Greencheek Conures are known for being cuddly, silly parrots that are quieter than their larger cousins and more amicable for younger owners just starting out. We love them and we hope you do too, stick around we got plenty to share!
Greencheek Conures are known for being cuddly, silly parrots that are quieter than their larger cousins and more amicable for younger owners just starting out. We love them and we hope you do too, stick around we got plenty to share!
r/Greencheeks are proud to associate ourselves with these members of the flock:
NEW r/animalsincars - Is that a kitty in a Beetle, a doggo in a Mustang or a hamster in a Stingray? Looks like you found an r/animalsincars This sub is dedicated to celebrating everything that moves, flies and swims and the vehicles that take them on adventures.
NEW r/showerbirb - Tired of being called the stimky birb? Spending hours preening with no results? Wondering why that budgie won't return your beak kisses? Perhaps you need a r/showerbirb.
NEW r/birdseatingthecamera - Henlo fren! Welcome to the ultimate crossover between our avian pals, and the cameras that they love to mlem. If you have a Kodak turned into a snac, a Cannon to bite on, a baloney flavored Sony or a Go Pro covered in jello you are in the right place and we want you to share.
NEW r/petbacking - Little pets and animals coming along for the fun in public in backpacks, frontpacks and other pet carriers!
NEW r/BirbHelp - This is a sub about helping birbs! Share your experiences and suggestions here.
r/PicsOfUnusualBirds - "a subreddit for marveling at the unusual avian species around the globe."
r/birdswitharms - "Look - up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No wait, it's a bird...with arms."
r/Conures - "A place to share pictures, ask questions, have discussions, and share articles about our favorite avian, the conure!"
r/cockatiel - "This is a community for the discussion of cockatiels. Talk about anything related, or post pictures of your own. :]"
r/ShoebillStorks - "Reddit's home for Shoebill pics, gifs, videos and more. The Shoebill Stork is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. There are an estimated 5,000-8,000 individuals left in the wild."
r/BirdsTakingTheTrain - "Welcome to our silly intensely serious subreddit for pictures and videos of birds taking the train! (And public transport in general: we also allow birds on buses, trams, and so on.)"
r/Finches - for fans of birbs that are by birth already criminal in size and fans of the father of the main antagonist in To Kill A Mockinbirb
r/parrots - "a community for the discussion of parrots. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures."
r/Birbsloveseed - "Here you can post birbs loving seed! Whether it’s eating or throwing, Birbs Love seed!"
r/birdsnamedfood - "The best place to post your mango and peachfaced lovebirds, strawberry finches and any other birds who are named after or share the name of food!"
special mention that if you have a Parrot in need of adoption or would like to find a parrot in need of a forever home check out https://www.reddit.com/r/parrots/comments/hpypgm/parrots_in_need_of_adoption/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=parrots&utm_content=t3_ez6dd7
r/PartyParrot - "Welcome to the official Subbie® for Party Parrot! Party Parrot is a Slack emoji based on the legendary Sirocco, of the critically endangered Kākāpō species. PartyParrot FOREVER!"
r/frens - "This subreddit is about animals who are friends with other animals (For example: Ducks snuggling up with dogs, Cows playing tag with cats, etc)."
Friends who are not engaged in crime at all....:
r/IllegallySmol - where crime doesn't pay no matter what your species is
r/IllegallySmolDogs - where crime doesn't pay no matter how rare your pupper is
r/illegallysmolfrogs - where the cuter the frog, the smaller the crime
r/illegallysmolsneks - thisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss is where you post the criminal sneks
Friends more wholesome than Grandma's cookies: ok, maybe that's a stretch
r/wholesome - Must be Wholesome. Remember to stick to the theme and stay relevant. All posts must be related to "wholesome" in some way.
r/beyondwholesome - Post anything that is wholesome... more than just wholesome
r/UnexpectedlyWholesome - Please remember to always express good wishes to your fellow user and to have a great day. Thank you for your interest and for being you!
r/wholesomememes - a meme that subverts a generally negative meme to be more positive, often showcasing genuine human emotion or a meme that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul or a meme that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate or a meme that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy
r/wholesomebpt - Screenshots of Black people being wholesome on social media, it doesn't need to just be twitter but obviously that is best. Black culture has a unique way of examining the everyday and we are here to showcase that.
r/wholesomegifs - Feel free to submit a gif or leave a wholesome comment! Enjoy your stay here! /r/wholesomegifs is a place for gifs that make you smile, or are inspirational, and generally wholesome.
r/wholesomecomics - a comic that promotes health or well-being of body, mind, and/or soul or a comic that is pure of heart, devoid of corruption or malice, modest, stable, virtuous, and all-around sweet and compassionate or a comic that conveys support, positivity, compassion, understanding, love, affection, and genuine friendship by re-contextualizing classic meme formats, and using them to display warmth and empathy or a comic with no snark or sarcasm that displays genuine human emotion and subverts a generally negative comic to be more positive
r/wholesomenosleep - Stories that are scary but have a nice twist. The nice twist can still be scary! Stories here have a horror element and end reasonably happily.
r/WholesomeNetwork - This is a public resource for the Wholesome Network. Feedback, criticism, suggestions, questions, general discussion are all welcome.
r/wholesomestarterpacks - Post your wholesome and positive starter packs here
r/wholesomeprequelmemes - this is where the fun begins
r/wholesomepics - Welcome to /r/wholesomepics! Feel free to submit a pic or leave a wholesome comment! Enjoy your stay here!
r/catscalledfood - "A subreddit dedicated to cats with food names."
r/namenerds - "A community for those interested in names. Your posts are welcome so long as they stay on topic and remain civil"
r/CatsNamedAfterFoods - "Cats named Waffles, cats named Pancake, cats named Eggo, cats named Hot Dog, etc"
r/NameMyDog - "Welcome to NameMyDog [self explanatory]"
/r/Catnames - "Where we name cats"
r/AnimalsWithFoodNames - "A place for your Butterballs, Muffins, Kitkats, Peanuts and any other animal named after a food."
r/ProperAnimalNames - "Noperopes, trash pandas, and more!"
I was looking at posts in r/conures about birds sleeping in hands and decided to take a picture of mine doing just that. Like always, he intuitively knew what I was doing and looked up. I took the picture and he turned around and bit me. Not sure if I disturbed him or if he felt his soul being pulled into the camera.
Hello everyone, I apologize as I'm writhing with pure rage as I'm typing in here but I need advice or help with understanding these birds. My girlfriend has a green cheek conure for about two years now. He is only really friendly with her (but will still randomly bite her). He is aggressive with other men that visit the house and is semi tolerant with me but it's like a coin toss. He will be friendly and chill and sit on my hand or shoulder or he will just randomly chomp down hard. I've never encountered a bird this unpredictable and violent. Is this a result of just inbreeding/this bird having mental problems? Is this normal behavior for green cheeks? Like I gave him some seeds that he took from my hand and was doing happy little chirps and then hopped onto my arm and then was chilling for a few minutes on my shoulder as I was walking around the kitchen and doing dishes when he suddenly chomped down really hard on the middle of my ear with eye watering pain and hearing the cartilage in my ear crack I reacted instinctively and swatted him off. Grabbed gloves (because he's like a toddler that throws tantrums when you want him to go in his cage and bites when he doesn't want to go in there) and as he was attacking the glove I put him in his cage and threw the blanket over him cause I don't want to look at him right now. Is there a slow process that you can teach the bird to bot be an asshole and to be gentile and to teach it to not do things like that? I'm feeling like I'm approaching wits end cause I've never encountered a bird like this and sorry if this is sounding a little passive aggressive as this just happened moments ago and I'm bleeding from my ear. Thanks and any advice is greatly appreciated
i went to a bird park recently and i fell in love with green cheek parakeets and cockatiels specifically, i want to know which bird would be a quieter bird and easier to take care of... any help appreciated
i just got a green cheek conure and he’s adorable. i’m not getting another bird anytime soon, however i was wondering if anyone knows what other kinds of birds can live with green cheeks in case future me decides to get more?
The happy morning spot.
Kazys is excited by the phone I am holding up to film him. For the past year his chest, back, and sides were nothing but gray down feathers. So you might think at first glance he looks rough, but what I see is tons of progress. In the past two months I have seen only two colored feathers on the floor, which I think were mistakes; him preening the sheaths a little too hard. About six months ago, the colored feathers wouldn’t last more than a few days at most before he had plucked them out. I’m pretty sure I know what caused him to pluck in the first place, and since it had to do with mistakes I made with him I’m confident I have him on the right track.
so I was flight training my green cheek conure (glep) in my dining room, like usual. I threw her up like normal, but she flew to the windowsill And got kind of stuck in a spider web. The weird part of this story is when I tried to get her out of the spider web, she bit me really hard and held on as tight as she could to the ledge of the window with her strong little conure feet. There was literally nothing I could do while I watched her devour an entire spider web filled with ants. She's fairly new to us, as we only got her about a month ago, and I'm still finding out a bunch of weird quirks about her. this is definitely the weirdest thing I've seen any of my birds do ever. And my cockatiel literally used to eat every single bug he saw. I'm not talking like she ate like to get it off of her, she's straight up devoured the entire thing in front of my eyes for like a whole minute and a half. I was so grossed out that I had to walk away for a second. I got a video of the endeavor that I sent to my boyfriend, and I was honestly just wondering if anyone else's green cheeks does anything remotely similar to this. She genuinely seemed so excited when she saw the spider web, but I mistakingly took it for her being scared because she's usually rather skittish about everything. And then she just.... wouldn't stop eating... I know conures are weird but God she's a little too weird for me
While we’re here any tips on swapping from a seed diet? He was raised on a seed diet and I’m wanting to get him to a pellet diet so far he’s not too happy about it lol
I have had my GCC for literally 8 years (she will be 8 in september.) and she didn't really come from a great place. i adopted her when she was 6 months from a flea market, so i doubt she got lots of care and love then. however, here we are 8 years later and she is still horrified of everything. i am the person she trusts the most and i don't think she even likes me much lol.
she's scared of toys, some foods, loud noises, and even smaller sounds (like clicking my computer mouse abnormally loud causes her to jump.)
i really don't know what she needs. can birds have autism or anxiety? no other GCCs are like her from what i've read.
Just cause had to share with those that will “get it”. I was gushing
What’s my little “Tweety” doing? Trying to understand this behaviour
Hello, I recently got some green cheek conures. However, they have not been hand raised and are afraid of everything. I was wondering if anyone knows any tips and tricks to get them to not be scared? Or fly away? I know I have to be patient but I was just wondering if there were anything else I could try!
Birb tax paid
he pooped white with a little bit of red in the center. I'm not sure if it's normal or not(it's not his normal). The internet has given me so many different reasons, so I'm not sure if he's going to die or if it's normal.
Good morning! I have 2 beautiful baby pineapple greencheeks and the are so fun and full of sass! I want to get them harnesses and get them used to wearing them. Have you succeeded with harness training and what harness brands do you recommend or not recommend? Pictures of before and after bathtime for attention!