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Respawn question

I am new to playing offline on console. The last time I played was when seasons first came out on PC, and never offline. Is there a way to make the bosses respawn offline on the PS5 version so I can do runs? I know it's a dumb question. But I could use the help.

14:30 UTC


Proc Tal Rasha with Magic weapon?

I haven't played in a while so I'm a bit rusty. I've a vague idea that it's possible to proc Tal Rasha with Magic Weapon somehow, is that right?

It might have been something like you have to hit an enemy rather than just cast the spell or something, but I'm not being able to make it work.

Does anyone know if it's a thing or if I'm just being an idiot?

EDIT: Am I thinking of the armours because they won't proc tal rasha unless they hit an enemy. Or is it if I use magic weapon to ignite, it won't proc if the enemy dies instantly?

1 Comment
14:19 UTC


Do you still do Nephalem rifts?

Was wondering about this since I haven't done any. If I need keys I just run visions (with cow level).

Both are a source of keys but visions also provide me with the best farming spot for (1) veiled crystals, (2) ancients and primals, (3) gems, (4) forgotten souls and (5) bounty mats.

I simply don't see a reason to do any normal nephalem rifts.

Am I missing something?

Edit: Ok I think I have understood. Visions provide tons of other things but when only keys matter, rifts are far more efficient. And since XP is still infinite, it's technically irrelevant to do anything else.

14:06 UTC


How is your season going?

How is it going all? I have built both the Strafe Impale and Strafe UE builds. Already pushed up to 120 with my impale with only about 730 paragon. Altar is done, except the potions. Drops have been solid but nothing insane yet. No usable primals.

My goal is start pushing for 150 by the end of the week.

13:39 UTC


Need tips on my Crusader hero (Switch) - he's level 57 and it became awfully boring 7 levels ago!

This is my third attempt at a seasonal hero, the first two were a barb (incredible! +70 lvl) and a monk (pretty much okay +60 lvl).
The crusader was quite fun to play for the first 40 levels, but I really fail to find any synergies in the skills. The damage output is so low that It takes a minute to kill each individual standard monster in the Kanai Cube level (Expert difficulty), let alone the bosses that are simply bullet sponges and a chore to kill. Moreover, I just see no appeal in any higher-level skills, the first-tier ones look more impactful and damage-dealing to me while the new ones look plain weaker!! I must be missing something, because I see crusader as quite a boring class to play now, while people say that he's like No. 1 for solo play.

What am I missing about this guy? He's definitely not a damage dealer as a barb, but even the monk is more fun to play. Do I need to look for different synergies in order to amplify the damage I deal? I understand that loot means a lot, but man I feel so passive and attacks are bad. Is he supposed be a defence-based character?

This all may sound so noooob, but I own this game for 3 months only and I never played it before.

13:01 UTC


Red damage

Hi guys, i play diablo 3 from a while now, but i am only now starting to go more deep in the mechanics, i noticed that some damage come in a Red number. What are those??

12:31 UTC


Speedrun class for season achievement

Need a good class for this, so I can finish the season achievement, where I need to complete the whole campaign in 1 hour. Didn’t find any actual thread for this and don’t know how I should get this working. Tried it a few times but I only reach half of act 3 in this time..

12:30 UTC


Multishot vs God for speed/misc content

I'm kind of on the edge of which to pick.

For push I'll be running Impale, in all other content where does Multishot strafe / God hungering fit in?

Multishot seems better for speed GRS and Screams where as God seems better for bounties and regular rifts, atleast where I'm at right now with gear.

How are you other fellow Demon Hunters doing it? Just Multishot for any content that isn't pushing?

09:25 UTC


Would it be possible according the hypothesis that the game will keep going to have all the achievements

Self explanatory question, I'm wondering if all seasonal related achievement be available in the todays way, meanin some old season repeating. Do you think it could be possible ? Or am I aiming for nothing ?

04:46 UTC


Maxroll S34 solo push tier list updated today

It looks like they reshuffled the order for each tier.


For S Tier, necromancers are now more in the middle instead of on top, with Raiment and LoD WoL monk moving up along with Megalo Pony AoV FotH crusader and LoD HotA barbarian.

For A Tier the Helltooth and Mundunugu witch doctor builds have moved up. I think Uliana monk also made a shift from B to A, but I'm not entirely certain. It could be the only build to cross a tier boundary, but I'm just not quite sure.

04:36 UTC


diablo 3 e diablo 4

Recentemente fiz a compra do d4 e expansão, sei que aqui é um fórum de d3 e tudo mais, mas queria saber oque voces tem a dizer pra um player que nunca jogou o Diablo 3. Tem varios anos desde o lançamento , e nao espero que seja tarde ainda pra começar a jogar. O que voces tem a dizer sobre o jogo? é divertido ainda? vale a pena? e quais extensões comprar?

1 Comment
03:09 UTC


Monk Raiment Shenlong Generator


I'm playing Monk WoL LoD but I'm also building Raiment build, but I don't understand how to use each Spirit Generator ?
What are differences between Fists of Thunder, Deadly Reach, Crippling Wave and Way of the Hundred Fists ?
Which one to use in which situation ?

Thank you

02:53 UTC


Diablo III Rift Challenge 398 Asia Server Season 34

01:43 UTC


Returning player questions

I haven't really played D3 since the RoS expansion launched. I don't really know much at all about D3s current seasonal content funnel. I've just been doing random adventures and mostly running the Nephalem rifts to level. What should I be doing? And outside of the alter what's the seasonal mechanics? I'm level 55 atm on Demon Hunter. I guess I'm just asking for some direction because atm I'm just leveling doing whatever and feeling like I'm being super inefficient, possibly just missing the seasonal mechanic.

22:23 UTC


US challenge rift

Just finished the new CR. I'm still amazed that a lvl 99 LoD gem still creates a squishy WD. I died like 8 times and still beat the time. I hate this class so much...

21:42 UTC


Diablo III Rift Challenge 398 American Server NA Season 34

21:33 UTC


Witch Doctor in Season 34

Hello all.

This season will be my first time playing WD, and right now i am aiming for that Helltooth Garg build.

As i have no idea about WD items and the class overall, i would love to hear your suggestions on this.

Which build should i have to comfortably farm Greater Rift level 90s - 100s?

I saw the SOLO PUSH tier list and builds but i have no idea which build should i use to farm items and exp.

What would your suggestion be? Thanks in advance.

20:58 UTC


Sound issues?

Am I the only one that is getting horrible static like sound and the sound effects cutting out with multiple monsters on screen. It sounds so terrible.

Researched it abit and apparently the sound got messed up from a patch. Anyone know a fix or do I just have to mute my game?

Not sure how you manage to break the sound in a over 10 year old game...but here we are...

20:50 UTC


How to utilize “no level req” from Altar of rites

My level 30 crusader just scrounged together enough diamonds so that items have no level req. I immediately ran to my level ~6 blacksmith. All the items have a level 1 req, but they are all weaker than my current items that I am already wearing?

Do I just need to level up blacksmith more? I don’t have enough gold to do so. I hear the challenge rift is today. Is this the only way to get the gold quickly? At the moment it is feeling like I should’ve picked a different path on the altar of rites.

18:14 UTC


S34 – Do not accidentally open your challenge rift cache!

Just a reminder that if, like me, you're waiting for the challenge rift cache to continue to progress on the Altar of Rites, do not accidentally open it when you mean to sacrifice it!

EDIT- well, I did just that, and now I have to wait a week. Drat. So don't be like me.

What I should have done (on PC version) is go to the Altar of Rites and then accept the cache in my mail, where it lands in my inventory, and then I don't click it at all. Instead I interact with the Altar, select a node, and click the "Sacrifice" button to sacrifice the cache. I never need to click it.

If you're unsure of how to complete a challenge rift, watch the sub as u/jessewh187 posts a guide every week. You can also find u/CptDHonorseeker regularly posting challenge rift guides on YouTube, but not in this sub.

The challenge rift will go live this afternoon at 1pm Pacific (UTC-8hr) today for PC (NA) and all console players. Also at 4am CET (UTC+1hr) on Tuesday for PC (EU) players.

I posted other Altar of Rites tips and reminders previously.

While we wait for the rift to open, let me know when/if you got stuck at the Altar waiting for your cache, or if you chose not to use it to level up and didn't have to wait at all. This season I got as far as the Ramaladni's Gift (1 step before the cache) on Saturday, but then got right away on Sunday morning (along with 4 others throughout the day, proving my oft-stated "the drop rate is 0 until you no longer need one, at which point it goes to 100%"). So I've been waiting about a day. I have all the upcoming requirements (ancient puzzle ring, set dungeon tomes, lots of mats, staff of herding, GR110 completed) ready to go.

17:08 UTC


(crosspost) Seen on Monday Night Raw on Netflix tonight lol

16:18 UTC


Can someone explain me what is the use of the tempest armor from sorceress angelic crucible ?

I just don't understand what the use. I seen it on someone high on the ladder, but he does not have anything that improve tempest armor damages.
I tried it today and the damage versus bosses is ridiculously low.

What am I missing ?

16:09 UTC


Diablo 3 solo/campaign mode.

I've never played Diablo, but I decided to start Diablo 3 but with the campaign and solo. I don't like playing multiplayer and well. I find the story quite entertaining (without being wonderful) with an interesting lore. I know that many like 1 and 2 more, but 3 seems like a very fun and playable game for 1 player. I'm going through act 3 with a barbarian in torment mode I. I started on difficult and as my barbarian becomes very strong I increase the difficulty.

I'm liking it so much that I will soon buy the IV

What do you think of 4 compared to 3?

15:08 UTC


Always a Pig Sticker (squeal)

Player- Monk lv-70-pa-280- Whenever I upgrade a Dagger I get a Pig Sticker. Is this normal? I'm hoping for a Primal (the100% critical hit dagger). Normal issue or not?

14:27 UTC


Elemental Damage on Ammy/Bracers

I don't understand how this works. I have a UE Multishot and GoD Hungering Arrow DH. UE uses cold % dmg on ammy/bracers and has cold as the elemental damage rolled on the weapon. GoD has fire on ammy/bracers/weapon. Neither variants use SoJ. Why is elemental best in slot and does the elemental damage on the weapon matter (I read it doesn't but that confuses me since the rolls on ammy/bracers always seem to match weapons dmg type). Please help me understand, I greatly appreciate it.

13:40 UTC


CoE vs SoJ

I have been wondering how big of a difference there is between these 2 options for a single ring.

Stone of Jordan has constant dmg vs. elites and flat 20% elemental bonus.

Convention of Elements can be up to 200% but only every 12 seconds.

It makes sense that CoE is better for full lenght high GR pushes since you spend more time in the rift and get more chances to be in your cycle. But I always wondered if anyone did the math and how big the difference is?

I basically want an excuse to be lazy and use SoJ.

11:50 UTC


For those stuck and can’t complete the season journey

Everything starts getting steamroll easy after getting 6set, and its very easy to do so, people seem to struggle so i’ll share an easy way I don’t see many people talk about.

Firstly, hit level 70. Bunch of guides out there, check Maxroll.gg

When you hit 70, drop everything you’re doing and run two Greater Rifts to acquire the Legacy of Dreams gem. if you don’t have any keys run some Nephalem Rifts on an easy enough difficulty for you to get two keys.

Equip the gem on any ring, or amulet. Make sure you have NO set bonuses equipped, for it to work.

Craft as many Legendaries from the blacksmith as you can. You can equip set pieces, and they are considered legendaries, as long as they dont activate any set bonuses.

If you still barely have any legendaries, go to Temple of the Firstborn in Act 2, on the highest difficulty you can COMFORTABLY clear. Kill everything to fetch for a Vision of Enmity. There is the best source for legendary drops.

Once you have enough legendaries equipped, you will be able to clear Torment 4 VERY easily, and complete all your season journey. From there, having a 6-piece set bonus will easily push to Torment X

From Torment X, farm your desired build in Vision of Enmities to get your last few pieces. Once your build is complete, T16 will become a joke.

10:56 UTC


wtf is this season ??

I've played 13 hours only on this S34, now my crusader is p800, do some GR 110 in less than 2 minutes.

I have only 1 button : to get back on horse. Everything dies on sight.

What is the point anymore ? I rush the map so fast with no button to press that the game feels like SONIC more than DIABLO 3..

I have of course some minor upgrades to do on the stuff but i found it all.

Now the game expect me to SONIC everything to push my gem, to find an upgrade of 50-150 strenght on my stuff part, and to farm the paragon in order (currently 10 / GR) to beat a 150 instead of a 110 ?

There is absolutely no gameplay, no engaging elites correctly, no fear from specific affixes, no boss that are harder than others, no tactical, no strategy, just sonic the hell out of everything.

I think the season is done for me after 3 days guyz.

09:11 UTC

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