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I have been seeing a few rogues with black masks and their eyes look black and like a black top and black skirt. does anyone know if this is like a toy or something? or if this is a transmog i can get. I have seen it a few times just today and they all have on the exact same outfit but they are always opposite faction so i can’t ask them
Working on a machinima and need players to fill the scene. Around 25 - 40. Any takers?
Hey everyone. Trying to debate on what to play this season as I have been a Hpal main for the last.... 7-8 seasons?
My guild has enough people going healing so it's my turn to just have fun zug zuging at the big bad. I used to play ele from Wotlk - Nyalotha. But then started playing other classes, and now I am torn between Shaman, Evoker, and Hunter for a ranged class.
I am looking for one with not a super complicated rotation as I have some gnarly tendonitis in my left forearm so I am not trying to aggravate it just to kill Heroic raids.
Any suggestions or insight I might not have found on youtube/discord yet would be awesome. Thanks in advance.
Blizzard already announced it’s on February 29th
Worth it
Hello everyone, I am the GM of a guild called Legacy Thirty. We are a 30s only twink guild that tackles classic raiding (everything from Molten Core all the way to the Ruby Sanctum) so a total of 21 raids :). We also host dungeon tournaments once a mythic plus season with Blizzard being involved, pass out free Herald of the Titan runs and run heroic dungeons regularly. This is a passion project for us and many people who want a break from end game usually join us (Mythic raiders, Gladiators, World first players). Its a chill environment so if you wanna give us a chance, please message me or apply for our guild on the US Server Thrall/EU server Draenor (yes we are global) Horde and Alliance are both welcome. We are at almost 1000 members and are constantly growing so I hope to see you there https://discord.gg/2JvJQZvnGc
With the Love Witch's Sweeper being added to the event, what is it's drop rate? I have seen several posts of people saying they got it today, so it has to have a high drop rate right?
i have not played for a few xpac. is there still wpvp? i don't have an interest in classic.
Just stopping in to vent about how they made the heart-shaped box only grant rare items once per day PER ACCOUNT. And the drop chance has not been modified. Just sleep on it this year, guys. Not worth giving them the participation data.
So, I have been doing a lot of thinking about the rumors and it's had be pretty excited for a while now as the concept of Tinker is very close to my heart. In Guild Wars 2 I main Engineer. In Final Fantasy 14 I main Machinist. Once upon a time in Wild Star I was an Engineer main. My Goblin and my Gnome hunter are both Survival with Mechanical pets because bombs + robots = yes. My favorite class in D&D is, and has been Artificer for a very long time.
So.... I began thinking "How could Blizzard do a Tinker and not make it completely feel like what we may have played before?"
Here's how I would do it, if Blizzard gave one microscopic care for the opinion of some random nerd on the internet with too much time on his hands: I would make the Tinker a hero class, and it would get four specs, like the Druid. Yeah, I'm going there. Just hear me out for a moment. The Tinker would have to have some kind of mechanical robot pet. It would only make sense. But, I think we can do better than what we have seen in the past from other franchises with the following by combining a bunch of little elements from these together. So, for reference we have some pretty cool fights from past dungeons and raids. Thermaplugg, Blackfuse, Mekkatorque, King Mechagon, and pretty soon, Gallywix.
Races would be limited to Gnomes and Goblins only. Sorry. (not sorry) In the past I would have said Tinker would need to be a Mail Amor Class, but now that we have Evoker, I don't think this matters that much. The "mech" would have to be "more than meets the eye" in order to truly separate the melee and ranged DPS from Hunter with Mechanical pets. I would make this part of the hero class quest. You have to build your mech in your "starting zone" and then use it in a little mini boss fight to move on to the main world. We already have great customization for something like this which was introduced in Dragon Flight, and then reiterated in The War Within on the Delves mount. So, this is 100% possible. How are you designing yours? Is it going to have spider legs? Maybe you just want it have a jet engine and it flies all over the battlefield? Is it going to have canons for arms? A rocket launcher? Maybe it opens up at the front and pops out a spinning saw blade?
Tank: The first pet class tank? Yeah, why not? You're a tinker. You command your creation to attack you and your party's enemies and hold the front line. With your tool kit you repair (heal) your pet in between commands. Maybe you overclock your pet to put out a burst of damage by making it do a whole flurry of attacks? Maybe you activate some advanced armor plating because you know that the enemy is about to hit your precious creation with a powerful attack? Maybe you're low on HP and need to get the fight back under your control so, you command your mech to transform into a suit of armor that you hop inside and you go all out with some giant robot boxing skills and you punch the enemy in the face, over, and over, and over again while you get healed up?
Ranged DPS: With a rifle in hand you keep yourself at a safe distance and snipe your target while you command your mech to take a beating that you can repair both in and out of the fight. You've got a pretty awesome toolkit that makes the Hunters jealous. You've got a portable shield generator that puts up a stationary forcefield to soak incoming damage. Maybe you're in an RBG and you see some sneaky rogue who just made away with your flag? No worry. Throw your caltrop bomb at him to stifle that swift movement and then blast him with your electro magnetic recalibrator that inverts all his abilites. Forwards in backwards, left strafe is turn right, the next ability he presses on his action bar has a percentage chance to activate a different ability at random.
Melee DPS: You're a tinker. You're really good and smackin' stuff.... preferably with a big 2H weapon. What happens if we modify this heckin' chonker of a weapon with some crazy and outrageous gadgets? Maybe we can strap a rocket to it and spin around in a circle really, really, really fast and bash everything around us? What if we strap a landmine to the front of it and bonk that wolf on the head? I don't know about you.... But I would like to have my mech launch a barrage of missile into the air that AoE a pack of enemies, and then hop on top of my mech and charge into battle like it's a jousting match at the Argent Tournament! You know what else would be a pretty cool ability? Tossing a bomb in the air and then smacking it with your melee weapon like a baseball, right at the enemy!
Healer: You and your mech have one mission, and that's to save as many lives as possible. Maybe you spray nanobots in a cone AoE to heal and repair allies. Maybe you send your mech across the Raid to activate a defibrillator to get that one party member off the floor who always dies to the same mechanic? Maybe you hypercharge your Healblaster 9001 to give a massive burst heal to the tank. what if your mech opens up and shoots out a bunch of little heal grenades that airburst with a HoT? That party member that you send your mech pick up the floor looks like he's about to die to that same mechanic again and the defibrillator is on cooldown. I guess we're going to have to deploy the Grapple-Reinforced Assistance Booster (G.R.A.B.) to pull them out of the fire since they don't know how to run out of it. (it's a Mage, isn't it?) Did the Tank get a little too big for his plate britches, and accidentally pulled too much on this mythic plus key? Well, let's just use the G.R.A.B. to pull him back to safety and then deploy our Stealthy Holographic Adaptive Disengagement Engine (S.H.A.D.E.) to AoE Vanish the whole party to reset the fight and prevent a wipe!
Well, now that we're done being the most awesome new addition to Azeroth it's time to go venture onward. I'm going to activate the Levitational Integrated Flight Transport (L.I.F.T.) Mode on my mech and have it transform into a flying mount and take off into the skies and do a barrel roll.
This is just some of the ideas I've had. I'm curious what yours are. Criticism is obviously welcome, this is the internet after all.
After what seemed like a small patch I downloaded today, I noticed more stuttering? I’m not sure what’s causing it but all my settings are the same. I’m noticing big drops in frames, like 20-30 less. No idea what could have caused this.
Has anyone else experienced this today?
Here's mine:
"That dude's so bad he got kicked from a follower dungeon"
I've been playing Outlaw Rogue for a while now (since the end of Dragonflight and the start of TWW). I love the class and all, but I have a problem... I'm terrible at it.
Now, it's not like I think I'm Faker or anything, but this is one of the only specs in the game where I just can't seem to get decent DPS. When I compare my damage on 5 dummies to Raidbots simulations, the sim completely destroys me. If I can hold 2M DPS on 5 targets, it's a miracle, while the sim comfortably does almost 3M DPS over 3 minutes.
I've managed to do some +10 keys, but I really feel like I'm just getting carried whenever I play it. I know there are multiple viable builds, but the ones using Keep It Rolling feel completely out of reach for me right now.
When I check my logs, they seem "okay"—not amazing, but decent. And yet, in dungeons, I'm absolutely terrible. Survivability feels amazing, but the moment I need to deal damage, I'm always dead last in DPS (and sometimes even behind the tank 😭).
I've heard about Ekili, which gives class rotations, but when I use it, I spend more time looking at it than actually paying attention to what's happening in the fight. On top of that, my DPS is even worse than when I play normally.
If you have any tips or advice to help me improve, I'd really appreciate it!
EDIT : Logs https://fr.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/marecage-de-zangar/yats
They seem to be a massive gold and time sink, and rely on public orders to make money
Hello im new and i want to buy another month of sub with gold, but i can only get like 1,000 per hour, can anyone give me a tip to improve my farming?
Olá, queridos!
Venho por meio deste post anunciar um grupo de World of Warcraft na plataforma do WhatsApp. Pensando na complexidade que é jogar o nosso querido WoW e nas visíveis dificuldades que os jogadores iniciantes enfrentam em lidar com um jogo relativamente complexo para novos jogadores. Pensando também na dificuldade de se obter suporte decente pela própria comunidade, o grupo "Chapinha dos Grômulos" nasce dessa carência.
Nosso grupo tem como principal objetivo ajudar os jogadores iniciantes. Dentre algumas atividades que promovemos no grupo, estão:
Além disso, temos um acervo consideravelmente grande de conteúdos de WoW, como livros, HQs, mangás, tudo isso disponível em até três línguas diferentes (português, inglês e espanhol). Também possuímos um acervo de trabalhos científicos acadêmicos com o WoW em foco e vídeos cronológicos da história.
Enfim, o que pretendo com esse post é fazer um convite. Se você é um jogador iniciante ou não, mas que queira fazer parte de uma comunidade ativa que interaja e tire as suas dúvidas, talvez esse seja o lugar certo.
Deixo o link de acesso disponível e que todos sejam bem-vindos!
Link de acesso: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JTdN06GKmuUI1voWdQ1GrY
Everyone talks about how Ret pallies clear him easily but no one talks about how Havoc DHs has one of the best and more forgiving kits for him with his insane mobility. As long as you do him right, you can consistently get him to phase 2 and with some RNG, hopefully clear him. Here are some things I discovered in all my various deaths while doing this:
Fel Rush is your best friend. It helps you evade AOEs and Frontals, it boosts your dps with inertia build and it gets you to the eggs. Always save at least one Fel rush just in case you mispositioned and need to get yourself out of a nasty situation. (Try not Fel Rush out of his fear AOE as you can quite easily walk out in time without wasting a fel rush.)
Vengeful retreat is a godsend. It clears out the dot from the poison spittle. ONLY use it for the poison, and nothing else. Save interrupts for his heal.
Eye Beam/Essence Break only for the eggs. If you do this with good timing, chances are both Eye Beam and Essence Break will be up again for the next egg as well.
Felblade helps you stick to Zek’vir closely so you’re able to reposition fast just in case he does his Claw Smash (Big wide AOE that summons spikes).
I did this at 618 iLvl so if you’re around here, you should be able to tank some melee hits. Save Brann’s pots for his melee hits and your hp should be fine. Soul fragments should be able to sustain you otherwise. Brann needs to be healer for this.
Eggs are important, but your survivability triumphs it. Unless he’s melee-ing you, wait for Zek’vir to cast a skill before you start eye-beaming down the egg as you dont want to get hit by something while throwing out your dps at the egg.
Save Metamorphosis. You actually don’t really need it, but save it just in case Zek’vir does something funky and the cooldown is off for eye beam and he summons an egg. Or you can just do what I did which is to throw out Meta for the final push when he was 10%.
Try to lead him closer to you before you dps down the egg so that if he starts healing, you’re able to get to him in time to kick.
Follow these and you should be able to hit his second phase quite consistently. At 60% he will do his black blood cast where he doesnt really take damage while casting so use this opportunity to build up your fury or DPS the egg if he summoned one.
After that, it is pretty much the same except his AOE fear summons orbs that one shots you, he summons portals that one shot you if you touch it, his heal increases to 25% and he has that channelling skill that summons swirlies.
During the channel, I would suggest you dodge while getting in some DPS as well as it’s a good window to get in 3-5% of his health.
The orbs that fly out from his AOE fear has an indicator and it flies out a straight line from him in 4 directions. If need to, this is where you can Fel Rush to avoid it or reposition.
For the portals, try not to dash while they are active as you might accidentally dash into them and get one shotted. If you do however, you can pop Darkness as a get out of jail for free card just once to survive it. Save Darkness for if that actually happens.
I find the toughest part of phase 2 is having to take care of all these new mechanics while still need to kick his heal. Many times I failed is because I failed to kick the heal and i just mentally started to panic a little or gave up cause its another 25% worth of hp to take down.
And with that, the void blimp should be yours! Follow all the other generic advice as well, such as flasking up, having both cavedweller’s delight and algari hp pots as a patch me up. Be patient, don’t panic and you should be fine. Zek’vir is by no means a dps check so take it slow and steady (You still do need to burst down the egg though).
I hope this helps! Good luck on your attempts before the season ends!
Me dog, Okie, is fine though! Seems he had the one episode, and while it was moderate, he pulled through pretty fast ❤️
I have asked myself this question for many years and I believe, for the class/spec I main, I found a way around it for the most part.
In all of my years playing WoW, I have seen more people using extreme amounts of keybinds and wild action bar setups than I care to think of, let alone count. Honestly, a part of me has always been sort of jealous because despite having cleared Heroic and Mythic tier raids and dungeons throughout almost every expansion, when I see the way other people have their setups and their playstyles, I feel very "oonga oonga" caveman. I grew up playing WoW, and from a young age I played very casually and therefore, never really experimented with action bars, keybinds, and macros. Blizzards default setup worked just fine for me, and up until Shadowlands, I didn't feel a need to change it. Maybe a desire, but certainly not a "need."
Now, I do use keybinds that aren't Blizzards defaults, but very very few. Specifically, I have a mouse with two additional buttons that I have bound to my 'drop and use' AoE abilities (or my warriors Heroic Leap), and I also use the '~' for interrupt abilities but that's it for my keybinds. Naturally, my right hand rests on my mouse for double-hold mouse/camera movement and my left hand rests on ~/tab, 2, 3, and 4 with my thumb on the space bar. That's how I have always played, since 2004/2005 and anything other than that just feels unnatural and clunky. I find myself thinking and focusing too much on my keyboard that I can't react in time or pay attention to the screen (again, oonga oonga caveman).
As the game has progressed and endgame content has grown more "challenging" and demanding, I have found myself needing to be more viable and as I main a Resto Shaman, this means needing to DPS on top of healing. Something that becomes very difficult for a simpleton with no ability to utilize hardly anything more than the default actionbar/keybind setup.
I used to use #'s 1-6 for healing abilities and keys F1-F6 for damage abilities as they rest .2 inches away from the # 1-6 buttons, and that works just fine, however, as I said before, I believe I found a way around it. Or rather, someone clued me in to a way around it.
For anybody that feels they suffer from the same issue, there is a way to macro your keys so that depending on the target, either friend or foe, one of two abilities is cast. So instead of having to memorize twelve different key combinations, rotations, and utilities, I now just have to remember six individual keys and each of their two corresponding abilities (either healing or DPS) and it has drastically streamlined the combat/engagement process/experience for me, it's stupid.
TLDR: MACROs changed my gaming experience from frustrating/difficult to enjoyable/successful by minimizing my hand placement and finger placement from either all over the keyboard or half way around my keyboard to just half a row of number keys.
When I can, if anybody is interested, I will edit this post and copy/paste the macro I use. If anybody else knows what I'm talking about, feel free to post it in the comments for others to see!