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/r/SampleSize - a community dedicated to scientific, fun, and creative surveys produced for and by redditors.
/r/DataIsBeautiful - a place for visual representations of data: graphs, charts, maps, etc.
/r/DecideThisForMe - a community where you can let people decide things about your day.
/r/SurveyResearch - a community where you can get help with surveys.
/r/pollgames - For poll-related fun and games.
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You don't have to eat the food, you just can't eat anything except the food. Let's assume you won't have any negative health effects from this experience and it's just based on what you think would be the least uncomfortable food/drink combo to live off of for a week.
Also this bet you lost is with a genie so if he finds out you didn't stick to the rules he will remove your car from existence. If you don't have a car he will take your bicycle or motorcycle. If you have none of those he will remove your left foot.
All of the food is free and made for you from thin air 3x a day.
Woman who’s been out of high school for 2 years is unemployed and not in college (considered smart by some in high school, yet didn’t tend to turn in homework and had a GPA under a 3.0 because of it.) In 8th and 9th grade she had boyfriends (two.) Both were black, partly wanted her because they thought she was white (she is white presenting,) and she remembered that they did not have “good parents” when a peer talked about their own abusive parents. She cut off a peer who she’d consistently given advice to even though it was tiring for her 2 weeks after police were called over to peer’s home because she had advised that peer ask someone if they considered himself a cofounder of an organization (he proceeded to verbally insult them. She sided with him. He quit the org 5 months later and she now knows this.) The peer she cut off had, during online schooling, posted crying about their classmates calling her ugly. She had noted people are harsher when assessing black women’s appearances and that her ex boyfriends were colorists who didn’t like black girls. Her most recent relationship with a mixed boy also did not work out. “Popcorn princess” was recently her profile caption. In 12th grade she gave off the vibe of thinking she was above average even though she is overweight and her swim scores were below average.
Hey everyone! Thinking back to high school, I’m curious to know which type of group you identified with the most. We all had different experiences, but some of these "types" seem to come up pretty often.
Vote below to see where we all would have ended up back in high school. If you were a mix of a few groups, pick the one that describes you best (or drop a comment if you want to share more about it)!
Literature and Language Arts are grouped together since those tend to be taught together.
if it's a religious school names after a saint pick option 1 i.e. St. Mary's
Nostalgia is a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, often for a period or place with personal significance. It can evoke a mixture of emotions, including warmth, happiness, and sometimes sadness, as people recall memories that were meaningful, comforting, or simpler than the present. Nostalgia can be triggered by various stimuli, like music, smells, or places, that remind someone of a previous time in their life.
Example: Listening to old songs from my childhood fills me with nostalgia for simpler times.
Round Two: Xenomorph v Wendigo, Venom v T-Rex, Terminator v Smaug, Sauron v Pennywise, Minitour v Mike & Sully, Medusa v Lucifer, Loch Ness v Kraken, King Kong v Jack Skellington, Hydra v Headless Horseman, Grinch v Grim Reaper, Gollum v Godzilla, Four Horsemen v Dracula, Darth Maul v Cthulhu, Chupacabra v Cerberus, Bowser v Boogeyman, Beast v Balrog
Round One: Xenomorph v Wicked Witch, Werewolf v Wendigo v Werewolf, Ursula v Venom, trex v Toothless, Titans v Terminator, Smaug v slender man, Shrek v Sauron, pennywise v pale man, Minotaur v minions, Mike & sully v Mewtwo, Medusa v Marvin the Martian, Lucifer v Michael Meyers, Loch Ness v leviathan, kraken v kitsune, king king v Jason vorhees, Jack skellington v Jabba, hydra v hulk, headless horseman v Hal 9000, griot v grinch, grim reaper v griffin, gremlins v gollum, Godzilla v Freddy Krueger, Frankenstein v four horsemen, Dracula v Dr. jeckyl, djinn v darth maul, Cthulhu v creeper, count v chupacabra, Cerberus v centaurs, Casper v bowser, boogeyman v blob, bellatrix v beast, balrog v Audrey II
(See post history for qualifying rounds, starting with 186 monsters. Top two from each moved onto bracket.)