
Photograph via snooOG

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# Episode Discussions
S6E01 Rebirth [Live] [Post]
S6E02 A Few Good Women [Live] [Post]
S6E03 Phantom Menaces [Live] [Post]
S6E04 Lost Souls [Live] [Post]
S6E05 Prom Night! [Live] [Post]
S6E06 Prom Again! [Live] [Post]
S6E07 Fear Knot [Live] [Post]
S6E08 Welcome Back, Kara! [Live] [Post]
S6E09 Dream Weaver [Live] [Post]
S6E10 Still I Rise [Live] [Post]
S6E11 Mxy in the Middle [Live] [Post]
S6E12 Blind Spots [Live] [Post]
S6E13 The Gauntlet [Live] [Post]
S6E14 Magical Thinking [Live] [Post]
S6E15 Hope for Tomorrow [Live] [Post]
S6E16 Nightmare in National City [Live] [Post]
S6E17 I Believe in a Thing Called Love [Live] [Post]
S6E18 Truth or Consequences [Live] [Post]
S6E19 The Last Gauntlet [Live] [Post]
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I've never heard so many "I'm sorry" during a fight

08:46 UTC


Best casting for Supergirl...

12:57 UTC


Anyone read Nicole Maines' YA book Bad Dream: A Dreamer Story? It's apparently a new origin story for Dreamer that's different from the Arrowverse one

00:44 UTC



While I do think she was a good mom I do not agree with her parenting techniques at all with Alex.The way she was so hard on Alex about kara making her feel like she was her responsibility to take care of her which followed her on later in life and clearly wasn’t always good for her.Who puts a burden like that on a kid to be responsible for their little sibling with super powers for crying out loud Alex isn’t even that much older than kara.At the very least it should have ended when they were both officially adults but no she continued to be hard on Alex putting that burden on her,blatantly blaming her for becoming supergirl when she was a grown women when that choice was made,the fact that Alex doesn’t have any resentment is so unrealistic.

03:15 UTC


Another way Karamel was doomed to fail?

People still like complaining about/making fun of/critically analyzing Mon-El on this subreddit, right? Seemed to be true at least as of 2 months ago. So, uh... my turn! I guess.

I've yet to see anyone else make anything of, or even notice, what struck me as the biggest red flag in the relationship between Kara and season-2-baby-Mon-El. Imagine for a moment that he never leaves Earth, and all the other red flags (that, full disclosure, I admit I missed a lot of) don't foreshadow Mon-El turning into an abusive monster down the road. He's the fixer-upper trope played totally straight (and consequently at its worst) and he genuinely becomes the "great guy" that we see late in the season, completely dedicating himself to Kara's happiness. And that is the new problem.

Mon-El arrives on Earth as kind of a blank slate. A blank slate with "prince of Daxam" carved into the wood frame, but still nothing written on it. He's never had to form any kind of internal notions of who he is or what he's about because the world did that for him. He maybe distinguishes himself a little with his sad/regretful/conflicted body language, facial expressions, and ineffectually shouting "No!" as he witnesses and does bad things during his escape from Daxam. But that's it.

When he's not the prince of Daxam anymore, he's basically not anything and doesn't know what do about that. There's this Kryptonian lady telling him to be a "hero" (whatever that is), but he ignores her because misogyny, space racism, and also she's annoying. Until she isn't. Until he likes her and wants her approval and suddenly finds himself with an external source of identity and self-worth again and gosh, what a relief! He can stop trying to figure himself out and just do whatever makes Kara happy.

Basically, his late "good boyfriend" behavior is such that I could totally see this scene happening:


A significant portion of the gang is there, including Kara and Mon-El. For the moment they are split up into 2 groups of "the boys" and "the girls".

MON-EL: (to the boys) So I cook now, as you guys know, but I also like to spend part of my day on TV or the internet looking for new things I can do to make Kara like me more. Like just today I saw on one of the Espin channels this sport called "bowling", and...

(turns towards Kara in other group and yells)
Hey, Kara! Do you want me to become good at bowling?

KARA: (baffled in a charmed way, trying not to laugh because she wants to be supportive) Um. Yeah, if you want to.

Mon-El fully extends his arm and does the finger-snap-pointing-at-someone thing at Kara, gazing at her as if a deep understanding is passing between them.

MON-EL: I'll make it happen, babe.

(to the boys)
I'm a bowler now. I bowl.

And none of this is Kara's fault, of course. At first she assumes it's just a charmingly weird way Mon-El has of showing affection or something, because how could she possibly predict he's actually super-determined to make her the "beneficiary" of a codependent relationship? When she starts to get her own inkling—amidst more and more gentle warnings from her friends that slowly become less gentle—that the weirdness is actually problematic and tries to talk to him about it, their shared inexperience with romantic relationships combined with Mon-El reading the situation as "Kara is dissatisfied with me" instead of "Kara is worried about me" gets in the way of any useful progress.

Before things can get better one of the following happens:

  1. Mon-El observes enough of the world and receives enough (good) advice to realize that subordinating your existence to someone else's whims is not how life or relationships are supposed to work
  2. Kara falls off the pedestal Mon-El's put her on

Or rather, one of them happens first, because the other inevitably follows. And Mon-El will not realize none of it is Kara's fault (especially if #2 was first) and explode at her. Blame her for everything while calling her terrible things. And in the moment Kara will get angry right back (because that's what you do), but some of his bullshit will sink in, and it will take anywhere from 2 episodes to half a season for her to realize she didn't deserve any of it.

The realization won't make her angry, though; just sad. She'll want to help Mon-El, not because she has any notion of getting back together with him (it being abundantly clear at this point that their relationship was a mistake from the start), but because he's clearly hurting. Unfortunately Mon-El doesn't have the emotional maturity to accept a situation with no "bad guy"; if it's not Kara's fault then it must be his, and it's not his. Even when the anger fades he remains distrustful of her (if he even sticks around), and that probably doesn't change for a long time.

TL;DR: In the later stages of their relationship in season 2 Mon-El was giving off strong "codependent giver" vibes to me, and if true this would have eventually exploded in their faces, with Mon-El unable to get over it.

19:39 UTC


Happy #TransDayOfVisibility DreamTeam 🏳️‍⚧️ sending you all so much love and remember as Dreamer once said “The greatest gift we can give each other is our authentic selves” be proud of who you are 🩵🤍🩷

16:22 UTC


Where I can watch Supergirl in Europe?

HBO just removed it from its platform and I haven’t finished of watching it😭

15:19 UTC


Signed Melissa and Chris Funko

(delete if not allowed) anyone interested? decluttering tie last of my Supergirl merchandise. prefer to sell these together (I know some people don’t like mon-el lol) $100 shipped

melissa’s is from wizardworld back in 2017, chris is from his broadway run in 2022, have proof of his but not melissa’s because it was another charge for a photo

1 Comment
17:14 UTC


What would it have been like Supergirl took place in the mid-2000s?

16:00 UTC


It’s really been a full year since we’ve last seen her ☹️

She was wasted on the final season of The Flash.

02:57 UTC


Anybody else watching "The Girls on the Bus?"

I started watching because Melissa was in it, but I like it so far. I don't think I've watched any shows of the other actors besides Scott Foley, but so far, I'm liking the whole cast.

I always said that Melissa and Chyler were the best actors on Supergirl, and it's great to see Melissa's range in this. She's great.

I'm soon going to watch Chyler show, I just discovered it, with the second season almost over and being renewed for a 3rd season.

It's called "The Way Home," and from I've seen it has great reviews.

Anyways, I was just wondering if anybody is watching her new show?

23:08 UTC


Brainy having a Legion ship in seasons 5 and 6?

I was rewatching the show and I was wondering if there was an explanation I missed about how Brainy has a legion ship still in seasons 5 and 6, since the one the Legion of Superheros came in on in season 3, Mon-el and Imra took back to the future. Also since he does have one why couldn't he have used it to get Lex the info about Leviathan instead of lurring Winn back it would've been less risky.

18:38 UTC



I like the series but man it is SO ANNOYING in so many different ways.. -Really, glasses makes her invisible to everyone that doesn’t know who she is? Ridiculous -Kara hiding the fact she’s supergirl from Lena when it’s BLATANTLY obvious, and then Lena to get all butt hurt that she wasn’t in on in from the beginning so goes against her🤦‍♂️ -Ben Lockwood went from a steel worker to running the country in the matter of a few episodes is unbelievably unrealistic -Alex somehow manages to always survive when every other human dies in whatever scenario -Alex and her annoying ass story line screaming I CANT BE ALONE and falling for every girl that comes onto the series -WAY TOO PREDICTABLE in almost every scene I can tell what’s about to happen or know how it’s going to end

Like I said, Good series, but I can go ON AND ON about how many things they could have done better.. there is a million different things that just made me want to turn it off because of how dumb it is, whether it’s a decision one of them are making or the way one of them feel/act at a certain time, and did we really need to bring Lex into this series? Most annoying part so far. There’s a lot of great things to it so I’m pushing through to finish it but man some of these scenes are just ridiculously unrealistic and annoying (yes I know it’s obviously fiction sci fi, but if your going to attempt to make it feel real, stop making dumb decisions on the storyline) Dragged out wayyyy too long IMO, as well as the first 3 seasons being so much better than this nonsense towards the 4-6 seasons🤦‍♂️ I thought this was gonna be good all the way through, loved it in the beginning, but it gets more and more annoying as time goes on

23:42 UTC


Clark and Kara cousins

Does cat grant know they both are cousins or did nobody ever told her. I mean ofc later she knows that kara is Supergirl which means superman and Supergirl are cousins. But before that, did she ever know that both of them are cousins

17:04 UTC


Question regarding Earth Prime and Brainy

After Earth Prime, is it safe to say Brainy does not know what will happen in the future?

Or was Crisis something he had already seen before, thus it needed to happen for the future to stay the same?

Sorry if it's a dumb question. I'm trying to make sense of it and I haven't watched SG in a while.

00:39 UTC


fic recs

hey guys i was wondering if there are any fics out there where lena and kara get together in season 3 and lena figures out kara’s identity and is ok with it

04:41 UTC


Fic Rec for rewrite of season 5

Does anyone know of good fanfics that rewrite season 5 detailing the fallout of Kara's reveal for Kara and Lena's relationship?

(because as we all know, season 5 was a complete mess because of the continuity wipe after 5x08 after crisis, so they just dropped the ball on the entire second half of the storyline after lena reveals to kara in the fortress that she has known her identity for a good amount of time already)

Also, it is not a must but it would be great if the fic involves lena going a little anti-hero in the beginning because she's spiraling and but realises she has gone too far because of certain consequences of her actions

15:48 UTC


Is it canon anywhere for Lex to call Lena by a nickname?

I've read a handful of different fanfics where Lex has called Lena by the nickname "Ace". Others have had him call her "Slick". I was wondering if these nicknames were canon anywhere or just a really cool invention of fanfiction? Thanks.

10:02 UTC


Has anyone seen this video?

There's this guy on YouTube named Reverse Flash Reviews who made a video that discusses the internal inconsistencies of Supergirl Ep1, what do you guys think? I found this guy by searching Supergirl and somehow found this video near the top since they're aren't many videos describing the Supergirl TV show.

02:40 UTC


Nicole Maines & Chyler Leigh at the GLAAD Awards 2024

18:04 UTC


Nicole Maines on the Red Carpet of the 35th Annual GLAAD Media Awards - March 14, 2024 via Getty images

12:59 UTC


Is Ruby half Kryptonian?

My sister and I are doing a rewatch for the umpteenth time and she just asked a question that I’ve never even considered before: is Ruby half Kryptonian? In the sense that in theory she could have powers?

01:35 UTC


Just finished Issue 1 of Nicole Maines' Suicide Squad and it was a really good there's a really good scene involving Nia and Harley there wasn't any action but I'll give that a pass since you have to set up stuff in issue 1 art is ok I give the book 7/10

13:35 UTC


Character Discussion : Nia Nal

18:08 UTC



Ik i suck because i made y’all wait a lot longer than you would’ve wanted to but it’s finally over! Thank you all for participating in this poll!

1 Comment
18:55 UTC


Was Alex and Maggie's first meet up the opposite of a meet cute or just a hostile meet cute?

Doing a series long re-re-re-re-watch and musing about TV and movie tropes

19:34 UTC

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