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Dangers when providing a hotspot from my phone to strangers?

I want to use my phone to provide free WiFi to the people of my city. (e.g. on the subway) I have an unlimited data plan and good battery life but I worry about malicious actors connecting to my wifi and hacking my phone, is that a possibility?

10:46 UTC


Fuzzy/Pixelated Image with small features or at low magnification.

Hello everyone,

I have encountered some problem which I believe is related to NVIDIA drivers.

After some time, I noticed that the text and icons on the control panel (Win 11) became blurry or low resolution. The same thing happens with any image in MS edge if it is low magnification. For example, photos in Instagram feed are pixelated, but when I open a particular one - it looks normal.

I've seen similar in games: Elden Ring: My character and everything near him -> normal, everything at a distance: rapid loss of quality/resolution.

Interestingly, when I uninstall the Nvidia driver using DDU, Win 11 and images appear to be fixed. I tried playing around with Win's scaling and checking that the native resolution was always there. Also adjusted ClearType, but that didn't help.

Has anyone encountered something like this and knows how to fix it?


1 Comment
10:45 UTC


This pc good for medium gaming?

Processor: Intel i7 8700K

Graphics card: Nvidia RTX 3070

Central memory: 32 GB DDR4

Storage: 512Gb SSD

Operating system: Windows

10:42 UTC


Laptop suddenly went black after booting up game and wont start

Im not sure if this is a software error or hardware error. But basically, i was opening an game that had worked absolutely fine the last times i used my laptop, but when i clicked on the "Play!" button after i was changing my settings to my likings, the screen went black. At first i thought the game was just loading and nothings wrong, but after a suspicious amount of time it was still black. I tried hitting the esc and windows button but nothing would work. I closed the laptop and left it overnight, since it was late and i would figure it out tommorow. I just woke up about an hour ago but its still having this issue. Now it boots up and shows the Lenovo logo and loading circle, but then it goes black again and nothing else is shown.

10:36 UTC


Gaming PC. Can't get games to load... Please Help.. 🤯

How are you doing. I was hoping you could lend some help/advice. I have a PC.

I am having issues. I can't get these games to go pass the black loading screen:

Xbox App: Sniper Elite 5 (Works just fine)

Xbox App: Remnant II (will not load into game, plays menu music in the background)

Battlenet: Warzone (gets stuck in the initial loading black screen)

PC is brand new. Only a week old. Do I have something set up wrong... This is making no sense to me... Please Help!!!

APU1: AMD Radeon (TM) Graphics GPU2: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D

TroubleShooting: All drivers are up to date All apps are added to Firewall All games are added to firewall Disabled background programs at Start-Up PC Coolant and CPU Temp is good No virus on PC (only downloaded games) Memory is good I have checked for updates for games I have done scan & repairs for games

1 Comment
10:35 UTC


Need help ps4

Control broke recently do started using 60% keyboard and mouse problems is I can’t find the ps button do Everytime I want to swap games I have to hold power button and restart console

10:32 UTC


Poker Game Development


Poker Game Development by SDLC Corp.

Poker is more than just a card game; it's a complex blend of strategy, psychology, and probability. Developing an engaging and successful poker game requires a deep understanding of both the game mechanics and the technology that brings it to life. SDLC Corp., a leading name in software development, has perfected the art of poker game development through a structured and meticulous approach. This blog will explore how SDLC Corp. navigates the intricate process of poker game development, ensuring a seamless and immersive experience for players.



Understanding the Requirements

The first step in poker game development is a thorough understanding of the requirements. SDLC Corp. begins with comprehensive market research to identify the target audience, popular game variants, and current trends. This phase involves engaging with stakeholders to gather detailed specifications and expectations. Whether the goal is to create a Texas Hold'em game, Omaha, or a unique variant, understanding the nuances of each game type is crucial.


Conceptualization and Planning

Once the requirements are clear, the next phase is conceptualization and planning. SDLC Corp. assembles a team of experts, including game designers, developers, and graphic artists, to brainstorm ideas and create a roadmap. This phase includes defining the core mechanics of the game, the user interface (UI) design, and the user experience (UX) flow. The planning stage also involves creating wireframes and mockups to visualize the game's layout and features.


Design and Development

The design phase is where the creative vision starts to take shape. Graphic designers at SDLC Corp. work on creating visually appealing elements, including card designs, table layouts, and animations. The focus is on delivering a high-quality visual experience that enhances gameplay. Simultaneously, developers begin working on the game's backend, ensuring that the game logic is sound and that the server infrastructure can handle multiple players and real-time interactions.

The development phase is iterative, with continuous feedback loops between designers, developers, and stakeholders. SDLC Corp. employs agile methodologies to ensure flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process. This approach allows for regular updates and adjustments based on feedback and testing.


Testing and Quality Assurance

Quality assurance (QA) is a critical phase in poker game development. SDLC Corp. conducts extensive testing to identify and fix bugs, ensure the game runs smoothly across different devices, and provide a seamless player experience. This phase includes functionality testing, performance testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT). QA teams simulate various scenarios to test the game's stability and reliability under different conditions.

Deployment and Launch

Once the game has passed rigorous testing, it is ready for deployment. SDLC Corp. manages the deployment process meticulously, ensuring that all systems are integrated correctly and that the game is available on the desired platforms, such as mobile, desktop, or web. The launch phase includes marketing strategies to promote the game, attract players, and build a community around it.


Post-Launch Support and Maintenance

The journey doesn't end at launch. Post-launch support and maintenance are crucial to the long-term success of a poker game. SDLC Corp. provides ongoing support to address any issues that arise, release updates, and introduce new features to keep players engaged. Continuous monitoring and feedback collection help in refining the game and enhancing the player experience.



Poker game development is a complex process that requires expertise, creativity, and precision. SDLC Corp. excels in delivering high-quality poker games by following a structured approach that encompasses understanding requirements, meticulous planning, creative design, robust development, rigorous testing, seamless deployment, and ongoing support. With their commitment to excellence and innovation, SDLC Corp. ensures that every poker game they develop offers a captivating and immersive experience for players.

By leveraging the strengths of their team and adhering to best practices, SDLC Corp. stands out as a leader in the field of poker game development, consistently delivering games that not only meet but exceed player expectations.


10:30 UTC


Stuck on welcome screen on windows 11

Whenever I try to login (I tried most of the hotkeys including ctrl alt delete) I get an empty lock screen. The screen goes black after a few seconds and I get sent back to the normal welcome screen with the clock and date. Could somebody help me?

1 Comment
10:24 UTC


My Expansion HDDisn't connecting proplerly, can you help me?

I have this expansion HDD storage I keep almost all my games on that I use for my laptop. This morning it just stopped working properly. It still connects but i can't open the games or put things on the storage anymore.

I am not at all good with technical stuff so i have no clue.

All the games supposed to be connected to the Expansion can't connect to it. Steam keeps telling me O have to install the games and only gives me my main C card option, not The Expansion's D Card.

10:21 UTC


Win10 problem after CC cleaner

Hey after I used CC Cleaner I can not use the windows Start menu, to fix this problem I want to reinstall WIN 10. But whiteout opening the start menu I can’t reinstall Windows.

I also tried to recover the data whit Recuva.

You have some Solution?

10:20 UTC


Gigabyte rgb fussion wont work anymore on gpu

For some reason my rgb doesnt work anymore on my card its now fixed at blue and my gpu doenst even show up in the control center or rgb fusion thing ive reinstalled everything and i cant get it to work. maybe its something in bios?

10:16 UTC


USB is not recognized as boot device

I want to install Linux on my laptop but the plugged USB is recognized as UEFI KingstonData Traverler 3.0, partition 1 in BIOS instead of Linux Mint, this makes it can't boot into Linux installation menu. I've tried to format and burn the iso with Rufus and tried different partition scheme few times already but still won't work.

10:15 UTC


PC battery problems

Hey! My PC is 4 years old (HP pavilion x360) and naturally the battery lost its capacity after 3 years of use so september last year I had it changed by a tech. Thing is : the new battery is already dead again, it doesn't hold charge and has to be plugged in at all times. I assumed the battery was supposed to last for at least a year and a half/2 years but it didn't even hold a full year so I know this isn't normal. I still use the original charger btw.

I guess my question is why didn't the battery last ? I'll looking for answers to help me decide what I'll do next : replace the battery again or buy a new pc.

An element that may have caused the battery failure is a power outage that happened in my building few days prior it started having problems, maybe it damaged my pc/charger somehow? I've seen people saying that power outages don't damage pc's, but idk it's a very old building and the landlord is pretty neglectfull so I wouldn't be surprised if the electrical installment (?) is all kinds of messed up.

10:13 UTC


Bare metal vs VM for downloading a virus

Hi I have a question, I want to download some files which I think could be malicious so I want to download the files on a different machine first to scan them and see exactly what they do beforehand. Which machine would be safer for me to potentially get a bad virus on? A brand new virtual Linux machine, or a fresh bare metal installation of Linux on a partitioned drive? Because I've heard that viruses can sometimes leak out of the VM and attack the host machine. Thanks.

10:09 UTC


A weird notification in my google activity.

Today when I was checking my activity in the manage google account on my phone. I saw that there was one label as like Search and it had the Google logo.

The content of it was "1 notification including topics: Los Angeles Dodgers". It was at a time where I was watching some Youtube videos and I have checked there wasn't any other device on my google account. I also have never search for anything related to sports.

Is this a bug or something?

10:06 UTC


Random FPS drop, stutters, with this dooting/beep sound with video

Hey wondering if anyone has any idea what is happening to my PC I get occasional stutters and lag making me unable to use my PC for a few seconds accompanied with dooting/beeping down.

Here is a video of my tabbing back into the game and having this stutter/fps drop happen.
You can see my mouse move back into view and clicking into the application and it starts lagging.
all the way until ctrl+alt+delete finally pops up

10:00 UTC


Unsure how to fix my screen blur(if that’s what this is)

I can’t post the pictures but I’m having issues where everything on one of my monitors has a sort of shadow or blurry version of itself behind the main image like the browser icon is there then behind it shows a very blurry version of the icon

I know I explained this badly but if anyone wants I can send images of what I’m seeing

10:00 UTC


Can you turn off windows Co-Pilot

So actually quite a while ago windows announced it would introduce a feature to windows Co-Pilot to enable it to see and capture everything on your computer even things like passwords so that if you ever ask Co-Pilot, say your passkey, it could tell you. Now since I already hate windows Co-Pilot this just triggered me off and I am looking for some way to just turn off Co-Pilot as a whole. I have disabled the Co-Pilot widget from the task bar but I doubt it stops Co-Pilot at all (I am on windows 11)

09:58 UTC


Damaged oleophobic coating


I am writing to inquire about the oleophobic coating on my Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra. I believe it has been damaged, as smudges easily form on the screen, which defeats the purpose of having a screen that reflects so little light.

I am aware that I can either get a screen protector or send the phone to Samsung for repair. However, I would like to know if there are any other alternatives or if I can fix the issue myself.

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,


09:55 UTC


PC keeps restarting when I launch games

So basically my PC keeps restarting when I launch a game like CS2 . It goes to the first screen but when I try to go to the settings tab or try to que in a game it stops for 2-3 seconds and then restarts like when selecting it from the start menu . I suspect it's something about the hardware. The temps are fine (about 60c on both CPU and GPU with a larger load)

09:48 UTC


My pc makes a strange "whistling" sporadically, and it's causing me to go crazy, please help

Shortly after I turned on my PC today, I started hearing this weird sort of "screeching" or "whistling" sound which appears in intervals. I can't make out exactly where it's coming from, and visually I can't see any loose cables or funny moving fans.

I googled a bit and most noise related things seem to be coil whine, but this doesn't sound like any of the coil whine examples (see my audio clip below).

Link to the Audio example

Does anyone have an idea what this could be, I can't deal with this noise it's absolutely driving me up the wall, so any help will be appreciated!

1 Comment
09:34 UTC


Multi-screen setup buggy after updating Nvidia drivers

My multi screen setup has been working fine for years. However, I was having an issue in Photoshop which I was advised to fix with a complete uninstall and reinstall of my Nvidia drivers. Which seemed to work.

However, as usual, you fix one thing and something else breaks.

I have three screens. My two main screens for work + one TV that is for gaming. Usually the TV stays off until needed. This setup has worked fine for months.

All three screens are connected to the Nvidia GPU.

Now, when my screens go to sleep and then I wake them up again, only my Main monitor wakes up, and my second monitor stays dark. All windows and apps are moved to my main screen. If I go into either Windows 11 Display Settings or Nvidia CP, I am unable to set up Miltiple Displays (on Windows 11 Display Settings, the two extra screens are greyed out, and on Nvidia CP, I can set up the new screens but as soon as I click Yes to 'Keep These Settings?' it reverts back to one screen, as if I'd clicked 'No').

Now, oddly, the only thing that brings back all screens is if I turn on the TV... When I turn that on, my second 'work' screen flicks on as well and all my apps and windows go back to the screens they were originally on. I can then turn off the TV again and carry on.

Can anyone advise why this may be happening?

1 Comment
09:31 UTC


Is it possible to enable RTX Dynamic Vibrance without having to use freestyle/overlay?

How come it's possible to enable RTX HDR without Overlay but not the other one even though both settings are present outside the freestyle filters in Nvidia App's game specific settings?

The reason I want to not use Overlay is because it seems to take a lot of VRAM (400-500 mb) just for having the overlay enabled. In some games I like the effect of RTX Dynamic Vibrance but as I am constrained by VRAM (I have 3070 Ti), I can't afford to enable it without significant loss in frame time stability.

09:30 UTC


How can I display my phone's screen on Tv?

Hi , I have android phone and i have an adapter with 3 usb ports , Hdmi port and type c port .

When i plug that adapter in my phone and plug the hdmi cable in the adapter and plug the other side of hdmi cable in my tv , my phone's screen doesn't show on my tv What should i do ?

09:27 UTC


Phone fell on PC - now PC is frozen?

My phone fell off my table onto my PC case, now the two screens are frozen, I can't move the mouse and I only hear a buzzing sound. Wtf?

09:24 UTC


Computer is weirdly zoomed in, Apps aren't working, Games are laggier, after turning my computer off and on again.

Ok let me break down on what's going on with my Laptop atm. Basically here is what happened I was using Blender, when suddenly my computer turned black. I didn't know what was going on so I turned it off. That is when all the stuff I mentioned happened. To go into more detail

  1. Computer is weirdly zoomed in

Some of the icons of my computer are zoomed in, and the mouse cursor is bigger than it should be. The weird thing is this is completely default settings and I cannot change anything to make my icons back to normal.

  1. Apps aren't working

What I mean by Apps I mean specifically Blender, but to be fair I havent checked every program in my computer so this might not only be a Blender problem, as according to Blender I need OpenGL 3.3 or higher in order for it to work. I checked tutorials, it didn't help like I updated my graphics card which was the suggestion that the Blender tab gave me, that didn't work since my graphics driver is already updated at the latest version, and I tried downloading a file called Opengl32 and pasting it into Blender, again that didnt work. If I were to guess this is a symptom to the wider problem of my computer.

  1. Lastly games are laggier

I tried running a few games, and my God games that use to run smoothly are suddenly way more choppy and slow.

Overall if I were to guess I may have triggered something that may have caused all these issues without me knowing. Basically I might have switched a setting or something which made my computer slower and made things look zoomed in. I tried updating and resetting my computer, non of which have worked to switch things back to normal, so overall do you guys know what's going on with my computer, and how can I switch things back to its normal state.

09:23 UTC


Is it possible to swap two computer cabinets without the storage devices and GPUs?

A good friend and I intend to swap our computer cabinets and its parts, but we both want to keep our respective files, settings and GPUs. so I believe that this would be possible if we just didnt add our HDDs and SSDs to the swap since our PCs are relatively similar and around two years old.

But is it really possible? Or would there be any problems and factors that I didn't account for?

Our PC specs are:-

Windows 10 and 64 bit operating systems both.

Ram:- Friend: 8GB Ram Sticks Me: Two 4GB Ram Sticks.

Nvidia GPUs:- Me: GTX 1650 Friend: GTX1050.

Processors:- Me: Pentium Dual Core E5700 3.00 GHz 2.99 GHz Friend: Intel Core i3-3220 3.30 GHz 3.30 GHz

1 Comment
09:23 UTC


The Glance app that normally comes with my laptop doesn't detect any camera


Yesterday I bought an ideapad Pro 5 (Ryzen 8845HS, 32GB, 1TB) without an os. Installed Windows 11 and set it up, but after installing and testing the Glance app that normally comes with compatible devices like this one, it said that no camera are detected, when both IR sensor and camera do work. The app has the permission to access the camera

1 Comment
09:21 UTC


SSD not wanting to format/doesnt show up as having space in this PC after a crash

Hello everyone! Recently my PC decided to have a nice little crash and after said crash, it started having major issues. It was slow to boot, sometimes didnt even want to boot, everything was running slow. Now ive got it to work better, but i have 1 very big issue, and its kinda hard to explain. Basically, i have 2 SSD's, my main SSD the C: drive, which shows up fine and works perfeclty, but, my D: drive shows up in this pc, shows up in disk management as online, but doesnt have the blue line showing how much space it has. Could somene please help me? You can contact me in discord so we can talk further. My user is ma1ne. Thanks in advance!

1 Comment
09:18 UTC


Monitor blacks out then image comes back

Hello, hope all is well!

I just got done building my second PC and whenever I'm playing a game or I guess anything that uses the iGPU, my screen goes black then image comes back like 3 seconds later. HDMI is connected to the motherboard. Just a standard HDMI cable, nothing special & all connections are secured. Anyone know what the issue could be? Latest Intel UHD graphics drivers have been installed. I have no dedicated GPU. I have HWInfo 64 installed and when I have that open while playing a game it seems like the monitor goes black too. Even opening HWInfo 64 caused the screen to go black sometimes.

Edit: I tried to install ASUS Armory Crate and the screen goes black, I am so confused... I guess installing programs causes it as well.

Edit 2: It seems like whenever a program or even Windows 11 asks for elevated permissions (Run as administrator) the screen goes black.


12th Gen Intel Core i9-12900K

Corsair Vengeance 64GB DDR5 6400MHz (XMP is enabled)


Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

1 Comment
09:12 UTC

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