A forum dedicated to preserving the history and legacy of the band Nirvana.
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Krist Novoselic - Bass player and founding member of Nirvana
Steve Albini - Famous recording engineer, recorded Nirvana's 1993 album 'In Utero'
Danny Goldberg - Former manager of Nirvana and the author of the book "Serving The Servant: Remembering Kurt Cobain"
Charles Peterson - Famous photographer, widely known for his work with Sub Pop
Gillian G. Gaar - Author of many influential Nirvana publications
Lori Goldston - Cellist on Nirvana Unplugged and the In Utero tour
Craig Montgomery - Producer and Sound Engineer
Aaron Burckhard - Nirvana's 1st Drummer
Dancing Tony - Touring Stage Dancer
Just to make it look like his jaguar
Extra random words: kehdx no dhs no dbdidhdisneidndfifnfkdbsisjdoffkbsosnfhfucndodjfj
It’s so scary to think anyone can just decide they’ve had enough pop their heads and leave people they love sad Kurt’s death isn’t different from others obviously it was sensationalized by the media but I can’t process he’s not here since I’ve been becoming a more consistent listener going most the hits I feel close to a dead man? Life is weird man and to think so many people that kill themselves are in pain just like Kurt was is gut wrenching and just scary that you don’t exactly know when someone’s suicidal since it’s the last phase of depression and depressed people can cover it up since they lie to everyone constantly I know I’m ranting but it’s just hard to process how many people this hurts his daughter the most she only knew her dad for a little less than 2 years and just hears about him through other people and the constant nirvana shirts that everyone wears please check up on everyone you know 💗
I was wondering how many people here saw Nirvana before they broke up. Kurt unfortunately passed away before I was born but I'm curious how many others have seen him in concert. If you did what year was it and what was it like?
Radio Friendly Unit Shifter is al all time great opener. Listening to this again makes me feel 18 years old again. Fuck, I'm old.
My kid loves Nirvana so I was thinking of getting this book for him. Do you think it’d be inappropriate? If it was a movie what do you think it would be rated? I’m mostly concerned about heavy drug use/sexual content. Thanks!
Like I can’t even begin to imagine what he’s doing in it I’ve tried, and I can’t imagine looking at a tab would help me understand it anymore, like is there two guitars at some points? I can’t even tell
My teacher made me and my classmates do an assignment about alternative music and showed us the smells like teen spirit music video and she gave us an assignment about what’s the meaning of the song and I thought this was cool
No, I'm not asking which pedal he used the most, l'm asking what do you think would be the pedal he LIKED the most in general. There may not be a direction citation of this but l'd be interested to know!
Every other live album that was released within the normal deluxe versions (like Paramount, Live and Loud) all got their own respective standalone releases (not counting the performances within the 30th anniversary box set)
The live show sounds great on the deluxe edition of Bleach, so that begs the question of why hasn't it happened yet
Anyone got any info/ideas about the kit Dave used in the Smells like teen spirit video? It’s a 5 piece which is unusual as other than some obscure Dain Bramage video I’ve never seen DG play anything other than a 4 piece. (Not counting the Crooked Vultures kits). And is there any relevance to the word Chaka on the front? Cheap rental maybe? Why not set up a 4 piece? Why not use his own gear? Never heard it mentioned anywhere before.
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Was the Bleach USA Tour Nirvanas first tour? From what I know they mainly only did shows in Washington before this. Does anyone have a photo of the tour flyer?
Happy Release Day!
Found in my local thrift shop.
Also it's from my Instagram story, i draw this months ago
Or maybe you haven't listened to one today.
The title says it all.
Was it mistrust of medical help, or perhaps he thought he was too far gone to get better...
What do you guys think?
On With The Lights Out, when he plays the song he's almost speaking like Leadbelly as well, I don't think he ever planned on screaming during the song, but he was going through withdrawals and depression and needed something to take out his anger. Or he wanted to use it as a way to build stuff up. Throughout the whole show he was pretty quiet until the end up with the big crochendo
I suck at drawing faces Also I was gonna draw Pat, Krist and Dave but I lost interest
Do re mi
Video 35 is copyrighted (Heart-Shaped Box in Saturday Night Live)