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Welcome to our community! Please remember to always express good wishes to your fellow user and to have a great day. Thank you for your interest and for being you!
This subreddit is part of the Wholesome Network. See our friends:
Having a rough time and in need of support? Please check out these resources!
- /r/absolutelynotme_irl
- /r/CasualConversation
- /r/CongratsLikeImFive
- /r/Eyebleach
- /r/goodthingsjar
- /r/happy
- /r/HowWasToday
- /r/HumansBeingBros
- /r/KittenGifs
- /r/mademesmile
- /r/Motivatinggiraffe
- /r/OnionLovers
- /r/PartyParrot
- /r/rarepuppers
- /r/TheChurchOfRogers
- /r/ThisWasPleasant
- /r/ToastMe
- r/wholesomeanimemes
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- /r/wholesomegifs
- /r/wholesomesupport
- /r/Wishlist