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Hello! I got a max-q 4060 automatically undervolted+oc'ed by acer's Nitrosense profile.
My card has a fixed power limit of 85watts and gets overclocked by 100+ mhz on the core clock and 200mhz on the memory when enabling the turbo profile. As I guessed this to be some kind of undervolt+oc, i tried to add 150 mhz more to the clock, the power limit was indeed still locked to 85watts(so the card wasn't drawing more than 85w), but the core did overclock by 250mhz total.
I tried doing the same thing with the 70watts profile, where the card get's oc'ced by the same amount of turbo mode, but when i tried adding 150mhz to the clock, the game i was using to test my OC (Alan Wake II) crashed after 30 seconds. Temps still seemed to be the same as with the default profile, and power wattage was fixed to 70.
Now, my question is, would the crash at 70w be caused by me making the default uv+oc (applied by Nitrosense) unstable? Can I use the turbo mode's profile wattage limit to try and find a stable oc until i get instability?
I'm sorry for the weird formatting, my english is a bit bad and i didn't know how to ask this question otherwise lol.
Hi guys, I was thinking of picking up a 4070 Super or 4070 Ti Super with Black Friday coming up, but I’m not sure if it’s worth waiting a bit longer or buying one now.
I’ve looked at a lot of benchmarks, and the performance seems pretty good, but I’m also wondering if anyone thinks the upgrade is worth it for the additional performance I’ll get.
I’m also considering getting a 1440p monitor soon, so I want a good GPU to run 1440p at high FPS.
This game is wayyyyy too demanding for my laptop so I tried using DLSSTweaks. I believe I did the right thing:
0. Imported 'EnableNvidiaSigOverride.reg' and placed the files directly next to b1.exe (root folder of the game). Also tried placing the files in
(found this .exe via Task Manager, probably the actual game .exe)
1. Wrapped DLL:
2. Tweaked resolutions for different quality presets:
Ultra Performance: 0.22222222 (480p)
Performance: 0.259259259 (560p)
Balanced: 0.333333333 (720p)
Quality: 0.5 (1080p)
3. Since the game has a slider for internal render resolution instead of a preset dropdown menu, after some Googling I tried enabling 'Global Forced Preset' and tried B, C, D, and F.
With all these done, DLSSTweaks still isn't changing the game's internal render resolution. Can someone tell me what I did wrong and how to get it working?
Hi, I'm planning to upgrade my gpu, I currently have (gtx 1060 6gb) and my processor is (ryzen 5 5600), was wondering which is better 3060 or 4060 it is almost the same price on where i live and i do 1080p gaming. Thanks!
They both have almost the same price. which brand should I choose?
Hi, I’m looking to upgrade my gpu but have no idea which one to get. Not looking for a high end card..it can be a 30 series but I just don’t know which one would be best!
I'm building an extra system for my living room TV and am unsure which of the following used choices is the best value: a gtx1080 for $85, an rtx 2060s for $120 or an rtx 2070s for $140. My main system is a high end 4080 system where I play most of my games, but I'm debating what the best option would be for playing games casually on the TV. The rtx cards have dlss which may improve their image quality on my 4k TV but is it worth the premium over the 1080 for similar performance?
Hi! So I’ve been rocking a 3080 and I’ve loved it these past few years, but I game in 4k on and OLED TV mostly for single player games and I’ve been feeling the strain in some games I’ve really wanted to play smoothly like Alan Wake 2 or Silent Hill 2, even the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds. I know the 5000 series is around the corner, but where I’m from, I’m not too hopeful about stocks and prices (Philippines). I’m looking at getting a 4080 super for around 992 USD, or a 4090 for 1488 USD. Here are my considerations:
CPU is an i5 12600kf, which as far as I know isn’t strong enough for a 4090 and I’m not sure I’d want to upgrade my CPU just yet.
I like ray tracing and I also am not so picky about DLSS, I play most games these days on DLSS performance but would love to enjoy games at maybe balanced or quality if possible :)
Other than using a GTX 1660 in a prebuilt years and years ago, I'm not at all experienced with Nvidia gpu's and all their driver features and such.
What things should I try out?
Another question, my CPU seems to be bottlenecking now. I'm running a i5-10400 on an MSI H510M and I'm gaming mostly on hard drives too.
I'm considering moving over to a Ryzen 7 9700X and SSD's with a different motherboard. Reason being that I keep getting suttering in all my games I play and my CPU usage is hitting 100% as well as my hard drive usage. Or can I just switch over to SSD's while keeping all my current hardware and hopefully remove the stuttering.
PSU is bequiet pure power 12m 750w. From my research I would need to use the PCIe using both 6+2 connectors but only the 6 pins not the added 2 pins, is that right?
My CPU is Ryzen 7 7700, I already calculated power consumption and it should be enough, but I'm not sure about the connection to a 3080.
I can still return it since it's new if it really doesn't work.
Let's see how this goes. First time build putting in the 4090 FE
Looking to buy a 4070 TI Super and am wondering if anyone has experience with this GPU: https://www.newegg.com/msi-ventus-rtx-4070-ti-super-16g-shadow-3x-oc-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-ti-super-16gb-gddr6x/p/N82E16814137898
Any insight is greatly appreciated!
Hello guys
Im on the market to buy a GPU, Nvidia only ( sorry AMD fans ) and i have 2 models in sight.
4070ti Super and 4080 super
I was keen to buy from PNY or Asus TUF, since all other options are out of stock, so can any one help me with, wich one is better, pros and cons.
Hey there everyone, so I'm finally considering upgrading to a 40 series graphics card, I currently have a 3060ti and have no want to upgrade to 1440p gaming just yet so the card would be used with a 1080p monitor and paired with a ryzen 5 5700x3d cpu, I want to know what the best option for a upgrade would be when it comes to price to performance WITHOUT switching to Radeon I personlly have had too many nightmares with them in the past so I prefer to stick to team green
Hi guys. Which rtx 4070 Super should I buy?
Is the gigabyte worth the extra money? Or should I choose another one?
I’ve been holding off for almost 7 months with the FOMO of waiting for the 5000 series. But with the whole thing of the Trump Tariffs and the fact that they’re likely going to be heavily scalped for weeks (I’m not from the US, so no Micro Center here), and its probably going to affect the stores in my country as well, i decided to buy it now.
These are the two my budget allows:
MSI RTX 4090 GAMING X TRIO 24G for $2090 | Reviews mention that the cooler on this model lacks a Vapor Chamber and has fewer power phases, so it’s likely to run hotter than other models.
MSI RTX 4090 SUPRIM LIQUID X 24G | This one costs only $40 more than the first, but since it’s closed-loop water-cooled, I’m not sure how reliable it will be long term. If the AIO fails, I’d be left with a brick.
Also, my case only allows GPUs to be installed vertically. will it cause any issue with the 12VHPWR connector?.
I recently updated bios on my msi laptop and it broke a bit my ability to play on external monitor (display stutter). Fix was to use NvidiaProfileInspector (https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/s/st95dJsiUT) and switch single display performance to multi display as new bios may have changed something in laptop functionality. Question is how to do it manually without ProfileInspector ? Does nvidia allow users to do it in control panel? I cannot find this functionality
If you could buy a brand-new 3090 Ti for the price of a 4080 Super, which one would you choose?
A friend is asking me, and I'm not sure how to answer.
He plays at 1440p and has a 13700k CPU.
P.S.: The 3090 Ti in my country is usually around 200 to 300$ more expensive.
Hi all After 7 year of service my 1080 died yesterday, keeping in mind that my mobo have a 3.0 pcie at max what's the best quality/price card i can replace it with?
(sorry for my bad english, non native speaker here)
Found one for 600$ - quite rare in Romania. Meeting the seller later today.
I will game occasionally (single player), but mostly, I want to juice out for the next 3 years all the AI generations, photo and video, rendering (even 3d), upscaling, editing.
What softwares do I run to test everything about it? I only know of gpu-z
How do I interpret each software result to figure out how well /100 it performed and where I should expect it to be.
Are the subtle physical imperfections that appear on it over time? What to look for in physical inspection?
And overall if a new one is at 100/100, at what rating would a really good used one be?
I will get a high refresh rate monitor soon but for now I have a 4k 60 monitor. I know that frame gen is bad at 30 fps because half the frames will be generated and they are based or less information. I want to know how that changes with higher fps (still sub 60) though. I can't find how the tech really works anywhere.
I hope that it will only generate the frames necessary (e.g the 15 from 45 to 60) for maximum image quality but maybe it will drop my real frames to 30 and double it. That may sound stupid but if you watch the video at the bottom, he near doubles his frames (at high refresh rates so it doesn't answer my question) but also gets noticeably lower temps and power consumption. I assume that it's from lowering frames actually produced by the gpu and generating more to make up for it, he also alludes to that himself but doesnt seem confident.
I would love someone that fully understands how it works to explain what it does / targets. Not only for 60fps but also how it works beyond that.
Edit: I understand the input delay is based on the native frames, I am only concerned about how it works for image quality reasons.
Let me start this by saying I recognise that I'm in an extremely privileged position to even be able to ask this question.
I currently have a 4090 paired up with a 5900x.
I game predominantly at 4k and mainly single player cinematic games, nothing competitive. I don't have any hobbies or work that require rendering.
With the 5000 series cards around the corner, I was planning on selling my 4090 and adding a little to get a 5090. But with how well the 9800X3D CPUs are performing, I could potentially use that money on upgrading my CPU, mobo and RAM, and stick with the 4090.
My question is, which one would net more returns in terms of gaming performance for my specific use case?
Cheers 🥂
i have thought about upgrading my laptop and adding another external gpu but im not sure if my cpu will be able to handle that. I have a ryzen 5 4600h and gtx 1650 ti. I would also like to know if i can use both gpus on 1 game like fortnite for max fps or on one vr game to handle better.
Found an offer for a 3090 for $600 bucks used, looking to upgrade from a 3060. With the rumors of a 5000 around the corners should I wait it out till the end of the year? Thanks everyone.
So I was looking into buying a new gpu for my pc, I have an intel i9 and 1660 ti right now. My budget is around $300 and the two main ones I was looking at were the 2070S and 3060 but I wanted some outside help. For reference my main games are RL, OW, and heavily modded mincraft, so something that can run smoothly on 144ish FPS would be great. Thank you!