
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to r/Zoology: A community about the scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.

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Zoology: The scientific study of the behavior, structure, physiology, classification, and distribution of animals.

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Interesting YT channel that answers zoology questions 🤔

I found a fun small YouTube channel that answers questions about animals, thought it could be of interest! Here's an example about how woodpeckers avoid concussions!

17:13 UTC


Quarter life crisis, HELP!

I’m a senior in highschool right now and am going to college next year to pursue a zoology/wildlife biology/animal biology major (depending on the school i’m going to). And I’m wondering if studying this field is really worth it? Right now i’m specifically interested in studying animal behaviour especially in mammals. And doing research/conservation work. I’ve done research about this field and understand that it’s quite competitive and it’s a lot of work with little pay, plus a lot of moving around when it comes to field work. I’m curious to know if there are any other wildlife related careers that can offer a stable income (I’m not expecting like millions of dollars or smth, more like enough so i can have one bed room appt and put food on my table and take a vacation once a year). I’ve thought about vet school but I’m unsure if since it’s really hard plus i’m not all that interested in the medical side of wildlife. And if zoology is really not worth it i do still want to pursue a career related to wildlife, maybe smth to do with bio engineering or genetics? Can someone help me out and give me some advice or guidance😭

17:03 UTC


Are there any jobs I could do as a zoologist in my teens?

Right now I am 13, and I plan to get a job at 16. Are there any zoology related jobs I can do? Or paid volunteer work?

02:22 UTC


Question about instinctual behaviors

My roommate and I both have bearded dragons and it's really fun to watch how they interact with each other. Some interact from behind glass because they're to small to safely physically interact yet.

We were watching the smallest one do an arm wave at one of the larger ones which is a submissive behavior.

The question here is related to instinct. How do they know that they're supposed to do this to show submission to each other. They aren't a maternal species and mothers have to be separated from their clutch in captivity or they'll eat them. So no one teaches them this behavior, but they know to do it anyway. Does anyone know how this works?

1 Comment
22:29 UTC


Job prospects across each specialization in zoology

Hello, I am a student who is very much aware that a career in wildlife biology or zoology can be competitive and not pay well depending on how far you go after a degree. My question applies mostly to Canada (where I'm from) and the United States (where I plan to also work).

What are the job prospects (competition and salary) like across zoology specializations such as choosing a niche in large carnivore mammology, only working with wolves or becoming an ornithologist, entomologist, herpetologist etc.?

While I would love to gain experience in research or fieldwork with many different North American species, I know this will not make me as marketable so I'm trying to determine a career focus by keeping in mind that I need to pay my bills at the end of the day. I'm also aware Alberta and British Columbia seem to have more of an abundance of fieldwork in comparison to Ontario.

02:33 UTC


Questions about harem mating system

  1. Why do they even exist? How come there are no more males in a species that could overcome the dominant one?

  2. Do humans form harem?

22:36 UTC


Megafauna Dissertation Undergraduate

Megafauna dissertation Undergraduate

Hello, so I am going onto my third year of zoology hoping to go into a masters for palaeontology. I’m currently getting ready for my dissertation and decided I want to link zoology with paleo and I believe doing something with megafauna would be interesting. I was wondering if I could discuss it with anyone in those fields either in comments or messages. I need to come up with a question to answer for the dissertation as well as a analytical technique. I’ve done some research now on megafauna, gathering a dozen different definitions, example of modern and prehistoric megafauna from the Pleistocene and back. I’ve gathered modern examples including mammals, terrestrial and aquatic, reptiles and marine. Prehistoric I have sauropoda, ankylosauria, ceratopsidea. For the definitions I think I will explain and compare the differences and uses. But I am still stuck on what I can actually analyse. I won’t be able to go out and get first hand data as I am limited in travel and expenses but I can contact museums and zoos for data or even to visit for a day. I am based in England. Thank you and I would appreciate any help you can give.

21:53 UTC


Why did orangutans (or their relatives) go extinct in Mainland SEA?

23:07 UTC



16:02 UTC


Do elephants break things for fun?

I have seen footage of elephants that don't look particularly flustered or angry messing with cars for no apparent reason. Is it possible that elephants would destroy things purely for their own entertainment?

09:27 UTC


Do wild male bovids stay with their original herd when they mature into bulls?

I'm wondering what happens to wild male cattle when they become adults. Is it like with African lions, where males are kicked out to fend for themselves or form new groups?

13:18 UTC


What's a good resource to find out the etymology of scientific names?

I am just curious. Also it helps me remember them.

22:17 UTC


Spread of Participation Index calculation. Help!

Hello! I’m currently doing a behaviorism study on both ring tailed lemurs and reticulated giraffe. One of my survey methods was 3-minute instantaneous sampling ( tallying the locations of each animal in the enclosure over the observation period). I would like to use this formula to calculate any difference in the observation occupancy time compared to the expected frequency of occupation (equal use of all zones).
M(Nb - Na) + (Fa -Fb)/2(N - M).

This should return a result between 0 and 1. Zero would mean the area is equally used and 1 would mean (I don't know, either over used or under used?)

Either way, using my figures I calculate a negative value. I get -0.2. How could this be?




Please could someone help me understand the formula and my application of it. My data is in the pics.
Thanks in advance

1 Comment
11:22 UTC


What are some interesting areas of study that zoologists what to pursue, are pursuing, or research that should be more well known?

Hi. I’m about 3-4 yrs from my doctorate. Just curious about new dynamics and other interests. I want to dive further into arts and animal behaviors.

04:31 UTC


Why are there so few green mammals?

You'd expect that green fur would be the perfect disguise. Is chlorophyll hard to obtain by random mutations?

(Not zoologist but I was dreaming to become one until my father told me that zoologists mostly stick needles in cute animals. Then I became a computer programmer. That might have been my father's goal)

17:11 UTC


Tracking collars

I have a question about tracking collars on animals. I have been watching Sir David Attenborough’s “Planet Earth III” and noticed that a fair amount of the animals have tracking collars or other tracking things on them. This obviously makes sense so that they are able to track and photograph the animals and keep track of numbers. However my question is if they put a collar or a tracking device in a young animal how do they ensure that as the animal grows up it doesn’t get too tight. The other question if in regards to the big cats that have them, is there any impact when they have territorial fights because if a big cat snags it they could choke the other cat how to they make sure that doesn’t happen. I don’t know much about this stuff sorry if these are stupid questions.

1 Comment
16:48 UTC


Hey guys! Got a 12 year old interested in zoology.

Are there any good programs for kids to get involved in at local zoos? Would be Seattle usa area

18:11 UTC

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