The official subreddit for the coolest gastropods.
Credit to /u/artisnotanaddiction for the subreddit icon.
Be nice. Bullying and Harassment will not be tolerated.
Be on topic, posts need to relate to snails
as a snail pet subreddit we raise snails as pets, not as food
No NSFW posts
Swearing is fine, but no derogatory slurs or other hate speech.
No low-effort shitposting
Credit all non OC posts to the original poster
Snails are living creatures. Please provide them with a healthy environment
Please do not release captive bred snails
my tank smells very earthy and natural which i think is great and im actually very proud because ive never had a tank smell this good and natural, but i dont want to keep going on false pride, is this good?
These snails live at my apartments. Wonder why there's so many melanistic ones?
In case it wasn’t obvious, the blurry thing in the foreground is one of the hatched eggs from my baby snails lmao
i recently added some moss to my snail enclosure which had some greek yogurt spread on the bottom of the moss to keep it alive, but i am worried that the yogurt might hurt my snails. i put yogurt on the bottom of the moss because the bacteria in the yogurt is actually what gets eaten by the moss and it keeps the moss alive. will my snail be okay? let me know, i think it should be fine but, thanks!
Hello! My garden snail, Eddie Van Snailen, recently died after two years. I really loved caring for him and I'm looking to adopt another land snail very soon. I'm getting a new enclosure (my old one was a nightmare to clean) and am considering turning a 3-3.5 gallon glass fish tank into a cool looking terrarium with moss and plants and such. It'll be in indirect sunlight and I can keep it quite humid. Are there any land snails small enough to be kept in an enclosure this size? Also, are there any species that cannot reproduce asexually? Ideally I'd like to not have to worry about eggs. If not, I'm considering getting a grove snail, they're adorable. I'd love any suggestions
My beautiful Nina, my courageous Nina who one day of March decided to enter hour flat, who chose to stay with us, has been suffering from a severe gut prolapse for the past 3 months. I did everything in my power: chamomile baths, green tea baths, castor oil, sugary water.
I can feel somehow she is suffering. Her gut is all over the place, outside of her. I do hope in the next few hours she estivate and retract permanently, as I have to leave for work for 5 days and I have literally nobody to take care of her. If , when I come back, she is still in pain, I would like to see how to help her go to snail heaven without suffering.
We love you Nina, I am sorry I couldn’t help.
Got this nerite snail for my tank and it had white spots circles I think it’s old eggs that hatched and stained it but idk
It is a hypoestes and I am wondering how I can let it survive, it's with my snail and the soil is coconut soil bedding, do I need to move it to a small pot?
i love the way roman snails kiss! they look like they are battling and hugging at the same time lol.
i’m not the greatest artist but i love doodling snails!
Can someone help me, my snail had her eyes both fine since I got her and then suddenly, yesterday I noticed it take this weird shape, I don’t know what is wrong, she’s acting fine other wise, snailing, eating (as seen in pic) sleeping normally. It just happened in the space of a day and I’m sorta panicking. Do I need to euthanise her? Is she in pain?
I found an old painting of a snail (one of my favorite subjects of all times) and decided to fill it with new details, using various art tools I had in my studio. It was lots of fun. I hope you like it!
I've got two garden snails who are having a wild session together on the roof of our terrarium. One is firmly attached to the roof but the other one is dangling, the only thing keeping it from crashing to the ground is a bit of very sticky mucous and the, ah, grips of passion.
I don't want it to fall when they finish up their business.
What should I do? Is it possible to separate them during snex?
Came from a neighbours broccoli
Amanda ate some zucchini left for her last night, in the morning there were bites on it. But in the morning I found her pulled even deeper into her shell, that I could only see half of her leg. For past days I tried to create all the conditions according to the advice in the comments on my previous post and she got better on the first day, but now this... I don't know what to hope for and can only pray that she gets better. I'm really heartbroken because I can do nothing but waut now...
Harold, her faithful snusband, often sits next to her or on her and watches her. I hope he just thinks that she is sleeping and will wake up soon😞💔
Handmade by my partner and I over the past couple of days for my GALS. Any thoughts or opinions are gladly welcome but please remember to be kind. Give your snails love from mine to yours 🫶🏻🐌
i noticed that my snails have these moments where they literally stop moving completely and stay still, almost like a statue, and they stay that way for maybe half an hour. Is there a reason for this?
Currently my hands are really dry and there are some open cracks that could get infected.