. I was wondering if anyone maybe knows some Vegan brands I can look out for, like for in the grocery store etc. I already checked happy cow and trip advisor for where to go for restaurants, but if anyone knows good places or has recommendations, please share them :)

Thank you in advance.

06:13 UTC


Vegan Snacks and Meal ideas

Hello Vegans

I know I am not Vegan but there is a girl I really like who is a Vegan. I come from a Hispanic household which sucks cause animal and meat products is our culture. She is coming over to my house and I wanted to find some Vegan options for them! I really care alot about them and I have some ideas which are below but please give me some advice! I want to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

Snacks -nuts -crasins -Some white cheddar popcorn (Found out that SkinnyPop has one that is Vegan friendly). -regular popcorn -Candy (Sour Patch Kids, sour spaghetti, etc.)

Meals -Ramen (I can make a good Vegan one that isn't boring.) -Rice and beans -Soup -Spanish Rice

Please give me any suggestions!

05:15 UTC


Invited to a Renaissance festival - Should I say no?

My friends invited me to a Ren faire and I'm conflicted on whether or not it would be okay to go as a vegan, so I wanted to hear from others.

I've never been to one. I've heard they can be full of leather, meat and other animal parts. If that's the case think I could do my best to just avoid getting near them. I could bring my own food and leave it in my friend's car if outside food isn't allowed. I think my main concern is that there's probably going to be jousting on horses, as the webpage includes a photo of it. Assuming the jousting is free to see if I buy a ticket, would it be wrong for me to attend? Even if my entire group went to the event (not sure they would), I would refuse and just find something else to do.

On reasons I would like to go: I do like these friends and spending time with them. We like Dungeons and Dragons I'm hoping to see some cool DnD cosplays and such (one of the weekends is fantasy themed). Hopefully there will be events and displays that don't involve animals for me to enjoy (comedy? sword fighting? Maybe, not sure!)

Would it be fine for me to come and do my own thing, or could my money contribute to animal exploitation in a way that makes it unjustifiable for me to go? Not sure if there's a concrete answer to attending events that have animal entertainment as an option. I know it's been discussed before but I thought it'd be ok for me to open it up again.

05:01 UTC


New to veganism - emotions are all over the place

Hi! I am trying out veganism for a second time. I’m pretty much already a vegetarian for the most part and have been for a while.

I’ve seen some really disturbing videos including dairy is scary and dominion. Both of which have genuinely brought me so much sadness and anger and frustration. I don’t know what to do with all of these emotions or how to handle them. I feel so angry at the dairy and meat industries and at the same time just feel so helpless. Is this a common experience for a lot of other vegans who are just making the switch?

03:49 UTC


dietary restrictions force me to go vegan, i have no idea what to do.

hi guys, i recently found out i have an intolerance to animal protein that developed in adulthood. i’m 22 and for the last year or so i have been experiencing excruciating bloating, and finally figured out it’s caused by meat and other animal products. i know this probably isn’t what you want to hear on a vegan subreddit, but i don’t want to be vegan and i wish so badly i didn’t have to be. at least right now. im a full time college student (16 credits, engineering major, so school is pretty rough) and currently live with my family. my family home is of 6 people including me, so dinner time is already difficult enough making enough food for everyone. we’re also wyomingites, so meat is the main course of every single meal. that’s just the norm here. there are no vegan restaurants in my town, i’m lucky to get a vegetarian menu at one of the local mexican restaurants. i’m so lost. i have no idea what to eat. salads and vegan frozen meals aren’t exactly cutting it. my family has never cooked a vegan meal in their life, and neither have i. the recipes online are all based on healthy living and whatnot, and they look absolutely disgusting. i am still able to eat fish, the proteins in sea food don’t bother me currently. but there’s a good chance i soon wont be able to eat that. please help me. what do you guys eat that isn’t just a ton of bean sprouts and avocado shoved in a green tortilla and labeled “vegan burrito”??? there is no way you all only eat those healthy recipes google is showing me. i just miss food that tastes good. any advice is greatly appreciated. thank you

02:52 UTC


Vegan places in Italy?

Hello! I am from TX and this summer I will be performing some concerts in Italy this summer in Tuscany! (Yay!) I want to know if anyone has any restaurant recommendations or what to say to veganize certain dishes. Heck even just common things to buy in a grocery store. I mostly likely will be there for 2 weeks. Thank you!

02:13 UTC


Working at a defense company

I need some advice after doing some reflecting on my current situation. I've been vegan for 4 years and have been working at my current job for 5 years (defense company). I feel very comfortable here and the pay is much better than other engineering fields in my area. I knew that it was hypocritical of me to be vegan for the animals but at the same time work on things that would be used to kill people. When I first got this job I had a very hard time landing anything, so I kinda just stuck to it and turned a blind eye to it. A friend recently asked me how I can work in this field and be vegan at the same time and that got me thinking and now I'm not sure what to do. The easy answer would be to just find another job in a different field but it would feel like I'm restarting my career. I've put so much time and effort and refined my skills to suit this company. The benefits are also great which is important because I will be starting a family soon. I feel bad saying this but it would also mean a huge pay cut if I switched to a different field.

01:36 UTC


If you went from being a meat eater > Vegan. You guys are my motivation

I was brought up in a vegetarian household. All of my family follows Jainism which does not permit consumption of meat. However, dairy is fine ok to consume in moderation. I have been contemplating going vegan for a while but never fully made up my mind up until recently. I thought about you guys, if you guys can go from eating meat all your lives to using no animal products whats stopping me? I just have to make small adjustments and my diet is already vegetarian so it wont be such a big deal. I have immense respect for all of you and for sticking to your beliefs. My wife has also decided to go vegan with me and I am very excited and happy that we chose this path!

P.S I already had to argue a few times with my parents because they think we cant get proper nutrition without dairy. They’ll come around

Edit - we never ate eggs anyway, so its just the dairy we have to cut.

01:17 UTC

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