
Photograph via //r/BackYardChickens

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How bad is it to raise a single chick?

Solo chick rescued from bad mother. There are no other hatchlings, so I’m worried about what to do with this chick if we don’t have another hatch in a day or two. How horrible would it be if it was kept alone for awhile?

07:21 UTC


3.5 month old Mottled Java.

Totally new to chickens but one of our 4 girls is starting to look more and more like a roo. She’s the top of the pecking order and I think it’s starting to Crow. We really like this bird and keeps the bullies in check, it’s waddle is defiantly more developed than our other birds, but I know it varies by breed. TIA

03:50 UTC


My rooster makes me not want to go outside

My rooster Reginald is very good to his hens but he always stalks me and attacks my partner. He has never attacked me but stalks and challenges me. What should I do I have a great property and I miss enjoying it outside! I don’t even want to go outside anymore

03:38 UTC


Moving with chickens


I am planning to move at the end of August and have seven chickens I plan to bring with me. Trying to figure out the logistics of it.

I have two dog crates that I plan in splitting them in with bedding, food, and water. I will have a U-Haul truck, and two cars (one driving and one being towed behind the U-Haul). The drive is 10 hours across the western us.

I'm worried about keeping them in the back of the U-Haul and it getting too hot. I have thought about putting them in the SUV that is being towed with the windows down for airflow, but not sure if that will be too hot. The other car will be full with two dogs.

Any advice or much appreciated!


02:52 UTC


Help with nesting box

I live in Florida and it gets too hot in the coop but our broody hen insists I feel hay might be too hot so what's a better material sand? Wood chips? Hay? What should I use?

01:11 UTC


Guinea fowl - how long in brooder?

I have 30 guinea fowl in my barn brooder. They are doing well tripled in size and feathered in approx 3 weeks. How long should I plan on keeping them in the brooder? South Florida so cold night temps are not an issue. I am more concerned with protecting them from predators at this stage.

Also, I have not seen a bird that eats as much as these keets do. They are eating constantly.

01:04 UTC


Today is a good day

I have 20 eight week old babies and three adult hens. My adult hens typically tend to be of the mindset that sitting on moms lap is totally uncool, but today my sweet Fern who follows me around the yard chattering constantly decided to make my day by hopping onto my lap of her own accord to chill for a few minutes. She hasnt done it in months and it never fails to make me happy 🥰 maybe it was a thank ypu for feeding her blueberries this afternoon!

00:56 UTC


Why does she sound like that?

She shows no other(?) sign of illness. Her voice has been like this the last couple weeks. Her first egg is expected to appear in about a month, in terms of age.

1 Comment
00:52 UTC


Mosquito spray

We're day 8 after Beryl in Houston now and the mosquitos are swarming really bad, the worst that I can remember. I have always avoided spraying anything but it's so bad.

I have my chickens in their own run, and they have their own "pasture" out at the back of the property behind chicken wire fence.

In theory, if I locked them up in the coop while I sprayed and gave a wide berth of their run areas (10-20 feet no go zone outside of their fences) do you think it would be ok? My food garden is in another fenced area away from our main backyard.

My poor dog is being devoured along with us although it's worse on him bc we can use OFF. (He's up to date on his heartworm meds)

The product is called Cutter Backyard Bug. I dont even know where this came from but I'm so tempted.

00:26 UTC


What are these white spots on her comb? I also don't know why her neck is bald...

23:28 UTC


We have 13 chickens who are all laying an egg a day now. What should I cook every day with all these eggs!?!?

22:13 UTC


Winter set up

Edit: I am not looking for advice on keeping the chickens warm enough. We have RIR's and they are more comfortable on cool days than hot. But they are our pets that we enjoy just sitting with while they play and they regularly snuggle with us for extended periods of time. I am curious about what others who view their flocks as pets do over the winter to ensure you are not freezing while out with your flock to give them some human love and social time.

We are first time chicken owners and our flock are very much pets to us. We sit with them off and on throughout the day and before bed and they all take turns snuggling. This very much was unanticipated but we love it.

That said, we live in zone 4A and it gets cold.

I'm trying to decide what to do for their setup over winter while I still have plenty of time to implement anything. We have a large, open deck that we've discussed closing in and putting them on so that it's more bearable to go hang out with them. We've also discussed figuring out setting them up either in a small mudroom type space we have that's off the deck or down in the basement since a treadmill is currently in that small room and would be a pain to take down to the basement.

Is there anyone in a cold climate zone that has a flock as pets? What do you do over the winter to ensure you still get to spend time with them, comfortably for them and you?

I know that many don't necessarily view chickens as pets so please don't make fun of me/us. Like I said, this wasn't anticipated that we'd somehow end up with 4 snuggly chickens and we don't want to ignore them all winter and come spring they no longer care about human time. Right now they've met multiple of our friends and snuggled them the first meeting. We'd like to keep them friendly so that it's easier to get friends to be willing to sit for us when we need to go out of town. Plus, who doesn't love chicken snuggles? :)

22:12 UTC


Everyone’s favorite game!!!

Is my Peanut a hen or roo? She’s got the Roo tail since she was little and is brave but I can’t be sure :/

22:04 UTC


How long is too long for eggs in 100 degrees

How long before finding an egg should it be tossed in 100 degree heat?

I found an egg that is prob 2 days old but has been in the shade under the coop. Would yall keep it toss?

21:51 UTC


Does weather affect egg production

Hi! I have 13 laying hens. It’s been rainy lately, causing their run to be muddy and stink. And now all of the sudden they go from laying a dozen a day to half of that if we’re lucky. I’m wondering if there’s a reason or if the rainy muddy-ness could cause them to withhold.

They’re all between 12 months- 2 years old.

20:41 UTC


Chickens stopped laying with no obvious cause... Summer heat?

I've been raising guineas for quite a while, but this is only my second year with chickens, and I'm a bit stumped.

I have three barred rock hens under 2 years old. They've been absolutely amazing layers for the past year, even through the winter. But they all stopped laying entirely about two or three weeks ago, pretty much simultaneously, and I have no idea why.

They seem to be healthy, and I'm not seeing any signs of parasites. They're definitely not too old. They don't appear to be molting. They're not visibly stressed (except for maybe the one hen that seems to be the rooster's favorite and probably needs a saddle). I did change their feed, but only after they'd stopped laying. I did move them into a new larger coop, but that was a couple of months ago, and they were laying just fine for at least a month. When I moved them into the new coop, I also added four pullets that had been in a coop adjacent to the barred rocks' previous coop -- so I wasn't really introducing new birds, just basically removing the screen separating them. And again, my hens continued laying just fine for probably a month afterward. I do have raccoons coming into my yard, but the new coop is far more secure than the old one. I don't think fear of predators would be an issue. I stopped free-ranging the barred rocks after moving them into the new coop (which is fairly spacious), but again, they were laying just fine for at least a month after being moved to the new coop.

So yeah, I changed a number of things, any of which could have contributed to lowered egg production. But the hens were laying just fine for quite some time after all of those changes. And I can't think of anything new or different around the time the hens actually stopped laying. Except the weather.

I'm in the Southeastern US, and it's been fairly hot this summer. But the new coop provides plenty of shade and ventilation. It's actually usually more comfortable in the coop than walking around the yard, and I make sure they always have plenty of fresh water. But the summer heat is the only thing I can think of that might have cause three hens to stop laying simultaneously.

I've consdered I have an egg eater, but I haven't seen any signs of that, either. And I check for eggs multiple times a day and have a ceramic egg in the nesting area.

Any ideas?

20:35 UTC


How to get my chickens to start laying

I bought my flock last week at 18 weeks old. 7 hybrids, 1 brahma and 2 laced wynadottes. I know the Brahma and wynadottes won’t play for a few more months but the hybrids should/could lay any day. Any tips on how to encourage it? I have nest boxes with golf balls in. Any thing else I can do?

19:41 UTC


Escaping chicks

My chicks are about 3 weeks old (estimate?) they keep escaping their brooder. They like to sit on the top and poop off the side and then wonder around my garage. Are they too young to move to a coop? I’m in Arizona also if that matters. This is my first group of chickens, I have 3

19:23 UTC


Silke hen broody

She’s been broody about 15 times before Every time when I haven’t wanted to use her to incubate eggs iv put her in a dog crate in the garage 4 days later she’s fine.

But this time she continues been broody she’s been in the garage for about 2 weeks now. Iv put her back in the coop as it’s was not working

Any advice? Thanks in advance

18:40 UTC

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