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I think my hen might be developing a case of acaly mites. I want to nip this in the bud if it is but also don't want to use motor oil if it isnt is there any other method to dealing with these scoundrels?
We did our first at-home bumblefoot extraction today and I'm curious if any more experienced folks can offer tips on what to look out for afterward over the next couple of weeks.
We have been/will continue doing all the recommended stuff re: daily cleaning, disinfecting, Prid/Neosporin, wrapping, etc. Just curious what else might be good to know, especially any concerning signs from the bird.
Couple of my animals. Scout is the d0g.
Amuse Bouche: Freeze dried meal worm stuffed Colorado Sungold Tomatoes.
*I know this is for chickens, but this forum is way bigger than the duck one...
Our female duck is breathing weird and her back end is pulsing almost like she needs to lay an egg, but we haven't been able to feel anything inside of her so we don't believe she is egg bound. We don't know if she is laying because we have multiple ducks. We have tried soaking her in a warm epson salt bath. She is still eating and drinking normal, pooping normal, her energy level is the same, she doesn't seem sluggish. She still follows our drake around bobbing her head. Her quack is definitely different sounding though. Could she have some sort of respiratory thing going on? We aren't sure what to do. Any suggestions or ideas what is going on with her?
I was feeding earlier and she jumped up on me (only chicken I got that actually enjoys being handled) and I noticed her feathers missing on her underside
We got our girls (four chickens and two ducks) at the end of March from TSC the week before Easter. Our "friend" "helped" us construct a coop (read: this person has turned out not to be a friend, they didn't really help, and it's much more of a shanty than a coop. We will be revamping it). But, essentially, our birds have been more or less truly free range in the yard. They have been able to get out and skulk around our property to get bugs, and we give scratch and fruit/nut/bug treats. The chickens roost in a tree branch hanging over our deck, and the ducks sleep on the deck so they can honk at me first thing in the morning.
We have a friend who got birds two weeks after us, and has already gotten eggs. Either ours haven't been laying, or they are just hiding them super well? I've searched all our tall grass around the fenced yard and I cand find any! Our next step is to crawl under the deck...
Our black Sumatra loves to sit on eggs so I let her and this little one was hatched today. She wasn’t sitting on any of her own eggs so I’m not sure what breed this one is (dad is an “Easter egger” for sure because our only other rooster is a Sumatra/silkie cross and the chick would look totally different if he was dad) but I thought this photo was too precious not to share!
Having chickens means literally picking up poop twice a day. And a lot more than a dog.
Pretty sure I have at least 3 roosters out of my 7 new sexed female chicks from Murray McMurray. 2 are crowing and one of my cuckoo marans is massive. My americaunas look very suspicious right now in their feather development, thankfully I have their loud mouthed brother to compare them too (white in back) and I feel better that they’re hens. The problem is I live in town and can’t have roosters. No one wants roosters. Now I have to kill roosters. We’re going to process them and put them in the freezer if I can’t find a home by Friday. This is the part of chicken ownership that sucks. I’m also frustrated because I’ve bought female chicks from other hatcheries and they were all actually female. Now I have to do the whole gross processing thing and feel bad about it.
Here are my leftovers. I love them so much. I am super paranoid now.
my pullet coop was breached and i lost all but one red, so i bought two from a farm so she could have friends in her age group. i asked for two random. look how beautiful this brahma is!
I put her in this in order to bandage her leg and for some reason she looks very comfortable, she hasn't fought or put up a fuss at all
A young chicken flew into our backyard yesterday. It slept there and has been grazing all day today. We have cats that get in our backyard often and we're scared something might happen to it. Also our HOA doesn't allow farm animals in our property so we can't keep it even though it's super cute.
Anyone around here living in Southeast Dallas near Seagoville missing a chicken? DM me if you're missing a chicken and want it back.
Two weeks back i posted about my 8 year old Ameraucuna that was perfectly healthy and strong but was attacked by a hawk. I was in the area and immediately fought it off but she got slammed pretty hard against a fence. There was no outward apparent damage to her but she went into a state of shock and closed both eyes for about 2 days while i isolated her and kept her safe. She’s opened her eyes and has been acting more. normal and independent, however all indications are she is blind now (finger test, light test, etc). Vet assumes she had some sort of hemorrage or nerve issue that affected eyesight.
One eye appears more dilated than the other eye but there is no actual visible damage. Both eyes remain still more dilated than normal and don’t react to light. She’s been able to now know where her food and water is in the nesting area where we leave her but no real evidence she can see. SHe’s pooping, doens’t look totally normal but good enough i guess…
It’s been two weeks and I’ve read that sometime it can take several weeks to months and eyesight could return. Anyone have such experience? I’m happy she’s figuring out a way to eat and drink but i feel so bad for her. I will struggle with a workable setup once it gets to winter time since it is hard to keep water warm inside the coop. (Just added a ramp and hopfully she can learn to go in and out of the run with it….)
Any experiences to share about chickens losing eyesight and then regaining it? Would love to hear….