
Photograph via snooOG

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What cat is this? 🧐

06:53 UTC


My cat is so gorgeous. 💕

She’s so sweet and I’m so in love with her. ❤️

1 Comment
06:43 UTC


“Stop Laughing at My Cone of Shame Hooman”

My boy got taken to the vet 2 weeks ago and got a bigger cone of shame since his old one was looking bit dirty. I was giggling at him while he was sleeping. He stretched out and did this

06:40 UTC


"I woke up like this: adorable and slightly confused."

06:38 UTC


Moments before disaster

1 Comment
06:30 UTC


Took a pic of him as he was laying on me. Still laughing at the face he made.

His name is Pickle if you guys are wondering.

06:27 UTC


This is Margo, she passed a few days ago :(

I need to give a little rant because this little girl deserved better. WARNING FOR SEMI-GRAPHIC CONTENT. We adopted her from the pound in October and took her to get checked up (she’s missing half an ear and her tail lol). Everything seemed fine and she had no visible ailments although we did not run any diagnostic tests upon adoption. Fast forward to a few mornings ago.

She threw up for the first time since we got her and it had some little grass bits in it so we thought she might have had a lil stomach ache (she gets supervised outside time on a leash, our backyard has nothing toxic to cats to my knowledge). She was also acting a little lethargic and sleepy eyed that same morning. I went to work and planned on coming home at lunch to check on her and to possibly take her to the vet.

I came home and she greeted me like normal with a little chirp. Not even 1 minute later she tries to follow me to the bedroom and falls over. She began to meow very loudly in a manner I had never heard before. She couldn’t stand up and seemed to be in quite a bit of pain so I grabbed the nearest cardboard box (we were moving in) and immediately jumped in the car to take her to the vet.

She stopped meowing when I put her in the car and began to breathe very quickly. 2 minutes later she was dead.

Not a thing I could do. She had never shown any symptoms of anything remotely wrong until that same morning. No sickness, no vomit, hardly even any accidents outside the litter box up to this day.

HCM is my only logical conclusion although I am unsure because we chose not to do a necropsy. My heart is broken.

06:25 UTC


What is this double standard...

1 Comment
06:24 UTC


Any idea what this fella has in mind?

I am at my cousin's house for this weekend and his cat "Marie" just stared at me like this when I was getting ready for sleep last night.

She didn't do anything except pure staring so I have zero clue what she expected of me 💀

06:24 UTC



Just being whimsical and shi😌

06:23 UTC


Female cat spraying everywhere

To make a long story as short as possible, I had to move back home with my mom where we have three senior cats (2 males, 1 female, same litter and 14 years old, all neutered/spayed) and ended up having to take my roommates cats as well (two males, one is 2 and the other is 4, both neutered). I’ve been home for two months and my resident female cat is not happy and is spraying everything. The walls, the doors, the windows, couches, chairs, clothes, etc etc etc.

Not only is it driving both myself and my mom crazy cleaning up constantly, but I feel terribly guilty that she’s so stressed. We bought feliway spray and diffusers, the cats have their own litter boxes and we let the guest cats roam for a few hours off and on throughout the day. At night, they are in their room (which used to be my room lol). Nothing seems to be helping and I don’t know what to do. I can’t move out until October at the earliest and I’m worried the stress is going to take a toll on her health. I don’t want her to feel scared in her own home but at the same time if I don’t keep the guest cats they would be at a shelter.

Any advice is welcome and very appreciated!!!!

06:22 UTC


She doesn’t know she’s not a cat …..

1 Comment
06:21 UTC


Why does my cat chew my nose?

Does any body else’s cat do this? She’ll start licking my face all over and chewing on my nose.

06:18 UTC


When she wants to kiss me after BJ.

06:17 UTC


Chonker obsessed with chocolate

I am perma-fostering this sweet chonky lady since January. She arrived very overweight and it became clear that her elderly owner shared all her people food based on her expectant staring and heavy breathing when I eat. She's already losing weight, moving more easily, and looking healthier and happier.

BUT she is OBSESSED with chocolate. I started finding random wrappers on the floor and discovered that she had found an abandoned tin of Christmas chocolates neither me or my husband were aware of on a bookshelf- she was stealing, unwrapping and eating them. She will lick the chocolate off- I found a single hazelnut picked clean on the floor! She will eat through wrappers of anything left where she can find it.

Obviously we know chocolate is bad for cats, it's just a weird thing to get used to. I've been long conditioned to put other cat temptations out of reach, but chocolate has never been on my radar.

Anyone else found this with theirs? Any ideas on curbing this?

06:12 UTC


I'm looking for Cat Tree reccomendations.

I got my rent rebate, and I am looking for a large-ish Cat Tree for my cat. I'm willing to pay around 100, but my mom is trying to convince me to go cheaper.

1 Comment
06:09 UTC


He loves his little toy

06:05 UTC


Possible nursing cat

Advice needed.

There is this little tiny cat we have been feeding and finally setup a trap to get it fixed. We finally got the cat tonight and haven't been able to confirm sex. My husband and I are 90% it's a female cat. .

On to our issue. The cat got loose in the house while we were trying to transfer to the kitty kennel we had setup to let the cat decompress. As the cat was climbing through the higher shelves, we noticed the nipples didn't have hair around some and may have been swollen. Can't tell for sure. Our concern is what if we trapped a cat that is nursing, do we have to release her to go back to the kitties? We don't want anything bad to happen to the babies of the cat gave birth.

We just don't know what to do because we wanted to help this cat but not sure what the right thing to do if there are possibly kittens outside.

05:52 UTC


Mikey boy loves when I take him on my nature walks :)

1 Comment
05:50 UTC


Pillow sheet as blanket

Tom looked cold so I took my pillow sheet and gave him it, he’s purring and doing “meh” meows so I think I did a good job

05:45 UTC


Why my cat rolls on his back every morning he sees me?

Hi all, as a first time cat owner i am thinking for long now, what can be the reason that my cat rolls on his back every time he sees me in the morning. First i thought it is because he just woke up from sleep, but he does this also when he is already up, doing something, not sleeping. Does it mean something?😊

05:42 UTC


just a picture of my friend gorgeous cat!

05:33 UTC


Little white specs under fur

Hey all, has anyone seen these little white specs on the skin of cats? It’s a male, 8 y/o. It’s difficult to remove him from the house to go to the vet so I’d rather avoid that unless absolutely needed..

05:33 UTC

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