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Welcome to r/arrow, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Stephen Amell. Discuss anything and everything about the show here. This Subreddit will be private for the 12th-14th of June

Welcome to /r/arrow, a subreddit about the comic-book TV series starring Stephen Amell. Discuss anything and everything about the show here.

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Introduction: Arrow rewrite Project.

HI! So maybe it seems like something you've already seen, but I was going to announce this idea anyway: I'm going to rewrite the Arrow series. I have already met people here who are doing the same and I invite you, if they show up below this post, to follow them, because it is a huge way of stimulating your creativity and recreating a sort of your own perception of history.

I'm not an excellent writer, but I can still assure you that I'm doing pretty well: my idea is to focus a lot on the plots of the seasons, emphasizing the thoughts of the characters, their characterizations and the way they interact, trying to correct what in my opinion and the opinion of the fans, it wasn't who knows how well executed. Some characters will also be rewritten better (Laurel for example) and there will be several additions to what is normally seen in the series.

I intend to start with Season 1, which will already see some small changes:

-The fight scenes, where I will also focus on how and what Oliver thinks during the fights.

-More moments in which Oliver hunts down the names on the List, in order to emphasize and make those moments more dense with meaning, those moments in which the "monster" to which Oliver has given an identity, is unleashed.

-Laurel's hypothetical work profession and the removal of the love triangle.

-More scene exploring Malcolm Merlyn's character and, similarly to Oliver, how he feels about being the Dark Archer.

-Small changes to flashbacks.
-Possibility of a full rewrite of some filler episodes, by focusing more with the plot and character's interactions.

I involve you in this project, since in recent discussions, I have seen how smart you are and I am happy to have entered the far part of this sub! The idea is also a sort of tribute for all of us, so come on, go wild in the comments! Season 1 cover will be revealed by me soon!

1 Comment
12:31 UTC


Lucifer crossover??

Anyone else just love the random appearance from Lucifer in season 8(?) when Constantine goes to him for help to get into purgatory?

Anyone else lose their mind over Arrow and Lucifer being in the same cinematic universe? And wish there had been time to do more of an actual crossover?

Also want a spin off for Constantine.

02:36 UTC


Am I the only person who was extremely happy when Amanda Waller was killed in arrow because even though the actress did a amazing job she did such a good job that I actually hated her

04:31 UTC


I'm rewatching season 4 and...

I'm rewatching episodes of season 4 out of order and I just have to say watching these scenes with Oliver and Laurel together just makes me realize how hard the writers drop the ball. If Laurel didn't die, or had the writers figure out who they were going beforehand, I could seen Oliver and Laurel rekindling their relationship and possibly getting married in season 6 or 7. Heck I could see Mia being Laurel's mom with has similar their hair was in season 8.

03:46 UTC


What the actual fuck happened after season 2????

This has probably been discussed before many times but what the fuck actually happened to this show after season 2??? I just finished rewatching the pilot again and every time i watch it, it makes me miss those days. The show used to be so mysterious, dark and the music got me on the edge of my seat, can’t get enough of the theme when they arrive at the Queen Mansion for the first time, setting up the lair and the music when the hacking Arrow in Hunt’s office is shown. I could watch season 1 & 2 episodes everyday for the rest of my life and not get tired of it. Things were so much better when Oliver used to be the main character of the show, i really enjoyed the scenes with Felicity in it too, life was simpler when she was just the funny nerdy IT specialist and not the decision maker who owned Oliver.

Its difficult to accept that season 3,4,6 and 7b was actually part of the same show. Back when season 1 and 2 were airing, do you guys think Oliver would’ve rather killed himself than working with a Curtis and Rene? Like Diggle for example only started working in the field after being involved with Oliver for 3/4 years, and he was special forces before that. How was Curtis allowed to be anything more than a nerd behind a computer screen? His ass got whooped in like every season 5 and 6 episode.

Basically everything after season 2 feels like some sort of bad dream.

20:47 UTC


I've rewinded this scene hundreds of times.


What thoughts might pass through Oliver's mind in that short span of time?

Slade: Mrs. Queen, is everything okay?

That sounded like.... No, probably a mistake. Definitely a mistake.

Moira: Oliver, I'd like you to meet, Slade Wilson.

Did she just say.. Slade Wilson? Slade Wilson? Can't be, I killed him. Probably another Slade Wilson. More than one person can have that name. But that would be too much of a coincidence. And the voice also sounded like his.

Slade comes into full view.

Oh no... its Slade. its slade. Slade Slade Slade.... Where is the nearest exit?

15:57 UTC


[Discussion] Why didn't they consider a Black Canary spin off or Bird of Prey spin off after s3 of Arrow

I am just curious, do you think it would have had success and interest?

After all Guggenhaim had said many times he wants to tell League of assassin flashbacks of Canary. And Arrow went to the Olicity route, so the show didn't really needed Black Canary, but she as a comics character had so many stories. We had Sara and Laurel, and Helena, and they could have introduced Batwoman there and add Hawkgirl and other Legends characters like Atom and Firestorm, Constantine.

But this doesn't mean Legends won't happen. I am not suggesting the Canary show to replace Legends.

Just thinking that later they did Batwoman, and wanted a Canary spin off with Mia, but at that stage Canary, was no longer an interesting character, Arrow milked her, killed her and changed her too much, and Sara was completely changed in Legends. Batwaoman was fairly good show but it also had it's problems, and I still think Canary is more interesting character as a lead than Batwoman. And when I say Canary I mean the comics character, which in Arrowverse was divided between Laurel and Sara, which for a spin off show could have had a lot of potential.

10:23 UTC


Penny town

Is it just me or do they say penny town a bunch in season 4💀

1 Comment
04:39 UTC


Say something negative about your favorite season. I start.

This time, the game might be more difficult to do. I'll start: in general, the Arrow series is pretty solid, and my favorite season is the first. Let's be honest, the first season is wonderful, it's really hard if not impossible to find anything "wrong" with it. The story is magnificent, the narrative sequences masterful.... Excluding, the episodes that impressed me the least were the ones with the Huntress (Helena Bertinelli). The events were interesting, but not as much as the rest of the season, for me! How about you? What is your least favorite moment of YOUR favorite season?

09:05 UTC


Laurel Lance: how could have it been.

I was watching the previous posts of this sub, to catch up and I found some interesting topics about Laurel's character, so I wanted to SHARE with you my opinion and try to understand what you think about It

In this sub, Laurel is not always well liked as a character because of the way she was written. Beyond everything, I think she is a character with a lot of potential, and in my opinion she has been poorly exploited. E2 Laurel, she was the backup plan, in my opinion (she was still a very good character as well). In your opinion, how could they have done the character better? I was thinking to say, to make her a metahuman in the second season of Arrow, which has the backdoor episode of The Flash, with the explosion of the particle accelerator at STAR Labs and give her the typical Black Canary powers and let an interesting development go from there... What do you guys think?

14:59 UTC


Who would Oliver save? Thea or Felicity?

Let's pretend it's a Dark Knight scenario, only he can get to one of them in time(and becomes a super villain?) who would be go for? Thea or Felicity?

02:57 UTC


Is a grappling arrow possible?

Would a grappling arrow work? I have an idea in my head that i can draw out if someone wants, but im trying to think if it actually would work.

If anyone sees this post while this message is up, im working on a drawing/mock up of the arrow im thinking of.

23:36 UTC


Season 9

Am I the only one who wants arrow to make a comeback but with better writers? It ended with Oliver finally getting his happy ending after sacrificing everything but I still feel like it had soo much more that could've been done.

19:56 UTC

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