It’s so wholesome in here :)
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We rescued Mojo when he was 2 years old. He was a puppy in an apartment, abused and then ended up in a tiny shelter before we met him. For a working dog that is "always on" he is clearly living his best life.
I took my boyfriend on a vacation as one of my birthday gifts to him. We haven't been together 6 months yet, but we got really close really fast and clicked immediately. He's truly the most incredible person in so many walks of life.
On our trip, he received a message from an ex asking for him back and he immediately told me about it and made it very clear to me that he was not interested. He told me he told her about me the week we had our first date and that he didn't want to talk to her again. He then told me that he knows I'm the one he wants.
The last night of our trip, I opened up about the insecurity I was feeling over the message regardless of how wonderfully he handled the situation. I told him I often resort to trying to be the smartest person in the room when I'm insecure. He told me he loves when I share information and that I'm so smart but that's not why he wants to be with me.
I turned and looked at him and said "I love you." And without skipping a beat, he smiled and said it right back. He told me he was planning on telling me first on this trip but he couldn't get the timing right.
I've never felt so loved and full. Any issue we have has is met with strong communication and it's always us vs the problem, never us vs each other.
After 5 nights and 5 days together in another state, together the entire time without space, we get home and he tells me he can't wait to see me Saturday and then says "I'll let you know when I get home. I love you."
He texted me this when he got back which is the first time anyone has ever texted that to me and meant it.
This morning, I had sent his family access to our vacation album and he told me he added all but one photo to the shared album. He sent me the photo and said he wanted us to both have it. I didn't even knew he took it but he sent me a photo of us kissing in a mirror reflection.
I'm so in love and so happy. It's always felt very unconditional and he'll tell me he feels the same. He's taking me home for Christmas, his favorite holiday, for me to meet the rest of the family and his friends. I can't stop smiling today.