The subreddit for cute pictures of bugs, lobsters, squid, and other non-Vertebrata.
Because they're adorable too.
For adorable invertebrates.
This is a no-nope zone. No "kill it with fire" here.
All adorable invertebrates welcome from all taxa (except Vertebrata)! If you want to post a cute invertebrate, posting a link to a Wikipedia article in a comment or posting a paragraph about the animal is highly encouraged, and if you can find its scientific name, it is not required, but encouraged to put it in the title. Also, give credit to the original photographer/source where available.
Every Wednesday is Watery Wednesday - for aquatic invertebrates.
Sharing your cute invertebrate-related artwork is fine, but please do not link to shop sites or advertise items for sale.
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A little video of my little girl enjoying the special isopods cookie I made for them
Carrhotus xanthogramma female with her lunch. Also looks like it could be her teddy bear.
housed with 4 other roaches of the same kind (Simandoa conserfariam cave roach)
Here my little guys enjoying cookies I made for them 🙂 Note that I've created the recipe to be isopod safe
You don’t usually think of earthworms as climbers, since they have no feet unlike gastropods. From a distance I thought it was a centipede.
But this guy proves otherwise. Weirder yet is there’s no soil particularly nearby, only a lawn around the corner. Presumably he climbed to escape excess moisture? 🤔
Regardless, surprisingly adorable to watch it slowly and cautiously feeling its way down the wall.
The little guy found his way in through a crack in my windowsill, I gave him a grape and held him for a bit. he's a good boy
The little guys needed a bit of vegetables after all the sushis 😇
s t a c k