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This is a community for the discussion of parrots. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures.


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My Watermelon

13:19 UTC


shower time

was very hot at where i volunteer yesterday so went around seeing who wanted a shower. Humphrey seemed to be the only one into it 😭 he also had a bath after this so he was incredibly soggy.

11:46 UTC


Introduced a second parrot to my home, need some additional advice.

So it has been a few days, and I let each bird out at different intervals, my first bird (Senegal Parrot) for the first six hours and then locking him up before letting the other one (Meyer's Parrot) out for six hours before locking her up. They're not the same species, but they are the same genus.

The first bird is almost 2 years old, the second is less than 1 year old. Currently, I'm at the stage where I isolate the birds from each other, but I'm wondering whether that is necessary, the first bird, I, of course, know is healthy. The second bird was sold by a respected and trusted bird seller and was tested by a vet before I took her home, so I don't know if the 30-day quarantine is actually necessary.

I'll keep them isolated from each other for the remaining 20-something days (I have an alert) if you people think it's really necessary, and either way, I will keep them in separate cages, the question is whether I can move them to the same room ahead of time.

I'm still relatively green in this area, I've never tried to introduce a new bird to my existing bird.

09:49 UTC


Show me your squishy parrots!

1 Comment
08:49 UTC


Need help - opinions

Hello folks.

I came on here to ask your opinions on the matter or some further help becauae I am at my limit and honestly I feel a terrible bird mother.

I have two parrots, a male Cockatiel which I've had for 7 years already and a lately female (as the owner branded it male) Indian Ringneck at 6 years old.

They never went along so I always kwpt them seperate, however my cockatiel is a weird fellow and gets agitated and screams easily and is immediately alert with other bird calls. At first we were never planning to get a second parrot, I would have my cockatiel just fine since he was my company while I was in uni. However, the eingneck came moreso for my parrents, especially my mom, whom the ringneck eventually didn't bond with, ans she bonded with me easier.

The issue here is that I couldn't deal with the two of them regarding transportation, I would always move around from uni to hometown with the cockatiel, but not the ringneck, but eventually that stopped. My father passed and we also stopped taking the birds outside to see thw sun and for some fresh air (because my mom usually did that along with my father). So them being active out of home eventually stopped..

Then we move onto the problem of them getting along. Having them is seperate rooms was a choice at first, but also a nightmare as time went on. As to I would be the only one interacting with both of them, since my mother fell into depression. So both birds now only wanting my attention and being wary/scared of my mother most of the time, as even when she was calm they wouldn't really go near her, and I understand why, I even asked her multiple times if she'd want to pet them. handle them and have them near her for some quality time, but she never did.

I eventually got a job during the pandemic and till now most of it has been w@home. The birds only started screaming more and more since my shifting work hours and my inability due to being tired of drom management complaints of the birds making noise, I couldn't even have them with me when I was working (the department I am in is Cusromer Service at a bank... so you can realise the scale of people who could hear them scream all day). I am still trying my best to give them as much time as I can for pets, to calm them down, but it cany be more than 15 to 30 minutes at most times and it is even worse when I have to leave home for days at a time.

My mom leaves for 6 months now during summer season and I am left to deal with them alone. I would be fine with it, but the thing I am about to describe has been going on for more than 1 year already and I can understand the why:

-All the rooms of the house are pretty adjacent to each other and the noise cancelation isn't the best.

-We have both birds next to each other (cause apart only makes the screams worse) in order for them to just exist together wothout the ringneck trying to murser the cockatiel.

-Whenever I go to the kitchen to get anything, the ringneck will start flock calling, screaming for hours at a time and even ALL DAY. For more than 6 hours NON STOP. Me not replying to her, not going to the kitchen or even covering her for some time has never helped.

-Most of the times when I do handle the ringneck, shw tends to leave loud screeches, which pierce my ears and honestly I've been having way too many headaches because of her non stop screaming.

I do understand that I may not be stimulating her enough, and honestly I am partly to blame. It can be boredom and lack of interaction that makes her do that and honestly I can't do anything else... I had done my research when my parents did the "impulse-buy" to which my mother is mostly at fault, but since it wasn't never the bird's fault I knew she would scream and be noisy. But this level of noisy is EXTREME regarding her past 2 to 3 years.

I am thinking of giving her to another home, somewhere where they will have more time for her, more space and stimulation and perhaps, a quieter place, cause despite living alone with occasional relatives coming by (like my teenage cousin wh blasts the TV and literally doesn't help with their sleep being peaceful). The thought of seperating her from me honestly breajs my heart because it will affect her as well, but I simply can't handle her anymore.. I don't want her to grow miserable and I have already had her for a big portion of her lide which only does her more harm than good with my current lifestyle..

I would like your opinions on whether or not it is a good move and if I could, what is there for me to do if I ultimately can't give her away in order to help her become less noisy (to a normal degree of noisy at least the typical ringneck levels..)

08:16 UTC


please help, weird vent on budgie, worried :(

hi all, my budgies vent hasnt been looking good and has been looking more swollen and red then usual. She recently started digging into my clothes to make these dents in them that turn into little like...dark deep areas if that makes sense. I looked up if that was nesting behavior and i did a year of research before getting budgies, i cant find anything on it. Im really worried, and ive had her for three years and shes never looked like this before. She still preens, she still chirps and she still bathes, eats and drinks. I know a lot of you will say take her to the vet and ive tried but since we got her years ago we had more money then and vets are really expensive here. We had money to take her years ago, but now we dont.

07:45 UTC


Remember Teemo? He's a cat now 😂😂

06:57 UTC


If there was a purple parrot, then they’d have every color counted for…

06:00 UTC


Three amigos!

05:51 UTC


Peacock poop *HELP*

Hey everyone, I am animal lover and I have three family members Peacock going to sleep in my balcony. I am okay with that but I have a cat who loves the balcony and I am scared of their poop can be poison and extremely dangerous for my cat.

Where I live many animals loves me and they follows me because I saved many and feed them, But now it going out of control the peacocks was eating from my hand out of the building and now she bought her kids to sleep, they will leave at the morning and I am afraid that my cat get sick by smelling their poop or stand where they slept a day ago

Please only people who knows biology and animals experts answer this question.

1 Comment
04:06 UTC


Happy Pride!

Love to all humans, Eldi!

1 Comment
03:02 UTC


My quaker parrot looks like she's smiling

So I got my baby banana about 2 years ago now. She's a trauma bird so were currently lacking in the contact department because of how she was treated by previous owners. For the first time today it looked like she was smiling? I know they can't do that but it was specifically with her eyes. Like a half squint. Idk if that means she's happy to see me or if it's something else.

On that same note she tends to climb around her cage alot. She hated being outside of the safety of her cage so I've ruled out the possibility of escape. Is that a sign of good health?

1 Comment
01:43 UTC


Bird room too hot

Just had a debate with my mum. Because I’m using multiple rooms to house my two cockatiels. So I took my brothers old room and cleaned everything up so it’s a perfect space for the birds to fly around. But it’s really hot! I have curtains and blinds which I pull shut and the heater is off. But we don’t have any ac in there and obviously I can’t have the window open when they are out. I’m not even sure what temperature is ok for cockatiels. Anyone know how I can consistently lower the temperature of the room? It’s not even summer lmao

00:53 UTC


My dear friend pancho 🦜

23:58 UTC


What kind of birds can i keep with this size cage?

23:44 UTC


Hey guys can you please share videos if your parrots bathing themselves ? They look so adorable when they shake their wings

I know this might sound weird but they are soooooo cute

23:28 UTC


Nesting behavior? Discourage it?

My (supposedly male) conure rescue loves getting under blankets, “quacking into the void” at shaded areas and recently shredding and walking in and out of an Amazon box while mumbling to himself...

  • is this nesting behavior?

  • do I need to discourage it?

  • hormonal stress indicators to look out for?

22:02 UTC


Does anyone else's parrot do these odd things?

List of odd things fiego will do.

Pluck all grey and red facial hair.

Drop seeds into your ear when sleeping

Refuse to sleep unless he has a cloth on top of him, it can't be below him.

Burrow into somebody's shirt if they cry

Scream when we get home until he is given exactly 3 kisses from each of us

Always go spelunking in pockets

Attack spoons and spoon users but not chopsticks or forks

19:30 UTC


Amazon got spooked and he's now afraid of me but not my dad

I heard my 2 year old blue fronted amazon Juno scream in distress from his cage (only my dad was in the room at the moment) so I ran into the room to see what was going on and found nothing but him perching on his usual branch.

He kept making distressed noises but I couldn't see anything that would've explained his pain, so I opened his cage door and let him out to calm him down but instead of coming onto my finger like he always does he seemed unsure of me, and started to fly away fearfully.

I tried to bribe him with some of his favourite treats but he would only fly to my dad for protection, which he usually doesn't do as I supposedly am his "favourite human", so now he's sitting on top of his cage with a walnut near him which he hasn't even touched.

What could it be? I am very afraid of losing his trust since I believe I haven't done anything wrong. Please help me, I care so much about him I don't want him to see me as a threat.

21:01 UTC

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