Welcome to r/frens!
This subreddit is about animals who are friends with other animals (For example: Ducks snuggling up with dogs, Cows playing tag with cats, etc).
This is the place to share pictures, stories, videos, and gifs of animal friendships.
This subreddit is about animals who are friends with other animals (For example: Ducks snuggling up with dogs, Cows playing tag with cats, etc).
This is the place to share pictures, stories, videos, and gifs of animal friendships.
Rule 1: All content must be related to animal friendships. Removal of content is at the moderators discretion.
No NSFW content.
Rule 2: No slurs or harassing comments:
This includes racial slurs, sexually inappropriate comments, and personal attacks on users or their animals.
We welcome reasoned and respectful conversation about animal related issues, but this is not a debate sub. Please avoid discussing controversial subjects or promoting personal agendas.
Rule 3: No spam or reposts:
Mods will remove your post, and may issue a ban without any notice. Do not post more than 5 submissions in a 24 hour period.
Popular, recent, or frequent reposts may be removed.
Rule 4: No post titles asking for upvotes or approval. Mods will remove your post without warning.
Still feeling it out
But the Yorkie doesn't