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Ps5 extended storage

Now nothing has been wrong with my extended storage and now for some odd reason it just won't repair it gets to 33% then proceeds to say can't repair the usb drive how do I fix please help I don't want to lose all my games and data on my storage

06:35 UTC


Help me choose a new router modem combo please

Some background info. My house is about 1400sqft. My wife and I both game and I work from home. I have spectrum with the 600mbps service. I currently have the normal spectrum modem and router which I'm not sure why but I'm not paying a rental fee. I get good speeds because I have my console and computer hardwired in my office but my wife's console in the living barely cracks 50mbps. I'm looking at the Nethear cx70p since I'm not needing too much. I'm worried that the model is too old since it came out in 2015. Idk if that's a valid concern. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

06:29 UTC


5 Raisons de Faire Appel à un Réparateur d’Ordinateur

Avez-vous déjà été confronté à des problèmes informatiques qui vous ont laissé perplexes et frustrés ? Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous n’êtes pas seul. De nombreux propriétaires d’ordinateurs font face à des difficultés techniques qui peuvent nuire à leur productivité et à leur expérience utilisateur. C’est là qu’un réparateur d’ordinateur professionnel entre en jeu. Dans cet article, nous vous présentons cinq bonnes raisons de faire appel à un réparateur d’ordinateur professionnel.

Tout d’abord, un réparateur d’ordinateur professionnel possède l’expertise et les connaissances nécessaires pour diagnostiquer et résoudre rapidement les problèmes informatiques. Ils sont formés pour comprendre les différents systèmes d’exploitation, les logiciels et les matériels, ce qui leur permet de trouver des solutions efficaces.

Deuxièmement, faire appel à un professionnel vous fait gagner du temps. Au lieu de passer des heures à essayer de résoudre vous-même le problème, un réparateur d’ordinateur professionnel peut identifier et réparer les erreurs en un temps record.

Troisièmement, un réparateur d’ordinateur professionnel peut vous aider à prévenir les problèmes futurs en effectuant des mises à jour régulières et en vous fournissant des conseils personnalisés pour maintenir votre ordinateur en bon état de fonctionnement.

En résumé, faire appel à un réparateur d’ordinateur professionnel peut vous faire gagner du temps, vous éviter des maux de tête et vous assurer une utilisation optimale de votre ordinateur. Ne laissez pas les problèmes informatiques ruiner votre journée. Faites confiance à un expert pour résoudre vos soucis techniques.

Pourquoi faire appel à un réparateur d’ordinateurs ?

Lorsque vous êtes confronté à des problèmes informatiques qui vous laissent perplexe et frustré, il peut être tentant de tenter de les résoudre vous-même. Cependant, cela peut souvent entraîner plus de problèmes qu’il n’en résout. C’est là qu’intervient un professionnel de la réparation d’ordinateurs. Dans cet article, nous vous présentons cinq bonnes raisons de faire appel à un professionnel de la réparation d’ordinateurs.

Économisez du temps et de l’argent

Lorsque votre ordinateur présente des problèmes, il est facile de perdre beaucoup de temps à essayer de les résoudre vous-même. Non seulement cela peut être frustrant, mais cela peut également vous coûter cher en termes de productivité perdue. En faisant appel à un professionnel réparateur d’ordinateurs, vous pouvez économiser du temps et de l’argent en laissant un expert s’occuper de vos problèmes informatiques. Un professionnel expérimenté pourra diagnostiquer et résoudre rapidement les problèmes, ce qui vous permettra de reprendre vos activités sans délai.

De plus, un réparateur d’ordinateurs dispose des connaissances et des compétences nécessaires pour identifier les problèmes et les résoudre de manière efficace. Ils sont formés pour comprendre les différents systèmes d’exploitation, les logiciels et le matériel informatique, ce qui leur permet de trouver des solutions adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques. En faisant appel à un professionnel, vous pouvez être sûr que votre ordinateur sera entre de bonnes mains et que les problèmes seront résolus de manière optimale.

Enfin, en faisant appel à un réparateur d’ordinateurs, vous pouvez bénéficier de conseils personnalisés pour prévenir les problèmes futurs. Un bon professionnel vous donnera des recommandations sur les mises à jour à effectuer régulièrement et vous fournira des conseils sur la manière de maintenir votre ordinateur en bon état de fonctionnement. Cela peut vous éviter des problèmes à l’avenir et prolonger la durée de vie de votre ordinateur.

Résolution rapide des problèmes informatiques

L’un des avantages les plus importants de faire appel à un professionnel réparateur d’ordinateurs est la rapidité avec laquelle ils peuvent résoudre les problèmes. Les professionnels de la réparation d’ordinateurs ont l’expérience nécessaire pour diagnostiquer rapidement les problèmes et trouver des solutions efficaces. Ils disposent également des outils et des ressources nécessaires pour effectuer les réparations de manière rapide et précise. En faisant appel à un professionnel, vous pouvez être assuré que vos problèmes informatiques seront résolus dans les plus brefs délais, ce qui vous permettra de reprendre vos activités normales sans interruption.

Prévention des problèmes futurs

En plus de résoudre les problèmes actuels, un professionnel réparateur d’ordinateurs peut également vous aider à prévenir les problèmes futurs. Ils peuvent effectuer des mises à jour régulières de votre système d’exploitation et de vos logiciels pour garantir leur bon fonctionnement. De plus, ils peuvent vous donner des conseils sur les meilleures pratiques en matière de sécurité et de maintenance de votre ordinateur. En prenant les mesures préventives appropriées, vous pouvez éviter les problèmes potentiels et prolonger la durée de vie de votre ordinateur.

Services offerts par les professionnels de la réparation d’ordinateurs

Les professionnels de la réparation d’ordinateurs offrent une gamme de services pour répondre à vos besoins informatiques. Cela peut inclure la réparation de matériel défectueux, la récupération de données perdues, l’installation de logiciels, la suppression de virus et de logiciels malveillants, et bien plus encore. En faisant appel à un professionnel, vous pouvez bénéficier d’un service complet qui résout tous vos problèmes informatiques.

Comment choisir le bon réparateur d’ordinateurs

Lorsque vous recherchez un réparateur d’ordinateurs professionnel, il est important de prendre en compte plusieurs facteurs. Tout d’abord, assurez-vous de choisir un professionnel expérimenté et bien établi dans le domaine de la réparation d’ordinateurs. Vérifiez les avis et les témoignages de clients satisfaits pour vous assurer de la qualité du service. Deuxièmement, renseignez-vous sur les tarifs et les frais de service pour vous assurer que cela correspond à votre budget. Enfin, assurez-vous que le réparateur d’ordinateurs dispose des compétences et des connaissances nécessaires pour résoudre vos problèmes spécifiques.

Témoignages de clients satisfaits

Voici quelques témoignages de clients satisfaits qui ont fait appel à un professionnel de la réparation d’ordinateurs :

  • « J’ai été confronté à un problème majeur sur mon ordinateur et je ne savais pas comment le résoudre. J’ai appelé un professionnel de la réparation d’ordinateurs et ils ont pu diagnostiquer et réparer le problème en un temps record. Je suis vraiment reconnaissant pour leur expertise et leur professionnalisme. » – Jeanne
  • « Je recommande vivement les services de ce réparateur d’ordinateurs. Ils ont résolu tous mes problèmes informatiques de manière efficace et professionnelle. Je n’hésiterai pas à faire appel à eux à l’avenir. » – Pierre
  • « Le réparateur d’ordinateurs que j’ai choisi a été extrêmement compétent et serviable. Ils ont résolu tous mes problèmes et m’ont même donné des conseils pour prévenir les problèmes futurs. Je suis très satisfait de leur service. » – Marie

Tarifs des professionnels de la réparation d’ordinateurs

Les tarifs des professionnels de la réparation d’ordinateurs peuvent varier en fonction de plusieurs facteurs, tels que la complexité du problème, le temps nécessaire pour la réparation et les frais de déplacement. Il est recommandé de demander un devis avant de faire appel à un professionnel afin d’avoir une idée claire des coûts impliqués. Cela vous permettra de prendre une décision éclairée et de vous assurer que le service est abordable pour vous.

Conclusion : l’importance de faire appel à un professionnel de la réparation d’ordinateurs

En conclusion, faire appel à un professionnel de la réparation d’ordinateurs présente de nombreux avantages. Cela vous permet d’économiser du temps et de l’argent, de bénéficier de l’expertise et des connaissances spécialisées, de résoudre rapidement les problèmes informatiques, de prévenir les problèmes futurs et de profiter d’un large éventail de services. Lorsque vous êtes confronté à des problèmes informatiques, ne laissez pas la frustration prendre le dessus. Faites confiance à un expert pour résoudre vos problèmes et vous assurer que votre ordinateur fonctionne de manière optimale.

1 Comment
06:19 UTC


Windows 11 turned off the windows firewall and now i cant turn it on again?

I downloaded windows 11 and then i got a popup that said windows 11 firewall was turned off.

I checked the "firewall and network protetion" and it says "microsoft defender firewall is using settings that make the device unsafe. It gives an option to restore settings but that doesnt work. it just asks "allow firewall to make changes on pc" or whatever, then nothing happens.

I opened the firewall app, which just says "windows defender firewall is not using the recommended settings to protect your computer.". it gives me the option to "use recommended settings" but then an error comes up saying "windows defender firewall cant change some of your settings"

1 Comment
05:57 UTC


Docking Station für 2 HDMI-Bildschirme ohne USB-C – Suche nach passender Lösung

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe einen relativ teuren und hochmodernen Laptop mit nur einem HDMI-Ausgang und möchte zwei externe Monitore (HDMI) anschließen. Leider hat mein Laptop keinen USB-C-Anschluss mit thunderbolt, was meine Suche nach einer geeigneten Docking Station erschwert. Ich möchte die Monitore als erweiterte Bildschirme nutzen. Aktuell kann ich den einen nutzen und den zweiten über USB, aber die Auflösung und das Framing ist so schlecht, dass ich den zweiten lieber nicht nutze.

Gibt es eine Docking Station oder andere Hardware-Lösungen, die funktionieren und zwei Bildschirme in HDMI bspw. zu unterstützen? Oder hat jemand eine andere Empfehlung, wie ich dieses Setup hinbekommen kann?

Danke vorab für eure Hilfe!

1 Comment
05:51 UTC


Harddrive click of death

I don't expect any solutions, as I have tried all. I'm just writing this as a journal to document my despair.

How It died, i think the romna bumpped into my pc too many times as my hard drive wasnt mounted into case as wring 3.5 mounts.

Hard drive clicking. Won't boot past bios. Hardrive isn't a boot drive yet it stops me. I've been power cycling for a few hours now. Harddrive shouldn't further damage it's self during boot up as that would be a terrible design. Finally booted 5 hours later and I see all my files. I was cutting files in but it won't cut as hardrive dies too quickly.

I tried freezer already, no affect.

Meanwhile cutting, hdd started beeping so I rebooted after seeing no results. Now no clicking, no beeping, but windows not seeing hhd. But the hdd is still spinning. Weird

05:50 UTC


How do i delete java add on from my pc (windows 11)

I tried to download Minecraft mods onto my pc, they said i had to download java so it could run the mods, and i mistakenly pressed "always open" when it asked. now i cant access my discord. how do i get rid of java 100%? and stop it from running everything on my pc. (JavaScript + windows 11)

1 Comment
05:42 UTC


What is happening to my pc

A few days ago my pc crashed and went to a black screen but didn’t turn off. Yesterday, it did the same thing, but when I hard reset my pc it booted up windows to a black screen with the loading sign and my cursor. I heard it could be an issue w the storage and I just so happened to be putting in a new ssd that day. I moved windows to the new ssd, and it didn’t change much. But after I updated my graphics drivers everything seemed fine plus a little faster than on my old ssd. Right now my pc just full reset itself , and when I got past bios screen it was the blank screen with loading icon and cursor again. Strangely enough, both before and after I upgraded ssd did resetting my monitor sometimes get past the blank screen and let me use my pc.

When I’m on the blank screen, I can’t do any commands that people say you can like ctrl+alt+delete or win+shift+ctrl+b

Is my pc just dying

05:40 UTC


Can you plug a Chromebook into a tv with a USB C to USB b cable?

My Chromebook has no HDMI and casting is delayed,can I plug it in without a dongle? Please help I don't wanna break my Chromebook or my tv

05:29 UTC


Problem with GeForce experience

Hello, I have a problem with performance monitoring in Geforce Experience (I speak Spanish so I hope you understand) before when I monitored everything went well, everything was correct, suddenly now when I want to monitor everything appears at 0, and a loading sign but no It never loads, I did everything, I checked the drivers, in the updates, I reinstalled Geforce Experience, I don't know what to do, help

05:27 UTC


don't know what pos apps to install

if somebody can recommend me some pos apps i will give them 2 TON

2 TON = 50$

05:27 UTC


My Unifi access point is AWOL and the app can't find it either

Couple days back we lost wifi, though internet seems to working fine as I still have a connection via ethernet. We have a Ubiquiti Edge RouterX talking to a Ubiquiti Unifi access point. I'm assuming the AP is the issue. My ex-housemate set all this up so I'm out of my depth and he's currently on a multi-day hike and uncontactable.

The Unifi is showing a solid white light which suggests its lost its contact details and wants to be 'adopted'.

I tried the Unifi app (on Android) as instructed but the automatic device finder stuff can't find it, and doing it 'manually' (scanning the QR code on the back and eventually agreeing to set up without Unifi) gets to the point where it says its found the Access Point and Edge Router, and can maybe connect to the AP but the moment it does and tries to update the device, the update fails.

It doesn't seem to be a cable issue as I've tried a couple other Cat-5+ types and they all give it power but it doesn't show up.

Opening the Edgemax wizard for the router shows that its connected to something on the correct ethernet port and I think they're pinging each other but idk if I can do anything else with the wizard, I'm well out of my depth here.

Not sure how to proceed. Googled a bunch but they're all talking about similar but seemingly significantly more advanced set ups than my little dinky home one, and its all terminology that makes my head swim

Any help appreciated

05:19 UTC


AT2020USB+ Level (volume) changing?

I'm unsure of what it is but my AT2020USB+ (Audio-Technica) keeps changing its audio level?

It happens at complete random so I don't know what to change to fix the issue.

It would happen on my old PC which was all Nvidia and now I'm on AMD.

I have no drivers for the mic installed I couldn't find any.

An example is ill be in discord for hours talking with friends and at random throughout the hours the mic will drop its level.

Anything helps

05:16 UTC


Can't run compatibility mode for .exe application.

Whenever I try to run compatibility mode for Zoo Tycoon, the only option I have is to run the compatibility troubleshooter. This gives me a few lists of applications but none are the one I need. I remember being able to just manually set compatibility mode not too long ago, so not sure what's going on.

05:05 UTC


Help me, Im kinda scared.

So, all of a sudden I got 50+ emails public.govdelivery.com emails from multiple departments saying I am subscribed to their services, there's been changes to subscription changes etc. All less within 2 mins.

I haven't clicked on any of the emails because I'm scared but what's happening?

04:56 UTC


"Automatic Repair Failed"

It says the above phrase and sends me directly to 'continue', 'troubleshoot' etc. options. I tried to do something after watching a few youtube tutorials... But the results I am getting after performing the same task is vastly different from theirs... So I don't know what to do...

04:37 UTC


Keyboard Keeps disconnecting randomly I would appreciate some help.

For the pass few weeks I've been having this issue of my keyboard disconnecting and reconnecting randomly. I've tried switching USB ports and the issue is happening on 2 different keyboards 1 Logitech and 1 Corsair. I have run updates recently. Also my computer is only a few months old specs listed below if it helps. Please ask if any other info is needed.

Processor AMD Ryzen 7 7700X 8-Core Processor 4.50 GHz

Motherboard Micro-Star International Co. Ltd. PRO X670-P WIFI (MS-7D67) (AM5)

Graphics Card 4089MB NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Ti (MSI)

Keyboards: Logitech G213 and Corsair K70 Pro

04:36 UTC


I've got a terabyte of data spread across various hard drives and clouds... what's the best way to consolidate it?

I've got about 250gb in icloud (so I guess I'm stuck paying that subscription until the day I die) about 100gb on onedrive, 50gb on google drive, 300gb on a portable SSD, 150gb on my laptop and 100gb, on a desktop pc.

It consists of personal photos and videos, things I've written, music I've made, media, basically stuff I don't want to lose and I've just realized how vulnerable it all is right now.

I guess I could get a huge removable SSD and back it all up on that, but do you guys have any better solutions?

I'm open to other methods but I'm not much of a tech guru so nothing too complex.

1 Comment
04:31 UTC


Wifi Dongle Not Connecting To Certain Network on Windows 11

So I had a wifi dongle on my computer, and it all of a sudden started to constantly disconnecting from my internet, so then I got a wifi dongle( https://www.amazon.com/ElecMoga-1300Mbps-Dual-Band-Transceiver-10-9-10-15/dp/B0CRB2LV8V/ref=sr_1_34?crid=2RCAK7FCMUKUS&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8rm8R8JTkeqdjgCz8CJdOdHulVbFfUx_BxbWjaQD546VnT5qFBojL17KeOEmcqRD-eG2KtPat-gx1dDzMiytuYbUX0RVU8S0kmox_ZdKNGOwLDy80F9t-DUBGszWMz5O9oS0laxp7Gjw1iJ4HEyhFzHZXXOWJ0cZC-GxAgY68P6pgWmOlCF2UX7ewRRIF2-Z.LaJsj6Z-zzp5RW_a__jeJncOeE-yylCSgQRnwkr8bcs&dib_tag=se&keywords=wifi+dongle&qid=1726884338&sprefix=wifi+dongl%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-34&tag=namespacebran506-20 ) but it is not connecting to my 5G network and ive tried updating driver, uninstalling and reinstalling it, restarted the router, messed with the network settings, and even restarted my PC. I Need Help

04:27 UTC


GPU Shutting Off

RX 6800 keeps randomly shutting down off while playing mostly Escape from Tarkov. Screen will go black and then I hear the sound like it has restarted but the screen doesn’t come back unless I do a hard reset.

CPU: RYZEN 5 7600X

Motherboard: ASRock B650M Pro RS WiFi



Operating System & Version: WINDOWS 11 Pro

So far I have tried reseating GPU and cables. Reinstalling drivers. The PSU has been replaced.

04:26 UTC


Does changing the AC adapter on a router affect its performance?

Hey all, someone snagged my router by accident and the power adapter broke. I'm using a spare one right now but for some reason it's impossibly slow now. I tried factory resetting everything in my network but no dice.

If I connect my PC to a mobile hotspot the internet works fine, but as soon as I'm back on my connection it's just almost dead. Dips down to 0 - 8 Kbps easily based on Task Manager and I can't even load Google. Strangely, video streaming on YouTube is mostly okay. Anyone have something I can try for a fix?

1 Comment
04:25 UTC


Mouse scroll Wheel stopped scrolling suddenty. Still clicks

My mouse suddenly stopped scrolling about 20 minutes ago. It was working fine and then it just felt weird when I hit the track wheel. Or whatever it's called. I tried updating my drivers, putting the wire in another USB port, restarting my computer. Nothing has worked. It still clicks on things perfectly fine. Like if I click the trackwheel while scrolling the internet it'll still bring up the twin arrows in a circle. But I can't get it to register the damn thing moving when I spin it. It also feels weird when I spin it. Almost like it's moving more freely now. Is there anything I can do. It's a lightsync gaming mouse

04:21 UTC


Internet Problems on Gaming PC

Hello! I am currently running into a issue with the Wi-Fi connection on my gaming PC. I am getting much slower download and upload speed than I should be on my PC. I ran a speed test on both my Gaming PC and on my laptop, from the exact same spot in the house. On my PC I got a download speed of about 5 Mbps and an upload speed of 0.10 Mbps while on my laptop I got a download speed of 97 Mbps and a upload speed of 19 Mbps. My roommate also said he gets results similar to the results of my laptop when he ran a speed test. I also get 2 bars of Wi-Fi on my gaming PC but I get 4 on my phone and laptop. So there must be a problem with my Gaming PC, would anyone know where to start with finding the root of this problem?

1 Comment
04:17 UTC


Windows install question

im i able to download windows directly to an ssd, that is plugged into an other pc, instead of using a usb.

because when i do it the normal way i get error 0xc0000428.

04:15 UTC


rundll32.exe multiple instances.

ive had this going for a while it got so bad i had i think 900 open or something it was so bad it was using 80 - 90 % memory and i could not even open task manager i removed some stuff and ran scans and now its sitting at 40% memory but still thats insane i only got 16g ram but still 40% of that from a dll is wild i dont want to reset my pc since my internet is terrible and really dont want to go through the trouble of redownloading everything but if there is a way to backup certain files then i will probably do that

04:11 UTC


Did I get a fake WD Elements external HDD?

I bought this external drive last week and just came in today. I checked it on crystaldiskinfo and I'm quite dubious if this is a genuine external drive.


I Googled ST2000LM024 and it's showing me Seagate internal HDDs. I also checked the firmware and found this. I verified the serial number printed on the drive and on the box on WD warranty status website and it's there but I'm wondering if the printed serial number can be duplicated/faked? I have an older WD Blue I bought few years ago and this is how it looks like on crystaldiskinfo: https://imgur.com/lcnPtpv

Should I return this to the seller and get a refund?

04:10 UTC


I have been attempting to fix my self built PC for the last few months but have not succeeded. This is my last stop before swapping out parts. Does anyone have any ideas for a new way to diagnose what is wrong or what hardware I should swap out first?

Hello r/techsupport! Earlier this year a I built a PC (along with a few friends of mine who have built their own in the past) meant for gaming and streaming. at first everything seemed to be fine, but after a couple of months it became unstable, starts lagging/stuttering, and eventually crashing. This predominantly happens when gaming and streaming, but sometimes it will crash just with a browser open. These problems get worse and worse (the PC won't restart, failure to boot, immediately crashing once I log in, etc.) until I fully reinstall windows. Then the process slowly starts over again where it's mostly stable (I can play a steam game and stream it for several hours) but once it crashes it starts going in a downward spiral. I tried capturing the stuttering in OBS but right now the system is mostly stable and I don't want to make it start bugging out. Another symptom is crackling/popping in my headphones. It's really intermittent at times but gets worse when the system is starting to stutter harder before a crash.

PC specs: CPU

  • AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8-Core, 16-Thread Desktop Processor





Here is what I have tried so far:

  • uninstalling cpu drivers(chipset drivers) and gpu drivers with and without DDU.
  • Installing drivers directly from the manufacturer's websites
  • Clean installing windows 11 using windows media creation tool and Rufus
  • Downgrading from windows 11 to windows 10
  • Running a windows disk check
  • Running a windows RAM check
  • Downloading hwinfo and seeing if anything is incorrect (Nothing looked wrong but I was mostly checking RAM temperature)
  • Flashing my BIOS
  • Resetting my BIOS to default settings
  • Turning XMP off
  • Turning XMP on
  • Disassembling the PC, reapplying thermal paste, and reconnecting everything
  • Paying a local repair shop to look at it- he didn't find the problem

The headphone problem (I think it's related to the overall problem but maybe not)

  • Switching audio ports (front and rear of the case)
  • Trying different headphones (including wireless)
  • Switching the device audio quality in windows
  • Disabling advanced audio in windows (as well as other audio features I can't remember right now, if anyone wants to know which I'll figure it out)
  • Disabling audio device in device manager

The above steps aren't listed in the order they were performed in, as I cannot recall that specific order. The current OS is Windows 10 and as mentioned above the PC is at least somewhat stable. Earlier along in this process I was getting blue screens and a dump file but not since switching to windows 10, at least not that I have found. Does anyone here have an idea of what is wrong with my PC? Please feel free to ask questions if anything needs to be clarified. I am very much a PC novice so any advice would be appreciated :) tyty

PS: Sorry about the formatting. I cant seem to figure out how to bullet point on reddit that's my bad :(

04:07 UTC


Computer boots to bios every launch after replacing graphics card.

Every time I launch, bios appears and I have to exit it before I can move onto anything else. Not stuck in a loop, and can exit at any time, more annoying than anything to me. It did not do this before I swapped out my EVGA 1660 for an MSI 3060. Tried changing my boot order, changing my boot mode from legacy+uefi to uefi (Which got me in a loop until I changed it back), and confirming my bios recognized my sata ssd and m.2 ssd. Not sure what to do about this.

1 Comment
03:51 UTC


BSOD errors even after fresh windows 10 reinstall

Hi. Literally never made a reddit post before but im totally stumped. My computer randomly started getting BSODs, really not sure what caused it but after not using it for a few days they keep happening. Its not right as I start my computer, usually its on for a while, anywhere from 1-30 minutes, and it doesn't seem to matter what I'm doing. Had it happen trying to play a game and while i was just sitting on my desktop with nothing open. Tried pretty much everything to fix it that I can think of, updated my BIOS, reinstalled windows, removed and reinstalled my RAM, I used the windows system file checker, it said some files were corrupted and repaired them but still got a BSOD after. My CPU is new and I got it a few months ago after my old one bit the dust from overheating, so hoping its not that. A friend said it could be my RAM or Motherboard, im really not a whizz at troubleshooting so any help would be great. I'll put the .dmp files in as well, I tried to read them myself but really not sure what I was looking at. Hope this is all right, thanks for any help! If I need to add anything else just ask.


Motherboard: B550m PRO VDH wifi from MSI

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600x

RAM: G.SKILL Trident Z RGB Series 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 3200MHz CL16 Dual Channel Memory Kit 1.35V

PSU: Thermaltake Smart White 600W 80 PLUS Certified Power Supply

DMP files:


03:49 UTC


PC randomly shutting down during gaming (Full shutdown)

Hi, I'm hoping somebody can help me with an issue my PC has been having, I've been having it randomly shutting off on me in some games (complete shutdown, you hear a click then its off) Pretty positive its not due to overheating as I'll literally turn it on get on a game & the shutdown will occur before anything could even heat up & I've never seen the temps get that high. All drivers are up to date as well as Windows, BIOS & GPU drivers. I'm honestly stumped by whats going on. Have also made sure Ram is set correctly in Bios. In the process of a RMA for a replacement power supply as thats the only thing I can think of to try, tried alot of the things dealing with settings & etc from what I've seen others try with similar issues. The issue does not happen during idle, browsing or watching Youtube, only during gaming. Alot of times the game doesnt even get a chance to load up it will just cut off at the loading screen. Please help!

Build is as followed: ASUS Dark Hero VIII X570 MB, AMD 5900X, EVGA Geforce RTX 3080 Ti FTW3, G.Skill TridentZ Neo 32GB DDR4 3600 Ram 14-15-15-35, Two Firecuda 530 M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 4 x4 NVMe 1.4 SSD's (a 1TB & a 2TB), Seasonic Focus GX-850 80+ 850W power supply, Corsair H150i Elite AIO, 10x Lian Li AL120mm Fans (Swapped the 3 Corsair fans on AIO so all would match)

I have a video of it happening where I recorded the MSI Afterburner program monitoring things at the top left while playing a game the crash happens with consistently (CarX Street) not a demanding game by any means. Also happens while trying to start up Off The Grid & COD. Can send to anyone willing to look & see if anything sticks out around when the shutdown occured. I built this PC myself back in 2021 & its been great up until last week when this issue started occuring. I havent changed anything recently in Bios or anything else, & nothing has been overclocked.

03:34 UTC

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