Welcome to r/arrow, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Stephen Amell. Discuss anything and everything about the show here. This Subreddit will be private for the 12th-14th of June
Welcome to /r/arrow, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Stephen Amell. Discuss anything and everything about the show here.
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Sidebar image and subreddit snoo by /u/maruf99
My thoughts are: no, but it was surrounded by seasons 1-3 and 5, which are some of the greats, which makes it seem that much worse. Plus Damian was very fun.
Captain Lance has Thea’s assets frozen in season 3. 14th Amendment says you can’t do that without due process and probable clause. What did Lance tell the judge to get the court order to freeze Thea’s assets? “The head of the League of Assassins, Ra’s al Ghul, told me Oliver is the Arrow.” To which the judge replies, “Who is this mister al Ghul, do you have a signed affidavit from him, and will he be testifying, as Oliver has a constitutional right to confront his accusers.” LOL. Now I’ll wait for the basement fans explain this away. The basement fans that live in Arrowverse can’t just admit that the writers are just limited.
In rewatching the series, currently on season 3
Obviously you could say this about every villain but man it's a real shame what they turned Ras into despite the build up. He had the coolest fight in the series admittedly with "killing" Oliver but man his manipulation game was so weak.
They had Oliver act like he was some fucking genius for predicting that the city would turn on him (one cop) and predicting he wouldn't have Felicity (by Olivers own choice)... Okay?
Not only was he somehow flabbergasted that he couldn't successfully brainwash Oliver after like a month, but he had such a great opportunity to convince Oliver before any of that ever happened.
Ras used league assassins as copy cat Arrows to manipulate the police/city to making him public enemy number one again and honestly this is such a dumb plan. Ras is fine with Oliver making the league no longer kill and outside of Lance's personal vendetta wouldn't have done anything. This could have been a stronger plot point if Oliver wasn't already a killer but a much better storyline would have been Ras doing the complete opposite.
Ras should have shed absolutely no blood and just been super effective with his League assassins by just blowing team Arrow out the water in saving the city. Oliver was towing the line to take the mantle but for some reason Felicity convinces him if he does he has to abandon the city. All Ras would have had to do was show Oliver he could have had 100 of him protecting his city and he would have won.
It wouldn't have stopped the whole kill your city subplot that was a stupid ass pull of a plotline that made no sense given Malcolm's storyline, but this would have made for a more powerful choice.
Does anyone find it strange that the innocent man Peter Declan was sentenced to death for killing his wife, but the likes of Danny Brickwell (who murdered dozens of people), and countless other murderous villains that kill several people (including cops) are sent to Slab Side?
We all know what 4587 is in-universe, it what is it BTS? 4587 was used for the code on the Shrieve’s safe in Hong Kong, and was the code for a security system for another episode. Of course, it was his inmate number. It has been used in other episodes that I can’t think of the top of my head.
Does anybody know what is BTS relevance?
Putting together a video/edit- am looking for the clip where Thea says to (Quentin I think) "I have been through a-lot the...."
Any1 able to help a creative here?
So watching s5e13, dude comes in with the ar and all that, why can't they ever get guns right in these shows?
What do you think if the writers did an extended story line showing Nysa giving Laurel extensive, long-term training away from the team, and Laurel returning as a real bad ass.
Emiko was just a adult with very big daddy issues-nothing hours of therapy couldnt have solved. Meanwhile, Adrian's dad was killed by Oliver and in Slade's mind Oliver had chosen Sara over Shado. Oliver than stabbed him in the eye and caused him to have constant visions of Shado. Adrian Chase wanted to show Oliver that he is a murderer and managed to break him while doing so. WTF is this comparison?
I'm currently watching the arrow and the flash, and I'm wondering if there is a better list of which episode to watch in order. I've been using this one ( https://arrowverse.info/ ) but it's got EVERY single show thay crosses over. Id kinda prefer to just have the arrow and flash, those are the only ones I'm watching. I don't even know what Constantine, or Vixen, or any of the others shows. Is there a list that just has the arrow and the flash?
Did anyone else find it a bit tacky how S1 really pushes the 5 years on the island, example: Oliver sleeps in front of open window with rain coming in after being rescued and brought home. Only to find out in S5 when it’s brought full circle that he was in hong kong/russia for almost as much time as he was on the island and even went back to starling city unnoticed.
I just feel the show butchered the the luster of S1 in S3,S4, & even in S5.
Also S5 is good but the first half dragged IMO.
On S6 now hoping this last third of the show delivers. All around its a good show but this disconnect seems like sloppy & lazy.
Why in show does character do thing? Why is location like that? Please help, am baby with no ability to learn.
I swear to God every other post on here is like this recently. If it's not someone saying the absolute dumbest shit about sexual assault, it's people asking why an event happened in a story where events happen, or why a character did something in a show where characters do things.
In hand to hand to combat how does Ricardo Diaz stand a chance against Oliver? It is by far the most inconsistent part of the entire show in my opinion. Oliver was trained by Ra’s al Ghul to eventually defeat Ra’s to become Ra’s but can’t take out a guy like Diaz easily?
I've just started watching arrow. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the guy with the mask on the island tortures Oliver and is working for Fyers. This guy is Slade (Deathstroke). Then how is the guy at the plane wreckage also Slade (Deathstroke) and if he is why is he helping him fight if he tortured Oliver earlier. Someone clarify this - I'm so confused