The Ketogenic Diet is a low carbohydrate method of eating. /r/keto is place to share thoughts, ideas, benefits, and experiences around eating within a Ketogenic lifestyle.
Helping people with diabetes, epilepsy, autoimmune disorders, acid reflux, inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and a number of other issues, every day.
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2: Stay on topic. Off topic posts include: cheat posts, posts about other diets/others that are not eating keto, "farewell" posts, posts asking how to stop keto and resume a "normal" diet, etc. Off topic discussions will only be allowed in the Daily Community Support thread and will otherwise be removed and locked.
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Happy Monday /r/keto!
We know you've been slaving away in the kitchen - getting your meal prep done for the week, cooking family dinners, crankin' out healthy lunches - you know, gettin' your Keto on. So, let's see it!
How do you like to meal prep? Are there recipes you like to revisit regularly? Something you're trying to perfect? Show everyone what ya got!
If you're new to /r/keto and need some info, start with Keto in a Nutshell and the FAQ. Or, if you have a question that doesn't seem to be covered, head on over to the Community Support thread (pinned to the top of the subreddit) and ask the community!
I am a 51 year old female, eating dirty keto since Jan 1. It's changed my life drastically. I am down 25 kg (SW 105, CW 80, GW 74), I have much more energy, and in general, am just much happier, can't explain it. Well a colleague, who often compliments me on my weight loss, also said that, normally when people lose drastic weight, they tend to look older (I'll admit, I've been nervous about this) but he said I looked much younger. Yesssss! I'll take it! I only thought I'd eat keto 1 month, and here I am, pretty certain I'm going to be a keto for lifer. This sub has been a great inspiration. Thanks to everyone being so positive! Xx
So, my girlfriend is starting the Keto diet in order to hit her goal weight before she goes on a trip for a month in November. I'm having some troubles with finding the perfect amount of protein she should be eating everyday. I've done some research and I can't find a solid answer so I figured I would consult the experts on this.
She is: 29/4'11/128lbs and she is wanting to lose about 20~ pounds before her trip.
I fully understand the macro breakdown of where she should be but can't nail down what the appropriate amount of protein would be for her. Today for dinner she had 3oz of tuna as her protein and had 4.5oz of chicken for lunch (not just protein for either BTW). What should her daily ounce goal of proteins be?
Thank you for clearing this up, I hope for TLDR answers to make it the easiest!
Specifically, the aidells Chicken Meatballs Italian Style With Mozzarella Cheese. Every day meal for me. Wow. Anyone else obsessed? 3 carbs. Filling. Clean. Delicious.
God tier daily meal for me:
1 large Carb Balance tortilla (110 calorie one)
4 Aidells chicken meatballs (170 Cal)
2 pieces of lite string cheese (100 Cal)
(Microwave for 1:30)
2 cups shredded lettuce (10 Cal)
1 TBSP of Italian Bomba Hot Pepper Sauce from TJ’s (30 Cal)
420 Cal. Absolute gas. I hope someone else tries this.
Hello, I am the /u/DietTrackerBot, built by /u/DietNerd. I have been tracking the flairs of all /r/keto thread posters since Jan 1 2017. The 18,086 users I am tracking by their flairs have lost a total of 705,532 lbs and an average of 39.0 lbs. Since last week's report on 2024-09-02, /r/keto users have lost 437 pounds. I will currently post these updates once a week.
Post here if you'd like me to do anything differently.
More statstical geekery
Gender | Total | Average | Standard Deviation |
All | 705,532 | 39.0 | 39.2 |
M | 422,999 | 45.2 | 38.3 |
F | 214,247 | 30.3 | 38.8 |
Am I missing something??? Wherefore art thou.. I have been looking everywhere and can't seem to find Keto Slim Fast in any stores around me anymore. I am wondering if maybe it is possible they got rid of it. I used to have a Vanilla Shake for breakfast it was sooooo good. I don't mind paying a bit more if I need to import it. Maybe it was taken out of stores just in Canada I am not sure. So any feedback would be great. I would even take some alternatives if it is gone for good. Thanks in advance everyone
I've been on keto for two months now and have lost 25+ pounds in two months. This morning I woke up covered in sweat and had lots of nightmares throughout the night. I just happened to be wearing a cgm and it said my BS was under 70 at certain points of the night.
I am 100% not a diabetic (recent blood work confirms) so should I be concerned that I slipped into nocturnal hypoglycemia... or is that something only a diabetic needs to worry about? And if it is something to be concerned about, what changes can I make before bedtime to avoid it happening again?
I’m debating on attempting keto YET AGAIN to see if it can help with my OCD and the other negative mental aspects that come with it.
I’ve read a lot about cutting out sugar and significantly reducing carbs helping a lot with mental health.
I’m currently going through one of my OCD “episodes” once again.
Any success stories in regards to keto positively affecting mental health?
I want to pose a theory. Been on Keto for almost a week and I feel amazing.l, mostly for the keto haters who say that Keto isn't healthy because it puts you into starvation mode etc etc or whatever they say...
For the keto side: Keto puts you in a stage where you are ready to hunt, you're ready to take action and WANT to take action, your testosterone goes up (I can tell mine is already bc I get dark blue rings around my pupils), you speak more intelligently, you lose weight, etc could go on forever.
Against the anti-keto'ers: i live in Pennsylvania and i was driving around today and was looking... there was not a single fruit tree for hundreds of miles, just man made grocery stores or gas stations. But there were plenty of trees and bushes and animals, so if I lived in PA as a mammal before manufactured food processing, I'd be eating what I saw, leaves and animals right?
It appears that carbs are putting you in a place of "I'm good". I can hibernate. I can take a rest whereas keto is doing the opposite. It puts is in an animal instinct mode....
I was just thinking as meditating and I was thinking damn like keto just seems our natural way.... I get that carbs are primary/preferred source but it stops the fight... do we want to fight in our lives each day or do we want to hibernate?? Haha this may be a little exaggerated but who knows
Hey guys, just went back on keto after deciding that I want to lose weight. Previously I had gone on keto just before COVID started but then had to stop due to all the shortages and not being able to find anything near me.
The big change from then now is I started using an app to track everything and consistently I see everyday I am heavily deficient in potassium (and somewhat in phosphorus and magnesium) looking at the last 2 weeks averages I'm getting about 600 mg average daily (I supplement most vitamins and minerals in addition to eating greens and protein) but this seems skewed somewhat as generally I will have about 300 or 400ish.
I see that on NIH .gov that supplements aren't able to contain more than 99 mg of potassium without having warning labels on them, so I'm a bit stumped here.
I've noticed that whenever I try & eat beef, even just a very tiny amount, my heartrate goes way too high & have irregular heartbeat, caught me off guard twice noe. It kinda sucks because I really like beef. I'm still wondering as to why though, because some doctors don't really care about your symptoms, just lab results.
This after I mixed it in a bowl. Looks like garbage but it was so delicious. 🤤🤤🤤
Used half a bag of American blend. Will probably have pizza salad tomorrow to finish off the bag. 😅
Peeled the egg off the poblano pepper (thin coating of flour). Omelet made in a different dish, tossed in the Omelet into the sauce while everything was cooking.
Hi all. I started in Jan as a 54(m) 247 lbs. on April 30 I was at my goal weight and went off keto at 210 lbs. Today I weigh 210 lbs and have been able to eat much better and not snacking after supper. It’s not my weight anymore that has me concerned it’s how I feel. I am often tired and although I still weigh 210 I feel fat. I went from size 38 to 34 and still fit comfortably in the lower size.
I don’t need to go on calorie deficit so I feel it should be easy but any tips to ease myself into it would be much appreciated.
Planning to start keto then switch to low carb after a few months, is it sustainable and do you recommend it if you tried? What are the benefits and do they outweigh missing on indulgent foods? If so what tips and tricks do you have?
Conventional wisdom says carbs. That doesn't work for me. I've been keto since 2017. I've recently gone back to the gym. I'm doing 2 days of sprint interval training and 2 days of lifting. (Also 2 days of easy yoga/stretching at home and 1 day of complete rest to round out the week.)
I'm allergic to dairy, soy, and peas so no protein powder is going to work for me. Besides I prefer whole foods.
Suggestions? I've been feeling sluggish this week post workouts.
I moved to Cape Town, South Africa recently and have been doing variations of low-carb living for many years but I'm finding it particularly hard here.
The labels will break down carbs and sugar but it will say as an example there are three grams of carbohydrate of which 3.5 is sugar. I've shared this in other groups and I'm told that they're label is just wrong but I see it frequently amongst a lot of different products so I think there must be a different way to read this than I'm getting. I'm expecting the carbs to be the total number and the of which is sugar to be a lesser number that adds up to that total card number. But that's just not how it works here.
Also I'm finding my go-to foods that I could easily buy a snacks or other things either don't exist in South Africa or have added sugars. Peanuts is a good example where sugar is added. Even regular yellow table mustard has added sugar and all of the pickles. So I'm finding even by strictly reading labels I basically can only have meat and fresh fish vegetables. I'm trying to find the other foods and ingredients that I can use here.
Any advice or even just a breakdown of what the labels mean and how to read them? I'd also love any tips on where to shop. I live in Cape Town on the Somerset West side but I'm willing to drive if it makes it easier to grocery shop.
I really miss my low carb mission tortillas 😭
I started keto and IF towards the end of February. I had blood work done at the beginning of May, and my A1c was 5.7, so just at the lowest end of the pre-diabetic range. I had my A1c checked again yesterday, and it was 5.2! I'm so happy! (I've also lost 70#s since the middle of February.)
Hey guys!
So for years I've always used ExanteDiet for my meal replacements and shakes etc. They always had incredible offers and could get weeks worth of food with massive discounts, and majority of their products tasted amazing!
I've just gone to order some meals only to see that they have had to stop trading (maybe the offers were too good!) as of this year!
I've taken a quick look online and can see a few keto/meal replacement websites but they're either ridiculously priced, or they don't have great reviews.
Was just curious if anyone in the UK that has used Exante before has any recommendations to try now that they've gone? (Yes I know I can just cook keto friendly food, I just like the options of a quick alternative now and again)
Thanks in advance! :)
I started keto diet a while ago. Lost like 15pounds I cut off all the sugar and cab but last couple weeks I had hard time to lose weight. Not weight gain but just not stop losing weight. How come?
I'm 24(f) weigh 84kg. I skip breakfast everyday and eat my first meal at 1 which consists of 2 chicken thighs cooked in beef fat. Half cup of cabbage and tomatoes. And than at 7 i have my dinner which is a beef patty with 1 sunny side up egg and bottle gourd a chunk of it. I occasionally eat plain yogurt. U drink 7up zero on weekends. Im not big in workout yet. Im trying to manage time for it. There is a difference in my bloating and overall people comment that i look smarter but the scale is exactly the same. I do had some hormonal issues back in the days as well. Am i doing something wrong?
Edit: im 5"7. Maybe the calorie calculation is the issue because i have been eating these exact 2 meals for 20 days (im comfortable eating the same thing) thinking they going to be deficit as its not enough food. But something is up with the calories.
I’ve seen people in here making incredible progress and huge losses in a short amount of time — good on you! I just wanted to post in case anyone else was in my slow-and-steady boat. I needed to lose about 25 pounds.
I started off at 186 (I’m about 5’7, man, 39 years-old) and after about two months I’m down to 177 on a good water weight day. Admittedly, I’m doing lazy, dirty keto a lot of the time — meaning low-carb tortillas (lots of pizzas with these), “keto-friendly bread” from Aldi, Elevation bars, homemade desserts, cheating with Carb Smart ice cream. I doubt I’m even in ketosis most of the time. Everything else is actual keto foods so more like an extreme low carb diet. I walk and play softball regularly for exercise.
While I could be losing more, I think I’m also keeping myself sane by not limiting myself too much while keeping myself in a calorie deficit, which may work for some people that need to lose the amount I need to. If I can get down to 160, that would be a game-changer.
Sometimes I feel like I’m stalling and should do it the right way, but who knows? Maybe if you get there slower, you’ll be more willing to keep it off when you hit the goal. In general I feel great, have more energy, clothes are fitting better — just moving a little slower than I could be. So maybe I’ll be where I want to be by the end of the year.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Hey , I am facing diarrhea initially but electrolytes are also good , what should I do ?
Electrolytes -
Macro Totals:Calories: ~2150 kcalProtein: ~97gFat: ~171gCarbs: ~30g (mostly from vegetables)
Hi, I just started keto diet and I wonder how much fat do I need to consume?I eat only meat from fish so it's difficult to eat a lot of fat.Do I need to eat certain amount of fat per day to be in ketosis?
Goal - Losing weight quickly! (Aware much is water to start with etc)
Just wondering about energy preservation and whether I will tank doing the following?
I am doing OMAD atm and have joined a gym.
I was planning to do light cardio in the morning, walking / easy bike ride etc. As I think HIIT might make me exhausted and tempted to eat? (Does this make sense?)
Also I am planning on lifting heavy weights in the afternoon at the gym. 2pm - 4pm sort of time.
Then have my one meal around 6pm.
I am not looking to build or preserve muscle atm. This is purely weight loss focussed as I know lifting can help with this.
I am just wondering, If I am fasted when I lift weights at 4pm. And I've not eaten since the day before at 6pm. Am I going to be too fatigued and weak?
Do I need to have protein before the workout? I am looking to do KETO / Low carb with this plan.
What are your thoughts? Do I need to have my OMAD meal before the weights session?
Or should I be OK if I eat plenty of protein when I have my OMAD meal at 6pm?
Hello /r/keto Community!
Please use this support thread to talk freely and support each other. **We've switched up the format to last 2 days so that there's more time for interaction on questions and answers.**
All visitors, new and old, are kindly reminded to observe the sidebar rules, check the FAQ, and use the Search Bar before creating new posts.
If you're new to /r/keto and need some info, start with Keto in a Nutshell and the FAQ. Or, if you have a question that doesn't seem to be covered, head on over to the Community Support thread (pinned to the top of the subreddit) and ask the community!
Hello, I've been keto for two months. My goal is to lose weight, but at the same time I train 4-5 days a week (resistance/cardio). I also do a sauna for 30 min. daily. Given the supposed greater water loss, is there any way to calculate how much I need per day? Thanks
I am a 6'4" 380 lbs man. I've done strict keto 5 or 6 times over the past 7 years, always with great success bur I've always backslid. One benefit of my relapses is over the years I've worked out lots of kinks with how my body reacts to ketosis (e.g. keto rash, keto flu, sugar alcohol tolerances, carb limits).
One thing that still concerns me when I am dieting like I am right now is that I am harming my body by being in too much of a deficit. I'm currently eating 1, 900 calories and doing 18:6 IF. I've been at it for 3 weeks this time around and it feels very sustainable for me. I have yet to have any negative side affects that I can see or feel, but I am worried about harming my body in the long run.
Are these limits too drastic? Or does being a big guy and having a lot of body fat to lose mean I can be in a larger deficit?
Any help/advice would be appreciated.
So I have been on keto on and off for the last year and this time it has been for over the last 2 months. I have lost 30 pounds which is great but this go around I am NEVER hungry. I have coffee with heavy cream in the morning but don’t have the urge to eat until the evening which I try to eat as much as possible but sometimes it feels as though I am forcing myself to eat. I don’t want to not receive enough nutrients so I wanted to see if any one else has had this problem also.
Did you make an abrupt change to your diet or did you slowly ease into it? If so, do you have any tips? I have pretty bad OCD and anxiety and have read great things about keto. My husband has epilepsy which is also something that keto diet really helps.
Thought I would throw this in here. 3 months ago I was diagnosed as diabetic with an A1c of 7.4 and weighed in at 214 at 5' 10". He gave me the option of going keto to try and control it with a follow up in 3 months instead of going on meds. I chose to go the keto route instead of using meds. I had that follow up Friday, my A1c was 5.5, weight down to 196. I certainly could have done a lot better on my diet and exercise. Im stoked and can't wait to see what I can do going forward.