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Painters Virtue is too strong. What will be the best post-expansion meta deck in standard? Take your guess

08:04 UTC


Closed shop is cool and all, but...

Since the introduction of this new Twist in June, we still haven't been able to play friendly matches of Twist, and, judging by the fact that the devs are now focused on fixing the shop and all of that, I'm afraid that we won't get any friendly Twist :(

07:58 UTC


horizon’s edge golden animation is SUPER COOL

i know golden animations take time and work, and there probably aren’t as many people to work on them as there used to be, but horizon’s edge is vintage golden animation 👏

i’m glad they put in the effort to make at least ONE really good one.

07:29 UTC


I did lose immediately after, but I got a minion to 1800 attack on Battlegrounds. Impressive or nah?

07:28 UTC



i hate everything about it. I hate that aggro is meta for like 7 months?? ( Im retuning oin shadowlands dont know the meta before)

everytime Pala and hunter is on top. Everytime its aggro. Or a Hadnbuff who spwans ^the biggest shit minions i ever seen on turn 6.

But i spend over 1k Money on the Game ând i have a very bad feeling when i quit. Because its all wasted. Makes no sense i know. If i dont like it i should quit. But i just hope they change something. Sad is they fking do nothing. Handbuff was Tier 1 at the beginning of the expension and is tier 1 at the end. I watches some Theroycraft streams and Videos.. my god I dont understand why Blizzard creat OP Card on a ROTATION FORMAT? U DONT HAVE TO MAKE THIS STUPID COMBO OTK cards. BECAUSE SO MANY CARD ROTATE SO WE HAVBE TO BUY YOUR SHIT CARDS ANYWAYS.

07:23 UTC


Beard Lich Jaina

Do not fear power. Fear those who beard yet!

video link: https://x.com/Littl1Kit1/status/1814198848711254440?t=aX9Sznf8VHJfipdrvbq_VA&s=19

07:23 UTC


Why You Should Change Your Email Address (And Maybe Not Delete Google Accounts You Use for Gaming)

Hey Hearthstone fam,

Gather 'round for a tale of woe, technological mishaps, and the agonizing quest to play Battlegrounds with my bestie. Buckle up, because this is a wild ride.

  • The Setup: I'm a Hearthstone addict with two Battle.net accounts, one linked to my main Google account and the other to a long-deleted Google account (rookie mistake, I know). My main Hearthstone account, with all my hard-earned cards and 400+ hours of BG glory, is tragically tied to the deleted one. This came to light at a LAN party when I couldn't log in on PC due to 2FA linked to the email abyss.
  • The New Phone Fiasco: Fast forward to last week, I get a shiny new phone and the Hearthstone cravings hit hard. Monday rolls around, and I try to log in. Chaos ensues.
    • Attempt 1: Create a new Battle.net account with my personal Microsoft email. App glitches, forces me to link to my main Google account (which is ALREADY linked to my OTHER Battle.net account). App implodes.
    • Attempt 2: Use my school email. Success! I'm in! But it's late, and my roommate/BG partner and I agree to play tomorrow.
  • Tuesday's Torture: I rush home early, eager to play. But wait, I have to complete the ENTIRE tutorial AGAIN. Hours of my life wasted battling AI and listening to Bob's unsolicited life advice. Finally, I'm ready to play with my friend... but we can't see each other online. Turns out, I'm on the North American server, not Europe. And yes, I already bought the Battle Pass on NA.
  • Wednesday's Woes: I get a refund for the NA Battle Pass, thinking I'm in the clear. Nope. Hearthstone greets me with a login error. Turns out, my account is BANNED because the refund is pending.
  • Thursday's Despair: Still banned. Still can't play. Send help.

TL;DR: Deleted an old Google account linked to my main Hearthstone account. Got a new phone, tried to log in, and descended into a week-long hell of account creation, tutorials, server mishaps, accidental purchases, refunds, and bans.

So, the moral of the story? Change your email address if you need to, but for the love of Yogg-Saron, don't delete Google accounts you use for gaming.

1 Comment
06:36 UTC


Lots of crashing on iPad after most recent update… anyone else?

Usually happens at the end of a match. Sometimes it completely kicks me out of the map, other times it gets frozen on the greyed out victory screen and I have to close and reopen the app.

Also, sometimes crashing in the collection page. I think that one is triggered by clicking through a certain number of pages of cards in a row. It feels like it only happens after I’ve clicked through a lot of pages

Anyone else having these issues? I’m hoping that this sort of stuff gets resolved by the time the expansion drops because I play pretty much exclusively on my iPad Mini 4 nowadays

06:29 UTC


JUST CARDS, Really (A plea for the cost of the game)

I think I speak for a lot of people when I say the game is a lot of fun, and even meta shifting problems can be difficult for people who don't spend a lot of money on the game. I just want to outline a few points that I think will actually increase success of people enjoying the game, regardless of balancing issues.

  1. Players just need more cards; to try out different decks and have fun. As a player who has even spent money on multiple mega bundles of the expansion, I still feel like I don't get enough deck enabling legendary cards or epics every expansion. I don't always care about cosmetics, I feel like after opening 100+ packs, I can only make 2-3 (MAYBE) solid decks at launch. for an 11 class game now, this is a little absurd. the game just isn't enjoyably playable after spending $80 dollars because of class card variance. How can that be the case? (Tourists cards will exacerbate this problem. )

  2. So often, even if you happen to have the good cards of the expansion, cards are always nerfed more often than not, instead of being buffed. This means two things: the legendary cards you happen to open are not strong, and there is little hope of them becoming strong, only dusting your cards that are not viable for ones that are viable. Your pool of cards always gets smaller when shifting gears. This doesn't help players without huge card pools.

  3. Mini bundles that come out are extremely cost effective, guaranteeing you cards that are playable and allowing you to better strategize your crafts. These should be staple at the start of an expansion in some form, even in the form of dust. You didn't pull the legendary you wanted? you have dust to craft it. So many people would continue to play if they had the cards to even experiment with.

4, the Battlepass just doesn't do it. It's for people who want skins, the gold graphs as people have pointed out just don't do it in terms of getting raw cards. TLDR: Give people more packs, not just cosmetics. having a hero skin is meaningless if you don't have the cards to make use of it.

All in all, the cost of entry to the game for expansions needs to be lower, even for a game on a 3 month cycle. People need a certain threshold of cards to have fun, and if you're saving gold from the last expansion to buy packs for the new one, this still just doesn't work. Final point: I won't be spending more money on the game when it only goes this far. That isn't fun. People want the game to be fun, we need cards to have fun. Thanks!

05:06 UTC


D: D: (could not apply lethal because of these)

1 Comment
03:37 UTC


I just started playing? What pack should I buy?

I just started playing hearthstone for the first time and have no idea which pack to buy? Should I buy the classic ones or one of the event ones?

02:48 UTC


Why is Twilight Whelp the only card to have it's art flipped when viewing it in the decklist?


01:46 UTC


Arresting Rogues that try to dodge drawing-tax.

01:44 UTC


Death roll is a very good card

Hunter will love this for Highlander

01:36 UTC


Silly Vs Serious ranking

Alright so, I admittedly have my bias. I find the doom and gloom on this sub lately incredibly annoying. That being said, I can at least accept valid criticism like “no board”. But one complaint I’ve seen a lot lately is that “every expansion is silly/goofy lately”. So, I decided to go through each expansion/adventure and rank them as either Super silly (goofy theme, little focus on combat or stakes) to silly, to serious, to super serious (very little funny cards, focus on serious wow lore/fantasy combat themes). Some could disagree, but I find that laying it out like this, it’s clear that hearthstone has largely always focused heavily on the silly rather than the serious. Even in the early days, GVG and grand tournament both border on the silly side, with classic hearthstone and nax being the more serious ones of the early days. I also will say that it’s hard to tell since they aren’t in release order but we need to combat recency bias.

  1. HS has had a lot of silliness since day 1, and even some of the earliest expacs were silly
  2. There were plenty of recent serious expansions. TITANS and lich king were two of the most serious expansions EVER and were last year’s cycle.

I understand I might get flack. People can disagree, and given the current state of affairs many people might just blindly get mad at me for daring to defend HS. Perhaps I’m some sort of Blizzard shill. But I think this point of discussion is dumb and biased, HS is not “too silly lately”.

01:04 UTC


Summary of the 7/17/2024 Vicious Syndicate Podcast (The 2.5 hour long Perils In Paradise Preview)

Listen to the most recent Vicious Syndicate podcast here - https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-podcast-episode-167/

Read the most recent VS Report here - https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-299/

As always, glad to do these summaries, but a summary won't be able to cover everything and can miss nuances, so I highly recommend listening to their podcast as well. The Comprehensive Overview article for Perils in Paradise will be out on Saturday 7/20, with the 45 deck theorycrafting article out Monday 7/22.

General - There will be a record number of decks featured in the theorycrafting article on Monday with 45 decks. ZachO says the Tourist cards open up a lot of deck building possibilities. While not every deck will be viable, there will almost certainly be a deck featured that takes over the day 1 meta and gets nuked to oblivion by Team 5 in the first balance patch, as evident by Snake Warlock and Handbuff Paladin recently. The more exciting thing about expansions are the surprises, like Wheel of Death in Whizbang actually being strong (RIP). Some people think this set looked like Rastakhan 2.0, but ZachO says he's been able to theorycraft multiple OTKs that look feasible. There's a ton of potential burst in this format, and while it doesn't look like it's Stormwind level, there is likely going to be a significant jump in power.

Mage - There's both a Big Spell and Small Spell package with Mage going on. The small spell stuff is more likely to be linked to Paladin, with Raylla, Sand Sculptor being a more cracked Violet Teacher. ZachO thinks this is the most promising direction, with you running a package with Concierge, Lifesaving Aura, and Divine Brew. This lets you make a big blowout turn with Raylla and Concierge as early as turn 4. Service Ace could also be used to discount a Sif or Sea Shanty quickly. Seabreeze Chalice is a great nuke for a spell damage/Sif Mage deck, but could also work with a Druid Owlonious deck. ZachO also calls Rising Waves and Tide Pools good cards for Spell Mage decks. 3 mana is an important breakpoint with Manufacturing Error, and getting another free AoE off a Manufacturing Error is huge. Tide Pools may be an upgrade over Infinitize the Maxitude in faster matchups. ZachO sadly thinks the big spell package sucks, which Squash agrees with (although it's more likely Druid plays those cards). The problem with the big spell package in Mage is you don't have a Barbaric Sorceress or Balinda level cheat available. Under The Sea is reasonable, but it's a worse Spiteful Summoner. If you're expected to run Surfalopod in a Big Spell deck, then you can't even run Galactic Orb in the same deck unless you stuff it in an ETC due to the anti synergy of Under The Sea casting it early. Surfalopod also doesn't guarantee you'll draw a spell the following turn, and this type of deck doesn't play many spells. The other issue is this Big Spell deck has no late game pressure the way the old Big Spell Mage deck did with parrot replaying its big spells. Future cards might make the deck competitive, but it doesn't look viable now. Squash brings up Marooned Archmage as an interesting card, but ZachO thinks it's unplayable. Concierge is a much better version of this card in a tempo Mage deck, so why would you play it? King Tide is arguably the best card in Big Spell Mage, and could discount a Sea Shanty in a lower curve Mage deck to be playable the same turn you (potentially) Loatheb your opponent. The card does seem meta dependent, because if your opponent has an expensive removal spell, they can just play it the following turn. ZachO does think the Mage set looks fun overall, but the big spell part of the set looks bad. He is surprised at how synergistic the Paladin set seems to be with Mage.

Paladin - ZachO and Squash think Paladin got a very promising set centered around Sunsapper Lynessa. While some people have complained about Sailboat Captain being broken in Handbuff Paladin, ZachO doesn't think it'll be good in the deck, nor does he think the deck will become more Pirate focused. Sanc'Azel is a good card for Handbuff, but it might be the only new card the deck runs. Gorgonzormu may be the only new card Aggro/Showdown Paladin runs. ZachO thinks it's more likely for us to see new Paladin archetypes pop up now that they get access to Rogue cards, and he calls Lynessa a top 2 Tourist. He says if Lynessa wasn't a Tourist, he'd still play her because her effect is insane with Divine Brew, Sunscreens, and coins. There's potential with Rogue cards like Sea Shill and Sea Shanty, where you can discount your Lynessa and do a big spell turn and double your Sea Shanty to fill your entire board with 5/5s as early as turn 5. You might run Snatch and Grab if you're running Rogue cards. You can also combo Divine Brew with Horn of the Windlord to give you a big Windfury weapon turn. ZachO points out that if you play a Divine Brew with Lynessa in play, it splits into 2 Divine Brews with 2 drinks left, so every Divine Brew with Lynessa in play is 7 Divine Brews, with each one being doubled. This is a full on OTK with Horn alone, although you are limited by mana. Squash calls it Miracle Paladin. Grillmaster can also tutor both Sea Shanty and Divine Brew, so it can be consistent. Lynessa feels like a Mozaki like wincon. ZachO also brings up that Lightbot might be a viable strategy against slower decks now that you have a repeatable Holy spell. Squash says the only questionable Paladin cards for him are Lifeguard and Powerspike. ZachO says Lifeguard with Starpower in Mage becomes a Reno like clear, but it's hard to see a viable Mage deck that can run that combo. Powerspike looks to be 1 mana too expensive. Service Ace is probably better in Mage than it is in Paladin. ZachO gives kudos to Team 5 for making another Paladin set that he's interested in playing with.

Rogue - Knickknack Shack will likely warp deckbuilding, and ZachO says the card has "the spirit of Edwin" in it. Metal Detector generates coins, but a 3 mana 2/2 weapon is bad. Oh, Manager! might help Wishing Rogue. Snatch and Grab has a lot of potential in multiple Rogue archetypes since it is decent cheap removal in Thief type decks, and could be an upgrade over Antique Flinger in Excavate Rogue. Petty Theft is fantastic for Cutlass Rogue since you get cheap cards from other classes. Treasure Hunter Eudora seems slow, but Kazakusan treasures are powerful. ZachO thinks in a slower grindier format like the one we have right now Eudora would see play, but he's unsure if it'll see play in a faster format. Maestra, Mask Merchant is a slow card to play at a baseline, and it doesn't seem like Rogue wants to use a lot of Warlock's cards this expansion. ZachO thinks the Rogue/Warlock collaboration looks bad, but Sea Shill into Party Planner Vona on turn 4 does have potential. If you can get an Ouroboros on an Amalgam, you can do shenanigans with it and Pit Stop. Rogue could technically tap into the Pain Warlock cards, but it doesn't seem optimistic. Maestra is a weird Tourist because its effect doesn't tap into the other class like most other Tourists do. Squash doesn't hate the callback to Maestra and old hero cards, but it doesn't fit the Tourist flavor. Other things Rogue might do include enabling a Seaside Giant deck with Knickknack Shack, and an Elemental Rogue deck centered around Lamplighter. ZachO calls Elemental Rogue an "evil" deck, because you just run a garbage Elemental shell with bounce effects to buff up your Lamplighter to be a Shockspitter type of finisher. While this isn't a Nature Shaman type clock, this is the type of deck that is guaranteed to kill you by turn 7 or 8. ZachO says if aggressive style decks can't get under it, it will get nerfed. ZachO thinks this is the type of deck that is either bad or gets nerfed quickly, so it's not going to shape the landscape of Hearthstone. Overall while the set seems "mid" for Rogue and the Warlock set doesn't have much synergy with the class, it'll probably be fine.

Warlock - ZachO seems pessimistic if Warlock will be able to utilize Death Knight's cards, but Pain Warlock is looking to be cracked. Party Fiend is a better Flame Imp and one of the best 1 drops. If your opponent doesn't clear all your 1/1s, you get a guaranteed turn 2 follow up with Cursed Souvenir for massive damage. Fearless Flamejuggler might not be the best card in the deck, but it's good enough to run. ZachO thinks that because Druid is going to be good, Pain Warlock will be in the best position to counter it in the upcoming meta. ZachO seems more pessimistic for other Warlock archetypes. ZachO brings up Felfire Bonefire and while it doesn't look like a good standalone card, but it does enable Enchanced Dreadlord and Wretch Queen to be played on turn 5. You can also discount your Sacrificial Imp and play it alongside Summoner Darkmarrow. It's possible Big Demon Warlock can utilize Bonefire as another way to cheat out a big minion besides Nemsy. Warlock may be able to utilize Horizon's Edge in a more token centric list, and buff them up with Eliza Goreblade.

Death Knight - Horizon's Edge is the most exciting card DK received this expansion because it represents 15 damage for 4 mana. Very powerful in combination with cards like Crop Rotation, can greatly swing the board. Squash thinks Dreadhound Handler is a strong 2 drop for the class, and ZachO says he wants to put it in every DK deck because it's very similar to Mining Casualties. The other new card that leverages a corpse heavy gameplan is Corpsicle. In Rainbow DK, it becomes a very powerful corpse spender for CNE. Very similar card to Frozen Touch and offers the class inevitability. Squash wonders if Buttons does anything for the class, and ZachO says it's a weird card. It can potentially tutor your most powerful spells (like Threads of Despair), but Horizon's Edge and Corpsicle encourage you to play a token heavy playstyle. You don't want a bunch of spells in a token centric deck. Buttons might fit better in a more reactive deck, but it's hard to ignore DK getting a source of burn even for those types of decks. While ZachO's not a Buttons fan, he thinks Plague DK might be a better fit for the card. ZachO also points out that because Horizon's Edge has 5 charges, expending all of them will make a Seaside Giant cost 0 by itself. Rainbow DK could potentially run both Seaside Giant and Stitched Giant in their deck. While he might be underrating it, ZachO's not a fan of the Shaman collab with the class. He also doesn't like the freeze package and doesn't think there's enough support for standalone Frost DK.

Shaman - Squash thinks Carefree Cookie really unlocks something for the class, because the other spell school centric cards don't seem like they're good enough. Frosty Decor is an excellent standalone card, and ZachO calls it better than Cold Case. Razzle-Dazzler is supposed to be the big payoff wincon for a spell school deck, but Squash doesn't believe in it. However, Squash loves the DH set and thinks it's more likely we'll have an Aggro Pirate Shaman type of deck. ZachO agrees the Shaman/DH collab is powerful, and tapping into DH cards gives Shaman some of the most flexibility in what it wants to do. Shaman can now get access to strong Shadow and Fel spells (Sigil of Skydiving and Skirting Death). Shadow is arguably the strongest enabler for Carress, Cabaret Star, but with Shaman's hero having access to Windfury, Skirting Death can represent a lot of damage. You may also be able to utilize Dangerous Cliffside as an OTK with Bloodlust in slower matchups. Cabaret Headliner is arguably the strongest Shaman card of the set because of the amount of mana it can discount, and it enables a lot of OTK and burst potential in Shaman. Using it in combination with Conductivity and Skirting Death creates an OTK with Horn of the Windlord. If your opponent doesn't play minions? You can set up another OTK with Dangerous Cliffside or Sigil minions, Conductivity, and Jive Insect. ZachO says this feels like an evolution of Nature Shaman. If you go full Rainbow Shaman with Razzler-Dazzler, Hagatha will let you draw your Frosty Decors and play them on curve, which is a strong combination. One of ZachO's favorite ideas for Shaman involves Incendius and Shudderblock. It's admittedly a slow play, but it represents oppressive damage. Then if you play a spell damage minion, play mini Shudderblock, and then Gaslight Gatekeeper, you can potentially draw through enough Eruptions to kill your opponent in one turn. ZachO says theorycrafting Shaman made it go from a class he was "meh" about to one he's excited to play.

Demon Hunter - Squash thinks the Cliff Dive, All Terrain Voidhound, and Climbing Hook package is dead in the water. ZachO thinks Cliff Dive is more of a Shaman card, because it does have synergy with Walking Mountain. Is that deck good? No, but it's something you can technically do! ZachO calls ATV one of the worst cards in the set, and thinks Climbing Hook wouldn't be good enough at 5 mana. Thankfully the 7 other DH cards plus the Priest cards look like they can bring us new viable DH archetypes that aren't Shopper DH. Patches the Pilot has fantastic flavor and is powerful. Sigil of Skydiving and Dangerous Cliffside go into this aggressive Pirate package, and alongside Adrenaline Fiend it can represent a lot of damage. DH may want to consider playing Hozen Roughouser since they have multiple ways of summoning 1/1 charge pirates. DH has an insane early game whether it runs the Priest set or not. Paraglide is great reload, and Bartend-o-bot is still a card in Standard that can put it into the Outcast position. If DH taps into the Priest set, it gets more burst with Acupuncture. DH's ease of taking damage lets it easily run Sauna Regular and Hot Coals. Aranna, Thrill Seeker could be used at the top end of a deck. It's amazing with Acupuncture, and you can also just smack your face into a Giant. Another DH idea (which may be more of a meme) is run a draw heavy deck, get to fatigue, and then resurrect Aranna with Rest In Peace and draw like a maniac killing your opponent. The problem with this type of deck is DH doesn't have a big healing tool without Unleashed Fel.

Priest - Squash says he's seen some negative takes about Narain Soothfancy, but he thinks the card is good. Fine card to run in Reno Priest or a slower Priest deck, but the intended Twilight Medium combo may not be good enough with it. Overplanner might be something you explore doing with Narain and Twilight Medium though. Rest In Peace now gives Priest an incentive to go big minion again, and the big minions Priest is likely to resurrect all deal with the ones from your opponent (Amanthul, Yogg, Zilliax). Because Priest can run Parrot Sanctuary, you can discount your Narain to be played on turn 3 and start to go off from there. ZachO thinks Priest has to tap into Hunter's set. For faster decks, they want Trusty Fishing Rod. There's not a bad 1 drop outcome to pull for Zarimi Priest. Slower Priest decks want Sasquawk because it's an incredible late game card. Playing Sasquawk the turn after Amanthul or Yogg sometimes just ends games. Chillin' Vol'jin isn't a bad card by itself, but he's worth running solely for Sasquawk. Zarimi Priest has 2 different directions it can go - either the existing Overheal direction while adding cards like Catch of the Day, or a self damage route so you can play Sauna Regular. Sauna Regular is another discounted taunt you can run alongside Thirsty Drifter, and Acupuncture discounts both. You could potentially have a turn where you Zarimi into Thirsty Driftors, Sauna Regulars, and Acupunctures and OTK your opponent. Automaton Priest may also gain some traction with Fishing Rod, Pet Parrot, and Griftah, Trusted Vendor.

Hunter - Squash calls the Hunter set his favorite set of the expansion. He loves Trusty Fishing Rod, Parrot Sanctuary and loves playing 1 drops. ZachO loves the set too, but for different reasons. He's not as high on Parrot Sanctuary as Squash because he thinks it's a Reno Hunter card. He prefers the spell heavy direction with Hunter. ZachO says that every Hunter deck he came up with for theorycrafting runs All You Can Eat and Cup o' Muscle. Cup o' Muscle is handbuffing support for both Hunter and Warrior. Undercooked Calamari gives Hunter an additional removal option, especially when buffed up. There are many other existing Hunter minions that get significantly better with handbuffs, so Cup o Muscle is a big deal for those. Even though Ranger Gilly may be too slow for Hunter by himself, you still play him to get access to Warrior cards. ZachO points out Hollow Hound is a Beast and an Undead, so it's very likely to be pulled by AYCE. ZachO also really likes Chatty Macaw. If you Death Roll or Char and then play Chatty Macaw the following turn, it's a big swing. The real power of All You Can Eat is that it can pull Concierge, which is a Pirate. Concierge makes your Cup o Muscle cost 0, so you can run it alongside Mantle Shaper and Tide Pool Pupil. On turn 4, you can have a huge miracle turn with those cards creating huge board stats. This combo can just be slotted into a Token Hunter deck with a bunch of spells. You can play Patchwork Pals and have a Concierge miracle turn buff up your Huffer (or Leroy). Another idea that has floated around is building around Adaptive Amalgam. You could play 1 copy in your deck, pull it with fishing rod, AYCE or Birdwatching, and buff it with Cup, Bananas, or Magnetized minions. You eventually can put an ABJ on the card, and with rush it can do immediate face damage every time it comes into play. ZachO doesn't think it'll be viable because there's too many ways to counterplay around it, but it's a funny idea. Squash really likes Death Roll because it can be scary face damage (or work like a mega Swipe) if you remove a big minion. It probably needs Chatty McCaw to be playable.

Warrior - Ham the Hungry by itself is a horrible card, and if you understand the basics of Hearthstone it's not hard to see why. However, the card is absolutely mandatory for Warrior because any Warrior deck with late game aspirations needs to play the Druid cards. New Heights and Trail Mix provide ramp to Warrior for the first time, letting you play Odyn, Brann, or The Ryecleaver earlier than normal. ZachO fully believes Odyn Warrior will come back with these new cards, because having 2x Trail Mix and 2x New Heights in your deck makes it incredibly consistent for you to cheat out the card earlier. Sleep Under the Stars is one of the best cards of the set and represents incredible damage for Odyn Warrior coupled with Razorfen Rockstar (near OTK). Because it's a near single card win condition, this means you can cut cards like Verse Riff that are suboptimal outside of Odyn damage. Besides providing Odyn damage, Sleep Under the Stars can be a 1 mana draw 2. While Warrior primarily looks strong because of Druid cards, Squash says he's going to do everything in his power to play Draconic Delicacy because his favorite card of all time is Moonfang. You can potentially cheat it out with Ryecleaver after drawing it from AYCE. Dragonic Delicacy is a hard minion to remove because damage based or targeted removal doesn't work. Sandwich Warrior may not be the best thing to do in Warrior, but it looks fun. Hydration Station seems like a card both Warrior and Druid run solely because of Zilliax. You'll try to cheat out Virus Zilliax with your ramp and then play Hydration Station to dominate every fast matchup. Tortollan Traveler tutors Zilliax and discounts it by 2, so there will be games where Zilliax may be coming down turn 5. ZachO says Tortollan Traveler might look like a Treasure Guard at first glance, but when he was deck building he realized it needed to go into every Warrior and Druid deck. Outside of making existing Warrior archetypes much scarier, there is some Taunt Warrior support added in. Line Cook is a decent card for the archetype. Blackrock N Roll will never work, but it did get more support.

Druid - As discussed in Warrior, Druid looks scary good. Dozing Dragon is like Wildpaw Caverns. ZachO points out that Druid has 3 cards that ramp on turn 3 (Whelp, Malfurion's Gift, and New Heights), so Dozing Dragon is the perfect 5 mana play after you ramp. Nestmatron now gains you mana if you draw it off of Tortollan Traveler. If you want to Trail Mix into Marin, you can do that. If you want to ramp into Zilliax into Hydration Station, you can do that. Besides minion dense decks, Druid can also become spell heavy. Mistah Vistah lets you ramp to it, play Crystal Cluster and Tsunami and then repeat those spells. On turn 6 or 7 you can be at 13 mana with a full board. Sleep Under the Stars will help Druid out on games where you ramp and previously would whiff on draw. It's very versatile - need to outlast a Spell Mage? You can gain 30 armor from the 2 copies you run. ZachO cards Sleep Under the Stars the best Druid card of the set. While every Druid deck will play New Heights, in many games it'll just be a 3 mana Wild Growth. Virus Zilliax might get nerfed again this expansion because Warrior and Druid are going to abuse it so hard with ramp and Hydration Station. Another funny direction for Druid is Location Druid with Seaside Giants. It may not be competitive, but it might be the best Seaside Giant deck because you can run both Hiking Trail and Tide Pools, both of which are very easy to retrigger. Cruise Captain Lora is an interesting card that looks better than it did on reveal. ZachO thinks Blizzard revealed Lora early to fool people into thinking Druid's set was going to be bad, and without the context of the other locations, it did look bad. There are 19 locations and most of them are good with the average cost being 2.8 mana. There are only 2 or 3 locations that are outright terrible rolls. With the Mage set, Druid finally has access to an early game AoE in Rising Wave. Sea Breeze Chalice with Owlonius can provide a potential OTK. King Tide can potentially cheat out big spells for Druid. Tsunami is one of the best payoffs for Mistah Vistah. Even though Druid looks scary, it's still vulnerable to early aggression like Pain Warlock, Paladin, Hunter, and any other deck that puts stats into play on turns 3-4.

Neutrals - Tide Pool Pupil is a great card for any drink deck. It may also be useful in a deck like Insanity Warlock. Big upgrade over Fizzle for that deck. ZachO thinks Adaptive Amalgam is bait in 95% of decks it's tried in. Cards that shuffle themselves are always overrated, but they think it has the best chance in Hunter and Rogue due to their ability to tutor out the card. Later ZachO says the best deck for Amalgam is Naga DH simply due to the fact it's a 1 mana Naga for the deck. Concierge is ZachO's favorite card. The ability to make drinks cost 0 makes collaboration decks significantly better. Gorgonzormu is a card any board flooding deck would love to have, but some people may be overrating the card saying it goes into every deck. Card is a very bad top deck later in the game. Mixologist seems like a 3 mana Kazakus, but ZachO struggles to see what deck will want to run it. Squash says he's like School Teacher, but with the power level jump we're expecting to see in this set he might just be too slow. Griftah is a better card if you want an impactful 1 mana spell, and ZachO expects several decks to play it. Lynessa Paladin can have the amulet played multiple times which is very powerful. Incindius could be played in Mage with Mezadune to get 2 copies of the card, putting 10 Eruptions into your deck that deal 3 damage each. The issue with that is you would have to give up Sleet Skater. ZachO also brings Incidius in Reno Warrior as an additional win condition, especially with Zola. It becomes a new version of Boomboss. ZachO asks Squash if he's found a deck that works with AF Kay, and he hasn't. It seems like a confusing card. ZachO hates Bayfin Bodybuilder because people will play Dirty Rat with it. Dread Deserter seems pointless when Leeroy exists. ZachO tells people to stop complaining about Sailboat Captain in Handbuff Paladin, because it's a worse card than Outfit Tailor for that deck. It doesn't make sense to include the card when the only target for it is Southsea Deckhand. Squash shouts out Beached Whale as a card he loves. He wants to summon it with Chemical Spill and resummon it with Hydration Station. You can put it into a Ryecleaver sandwich after tutoring it with AYCE. Shoutouts to Team 5 printing a 4/20 and a 6/9 minion in the same set.

Conclusion - The Tourists have opened up a lot of design space for most of the classes, which is why the upcoming theorycrafting article will be the biggest ever. While a lot of individual cards maybe didn't seem strong by themselves, when you start to look at their synergies, they look significantly more powerful. ZachO gets the sense that this set is deceptively powerful and will completely change the game. It also has a good chance of bringing older decks back (like Odyn Warrior). Even though Warrior and Druid look like they will do powerful things, they're not the only classes. Shaman has a very unique set. Paladin has potentially some of the most exciting win conditions we've seen for the class in years with Lynessa. Mage might be a board centric class out of nowhere. Some of Rogue's non competitive archetypes (Wishing Well and Cutlass) are getting significant boosts to their consistency. ZachO thinks Warlock is admittedly less exciting than the other classes, but there are still a couple of interesting theorycrafting decks he's come up with for the class that he'd like to see try out. He's excited for Rainbow DK because there's 3 different directions you can take the archetype in this expansion. You can potentially have infinite Reskas by copying Amalgam's Deathrattle to it with Death Growl, and you can set up an infinite combo with Taelan where every time it dies it shuffles itself back into the deck and draws itself. This would potentially lock out every board based strategy if you can pull off the combo. ZachO and Squash are excited to play an aggro DH deck that doesn't rely on Window Shopper. ZachO admits he's not a Priest guy, but even Reno Priest got cool new tools to play with and a wincon with Sasquawk. He says he thinks Hunter is typically boring, but there's a lot of fun stuff you can do with Warrior's cards. ZachO and Squash hope people do not overreact to whatever is most powerful on day 1, and they hope Team 5 holds off on nuking decks like they did in Whizbang.

00:21 UTC


First time playing Holli'dae. Get Thorim's Buddy through the tavern spell. Transforms my buddy into Obsidian Ravager. It's simply a difference of skill honestly.

23:16 UTC


Due battlegrounds went a bit wild

My teammate also went beasts lets say this wasnt rly fun for our opponents Btw do you think i went with the right "op" board here what would you switch?

22:54 UTC


My most satisfying Kurtrus yet

22:41 UTC


Wow this fight was ridiculous. Only beat it by getting an extra copy of the lifesteal guy for quadruple healing

Never again

22:12 UTC


What are the best value cards to craft in standard?

Want to craft cards that can be used in many classes..

22:00 UTC


Firestone issue...

Hey, does anyone else get an error when subscribing to Firestone? I get the Error: "Oops, something went wrong, please try again." This is the error and it directly goes to that page. Help would really be apprecieted.


21:56 UTC


Best/Most fun i've had in BGs.


I think me, and the last player fought each other over 10 battles before it was decided. What a crazy match.

21:49 UTC


Battlegrounds duo is the most fun I had in years

I teamed up with a Patches that carried me so hard I played casino with Thorim's Buddy and tripled my Tavern 7 minion.

I went with a Galakrond who had no idea how to use his Hero Power properly.

I fed a Doctor Holli'dae with so many spells as Rakanishu to power up their Living Azerite comp, and beat our opponents with his leftovers Elementals as my comp.

And finally my teamate as Tickatus instantly sold their buddy the turn they got it, one turn before getting a new Darkmoon Prize.

All of that just to say that I don't play competitively, I don't really care about winning or my Elo, but I love getting excited again about every game. Sure it is not balanced, but it is definitely very fun.

21:22 UTC


Any ideas on how to complete this achievement?

21:09 UTC


First time tie

20:55 UTC


Satisfying combo with +1000/+1000

20:41 UTC

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