
Photograph via snooOG

The best ANIMALS community anywhere. Photos, videos, news, stories and discussions about animals & wildlife.


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Sailor Jupiter / Species = Human (Homo sapiens)

Sailor Jupiter / Subfamily (taxonomy) = Homininae

Sailor Jupiter / Family (taxonomy) = Hominidae

Sailor Jupiter / Superfamily (taxonomy) = Hominoidea

Sailor Jupiter / Infraorder (taxonomy) = Simiiformes

Sailor Jupiter / Order (taxonomy) = Primates

Sailor Jupiter / Class (taxonomy) = Mammalia

Sailor Jupiter / Superclass (taxonomy) = Osteichthyes

Sailor Jupiter / Subphylum (taxonomy) = Vertebrata

17:05 UTC


Would a large cat (Jaguar, Lion, Tiger, etc) defend a human it's created a "bond/connection" with?

Would a large cat (Jaguar, Lion, Tiger, etc) defend a human it's created a "bond/connection" with?

You see a lot of these people on YouTube and social media that are around wild animals, working an animal rehab or conservatory or something else in that genre. If someone were to threaten or even assault the person the animal(s) seemingly created a bond/connection with, would they defend their person as if they were their own or would they go about ignoring it? Or possibly act out in territorial instinct and not necessarily because of a connection? Are these kinds of animals even capable of creating a connection with humans on that kind of level?

05:38 UTC


I don't think that snakes are smart animals...

...buuut, my brother had a black and yellow Florida king snake. He potty trained it. He'd take it outside next to the trailer. It would slither along next to him as he walked. When it got to the end, he'd put his snakeskin boot down (yeah, weird), and Abagail (the snake) would turn around and slither the other way, until she was ready. Then she'd evacuate and he'd pick her back up and put her in her always-clean tank.

19:48 UTC


I recently got 2 hamsters. Any tips or tricks or anything else? Would really appreciate it

Anything would be greatly appreciated ♥️

14:15 UTC


“I want to live out my dog’s life in a warm place”: Perm-city (mid-Russia) residents found a dog with a note - it was written by a terminally ill owner

The dog Maina is 10 years old, and she really wants to find a new home.

On social networks they are looking for new owners for the 10-year-old dog Maina. A capsule with a note was found on her collar. On a piece of paper there is a handwritten text that says that Maina is not lost, but is looking for new owners, because the previous owner is terminally ill.


The text is written in the first person, as if Maina herself is addressing the people who found her. Some letters are blurred by traces of tears.

“My name is Maina, I’m not lost, I’m just looking for new owners! Since my mistress is terminally ill! And he can no longer look after me. I am 10 years old, I am sterilized, my character is melancholic. I don't really like small children.

For the last year she has been eating dry food. And I won’t be able to live in an unheated room! The sore on the eye has not progressed for many years.

Please don’t offend me or rob me... Help me find kind people who will shelter me. I really want to live out my dog ​​life in warmth and kindness. Thank you in advance".


Now Maina, judging by the photo, really is in warmth and kindness. At least she was sheltered for a while by caring people who are helping the dog find new owners.

1 Comment
12:03 UTC


Pet adoption Survey <3

Hello! I am part of a student design team dedicated to helping adoption centers reach a wider audience. Could you spare a few minutes to answer some questions about your experience in searching for pets? We would greatly appreciate your responses! As a “reward,”  an adorable picture of my sweet rescue pups I worked with will be included in the survey! Liam, Benson, and Tracer (left to right)

Google Survey Link:


05:27 UTC


Are cats smarter than dogs?

13:49 UTC


Was it a mole?

I didn't take a photo but I pulled over in my parking lot because something was scurrying across the parking lot that looked like a mouse, then I thought maybe hamster BUT I was like omg it's a mole! Or at least something that looked like it. Couldn't climb over the concrete shoulders that's around some curbs. So I followed it until it made it's way around that and it started burying into the mulch 🥺 Thing is, it had a pink nose but it's tail was very short and also pink. Photos I'm seeing of moles have longer tails than this guy and have fur. So wondering what it could be? I know it wasn't a vole for sure. Didn't snap a photo cause I was soaking in the moment 🥰 it was so cute.

1 Comment
11:02 UTC


A pokedex for Animals

Hey folks. I am working on a pokedex style app for real animals. It is a work in progress and I have implemented a few features like

  1. Scanning animals and getting detailed info in pokedex style

  2. Chat to an animal (without sign in)

  3. Mark scan as favourites

  4. Leaderboard and Badges.

I would love to know what more can I improve. This is the website link : https://anidex.tech/

18:16 UTC


Dad definitely isn’t cramped with me and sis sitting on him

1 Comment
23:09 UTC


Animal Guessing Game - Wildguesser


This is an early version of an animal guessing game I'm currently working on where you find out facts about an animal and then guess its name once you have enough information. Its still in early development.
There is a guide on the homepage and on the game page. There is also a longer guide with its own page.
Would love feedback, good or bad.

22:40 UTC


How do I tell me other gunnie pig that is brother is dead?

Today one of my gunnie pigs has unfortunately passed away, I have buried him but my other gunnie pig has not seen his body as I did not research before, I buried him. How do I tell my other piggy that he is dead? Sorry for bad title grammar, was crying while typing it :(

16:52 UTC

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