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The #1 Transmog/Cosmetics Site for Diablo IV

https://diablo4.dad/ The site just launched V 1.6.0 Update


  • Transmog Tracking (Login required to save)
  • All Transmogs
  • Seasonal
  • Eternal
  • Tejal's Shop
  • Promotional
  • All Challenges
  • All Feats of Strength

There are more than 20+ filters to help you find whatever transmog you're looking for.

This site is still in its early stages but properly developed enough for players to enjoy having items to hunt for. Once you begin tracking your collection you will soon discover there is still much to be found.

Feedback on the site is always appreciated, more so we have a discord in which we discuss features that are coming in our suggestions section. Posting ideas here works but we like to engage and meet other like minded collectors. Group together or discuss transmogs you are hunting with fellow hunters.

Link here: https://discord.gg/W5kmTRtPFA

15:41 UTC


Infiltrator’s Aspect anyone?

Choose the number that fit to you & comment below:

  1. I have no idea what the heck is that?!?

  2. I know what it is…

  3. Also, I understand what it does!

  4. I build around it before

  5. I will consider to put in when there an update!

  6. I will play it when it becomes a meta!

  7. I am gonna use it next season

  8. I always put it in my build (That’s me!)

07:19 UTC


Starting in Diablo 3, should I skip the campaign?

Im new to the series, started in Diablo 4 and I think I’m done for the season so I’m want to try Diablo 3 cuz I heard good things and like a lot what I see, but is the campaign worth it? In Diablo 4 except for the final 2 chapters I found the campaign really boring even tho people told me it was good, almost made me quit all along and though I lost 50$, but got HOOKED once I started playing post campaing, but im worried it’s gonna be the same thing for Diablo 3. I though diablos 4 was really slow paced until maybe chapter 3 but then it was just kinda alright, really boring honestly, the hell battle and Lilith fight was really cool tho, love her character.

07:16 UTC


New to Diablo

Just wanted to ask if Diablo is worth it to get i have never played any of their games but recently it has peaked my interest but i have no idea were to start or if i should get it

05:52 UTC


Original Diablo 2

I'm looking for mods to download and use for Diable II but i have no idea where to begin as this is my first ever computer game. Where can I start? Do I download from websites or what? I honestly have no idea lol. Any help is welcome.

05:30 UTC


Confession: I used to be a real dick in D2

Whenever we were in a dungeon, I would innocently stray from the party and then bring back a swarm of baddies and hopefully a boss and get everyone killed.

I would also purposely get a swarm of baddies, create a town portal at the last minute and go to town. And I’d let the other players to go in first. And they’d die.

I don’t know why but I suddenly had these flashbacks and revelations.

05:26 UTC


Just got back into it and S4 is almost done what should I do?

Didn't know S5 is out soon and just jumped back on. Should I abandon my low level S4 character and play some eternal? Does anyone even play eternal anymore?

Or should I get as far as I can in S4 to get whatever gear I can for my S5 character?

I am a noob and need assistance haha

02:27 UTC


Which Class

Hey everyone, I’m new to Diablo. Which class would you recommend for a new player?

22:40 UTC


Will Tyrael show up in upcoming DLC?

Lore-wise, Tyrael is gone, heaven is shut off. Do you guys think he'll show up to help in this upcoming DLC?

21:28 UTC


Fan Project: A dramatic reading of Diablo: Legacy of Blood by Richard A. Knaak Part 2

19:51 UTC


Infinite paragon levels, prestige only

Why are so many people against infinite paragon levels?

Paragon boards/levels potentially getting a rework in the expansion and Rod Fergusson hinted in a recent interview that the levels might go infinite.

I know many people dislike the idea of +5 main stat/level but what about after you complete your paragon boards you can still gain level without power tied to it?

Just a prestige thing for folks who would like to play longer and are looking for an incentive other than the gear grind.

I know many D3 players would like to see it come back even without any power tied to it. Just a thing to keep us playing longer.

16:39 UTC


Diablo 2 Classic - Multiplayer

How to play online with someone who isn't part of the local network in Diablo 2 Classic?

12:24 UTC


How does D4's storyline & campaign compare to its predecessors?

Just wondering if it's worth my time. Else I'd just buy Grim Dawn if I have an ARPG itch. Or replay Titan Quest or Torchlight 2. Or wait for Path of Exile 2, since I loved that world/aesthetic. Or Last Epoch, if I want my laptop to sound like an airplane another way.

05:06 UTC


Does devolutionX Hellfire makes game easier?

I mean the NORMAL difficulty. I played normal diablo, and than tried DeviluyionX on normal difficulty with Hellfire. And I relized that I got more loot, and it's easier to kill monsters. Is that Hellfire makes game easier, or devolution? Or them BOTH? I gotta be VERY THANKFULL to anyone who answer me :)

19:48 UTC


If you could imagine a completely new class what would it be?

I was thinking about this over the past year what would be a cool class that would fit in a Diablo game that hasn't been in it before. Here are the ones I thought of, that I liked best

-Lord: So this would have a regal aesthetic with a King Arthur romantic core, and I imagine he is sort of a swordsman/fencing class who has a summoner element, to represent that he has people do the fighting for him.

-Thug: I imagine this with a bit of a backstory, kind of like he is just a local gang boss who is tired of this shit. He would be big and tough/rough looking, since he's the type who gained his position by beating the shit out of everyone else in the streets. Also I would add, I imagine this character kind of cocky, so think Butcher from The Boys. He would be a hyper violent, blunt weapon/fist style Brawler class

-Psycho Clown: An agile rogue like class, but with the aesthetic of a twisted Renaissance clown/jester. I just think it would look cool and is easy to come up creative abilities in all sorts of directions

16:22 UTC


Hear me out: D3's Witch Doctor is a Spiritborn

So, he thematically fits for one, he summons stuff he perceives to be helpful, because as the Devs said, humanity shapes the Spirit Realm, so the Witch Doctor's powers manifest as Voodoo themed creatures. He also incorporates various animals like bats, frogs, and spiders into his abilities, much like the Spiritborn AND he hates wearing clothes, much like the Spiritborn

15:17 UTC


Diablo 2 resurrected: FOMO question

Are there any unobtainable items or anything in the game for Xbox series X? (Exclusives, preorder, limited time etc)

10:05 UTC


Deciding class to play

Gonna start playing diablo 4 but can’t decide what class to play. I really like paladin from 2 and crusader from 3. Is there a class that is somewhat similar to those 2, if not what class would you recommend?

02:51 UTC


Legendary drop rates D3 season 32?

Started at the new season with a DH. By level 20 I found 3 ethereals: windforce and two buriza-do-kyanon’s, from monsters. Didn’t play for two days. I started playing yesterday and I received 0 legendaries from drops leveling DH from 24-70. Thought it was weird so I decided to roll a barb. It’s at level 45 and I have found 1 legendary from a drop. Video shows killing rift boss level 1 greater rift with only drop being the gem. That was my first time doing a greater rift this season. Last season there would be at least 1-3 weapons/ armor/ jewelry drop Did they reduce drop rates or remove something from last season to reduce drop rates?

01:54 UTC


Complete Guide to the Warrior class (Diablo 1)

Diablo 1 Warrior Beginner's Guide: By Bsod (2024)

The warrior is THE main protagonist of the game, the wanderer in Diablo 2, and Aidan thats talked about in diablo 3. His main attribute is strength, and can wear heavy armor really early in the game if you put points into it.


Base stats in the game, starting and max stats:

Starting stats

Life 70

Mana 10

Strength 30

Dexterity 20

Magic 10

Vitality 25

Max stats

Life 316

Mana 98

Strength 250

Dexterity 60

Magic 50

Vitality 100

Stat Distribution

Warrior should focus on maxing out the dexterity stat, as it is the lowest stat for the class and it gives you chance to hit bonus and armor class bonus. Max Dexterity should be a must at the start of the game to avoid getting hit as well.

At about dungeon level 6, you can start shifting your stat distribution, adding strenght into the equation because they start giving higher class armor at that point. Try to get strenght as close to 90 points as possible on base stat, so that when good items start dropping, you can wear them. Maximum strenght required for any armor in the end of the game that's heavy, is 90. By the time you reach the caves, your stats should be good enough so that instead of dexterity, add life into the equation. Damage reduction on warriors is good due to wearing high armor class items. So keep that in mind.

There are elixir's by the time you reach the hell zone levels (13-15). So this is where you start buying elixirs of vitality and mana, as well as strenght. By the end of the game you should be at at least 90 strenght. If not, buy strenght elixirs. Elixirs Can be found at Peppin the Healer. Note that, Peppin's shop regenerates elixirs once you go into a dungeon, kill a couple of monsters, and come back to him.

What to wear

At the beginning of the game wear anything that gives you the highest armor class possible. What you should focus once you enter the catacombs, is resistances, chance to hit, and armor class, so keep in mind that those are the only stats that matter in this game when it comes to equipment.

You can wear the Butcher's cleaver for a while, because it gives you the highest damage for now until you get to the last levels of the catacombs. Then, Strictly focus on wearing single handed weapons and a shield.

Dont bother looking for unique items in this game, as most of them can be easily replaced in another difficulty. However, there are some unique items that can benefit the warrior greatly: Stormshield, Veil of steel(single player only), Demonspike coat, Grandfather,Doombringer, etc.

Mana should be left alone, as it is not needed, BUT, if you insist on having magic, then use elixirs. Don't waste your points in mana, This is a melee warrior, not a mage.

In your first Playthrough, avoid shrine's if you don't know what they do, or if you are interested in finding out what they do, Here is a link:


Highly avoid caldurons in the hell levels, they have random properties and can really impact your stats permanently (life, mana). Permanent hits from your hitpoint and mana points can hinder your character.

Farming for warrior

As stated before, don't bother with uniques but if you want to farm uniques this is the way to do it:

⦁ Farming in normal is fine, but the earlier levels will drop very low quality items up until you get to the catacombs, but item quality still suck. The highest ilvl for items is 30, and at lvl 30 you unlock hell. Same with nightmare, except nightmare can drop heavy armor and rings in the earlier levels.

⦁ Anything in the game can drop in any of the dungeons of the game, if the monster's level can drop it. The game predetermines the drops in the game based on killing everything, and opening every chest in the game.

⦁ If you are strong enough, start farming item's in nightmare difficulty. The way to have nightmare in single player, is to have a character level 20 or above in the multiplayer section of the game, starting a game with it in nightmare ,quit and starting a new game with your single player character. This is the same with hell difficulty, except your character in multiplayer has to be level 30. Farming in multiplayer is different, this is only for single player.

⦁ Blue items are better than uniques with the exception of some, so be on the look out for the items i stated in another section. I have found that farming the catacombs in nightmare can drop alot of good items. So keep that in mind

⦁ Farming in single player is better than multiplayer. The reason why is that griswald sells rings and amulets in single player, and not in multiplayer. You can farm really powerful items in the game by stimply starting a game, checking the shops, quitting, rinse and repeat

⦁ Check wirt often, he is near the cave entrance from town. He gets 1 item per level gained as well so check often. Once you stop leveling, he can be farmed like griswald

This is what i have learned so far putting time into this game, and I hope it helps you like this has helped me when tackling the first Diablo game. GG

20:25 UTC


i cant open my game.

so today i want to retry diablo 3 been years a i didn't play.
update battle net after that load diablo 3 .
i cant open it grey screen and after it close without any error.
yes driver are up to date.
i dont have any razer app or wtv

already restart pc 2-3 time.
been 2 hours im trying is the game close?

18:10 UTC


Which class is the face of Diablo franchise?

Which class represents and is the face of Diablo franchise? Is it Barbarian? Sorcerer? Spiritborn? Necromancer? Rogue? Amazon? Witch Doctor? Monk?

My vote goes to Druid but I think ultimately Spiritborn might become the face of Diablo franchise.

17:30 UTC


Diablo II ethernet cable connection

I wanted to play diablo II with my brother with ethernet cable yesterday it worked and today i cant. Can someone help?

16:19 UTC


Chilltara Farming: a Tragedy in 2 Parts

1 Comment
01:15 UTC


Diablo 1 mobile exist ?

Maybe is a stupid question but exists an HD version of diablo1 that works on Iphone!?

00:04 UTC


Does Diablo have a soundtrack theme? I think so

I recently came over the Diablo 2 death of Diablo music on YouTube.

This inspired me to make cut for Diablo himself and combine the death of Diablo with the music played when you hunt for Diablo in D2,(Leoric), the D1 intro music and the D1 Hell music. Included the cinematic Heaven’s Gate D3 music. I also included a riff of the Diablo theme from Diablo Immortal. Ended it with my over 20 years favorite piece, the end of act II cinematic music from D2. While we wait to meet Diablo in D4, I think this is the best we got 👍

What do you think? Did I hit or did I forget something? Listen to it here on YouTube

22:07 UTC

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