A place to share and appreciate hula auana. Hula Auana is the modern art of Hawaiian dance.
A place to share and appreciate hula auana. Hula auana is the modern art of Hawaiian dance.
Please only post links to well-recognized video sites, ie.: Youtube and Vimeo
All submissions should be videos of a hula auana. For any discussion or text based sharing, please start a new post.
This subreddit is not for the more traditional style of kahiko hula, which is often performed to the oli, or chant, and more traditional purcussive instruments such as the ipu rather than the music and modern instruments such as the ukulele that accompanies auana. This website explains the difference in more depth.
Hello, I am trying to figure out if there are different names for different hula dances. My Internet search with this question has been...unfruitful.
I am not referring to Kahiko and Auana, my focus for learning at this time is Auana. So in the category of Auana, well, there are different dances right? There's not one dance to rule them all...
I assume* there is a dance for welcoming, and for saying goodbye, and for bountiful or safe land, or any number of other things. Is this how it is? I'm at the beginning of my learning for this, so I acknowledge that I may be wrong in this assumption.
I'm specifically wanting to start with a dance to welcome a loved one home, if such a dance specifically exists.
Any guidance or understanding would be appreciated.
Thank you.
I saw a dancer on Youtube with an enchanting style of movement but I'm not sure of the name. It's really fast-paced. I think it's usually done for special guests. It seemed moreso for adults.