For fans of Blizzard Entertainment's digital card game, Hearthstone
This is not a rant because I got beat in arena.
I am currently 8-0 purely because I was offered Kerrigan as my first card.
In arena, a three damage board clear followed by two 2-5s that generate insane value is just back breaking for most drafted decks.
I get these cards are new novelties but please take the stance of previous hero card distribution in arena and nuke them from orbit.
Artanis and Raynor are lesser offenders, but I honestly don't see the place for them in arena.
If I take like a 2 year break, will my ladder reward be waiting for me when I come back? Or is there some time limit, like having to claim within the next ladder season?
Hey guys,
I was playing a few mercenaries plays and i have to admit, it is quite fine casual fun for me - as a pure casual parent player :D
I know it was quite popular one day (maybe the period it was freshly out), but now it seems nothing new coming up for this mode.
Or maybe i am blind. Do you play it as well? And what do you say?
Have a good time and take care 🙏❤️
Ps: it is a good relax after X loses in normal HS and BS, solo mod also seems quite hard :) what can i say, i was never good tcg player :D
Is there a precedent for event cards rotation in new cycles? Bob, harthbrew and the likes.
I feel like im so burned out on both of the decks.
I’ve been playing this game for many years, and for the first time in a long while, I’m genuinely having so much fun. The current state feels refreshingly balanced and diverse, making every match exciting and engaging. A huge thank you to Blizzard—it’s no easy task to please everyone, and while there’s always room for improvement, this mini-set has been absolutely top-notch. You’ve really outdone yourselves and reignited my love for the game—great job!
Had a pretty incredible win streak as I climbed to legend on the final day of the season with this list! Went something like 8-2 in my final session, with other big win streaks as well.
BASIC MECHANICS: Like other Protoss Priest Listings, the basic idea is copy the Sentry minion as many times as possible with all the various Priest copy spells (see list for specifics), reduce Protoss minions for the rest of the game, and then play Mothership and get other big Protoss minions for free (Templars, Colossuses, Carriers, etc.)
WHAT MAKES THIS LIST UNIQUE: There are cards designed especially to deal with the board-based meta right now, including:
- 2x Death Roll and x1 Chillin Vol'jin to deal with big minion Starships, Battleships, Motherships, Ceaseless Expanses, Etc.
- 2x Deafen to silence Infestors, other Sentries, Groovy Cats, even Starship Pieces
Also Hunter Tourist Cards that synergize with Protoss minions:
- 2x Parrot Sanctuary, which helps reduce the cost of Void Ray, Mothership, and even Zola
- 1x Sasquawk, which is great to repeat the value of certain combo turns, esp with reduced cost minions
I believe the rest of the list is self-explanatory, but let me know if you have any other questions!
HOW TO PLAY THE DECK: It's totally fine to not play a minion for the first 2-3 turns as you are forging cards, playing locations, or just hero power healing. Against aggro decks, the Sentry's lifesteal will provide a good measure of healing in the mid-game, especially after you copy it a bunch of times.
That being said, you usually don't want to run a Sentry out by itself. Make sure you can combo it with a Power Chord: Synchronize, Hallucination, or Zola so you're at least getting some additional value out of it.
You may end up totally bricking for a couple turns, but that's ok. Just use your hero power and pass, try to be resourceful about which cards to hold and which you can throw away for a bit of tempo depending on the matchup. If you can get the Mothership down between turns 6-8, that's great. You can then create really huge boards while clearing your opponents boards with Templar effects on turns 9+.
I've had games that I thought were totally lost because I wasn't drawing what I needed for 3-4 turns in a row, sometimes literally passing for 3-4 turns in a row. But if you make it to the late game and get down the Mothership, you can really turn it around since these minions can generate Templars and Archons which deal out huge amounts of damage in one turn. In one game, even after having absolutely horrid draws for the first like 8 turns, I still managed to win with one health remaining and a double Archon play.
CONCLUSION: This deck can pretty much win any matchup, even against the new Protoss Hero Power Druid, which I say is 50/50 depending on the draw and the play. I would still consider this a late-Midrange deck since it doesn't include the super-late game value packages like warrior does, so make sure you are pressuring life total throughout the entire game with your minions (unless it's a favorable minion trade).
A lot of people are talking about what cards they’ll be sad to see rotate but I’m curious about what people will be most happy about rotating.
For me it’s fizzle :)
If so, could you guys please tell me, I just got her golden version
Everyone's gonna miss E.T.C., but what about some niche, fun, or underrated cards are you going to miss on rotation?
Personally I'll miss Symphony of Sins and Astral Automaton + Ra-den.
I won 8/9 in my last little run up to legend
Suddenly been seeing a lot of discourse against Fizzle, and I wanna know why? Last I check, Fizzle hasn't been that largely discussed since it was released, and now suddenly everyone and their mothers can't stop talking about it.
…and these “endless” games with multiple Fizzle snapshots will keep killing it. Who wants to watch/play these super long games?
I’ve been playing since beta and I just came back after a long break from Standard. My legend run this month was extremely tedious and boring. I played Fizzle decks and played against them and man…seeing/using multiple snapshots in almost every game makes me want to put the game down until that card is deleted.
Can we already start complaining about this deck or do we need a few more days? Dealing +40 dmg on the face by turn 6 while only having 2 minions on board seems kinda broken. Most decks in the current meta are built around playing board so it’s not like you can kill him without minions while losing to every other deck.
Also, good luck trying to survive till save Dirty Rat and ghosts when he got Zerg synergies and Kerri to add minions so you will destroy his hydralisk from hand.
Also, Nerf Zerg dk have a good night.
Doesn’t need to be logical or even one you can’t beat what is the class you despise going against no matter how petty or ridiculous others may find it?
I’d choose Terran Shaman especially since everyone wants to run infinite fizzle now. I know how to beat it, I just hate it.
Just wanna get this dumb event quest done. Don't have ceaseless expanse sadly.