
Photograph via snooOG

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Final update Finch girl with neurological problem

Hello everyone. Thank you for your time reading this.
I came home from work and found her laying on her back. She has passed away. I hope her last hours weren't painful or scary. I hope she passed away peacefully. I also hope her partner Robin had enough time to say goodbye. My fiancée (Bless her heart) gave me a little box for her. She prepared a little nest for her and I layed her in there. I decorated her box with some millets and seeds she ate, maybe something will grow out of it and I wrote her a little letter. I am still feeling sad and I have a bit of a void in me at the moment. I will give her pertner Robin the time he needs to grieve.
I decided that I won't be keeping him and that I will give him away to a new place where he hopefully can meet someone new and have a peaceful happy life.

I want to say thank you to all the people who were with me on this troublesome journey. I did not expect random people on the internet to be so kind! You all are great people and I am proud of all of you.
Thank you friends, and maybe I'll post again some day.

Kind regards.

20:59 UTC


Update my Zebrafinch has aneurological problem

This is an update to this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Finches/s/kXrZ12kgui

I just came out the vet and here is what I have:

Birbie indeed has a neurological problem and unfortunately it is really advanced. She got an antibiotic shot and now I have to wait for 24 hours to see if it helps... Otherwise... Well ... I should let her go...

08:37 UTC


Got any ideas on the colours of this finch?

1 Comment
18:56 UTC


Please help

I just picked up these zebra finches from a local pet store and they have been heavily panting/soft squeeking since we got home.. the house is 72 degrees. Google says it could be respiratory infections?? But another search says stress.. and another says they do it to cool down.. does anyone have an idea?

04:16 UTC


How to get a society finch more used to me?

Hey! I just got this three month old society boy this weekend to keep my other finch company. He's still in his quarantine cage of course, and I've mostly left him alone outside of his basic needs so far, but I do notice he gets a little scared when I put my hand in the cage to change his food and water. My other finch was hand raised and likes to play and eat on my hand, so while I don't expect him to reach the same level of bonding, I wouldn't like to scare him when I interact with her in the cage, once I introduce them! He already seems a little more at ease than a few days ago but I wanted to know, is it possible to get him more used to my hand/presence with time? Any tips on how to do this nicely? His name is Peanut by the way.


03:32 UTC


Here is my 3 week old gouldian finch

Hello I wanted to share a picture of my new little friend! First hatchling from my gouldian finch pair.

00:15 UTC


Added a Java to my flock!

DISCLAIMER: No, they are not housed together. My java has his own cage and my peaceful flock have theirs. This picture was taken when I was introducing my birds because I needed to put in the divider and rearrange everything. I prefer my birds to be out of the cage so it's less stress on them and they don't think I'm cornering them. They do get on well but I wouldn't chance something happening accidentally if I'm not home.

Soooooooo someone locally had a yearling pair and I got the male (because I'm assuming they were related and I'm not interested in breeding). I am ELATED with this little bird. He's mimicking sounds already and he's already hopped on my hand with some seeds for bribery. He's quite bold and is just a total 180 from my other birds. I plan on training him just like I've trained my Goulds and shaft-tail.

If anyone has any tips or anything their java likes I would love to know! I'm trying to get this guy on a staple diet of pellets like my others to skirt the chance of any vitamin deficiencies and to use seeds as a treat. Any toys? Fruits and veggies? What are other ways to get into their good graces? I've worked with finches before so I have an idea on how to get them used to hands but I always hear Java's need to be VERY young most of the time before they get 'stuck in their ways'

00:01 UTC



Why does her face look disheveled like this? I read that Java finches are supposed to be matured at around 5 months, yet her face still looks like it’s disheveled. Is this normal, or is there something up?

23:55 UTC


All of my finches died overnight and I don't know why

I had 5 zebra finches, a male and female, and 3 young ones that hadn't got their color. All but 1 died last night, the male was still alive this morning. But he died as I was preparing his travel cage. I have no idea what it was from, maybe a bacteria in the water, maybe something wrong with the food, maybe something in the air, I have no idea. My green cheek conure is acting normal but I brought her to my grandma's just to be safe. I'm not going to bring her back down there because I know it's dangerous now.

22:48 UTC


I just started drawing and Mochi is attentively following my progress.

15:38 UTC


Is she having a stroke?

Hej friends.

I have a small update for my little Zebra girl Birbie.

I was able to book an appointment with another vet since the one I normally go is on vacation.

But as you can see in the video, Birbie isn't doing well. Since yesterday she began to walk tilted and now as you can see, she ish struggeling with general movement.

Is there something I can do for her till we go to the vet?

With kind regards

15:11 UTC


Java started making this weird noise

Does anyone know what this means? My Java just started making this noise which is different from her regular chirp.

I’m worried she’s having a hard time.

13:14 UTC


Armstrong Favourite Finch Bird Seed

Hi, I need opinions. I’m trying to find some affordable bird food for my pet finch. I live in Canada and prices are ridiculous. I found this Armstrong bird seed. It says it’s for house finches but it also says for wild finches?. I’m not sure. Am I able to feed my pet finch this type of bird seed?

13:11 UTC


When to permanantly detach finch baby from parents

I have a tamed zebra finch loves to be around me..until it sees its parents and it wants to go there. Is it ok for its health for me to seperate it permanantly? I want to spend more time with it.(it is 1.5 months old..beak isnt orange yet)

05:56 UTC


Feather loss

My Gouldian finch is loosing feathers in a ring around her neck. It’s been happening for a month or so and no other birds are affected. Any ideas?

15:37 UTC


Feather troubles...

My little buddy is loosing feathers around his beak, above and under. It is very slow, it started about 2 months ago. I've seen 2 different vets since who both said: I don't know / it's fine / let's wait...

He is molting too (not full molt) but I don't think it's related. I've deep cleaned the cages in case it's parasites, but I don't think it's that either. Although he is itchy (but he's always been!) Which leaves fungal/bacterial/viral infections? Does anyone have any idea what it could be? What I could do or test him for? He is very healthy and energetic otherwise.

Also, could it be stress? He is a velcro bird and I've been working more lately so separation anxiety is hard. I also have another birdy who doesn't seem to be affected so not contagious? And it is the only change in the routine...

00:06 UTC


Where to get finches in San Francisco Bay Area?

Our oldest society finch, Gary, just passed away and her companion Larry is flock calling and lonely so we want to get her a new buddy (yes both female). The stores in the area that used to have finches don't seem to anymore, does anybody know of a store in the San Francisco Bay Area (we will drive as necessary) that carries society fiches/Burmese Finches? Google has been a failure, just wants to show us pet supply stores and places that carry parrots but not finches... We've reached out to Mikaboo bird rescue to see if we can adopt a rescue finch, but we don't know if they actually have any and Larry is spending all her time puffed up and hiding her face now (not how she normally looks and acts).

18:42 UTC



I’m a bit concerned, my java has had normal droppings for half of the day, but then for the last hour she’s been switching from normal droppings to just liquid, would you differentiate from white to clear. only dropping clear liquid, then she dropped with liquid and minimal droppings, then swapped back to that clear liquid. Then she ended up having a regular dropping, but swapped back to that clear liquid. She’s been hydrated, and has been eating, so I’m concerned. Is there something wrong? Or am I just overthinking it?

21:43 UTC


Recommendations on good guides for someone considering getting finches?

I have always thought owning a bird seems fun.. I love birds so much and go birding all the time, love just watching them hop around and do bird things. However since a lot of birds live super long and become really dependant on their people I've decided against it. I was just watching a video of someone who had society finches and started reading about them and saw that finches are easier than other birds, don't really bond with people, don't need a crazy amount of space, and seem kind of perfect for me if I wanted a bird. I love their little chattery calls!

I have had reptiles and currently have fish tanks and cats and want to read up or watch videos about owning finches. Do you have any recommendations of websites or YouTube channels that can give me some good info? I'm looking for things that will give me a good idea of what things are needed for them as well as the time commitment, changes I may need to make in the house (like temperature or cleaning products, noises, etc). I just want to get super informed on it!

1 Comment
18:20 UTC


Fighting injury or parasite?

Hi all! I'm looking for advice on my little dude in the picture. He's normally housed in a large custom 4' x 3' x 18" cage with another female Gouldian and 3 pairs of zebras. Too cramped, but I don't have anyone who will take the zebras, so we just prevent any additional breeding and provide enrichment to try and keep everyone happy. On to the question... You can see in the picture that he has sores/crusty spots that he's rubbing on his perches that I found last night. Does this look like a parasite/infection issue, or will males fight and cause injury here? Both he and his mate finally had their first successful molt about two weeks ago and my zebras seem to be more aggressive than usual. Two of my female zebras and one make are bald at the back of their necks, but the female Gouldian is pristine. He's safely separated right now and eating, breathing and messing like a champ 🐦 any advice/thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you so much!!

16:16 UTC


The finches on my backyard feeder camera have no chill

This is what happens when the other two feeders are empty so they battle it out for this one I guess 🤷

00:13 UTC


2 male finches

So i had a finch pair (M+F) in one cage & a solo male in his own. The female has passed. The make that was with her seems distraught. Could i join the two males, or would they fight?

20:15 UTC


Update: Sick Zebra Finch girl

Hello everyone
This Post is a small update to my other post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Finches/comments/1d8ot8f/advice_for_my_sick_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

So I finally have the results from my vet. The analysis doesn't indicate anything wrong.
Since my last post my little girl hasn't really changed. She appears still weak and walks tilted and has her (I assume) infected blind eye. Recently she was a bit more active then in the last month, but still I am worried for her wellbeing. I am thinking about going to the vet again as soon as my money situation has stabilized, but as mentioned in my last post, I am skeptical if it would do any good, since the first time I went there, it didn't really help.

Also thank you for the people who offered help. I need to give her antibiotics, but since I can't go the a vet atm and I also don't know the dosage for a finch so I could dilute it in water myself, I am bound to the things I do that I mentioned in the first post. Also I was wondering if it is possible to give her simple human eye drops that have vitamin b and dexpanthenol.

If possible, I will try to give an update again. Thank you everyone.

15:26 UTC


two female zebras mating

i’m fully aware that zebra finches can have homosexual relationships. i had a female who’s male partner died and she has since mated and had eggs with another female finch in the cage. my mom read online that two women having eggs will eventually kill them so she’s put the two females with another male and female we own in hopes that they’ll bond with the male. this isn’t the case and the two females are being extremely aggressive and bullying the female and male pair. what to do? we’d scared if we put them back in their original cages the lesbian bird having the eggs will die. is this even true?

13:03 UTC


Help I found a fledgling and I think I messed up

I walked out to my patio and a house finch had fallen from the super tall tree right beside my patio fence. It was getting dark quick and the fledgling was trapped in my patio. There's big cats all over the complex that I live in so I was afraid one of the strays would eat the fledgling. (I'm assuming it's a fledgling because it could sort of fly for about a few seconds and not very high, maybe halfway up the fence) I honestly didn't know if it was hurt but it looks pretty small. By the time I could read up on what to do the sun had already set and now it's dark out. Should I keep it until the morning or do I just let it out and let nature take its course? I feel so bad because everything I find says to just leave it alone or put it back in the nest but the tree is probably a good 40 ft tall or taller. It's taller than my second story building. But now im afraid that it's parents won't be able to find it if I just wait until the morning. I gave it some water and sunflower seeds and a blueberry. Idk Help please?

04:56 UTC


How to Breed Finches! The Bird Brains Podcast Episode 29!

04:47 UTC

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