
Photograph via snooOG

A place where LGBTeens and LGBT allies can hang out, get advice, and share content!


A place where LGBT teens and their surrounding peoples can find support and love!

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  • Get Support!, Suicide is a very serious matter; it cannot be undone. If you're feeling suicidal, you need to talk to someone. Even if there is no one in real life, there are thousands of teenagers who feel the same way and can talk you out of it. Or, if you would rather talk to an adult, there's /r/suicidewatch. Suicide is never the best solution. Remember that you are loved, always.
  • GLBT National Hotline: 1-888-843-4564
  • GLBT Youth Hotline: 1-800-246-7743
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[discussion] [crushes] how do I tell my guy friend of seven years I want to be more than friends?

We have a pretty long and confusing history, so I’ll keep it as short as possible but I’ll try not to leave out the important stuff. We met in elementary school and ever since we’ve been best friends, it’s hard to recall the first time I realized I liked him but if I had to assume I would say it was the day before he and his family moved to a different state. That day me and him experimented a little (I don’t exactly feel comfortable talking about the stuff that we did in depth so I’ll just be using “experimented”) and that was the first time I did anything like that with anyone, it was also the first time I genuinely felt anything for anyone. After he moved, he and his family would visit, and when me and my family would go on camping trips he would usually tag along. During these visits and camping trips we would go somewhere secluded, or just away from other people, and we would experiment. He and his family eventually moved back last year, but then that same year my family and I moved houses. When me and my family first moved houses me and him would talk on and off, but now we call almost every day for hours and he comes over on the weekends, Im also going to end up at the same school as him since he’s moving once again but much closer to me this time. We have a pretty stable and good friendship overall. Two weeks ago he came over for the weekend and he decided to sleep over. For majority of the day we just listened to music and hung out and at 12 AM we took a two hour long walk to the train tracks near my house. We spent the whole two hours walking on the tracks, looking at the stars, the moon, stuff like that. On our walk back I gave him a subtle hint that I was genuinely into him, he more or less brushed off what I was trying to say as me just being stupid basically, granted, the subtle hint was actually kinda stupid and I don’t blame him but I almost started crying, not because of his response but because I genuinely struggled finding the right words to say and I hated myself for not properly communicating my feelings towards him. I don’t want to drop subtle hints, I want to actually tell him how I feel, even if he doesn’t like me back I just want him to know I like him but I also don’t know how to tell him without putting him or myself in an awkward position. I really hope everything I just said makes sense and someone can help me cause I’m dying out here lmao.

03:01 UTC


Looking for advice [family/friends]

Looking for advice

Hi! I (17 m) “attempted” to come out to my mom tonight and she didn’t take it the best. I tried to be honest and sincere but I had to play it off as a joke in the end, she said that if I wasn’t joking it would have ruined our vacation coming up :/ I would love any advice or ideas anyone has!!!

03:01 UTC


What do I Do [Crushes]

I’ve got an intense crush on this guy that I’ve been friends with for three years. I don’t know if I should confess how I feel because I’m afraid that it’ll make him uncomfortable and he’ll distance himself from me. And my biggest fear is the fear of losing him if I tell him. I know he’s not homophobic because I told him I was gay and he was supportive. I just don’t know what to do right now because how I feel is eating me up and makes me feel like I’m lying to him about something. I also don’t want to ask him if he’s straight or not because I came out to him a month ago and me asking that would 100% tip him off. I just want him to know how I feel. If he is straight then I’d be more than happy to stay friends with him and if he wants something more then I’d also be fine with it. I just want him to be happy.

17:50 UTC


What should I do? [Rant] [Help]

Hi there! My name is Ev and i am a closet gay living in a strict christian society. If you are caught being gay, making weird jokes, having sex before marriage, or even watching an older movie, you get brought to our minister so they can "save" you from eternal damnation. Everyone is kind, but being gay is unheard of. This is where my problem starts.

I have told nobody that I am gay. nobody. Except for my best friend that i will love to the end, Ashlyn. she and I are mostly open to each other, and i even wonder sometimes if she is lesbien. and if she is, I would support her so much. But anyways, I have a few other friends then her, and half are guys, half are girls. We are what you would call the cool kids (Ashlyn's words, not mine). we are fairly delinquent and we get detentions fairly often, one time i got a suspension for making "innapropiate jokes"(b.s. by the way). i've known I was gay since I was fairly young and i am a BL fanboy. I do everything at home on my own, in my room and life has been bearable. But we got a new kid in my class last year. His name was zack. The first day he walked in, I fell in love.

I am average in almost everything. My grades, looks, etc. i have quite a few friends and i've been told i have a great personality and i'm easy to talk to. But for some reason, I couldn't say anything to this boy. He was funny, and incredibly blunt, but after a year of working hard, i managed to become an honorary member of their sporty guy group. They were all very athletic and half of them hated me while the others liked me. But i didn't care, I was only there for Zack. but as much as i tried and tried. i couldn't stop loving him. My parents and siblings would try to change me if they knew I was gay, and all my friends are homophopic(even zack)except Ashlyn. everyday is making it even harder for me to live here. i hate it here, Zack and almost all my friends and family would look down on me if they knew. Its suffocating me and i dont know what to do. I can't run away, I can't stop being friends with them, since then i would be lonely. i know zack cares about me, but he would never like me like that. I need advice on how to keep on living here. What should i do?

01:05 UTC


Need some help with sexuality [Discussion]

I've (17, Agender) been going on a back and forth about my sexuality for about a year ago. I've known I was gay for a good while, but something happened that made me realize I liked girls too (i'm amab). Some time later, I hadn't felt that feeling again and dismissed it, thinking I had mistaken it for aesthetic attraction. Then it came back.

I've been stuck on this back and forth for a year and I've only now realized that while I'm consistently attracted to guys, my feelings towards girls tend to fluctuate.

Is there an hyper-specific term for consistent attraction to guys and fluid attraction to girls? Thanks :)

23:27 UTC


How Do I Stop Gay Thoughts? [discussion]

Hi! Sorry I know the title is very broad I wasn’t sure how to phrase what I’m asking in short form. I recently made an alt account to discuss some things and thought I would ask a question here while I’m at it!

Anyway, I’m 18 and a boy and sometimes have thoughts abt other men. I prefer women and have only ever dated women. I avoid anything sexual cause it makes me kind of uncomfortable but that is with anyone, not just girls. Basically I feel very guilty about these thoughts because sometimes I’ll have them about friends I am close with. I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this and I honestly am not trying to cause any conflict by asking this but; can I get rid of these thoughts? They make me feel uncomfortable and guilty so I would much rather just not feel this way but its very distracting.

Thanks, and if this is not the right place to ask this just let me know. I totally understand and will l take my post down, i just didn’t know where else to ask as I can’t do it in person! ❤️

1 Comment
20:01 UTC


What i am if... [Discussion]

What i am if I feel romantical attraction for boys and girls, but just feel few to no sexual attraction in girls? Like, I can just imagine having sexual relationships with people i create in my mind and not with real life people. 🐢

18:22 UTC


[Coming Out] My Thoughts Are Split, And I Really Need Some Help…

I have been struggling with my sexual orientation for a couple years now, and just recently the idea of me possible being trans has popped into my head. As of posting this, I am a possibly bi, pan, or gay male (still struggling with sexual interest). I currently have a boyfriend as of posting this, and I'm absolutely petrified how he will react when, or if I tell him who I really am, because he has no interest at all with females. I have a few trans friends at the minute and I've been asking around for some guidance, advice, and personal experience from them. Though they have been helpful, and if its not too much to ask, I would like to ask some of you wonderful folks for your advice, or personal experiences with becoming trans. And also how did you open up to your parents about the news, i was planning on talking to my parents, but that was before I thought that i might be trans. Thank you kindly!

14:34 UTC


[Rant] I'm so tired of being asked when I'll 'get over' being gay

I just needed to vent about something that's been bothering me lately. I was talking to a 'friend' the other day and they asked me when I would 'get over' being gay. Like, what even is that supposed to mean? Do they think being gay is something I can just 'get over' like a cold or a bad habit? It's so frustrating to deal with people who don't understand that my sexuality is a part of who I am.

09:13 UTC


[Coming Out] coming out as a varsity football player in a catholic school… please help

So I’m 17 recently come out as gay (real fuckin original) and am struggling with relationships. Basically my problem is that i would describe myself as somewhat like a classic jock. Absolutely nobody could pin me down as gay. I’m on the football team and am a pretty hunky guy with my lifts being the highest in the school. (Ik I sound like a douche but I’m just trying to give outside perspective.)

Anyways I don’t really know what I’m doing on fucking Reddit, I’m just so desperate to be able to talk to someone abt it. I’ve come out to my parents (super loving albeit far from comprehending) and don’t know how to handle my friends. I can’t talk to anyone about it and it’s impossible to find a guy that’s my type. I don’t want a guy who is caricature gay and I want someone a little more conservative and similar to me in aforementioned ways (just my opinion, free country and I respect everyone’s decisions).

All my friends are very straight (so am I if h asked them) so I don’t know how to handle it. Like i really really want a boyfriend and I hate hiding things from people. Ultimately I think those who truly matter will stick with me but I’ve still got another year of hs and football and Catholics school drama might kill me. I’m somewhat jealous of people who have already had more “gay” friend groups where they already seemed gay and are able to openly talk about attractions etc.

It’s not like I’m trying to make my sexuality public knowledge, but it’s just hard keeping such a big secret, especially being a conservative varsity football player at a catholic school. Please give any advice or ask questions… I’m just desperate to talk to anybody about it. I feel like I’m going insane. (Obviously I am… I turned to Reddit. 🙃)

02:50 UTC


How can I help my friend get out of her abusive household? [discussion] (TW⚠️: SA and SH)

[Discussion] My friend is in an abusive household and I need advice on how I can help her. [⚠️TW: SH, SA]

So, My friend is living in an abusive household, with a narcissistic sibling, an abusive and homophobic, father and a neglectful mother.

For a couple years, she’s been struggling with some mental health problems, mainly trauma from sexual assault, and attempted suicide a few months ago. She has almost nobody to support her except for me and her girlfriend she’s trying a few times to talk to her parents about it, but they just passed it off like it’s a phase and she’s just doing it for attention and shamed her for it.

Her sister, who is downright psychologically abusive does whatever she can to make her life worse in any way, usually by snitching to her extremely strict parents. She also constantly says horrible things to her to make her feel bad about herself and her body.

My friend’s parents usually refused to spend very much money on her, even though her sister gets pretty much everything she wants by whining and complaining and throwing tantrums. (My friend is 15 and her sister is 16)

Recently, she started a romantic relationship with one of her best friends who is also a girl and she’s been keeping it completely secret from her parents, obviously because they’re extremely homophobic. a while ago, her sister managed to find out somehow that they were dating and is threatening to tell her parents. I’m afraid that she’s going to blackmail my friend.

Really the only people that she has right now are me and her girlfriend,and if her parents found out, she wouldn’t let her see her girlfriend anymore so that would be one less person there to support her.

If her parents do find out, I’m not quite sure what would happen. her mom is a little more accepting, but her dad would be absolutely furious. He’s rarely physically abusive, but I’m afraid that he might hurt her.

Really the only way to deal with this is to just get her out of her families house because she’s not cared for at all there Really the only way to deal with this is to just get her out of her families house because she’s not cared for at all there.

obviously, when she turns 18, she is going to move out, but I’d feel like she might not be able to make it another three years, so me and her girlfriend have been thinking about if she could live with one of us which would be totally possible to arrange but I’m worried about the backlash that it will cause between her parents and maybe even the police because she is only 15 and she’s not legally able to leave her family until she’s 18.

Where we live, child protective services are basically useless so there’s no point in calling them because they wouldn’t do anything and her parents would be mad at her.

Im not sure if this would matter but we are pretty sure she is on the autism spectrum, but her parents refused to take her to the doctor to be tested, so she’s not legally diagnosed.

I really don’t know what else to do at this point. If any of you have some advice on helping her get away from her family, please help me out.

02:15 UTC


I have a crush on my friend [Crushes]

I have a crush on one of my friends, we talk every day, in call and text. At first it was nice being around her, it's still nice, but lately, I get kind of upset if I talk to her too much. I get jealous easily if she mentions a guy or girl, and I try my best to be fine with it because we're not together. We have a running joke that we're married, and when she calls somebody else her wife, I get sad. I've tried confessing but she didn't take me seriously, and I'm really confused, I've never felt this way with my other crushes (who were guys). I want to know if anybody else feels this way

00:46 UTC


I am a bottom why do I find fem boys attractive? I do aspire to loom that way so it might be that but idk? [discussion]

I definitely like more masculine men but it feels like fem boys are guilty pleasure for some reason. I do like crossdressing so it could be me wanting to be like them.

18:55 UTC


fear of being alone [discussion]

I (15F) have been in a relationship with my gf (15F) for 1 and a half years now, however things haven’t been working recently and ive barely been seeing her. I’ve decided to break up with her, except I’m terrified for what could happen. what if shes the only one for me, and theres no more queer girls? theres like barely any gay girls in my school.

I’m scared that ill never have another relationship, or a chance to be close to someone like that. also, theres the possibility that I’m just overreacting and that we are actually meant to be together, and I’m just throwing this all away for no reason. help!

18:47 UTC


Help Me! [Coming Out]

A few months ago I realized that I am bi, but the problem is I don’t know how to tell my family! Especially my sisters they are extremely homophobic same with a lot of my (very Christian) cousins. What do I do?! Any advice helps

1 Comment
15:57 UTC


Questioning gender identity [Discussion]

I'm 17f(?) and have recently been questioning my gender. I've never really had to question myself before so it's a new feeling (I knew I was bi since I was a child). My whole life I would daydream about living as a guy but I also like being a girl. I love doing makeup, wearing fem clothings, and somedays my body. Other days I wish I was born with a smaller chest area so I could look flatter when wearing clothes. I feel like its obviously genderfluid but I still like she/they pronouns and don't know about he/him pronouns (also I like my name alot even tho its fem and don't have another picked out if I might be something else). My parents support me being bi but don't really understand anything gender related except being trans. I might be blocking the possibility of being genderfluid in my mind as it would be hard to explain to my parents but also I kinda feel like a faker. I have long hair, a fem body, and a fem face and wouldn't really know how to look more masc. If I have no way of looking more masc I feel like I'm lying to myself but I don't really know.

1 Comment
07:42 UTC


Sexuality crisis [rant]

16 F I'm so confused I thought I was a lesbian and I've always liked girls more then guys and I've never had a good experience so I decided I was lesbian but now I'm unsure and I feel like a fraud because ive felt unsure for awhile and I think I may be developing a crush on a guy friend and I feel so lost because I thought I was so sure and know I feel like I've been faking it and I just idk, is this a normal thing that happens to people? Does anyone have advice on what I should do?

05:28 UTC


[Discussion] How do i know if im a lesbian or not

I’ve always known I like women, but around middle school i got a few “crushes” on guys(in reality i was just thought they looked attractive and cute, i didn’t knew what actually meant to like people). Now it’s kinda rare if i get crushes on guys my last crush on a guy was at the end of last year and even then i got a bunch of icks, i mostly find guys from tv shows/movies/actors ect attractive by the way they look. I don’t know if that’s because guys in my country are ugly or something, i’m also not super fond of the idea of intimacy with a guy. Even now i always picture myself with a woman, not with a guy. Since middle school i’ve identified as Bi, then in highschool i dentified as queer since im not so sure about sexuality and my attraction to men. I wanna identify as a lesbian but im scared if i end up having feelings for a guy. And I also have doubts about if it’s normal for some lesbians to think guys look attractive. Please help.

03:43 UTC


How Do I Know If I’m A Lesbian Or Not [Discussion]

I’ve always known I like women, but around middle school i got a few “crushes” on guys(in reality i was just thought they looked attractive and cute, i didn’t knew what actually meant to like people). Now it’s kinda rare if i get crushes on guys my last crush on a guy was at the end of last year and even then i got a bunch of icks, i mostly find guys from tv shows/movies/actors ect attractive by the way they look. I don’t know if that’s because guys in my country are ugly or something, i’m also not super fond of the idea of intimacy with a guy. Even now i always picture myself with a woman, not with a guy. Since middle school i’ve identified as Bi, then in highschool i dentified as queer since im not so sure about sexuality and my attraction to men. I wanna identify as a lesbian but im scared if i end up having feelings for a guy. And I also have doubts about if it’s normal for some lesbians to think guys look attractive. Please help.

03:25 UTC


I hate my household [Rant] [Family/Friends]

I'm so done with my household non or the accept that my aroace or agender, they keep asking me what I'm going to say if I got to the hospital and they ask my gender and of course I'm going to say my biological one it's medical stuff, or they'll ask me oh what is someone calls you a boy or are you one of them non binarys

My mum also keeps making transphobic jokes and all to try to perposly get a rise out of me and I struggle with tone and sarcasm so I genuinely think she's telling me the truth, I want to get a binder to be more neutral but I'm scared she'll tell everyone in my family about it and it'll just spark another debate about my identity I don't understand why they just can't be happy I'm happy with how I identify, they'll also do the rant of all you people want is labels or when you grow up you'll find the man/women for you you'll see

My sister also keeps asking my opinion on stuff which is fine but she's always pressuring me and then basicly completely invalidating my opinion, like today she asked me how many genders there are cause there's apparently 71,i sayed I don't care how many as long as people are happy and aren't hurting themselves of others with what they choose, then she called me brainwashed and the media is talking about this happening and then laughed in face

I just don't get why they can't let me be who I am, like I'm happy with what I am why can't they be instead of always making fun of me cause I'm open minded and how I identify

15:50 UTC


[Discussion] Coming out to friends

How did you guys come out to your friends, and what was their reaction?

09:13 UTC


[discussion] Have I missed my window to transition?

I was looking on the trans timelines subreddit and found this one girl who started when she was 15 and omg she looks amazing. But it worries me because I’m 17 and haven’t started anything, I want to wait until I move out because of homophobic parents but I’m worried that doing so will stop me from changing as much as she did. Would I be correct in saying that? Have I missed the optimal window to transition?

19:22 UTC


Sick of this shit. [Rant]

I hate that everyone around me has someone but me, I hate that there’s nobody gay or even bi around me (fuck suburban living), I hate hating myself for BEING gay and Fuck my so called FWB that ended up kissing me, leading me on and then doing a total U turn and getting with someone else.

20:44 UTC


[Rant] Weird about love and sexuality?

So it might be hard to explain so I’ll try my best to help people understand but I’m kinda confused especially with stuff like love and my sexuality? I don’t know if this is exactly a questioning thing but I like woman and I guess could be considered a lesbian? ( saying this because I’m xenogender if I spelled it right) but I don’t know about love???? Here’s how I would explain it so there would be a character and I’m like “ DAMN THEY ARE SO COOL AND LOOK AWSOME I LOVE THEM!!!!” And stuff but I don’t know if I feel like “love” for a character like my brother plays stardew valley and he loves the character sabasion ( I’m sorry if I spelled that wrong) like he loves the character like love loves him and stuff the closest thing I THINK I had of love was with someone who ghosted me suddenly and ruined me but the thing is I only noticed after they left and I think it was more obsession ( normal thing for teens I guess) and it’s not like love

Another example is me and my brother and dad were at the store and my brother saw someone I think he found physically attractive and was all giddy and stuff it was all funny but got me thinking what love “”feels”” like?? I guess like is love supposed to have a feeling? I’ve said I loved people before like kids wanting to be my boyfriend for some reason but I didn’t really feel anything? Like I don’t want to be like a “ ugh fuck love” like I think it’s cool that people love others or things but is love supposed to be something? Not just saying? It had got me thinking about aromatic but I don’t want to be rude and just say I am Sorry if this is confusing I don’t want this to seem mean I’m sorry

16:16 UTC


[discussion] I'm still struggling with my gender identity and I don't know what to do

For context, I'm 17 and living with both my parents who I don't AT ALL want to find out about this.

I'm reaching out here because I'm seriously struggling with my gender identity, and I could really use some advice or support.

I've always identified as a straight male, but lately, I've been feeling a strong desire to be a girl. It's like there are two conflicting sides of me: the straight boy I've always been and this other girl version of myself. I feel torn between these two identities, and it's causing me a lot of confusion and distress.

I'm finding it hard to come to terms with the possibility that I might be LGBTQ+. The idea of telling people about these feelings or considering transitioning embarrasses me, and I'm not sure how to navigate these emotions.

On one hand, I love the idea of embracing femininity. I fantasize about wearing cute clothes, experimenting with makeup, and feeling cute and confident as a girl. But on the other hand, there's a part of me that's resistant to accepting this side of myself. I've always held certain beliefs about LGBTQ+ people entirely likely imposed upon me by those around me, and it's difficult for me to reconcile those beliefs with my own experiences.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel stuck between two conflicting versions of myself, like two different versions of me warring in my hear and I'm not sure how to move forward. I don't know what to do, I'm scared for who I am.

05:22 UTC


[Discussion] LGBTQ+ representation in media?

What are some of your favorite TV shows or movies that feature LGBTQ+ characters? I'm tired of the same old stereotypes and would love some recommendations for shows that get it right.

10:13 UTC


why do i experience sleep paralysis so often ? [Discussion]

even if i just close my eyes for good 10-15 minutes and later on i realize that i can't move or speak and i even saw some shadows or even faces looking at me. i got shivers all the time but i just keep calm (that's bc i can't move bruh💀) but now i think of it, i always experience it now. i got scared when i finally woke up bc im scared to move and thinking that the "shadows" is still there looking at me. is it normal or something ?

19:58 UTC


[Relationships] How I got into a relationship and am still with her

Up until 4 months ago I was under the impression that I would either never get into a relationship or it would be a loveless relationship. But, during Febuary, I had been talking to my friend and suddenly she just stared at me. I had asked her what was wrong, and suddenly, she kissed me. Thats when I realized what the weird feeling I'd been getting around her was. Love. She asked if I'd be her boyfriend, and I said yes. She told me that the only rule would be that I couldn't ever tell her dad, because he's trans phobic, and I'm ftm. One of my dreams came true that day, and to this day, we are still deeply in love.

17:55 UTC


[Discussion] Feeling pressured to conform: How do you deal with societal expectations?

Have you ever felt like you need to fit into a certain mold or stereotype within the LGBTQ+ community? How do you navigate these expectations and stay true to yourself?

1 Comment
10:15 UTC


Is he gay [crushes]

I need help determining if my crush is gay and if he likes me or not.

So I (14m) have a crush on this guy and want to figure out if he’s an ally (and possibly gay) without coming out just yet. It’s hard to determine currently since he’s the type to make gay jokes with his friends, and I can never make out if he’s serious about certain things or not.

I’ve tested the waters by getting touchy with him (playing with his hair, feeling his arms, ect) and he’s never had a problem with it. He also does the same with me sometimes, like randomly rubbing my head, touching my face and making suggestive comments (which I can’t tell are jokes or not).

He only gets touchy when his friend group isn’t around actively talking with him, but when they’re around he doesn’t really pay me any mind. This is what’s giving me mixed signals about if he truly likes me or not. I just need feedback lol

04:21 UTC

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