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Learning and sharing information to aid in emergency preparedness as it relates to both natural and man-made disasters. Discussion for those preparing to weather day-to-day disasters as well as catastrophic events. Insurance for tough times.

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What we will be discussing:

A place to share information on emergency preparedness as it relates to disasters both natural and man-made.

Would you survive in the event of economic, political and social collapse? What natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes or hurricanes are prevalent in your area? What can you do? What should you be doing now? What do you need to know/have?

This is a community for those who think that it's better to be safe than sorry, and that we need to start preparing now.

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451,074 Subscribers


Looking for a new weekend pack

Hey guys, I work on a bridge less barrier island on the weekends and bring a back pack with me but the current one is getting pretty uncomfortable so I’m in the market for a new one. Granted I don’t have a high budget for some of those nice ones I see linked occasionally, I am looking for key words to search for something with a firm back (for example I don’t want to feel my bottle jabbing me in the back when I sit) extra points if you have links to decent packs under $50! Naturally I’d like something water proof/resistant but beggars can’t be choosers and this would double as a prepper pack in the case I ever need it it stays in the truck

Thanks all in advance I know the post is a mess!

18:32 UTC


Which prep items can I store in an uninsulated attic?

I just moved back to USA from our time stationed overseas and I’m accumulating prep items. I live in a small townhouse with one basement storage room and an uninsulated attic space. I welcome advice about which items can withstand weather fluctuations (wind up radio/charger? Canned food? First aid stuff?) and which should have the premium basement storage spot (batteries?)

Thank you!

16:58 UTC


Often over looked items in a go/bug out bag?

I know you have your basic items but what are overlooked items that could make your situation worse?

I mean this in terms of something like a natural disaster and you need to evacuate, etc.

16:44 UTC


Budget pack recommendations


Wanting to grab some packs around the 50l-60l size for go bags. On a budget and wondering about solid low cost options anyone might have?!


16:40 UTC


3D Printer as a Prep Item?

I rarely post in this sub but wanted to spring attention to 3D printing.

I think in the event of a disaster, being able to create your parts (either by downloading a lot of files you might need in the future or creating your own with free CAD software) would be really useful. It does take power to use but for those who might have a little higher of a power budget (solar, batteries, generator, etc.) I have a feeling that they could be very useful.

Plastics are fairly cheap and easy to store since they come vacuum-sealed. There are also many types of plastics that can be used for different purposes like PLA/PLA+ for non-toxic purposes, TPU for any malleable objects that need that rubber-type object, or Carbon Fiber/Glass Filled Nylon for those who need those extra strong prints.

Plus 3D Printers have become so cheap and there are different entry points for those who are beginners or experienced for that matter.

This probably leans more towards prepping for doomsday rather than Tuesday but I can see value in both. I would love to hear other's opinions on this topic!

Edit: typo

16:33 UTC


Solar panel rookie here

Looking to get into some solar panels and curious the easiest way to go about it. If we're going to be anything it should be efficient. What are the best solar panels, best brand, easiest way to do the Inverters and storage. If I wanted to rig something up "off grid" get it involved with my house. Who would I go about doing all that in the most simple way explained as possible lol

15:54 UTC


Big generator, or small?

So, I imagine that without a serious amount of fuel on hand, a gas/diesel generator is a short to medium term item. We recently swapped out our 3500w for a 7500w, but of course this means higher fuel consumption, and a lower likelyhood of being truly efficient because we would rarely require all 7500w (even accounting for surge requirements)

Now I'm considering a second small generator, for longer term use. We usually loose power for 1- 5 days each winter, so the big one is fine, but if it was 2 - 3 weeks, I ain't running it unless I need it...

Edit: I like the comments about solar, but it would be unreliable at best at our current location: in the foothills, heavily treed, and near constant clouds/rain in winter. The battery bank that goes with it might be more valuable in our specific case.

15:48 UTC


EVERY apocalypse skill

Im new to prepping and i want to learn a bunch of new skills, so i wrote down every single one i could possibly imagine please feel free to add to or critique the list Skills Medical

  • Suturing
  • Medicine
  • First aid
  • Surgery
  • Veterinary
  • Pre/Post natal care
  • Dentistry
  • Physiotherapy
  • Corpse disposal


  • Soap making
  • Brick making
  • Tool making
  • Leather craft
  • Whittling/wood carving
  • Candle making
  • Oil making
  • Blacksmithing
  • Net making
  • Basket weaving
  • Hide tanning
  • Pottery
  • Wood curing
  • Concrete making
  • Glass making/blowing
  • Paper making
  • Chemical production
  • Weaving
  • Hand sewing
  • Shoe making
  • Rope/yarn/thread making
  • Charcoal making
  • Knitting
  • Blade sharpening
  • Knots
  • Sheltermaking


  • Carpentry
  • HVAC
  • Auto mechanics
  • Electronics
  • Computer science
  • Plumbing
  • Appliance repair
  • Locksmithing
  • Construction
  • Metalworking
  • Bicycle maintenance
  • Logging
  • Pest control
  • Trail building


  • Water purification
  • Threshing
  • Vegetable gardening
  • Tree surgery
  • Fruit gardening
  • Yogurt making
  • Cheese making
  • Butchery skills
  • Foraging
  • Herb craft
  • Animal husbandry
  • Composting
  • Food preservation
  • Freeze drying
  • Food dehydration
  • Fishing
  • Trapping
  • Hunting
  • Irrigation
  • Alcohol making
  • Maple syrup making
  • Pickling
  • Canning
  • Cooking
  • Live fire cooking
  • Vinegar making
  • Flour making
  • Yeast making
  • Beekeeping


  • Psychology
  • Sociopath/lair identification
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Teaching
  • Basic math
  • Basic science
  • Mental compartmentalization
  • Problem solving
  • Leadership
  • Languages
  • Fasting


  • Hairstyling
  • Urban combat tactics
  • Marksmanship
  • Parkour
  • Climbing
  • Navigation
  • Star navigation
  • Radio operation
  • Dog training
  • Horseback riding
  • Bow skills
  • Meteorology
  • Music
  • Stealth camping
  • Poison control
  • Horse training
15:20 UTC


Edge of Collapse by Kyla Stone for prep tips

I’m currently listening to the Edge of Collapse series on Audible and besides being a great dramatic story about the early days of an EMP attack on the United States (rural Michigan) - there are plenty of tips for this specific scenario. The author did extensive research into an EMP scenario and survival after the fact so her characters often describe practical solutions to things like clean water, sanitation, emergency situations, medical and basic civics in a SHTF scenario such as this.

Just a tip for readers like myself that enjoy learning and a gripping story at the same time!

13:39 UTC


How can I yesty wheat berries to know if they are still safe to eat?

I stored them in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers 12 years ago.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

13:18 UTC


What’s your plan for all the roosters in the hen house?

My husband and I were discussing a shtf situation. We know we are the place that others are bugging out to. It’s going to look like thanksgiving. We figure on around 40 people. With those people come a lot of different personalities.

I have no doubts on who will want to lead, follow, and get out of the way. The issues that I see are the people that are going to want to lead. I’m guessing about 4/5 guys and 2 gals.

Do you plan on a “my house my rules “ approach? A collective agreement? A “this is what needs to be done who wants the job? A “you don’t work you don’t eat”? So many different ways to handle things. Even me and the hubs disagree on the best approach. Your thoughts?

13:12 UTC


Prepping for off grid

Watching bear independent and I saw him talking about grid down and the grid fragility. How susceptible are we I truly don't know . I am thinking though that people should have a back up generator and if you can solar generator. What other preps are you guys doing out there?

12:57 UTC


What is going on in here?

What is up with all of the crazy posts lately?! “Let’s use AI on my computer during SHTF” or “why don’t more people have pet falcons?” What ever happened to just discussing the basics like how to get water and filter it or how to grow enough food or what’s in a bug out bag? Why is this evolving into “well I’ll just use my computer when things go bad”? It seems like there’s extra silliness going on when we are discussing using raptors for hunting and relying on AI in an emergency instead of gaining realistic and useable knowledge. It’s like people are trying to find ridiculous ways to cut corners instead of just learning skills.

12:13 UTC


All metal trailer (utility trailer), cant this work as a makeshift faraday cage?

Let me set the table.

I have a 6x12 enclosed utility trailer with no windows, a drop ramp gate and a side door. All which latch pretty tightly sealed. The trailer is constructed of mostly aluminum and thin steel sheeting.

Would this be a good place to store a generator and maybe a solar system? For SHTF day.

trailer looks just like this one.

11:48 UTC


Running LLM/AI locally on your computer?

I got the idea that in a shtf situation it would be good to have some AI that could provide you with information, calculate some things mathematically and other important things that AI can do. How about setting up a local AI on your computer? What are your thoughts

08:45 UTC


I feel like falconry is underrepresented in SHTF discourse. It basically feeds itself and can also feed you. Also a mating pair will reproduce and technically they are free if you’re brave enough.

Yes I know their ownership is heavily regulated and cost-prohibitive as well it should be for both ethical and ecological reasons, but I’m talking about an extreme post-government collapse type situation. Also you could definitely use the hatchlings for trade or just have a massive personal raptor Air Force which would be pretty rad. Just interested in some light hearted discussion.

07:32 UTC


How to make a common/daily go bag?

As a day to day bag in the city, what would invetory looks like if you needed a daily bag to commute to work or an event. Living right at city edge and commonly walk to and along the river which has smaller parks and woods along it. I jog it alot but other days it a causual walk, its 15miles both sides. I do off terrian walks as well. Would would be need if i had to hastly run/walk back home if SHTF?

05:29 UTC


What’s in your grab-and-go bag?

In a natural disaster, what’s in your emergency bag?

05:01 UTC


What differentiates your bug out bag from your WUSH bag?

Do you put different items in each bag? Do you store them in different places? Any details you can provide would be helpful

Thank you

04:56 UTC


Fat evolved for preppers

Saturated fat, brown fat, white fat, unsaturated fat, muscle.

Our bodies evolved to put on fat for precisely the reason of getting through hard times. But wouldn't muscle be more useful?

Yet when fat is mentioned, everyone says fat is bad, and better to be fit; avoiding the question and conflating fat types.

Why not aim for fat and fit? Is it because you don't think it exists? Granted it's rare; fat is usually a sign of other health troubles, like insulin resistance and low muscle.

TDLR; I'm hungry and don't want to fast. Please give me an excuse so I can go home and eat some pies.

03:13 UTC


Emergency Evacuation - Items to Gather List

My hometown's local library just re-shared an emergency evacuation packing list to help those preparing for a large and growing fire near Chico, CA named the Park Fire. Years ago, the neighboring town of Paradise, CA was nearly decimated by the Camp Fire.

Here is the link: Emergency Evacuation Items to Gather

If you choose to engage via social media, please be compassionate as this community has been through a lot.

01:31 UTC


Best Generator Fuel?

Looking at getting a generator to power up the essentials in the event of a prolonged power outage (heaters, fridges/freezer, a few lights). Gasoline is the most common type, but I don’t want to get into storing large amounts of gasoline on my property. It goes stale fairly quickly and is subject to moisture issues due to condensation so I’d have to keep rotating it through my vehicles. I was thinking about propane because you can store it for years. But I’ve learned that a 20lb tank will only run a generator for 5-6 hours so I’d have to have a lot of tanks (or get bigger ones). I’ve also seen some that will run on natural gas. But what’s the chances that gas distribution infrastructure would not be affected by a power outage as well?

21:54 UTC


Working on a get out plan

I am working on a get out plan for my family. I understand that the plans will be somewhat different for each scenario, but what are some universal tips you would give to someone making a plan?

I know where we would go, I have essential first aid as well as plate carriers in each of my vehicles, a "go bag" that goes everywhere I go, and ammo prepped and ready to go if need be

20:13 UTC


Bit of a RL SHTF playing out - what i'm learning, what i'm doing different next time

I am near Missoula MT - not making national news, but we got a freak storm of hurricane force winds last night topping 109mph and some personal weather stations showing crazy/unprecedented hurricane force stuff. We have major US highways that were blocked. Lots of streets impassible. Major trees down all over houses, lots of people with trees in living rooms etc. Smashed cars everywhere. Power stations blew up all over, caused fires and rivers have downed power lines across them. Lots of people still have power, but the main outage is big - more people without than with. Quoting days with no estimate of when exactly power will be back. It also started more forest fires - unclear how bad that is. I watched one flame up 10 miles away (could see it from my house) and people near it were concerned with crews handling everything else, that some fires aren't getting attention - i don't think that's actually the case though. The city has been putting out statements that their septic and water are running on backup, and people should not water lawns etc. Travel restrictions everywhere. Some people in the city are freaking out a bit over this.

This is MT and we're all little bit of independent or even prepper attitude, but i'm amazed especially at people near Missoula who are saying things on FB like "I need to mix formula for my infant and can't" or "when will my kid be able to use his TV/tablet again." There are a lot of people who simply had minor property damage that are just bewildered at what to do / totally lost. I'm sitting here with a genny running and star link, working mostly as a normal day. I have a creek near my house and the wife/kids are getting water for animals from it. We used a irrigation pump to fill a giant stock tank for animals/garden etc. in the yard. We have a pool which I've deemed the bathing zone (no more recreation there - just for baths) for now. I have 2 giant chest freezers, and one chest freezer we turned into a chest fridge last year for when we harvest our large garden. The nice thing about that, is I can run a genny for just 15 minutes a day to keep that chest fridge and stuff all cool. Requires almost nothing. right now we're removing everything from our upright to the chest freezer and fridges. I'm filling an IBC tote with fresh water from someone on a well with power 4 miles away here in a few minutes and that should get us by for almost a week. What I want to do better at / fix before next time:

I want multiple IBC totes / water storage solutions full all the time in a dark/covered area for this situation. I want a gravity feed option from my creek so I can have water even without a pump. I want a genny that will run my own well pump (220v). A few things were out of sorts when the storm hit. Bigger flashlights weren't charged (kid issues there). Some animals were difficult to get sheltered and might have lost some smaller ones. General disorganization of life and things that aren't locatable or not where they belong causing delay in dealing with situations. I see people already price gouging generators and clearing out a couple of local stores. I want more canned goods... I usually have them, but we're at that point where the garden isn't ready to harvest and we used the canned stuff from last year. The bad thing i'm realizing though, is that the garden was half destroyed and if this was a REAL SHTF scenario, we'd be hard pressed to harvest enough food before fall. I also don't have a great way to water my garden i'm realizing now without power. Some of our animal feed stock is low, and that's probably fine THIS time, but it's better to have a buffer. I'd like constant rain storage (totes) off the roof. The bad storm would have easily filled them. The other thing i'm bothered about is I only have about 5 gallons of gas right now, and I don't know if the local gas station is even operating since the power is out for so long or if people are running on it - about to find out. Lots of people running chain saws all over and tractors, and I sit here thinking - if this was worse, what's the chance I get enough gas stocked up to run a genny for longer till we get things figured out/longer term solutions? I'd also like a little bit of basic solar just to easily charge / run DC stuff. It's summer, and so don't really care about hot water, but if this was winter that would be annoying not to have a way to make it other heating it over my wood stove. All in all, we're probably more prep'd for short term issues (weeks or less) than most. But, leaving me feeling like I need to do a LOT better in the future.

Part of me is grateful for this as my wife often didn't take this stuff very seriously. Now a lot of the little things I complain about not being ready for an emergency are impacting her and the kids, and I'm just going - yup, let's make a plan to do better next time.

17:58 UTC


Best head protection for civil disorder and riots.

We've had riots and terrorist activity in the UK recently and more are likely on the way at some point in the future.
Should things go south for long periods, what is the best (and reasonably light) form of head protection against thrown missles such as bricks and stones, and fists and machetes?

17:13 UTC


Just got 50 pounds of rolled oats for practically free.

I do a local co op with a few other people. We split the cost five ways and divide everything. It costs me $40 for the month and we pickup once a week.

Today we got a 50 pound bag of Quaker rolled oats. No one else wanted it, so I got the whole thing. Going to spend the weekend getting it into some Mylar bags.

I also ended up with six cans of corn and six cans of green beans and a bag of rice, all of which I’ll add to my my stock pile. Averaged by the week it was only $10. The veggies would have cost me that much at the grocery store.

Cost wise, that $50 pound bag was practically free.

What we get every weeks varies, but there’s a good chance I’ll get another bag next week.

16:30 UTC


ISO Dry Recipes

I have always thought the various plastic bottles I have would make great meal prep option. Especially those bottles like Gatorade with the large mouths.

The bottles I wish to use are in two sizes, 12oz and 20oz bottles.

The plan is to fill the cleaned, sterilized bottles with the dry goods for the recipes, loosely place the lid and bake in a warm oven about 160(F), then tighten the lid and dip into wax to ensure there is an air tight seal.

I would appreciate thoughts and recipes to fill the bottles for meals. Listing meal name, contents, and how much water to add.


P.S. should I add oxy and moisture eater packets, before tightening the lid?

16:10 UTC


Basics on caring for medium-sized wounds?

Hi, I'm looking to learn more regarding what are the proper steps in first aid for anything more than a simple cut as after my motorbike accident last week, I realized i'm not entirely sure on what to do.
I've spent some time researching and not everyone seems to have the same consensus.

What is the proper steps when dealing with medium-sized wounds?
So far what i've learned to be best is the following steps.

  1. Clean any debris off your wound with sterile water and then a disinfectant

I live in indonesia and dont have stuff like neosporin, so I personally use betadine, is that the same/ok?)

  1. Cover most wounds especially initially until you get the new pink skin formed to keep it moist and free of the outside contaminants.

Should I top off the wound with nothing, vaseline or antiseptic cream before covering with a bandage?

  1. remove the old bandage with a new one once a day or more depending on severity of drainage/ fluids.

3.5 In case of an infection forming what should I do? just keep doing step 3 and let my body deal with it or should I be cleaning it with a disinfectant or just sterile water?

Thanks for any help!
ps. currently concerned about the infection bit as one of my wounds has got an infection, like a thick yellow substance on it, so far ive replaced the bandages twice a day while cleaning it with sterile water, but it doesnt seem to be changing, ive gone to a gp and they've covered it in some bioplacenton (neomycin sulphate + placenta extract) and covered it up, but so far doesnt seem to be improving.

14:52 UTC


12 volt lead acid battery

A couple of years ago I bought a 12 volt battery without the electrolyte in it. It’s stored in plastic containers as it came. It’s a rather large battery made for a tractor and was the only one I could find locally that didn’t have the electrolyte installed. My hope was, in the event of a shtf occasion like emp, that I would have a brand new battery for an emergency solar system. Any thoughts on my planning?
I also bought (2) 100Ah lifePO4 batteries and have left them uncharted.

14:01 UTC


What do you guys reccomend for food?

Looking for affordable food, that Can last a long time. Things such as MRE type meals or buckets of powdered eggs etc. Anybody know any good Brands?And What to buy? Thanks in advance.

13:20 UTC

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