
Photograph via snooOG

For all things Constantine.

A subreddit for everyone's favourite Hellblazer

"A man struggling with his faith is haunted by the sins of his past but is suddenly thrust into the role of defending humanity from the gathering forces of darkness."

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Episode Discussions

Season 1


8,118 Subscribers


John Constantine developing into darkness

08:36 UTC


Favorite love interest

1 Comment
03:21 UTC


The creators of Constantine believe they met John Constantine in real life

I remember, hearing a story about how some of the writers of Constantine believe they met him in real life they asked one of the writers that said he saw Constantine in a bar, but did not try to talk to him. Why not. The right states that John Constantine is not the kind of friend that you want to make or something to that effect. This idea of meeting John really stuck in the back of my mind I couldn’t shake, but at the same time I felt like this wasn’t something I should think about.. two days later I had the most intense lucid dream about John Constantine, but unlike most lucid dreams that I’ve had in the past I couldn’t control it.intellectually I know that this is just a dream but.. it felt so real and it was so intense a week later I haven’t been able to shake it really.

02:01 UTC


Not-exactly-laughing Magician. (I couldn't see any flairs for fanart sorry)

23:04 UTC


What does Constantine like besides smoking and drinking that is SFW?

Hi, I'm just curious, what does John like/do besides smoke and drink? I think he played d and d in legends of tomorrow but that's all I can really come up with.... so what do y'all think he does in his free time?

02:13 UTC


City of demons episode help!

So I tried to the watch City of Demons tv series because it looked absolutely awesome, and it is!! Don’t get me wrong I love it so far, but the episodes are 5-6 min. I don’t understand what’s happening here, did I somehow get a faulty link and they split episodes up? Are they actually only small mini episodes?

Where should I start to get into Constantine if not this series? Thanks!

06:55 UTC


History Of Constantine

13:01 UTC


Mhalbi constantine

Salam les kheys! Est ce que quelqu’un a une bonne adresse de resto qui sert du mhalbi à Constantine ?

19:00 UTC


Fanfic recs

Dose anybody have good hurt/whump john constantine fics

1 Comment
01:02 UTC


Is the cartoons and TV shows of Constantine any good?

So I know that there are a few Constantine cartoons, a TV series and he has been in DC Legends of tomorrow (Season 3-5). Are they worth watching?

10:19 UTC


If you could cast anyone as Constantine,who would it be?

If you could cast anyone as John Constantine outside of Matty Ryan and Keanu Reeves,who would it be? Personally I think Karl Urban could be perfect as Constantine,but who would you guys fan cast?

18:12 UTC


Did I score a deal on The Wildcard Vol 16?

I was at my comic shop looking to see if I can find any of the Hellblazers TPBs I'm missing and they had The Wildcard Vol 16. I paid cover price brand new for it.

Now I still need this since I don't have it but when I look on eBay, Amazon, and books it goes for between 70 and 200 bucks. Is here like a diff printing or something or did the comic shop just not know what they had on the shelf?

On a side note , I also scored at the thrift store today, I found Y the Last Man vol 5, 6 and 7 for 2 bucks each.. but what makes this amazing is I also found Vol 1, 2,3 and 4 last week at a used bookstore for like 3 bucks each! Now I think I'm halfway to the entire series for like under 30. They had a bunch of Fables for the same price but I passed. And also saw something from Vertigo called The Unwritten. Vol 2 and 3 but wasn't sure I liked it so I passed. I'm now tempted to go back for it anyone ever read this series?

Plus I also found a old Entertainment mag featuring Star Wars for 1.00 and Arkum Asylum by Grant Morrison for 5 bucks And a pair of Doc Martins in my size pretty brand new for 30.

Sooo my day is Nice.

My Vertigo shelf is looking pretty good.

00:06 UTC


Any specific reason for the "dress shirt and tie" ?

Just finishing Tainted love and John goes back to wearing his usual white shirt and tie outfit and I'm wondering is there ever a reason given why he prefers this over any other piece of clothing? Even in dead of winter you never see him in a sweater I think. As much as he hates the 9 to 5 type job or corporate types he's in basically suit and tie attire.

Also wondering what sort of magic he uses to persuade the guy to give up his wallet to him. Seems like some sort of thing that he could do anytims to rich toffs to get some easy cash but I don't remember him doing it. He uses magic to horse bet, so He could make life so easy for himself by using magic but he doesn't, and the consequences don't seem nearly as bad as what he usually gets up to.

21:55 UTC


Looking for an issue

I'm looking for a specific issue of The Hellblazer that I remember reading but can't find anywhere. John is opening on ex lovers. He says somethingalong the lines of "It must be nice havin an ex you don't miss. I miss them all, even the ones who hate me"

17:55 UTC


Where can i purchase this jacket? I need it now.

22:43 UTC


I heard the calls of “we’re so back” coming from inside the house?? So here’s John to celebrate a new run of Hellblazer! [Art by me, J. Bonney]

17:33 UTC


I Have No Idea What's Going On

I'm a huge fan of Constantine/Hellblazer as a character. I love the whole unfazed schtick paired with quick quips. For example, I loved his character in New 52 JLD. However, No matter who is writing it, I can never figure out what is happening in a Constantine story. I don't know if it's the different dimensions or whatever, but it seems like so many random entities appear without any introduction or backstory, and the main character(s) will just be in another random location without explaining how, where, when, or why.

I've read a good stretch of the New 52, Rebirth, Delano's volumes, and Constantine, Hellblazer. I have experienced the same problem with each. Admittedly, Gaiman's run has not crossed my eyes.

Thus, I come to you all. Is there something that I am missing when reading these stories? Is there a certain perspective you take to enjoy them so much?

I'm getting pretty tired of giving Constantine a try every single time a new writer hops on, but I don't want to abandon ship.

Let me hear your thoughts and perspectives!


03:32 UTC


Everybody PLEASE pick up Hellblazer by Si Spurrier! If you don’t have a local comic shop then pick it up digitally on Kindle! Let’s show DC that we want more Hellblazer by Si Spurrier!!!

We were bummed when the first series was cut short but and now Spurrier miraculously gets the chance to continue story. Now is the time to make the demand known.

It’s all about the numbers - even if you normally read things in trade, consider buying this series digitally so that they see the support/demand!


01:50 UTC


Constantine 1988 #10

how does Christian mythology fit into the whole "elementals thing" and what is the story of creation in this universe? because there are mentions of Adam and Eve but also I read somewhere that "The Grey" tempted Eve and not the devil so it's a combination of Christian mythology and the writer's creativity?. How does Swamp Thing having a child fulfil the prophecy? And one other somewhat irrelevant question, is any of this connected to DC universe? I haven't read sandman yet but I've seen some references to DC superheroes in it? I don't care about the new dc comics and universe I'm just trying to understand what I'm reading

00:59 UTC


Constantine #19 Poster signed by Matt Ryan

21:14 UTC

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