
Photograph via snooOG

News and discussion for the marine mammals of the order Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises).

Banner image by Matthew Allen / Flickr

News and discussion for the marine mammals of the order Cetacea (whales, dolphins, and porpoises).

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Best Documentaries on Cetaceans

I am specifically looking for ones based on their lives in the wild; analyses on their minds and social dynamics.

Any related suggestions are greatly appreciated! 🐋

22:06 UTC


Largest size recorded on Sperm whale

15:01 UTC


Canada: N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen

While looking at whale-related news today, the following article grabbed my attention: N.B. Liberal MP calls for loosened right whale protection measures to help fishermen | CBC News

Link: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/n-b-liberal-mp-calls-for-loosened-right-whale-protection-measures-to-help-fishermen-1.7209306

Summary: New Brunswick Liberal MP Serge Cormier has called for a loosening of North Atlantic right whale protection measures to support local fishermen facing economic challenges. The current measures, implemented to protect the critically endangered species, include fishing gear restrictions and area closures. Cormier argues that these regulations are too stringent and harm the fishing industry, suggesting a more balanced approach. Environmental groups, however, emphasize the necessity of these protections to prevent further decline of the whale population, which is already critically low.

This is important news for us Canadian whale lovers. If you live in Canada, please urge your Member of Parliament to take a stand against this idea, and stand with the endangered North Atlantic right whales instead. I have included an email template below, which you can send to your electoral district's MP. Here is a link to a Government of Canada tool to find your local MP: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en

Here is the email template:

Dear Mr./Ms./Mx. [Member of Parliament's last name],

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my deep concern regarding the recent proposal by Acadie-Bathurst MP Serge Cormier to loosen protection measures for the critically endangered North Atlantic right whale, as detailed in the following CBC article:  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/n-b-liberal-mp-calls-for-loosened-right-whale-protection-measures-to-help-fishermen-1.7209306

While I understand the significant challenges faced by our fishermen as a result of these protective measures, I firmly believe that the survival of this magnificent species must remain a top priority for Canada.

The North Atlantic right whale population is already on the brink of extinction, with fewer than 350 individuals remaining. Easing the current protective measures could lead to increased whale entanglements and vessel strikes, further threatening their survival. The consequences of such actions are irreversible and would tarnish Canada's commitment to biodiversity and environmental stewardship.

Additionally, Canada has legal obligations under the Marine Mammal Protection Act to ensure the conservation and protection of marine mammals. Weakening these protections would not only endanger the right whale further but also compromise Canada's adherence to international conservation standards and agreements.

I urge you to oppose any measures that would weaken the protections for the North Atlantic right whale. Instead, I encourage you to advocate for alternative solutions that can both support our fishermen and ensure the continued survival of the right whale. These could include:

  1. Investment in Whale-Safe Fishing Gear: Support the development and adoption of innovative fishing technologies that minimize the risk to marine life.
  2. Enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement: Strengthen the monitoring of fishing activities and enforce stricter penalties for violations of whale protection regulations.
  3. Collaborative Solutions: Foster collaboration between scientists, conservationists, and the fishing industry to develop sustainable practices that protect both the whales and the livelihoods of our fishermen.

The survival of the North Atlantic right whale is a critical issue that requires our immediate attention and action. I trust that you, as a member of the Liberal Party, will stand for the preservation of our natural heritage and oppose any measures that compromise the protection of this endangered species. Our actions today will determine the fate of the right whale and reflect our values as a nation committed to the conservation of our planet's precious biodiversity.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to hearing about the steps you will take to ensure the right whale is safeguarded for future generations.


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Thank you to everyone who is participating in conservation efforts! I made the very same post on r/whales. Feel free to repost this on other subs dedicated to whales and conservation to protect our friends!

23:41 UTC


Why does no one talk about porpoises?

I have been dying to know this😭

03:48 UTC


Help me get feedback on my new orca/yacht research article?? ⛵️☺️

Hi everyone!!

My name is Leila, I’m an undergraduate studying ocean science and marine conservation and I have just finished my undergraduate dissertation article on the causes/triggers for the orca interactions that have been happening in Spain and Portugal since 2020. I will not be getting my grades back for a while, but I am hoping to potentially get this rewritten for publication as I think I may be onto something here!! But it’s only my first ever piece of scientific writing and could use some other opinions!

So I was wondering if there are any marine biologists or lecturers (or any fellow orca enthusiasts ☺️) in this group who would be interested in taking a look at my article and letting me know what they think/ if they think it’s worth trying to publish and offer me any advice moving forwards whilst I’m waiting on my results from the University

Please message me if you’re interested in taking a look!!

Thank youuu 💗

00:27 UTC


sperm whale sub reopened

please join and post


05:03 UTC


Cetacean needed

Best joke on Wikipedia

21:08 UTC


I saw North Atlantic right whales in Provincetown last weekend

I took this video from Race Point Beach near Provincetown Massachusetts last weekend.

04:46 UTC

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