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# | Episode | Discussions |
S6E01 | Rebirth | [Live] [Post] |
S6E02 | A Few Good Women | [Live] [Post] |
S6E03 | Phantom Menaces | [Live] [Post] |
S6E04 | Lost Souls | [Live] [Post] |
S6E05 | Prom Night! | [Live] [Post] |
S6E06 | Prom Again! | [Live] [Post] |
S6E07 | Fear Knot | [Live] [Post] |
S6E08 | Welcome Back, Kara! | [Live] [Post] |
S6E09 | Dream Weaver | [Live] [Post] |
S6E10 | Still I Rise | [Live] [Post] |
S6E11 | Mxy in the Middle | [Live] [Post] |
S6E12 | Blind Spots | [Live] [Post] |
S6E13 | The Gauntlet | [Live] [Post] |
S6E14 | Magical Thinking | [Live] [Post] |
S6E15 | Hope for Tomorrow | [Live] [Post] |
S6E16 | Nightmare in National City | [Live] [Post] |
S6E17 | I Believe in a Thing Called Love | [Live] [Post] |
S6E18 | Truth or Consequences | [Live] [Post] |
S6E19 | The Last Gauntlet | [Live] [Post] |
S6E20 | Kara | [Live] [Post] |
Banner by u/Th3ChosenFew
Supergirl Snoo by u/HylianLibrarian
I've been on a Supergirl fanfic binge lately and I think Kara/Lucy is my favorite at the moment. Can everyone drop their best FFs with that pairing.
I am rewatching season 3 and thought why she doesn't protect herself despite struggling against Worldkillers. it might sound dumb. i know her body itself is extremely powerful but Reign broke it, Purity broke her back. Pestilence defeats her and if i remember correctly she will lose few more times against them. but she keeps going to fight them the same. not just her but others too. they are clearly more powerful and some kind of protection would help at least a little, again i dont know if any kind of material exist strong enough to protect her . maybe it's just because it's just not common for heroes specially Kryptonians but idk if theres some actual reason.
Supergirl finds out that Lena was working with harun-el in secret and starts getting self righteous and judgmental about it. A mind wiped Alex jumps in an defends Lena’s work, doesn’t seem to have an issue with Lena’s research into it. And I have to say, idk why SG felt like she had the authority to dictate what lena can and cannot work on. Lena is an independent scientist and businesswoman and the “recipe” for making harun-el isn’t something Lena stole or got from someone else. It’s Lena’s. She developed it because SG herself asked her too. Just made it seem like it’s all good if Lena works on the it when SG asked, otherwise it’s a big problem. Now I’m not saying SG didn’t have a right to be concerned about it. Because as much good as the harun-el does (saves James and Eve’s cousin) it also causes problems (Lex and Lockwood get powers). But James, Alex and Brainy all know about the harun-el and none of them tell Kara/Supergirl.
So, I started watching the series again and the end of their friendship began, and I started looking for opinions on the internet about the relationship and most people blamed Kara a lot for hiding her secret identity for two years.
I'ma be honest, I don't really remember season 4 and 5, only that Lena go into a villain plot and some Lex stuff, but as I'm progressing into rewatching the series gonna have a better idea on all of that.
But I ended up noticing (until end of season 3) how Lena lied several times about important things, like her being able to make Kryptonite, keep harun-el to her when it should have gave all to Kara's mother, Reign/Sam being in her custody for almost tree weeks.
For me it feels like Lena keep lying multiple times, about several things that put her as not a trust worth it persont. And Kara also lied for two years about who she was and Lena has all of trust issues.
Who do you think was in the wrong?
Screenshot of the kiss that was cut from the show
I never liked the changes they made to his character post season one and his insufferable self righteous just compounded further and further. Vigilantes have secret identities for a reason and part of it is because what they do isn’t exactly legal and their involvement can also mess up the justice process. Why did he ever think he’d be able to beat it on his own?
wait wait WAIT. I just saw online that there was an actual kiss in the season finale during Kara's "coming out" moment?? Is this real or fan made? I saw somewhere that it is real and just cut from the show. REELING from this.
Does anyone wish we could’ve gotten more from the show about Clark pretty much just dumping her off with strangers and then abandoning her? Never once do we see them have a real conversation about it and I think Kara deserved that!
I'm surprised that once brainy said I'm brainiac supergirl didn't automatically start fighting him. Lol
He wore the face of an alien bigot, especially one that tried to kill him. I know it’s so David Harewood can keep the role, but still seems odd in-universe.
Do you think zod, astra and the other Evil kryptonians knew about reign and the krypton witches?
My favorite part of Supergirl is Kara’s attempts to understand who she is as a child of both Krypton and Earth. How she isn’t fully human, how she isn’t fully Kryptonian, and how she learns to recognize and accept herself under that. But after season 3 it just kinda… fizzles out.
Season 1 has Astra, Non, and the Black Mercy. Season 2 has a Daxamite boyfriend. Season 3 has Kryptonian Religion and Argo. But beyond that… she might as well have been raised on Earth like Clark.
Her multi-planetary-cultural background doesn’t even become relevant in season 4, the season all about how the public sees and reacts to aliens, aside from that one part when she joins a protest march in Kryptonian robes. There’s never any discussion of how Kara feels pretending to be solely human in a city so full of hates for what she really is, no discussion of if Kara feels more at home in the alien community than with humans, nothing. And in seasons 5 and 6, it’s all completely gone.
I think the show could’ve reinvigorated this focus on Kara’s identity — as well as destroying the perception that Kara is just female-Clark — by doing just one single thing: Revealing Kara’s identity publically.
Some say this would’ve been bad, as it would’ve made Kara be Supergirl all of the time, but I disagree. I don’t think it would’ve made Kara be Supergirl all of the time. I think it would’ve made Kara be Kara Zor-El all of the time.
Kara has, from the beginning, pretty much had two separate fake idenities. As Kara Danvers, she represses her alien nature in order to pretend to be human. As Supergirl, she represses her human nature in order be a Symbol to the public. In neither identity does she get to be her true self, and I think messing up that dynamic would’ve been incredibly interesting.
It wouldn’t, or at least it wouldn’t have to, make Kara be a superhero all of the time. With the already established theme of the media, we could’ve seen Kara try to continue her work in the media, this time more as an activist rather than a reporter. While you’d lose the alien-Supergirl vs human-Kara-Danvers split, you’d get the Public-Persona-Kara and Private-Personal-Life-Kara. You’d have The Hero Who Goes On Television And Makes Big Speaches And Declarations versus The Person Who Has Doubts, Flaws, Insecurities, And Isn’t Always Sure Of The Right Thing To Do.
It’s not like the comics ever played greatly into her secret identity. Yes, it’s not like she’s ever been publically known as Kara Zor-El, but she’s almost never had that need to have the two separate personas in the same way that Clark had. In the post crisis run, she doesn’t even really try to have one, with her being Claire Connor’s for all of one issue before she drops it. I don’t think it would be betraying the comics at all to go in a direction where the public knows her as Kara Zor-El.
In my eyes, it might’ve just provided the best way to complete Kara’s character arc, and to have her completely heal from the trauma of having to repress her entire childhood culture. She could’ve become one single person, a complete child of both cultures, no more repression and division.
Now, if I was put in charge of the show after season 3, would I have done this? I don’t know. But I think it at least could’ve been interesting. And things being “interesting” is pretty much the main thing I look for in a show.
Just finished the show!! Can't believe it's been so long since I originally watched. Still a very cute show but think the earlier seasons were better. Thanks again for coming on this journey with me. It's been fun to get back into it and chat with you all.
I never would have guessed that's what Lena would have worn to Alex's wedding but wow *fans self*. She's def in her witchy era which I'm still not totally down with but what a vibe.
Speaking of the wedding - gah I wish they kissed AGAIN! What a beautiful moment Lena and Kara shared at the end. Tbh sort of felt like a coming out monologue: be yourself, your whole self, don't be afraid to be who you are etc etc.
FAM! I realized that I stopped watching S6 almost halfway through because it went too off the rails for me.... (my bad). Some thoughts (which sound more like complaints) as I head into the final few eps:
I know brainy is probably the smartest and most useful guy. Especially since he can access technology through his brain, but winn’s character and how he was and the dynamic. He was one of my favorite characters. Super nice and super chill and super fun.
First-time watcher (S3 E3), & something super random I noticed when they first started exploring Alex’s sexuality was the use of the word “gay” instead of “lesbian.” It kind of bugged me because I feel like a lot of shows treat “lesbian” like a dirty word or don’t acknowledge it at all.
I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I noticed they eventually started referring to Maggie & Alex as lesbians, which made me smile.
thoughhh the person who made me realize this shift was Maggie’s dad spitting out the word “lesbian” like it was a slur—so maybe not quite as big of a win as I thought, LOL