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Bet its a good one

10:35 UTC


My awesome husband

Here to say how grateful I(F21) am for my husband(M25). Out of the blue he pushed me to quit my job and follow my dreams. He wants me to do whatever it is that I want, even if that’s staying home and cooking all day, and be happy. I am now at my last week of my construction job, and I’m going to follow my dreams of being a graphic designer and running a small businesses social media! And this will give me time to start a small Etsy side business. I love this man so much and how much support he gives me. I have hard work coming my way to be successful but I know I can do it with his support. I needed to tell the world this. I just couldn’t keep it in anymore. We work at the same place and someone asked him if I had another job lined up and he told me he looked at him and said maybe, or maybe she’ll just stay home! It’s the hardest goodbye I’ve ever had with this job, I’m going to miss my coworkers but I’m excited for this new chapter. He’s so excited for me. He even has a new, better, job in the works for him that would allow us to live comfortably on one income. He is just amazing and works so hard for us and our future family. I love him so much. Thank you all for reading, I hope you have a fabulous day. PS- he’s currently sitting across from me on the couch eating the huge breakfast I cooked for him, with his foot touching mine (just a little thing we do when we wanna say hi/I love you without saying it)

14:20 UTC


No way he could be that rude

I was standing at the back of my friend’s apartment building. A man walked up with a lunch box and a plastic, grocery bag. I said, “What cha got for me?” He looked up and said, “Huh?” I pointed at his bag and repeated myself. He gave me a weird look and I said, “I’m just joking.” He walked away and I said, “Have a nice day.” He didn’t acknowledge me. No way he could be that rude.

He turned back around and I signed in American Sign Language, “Are you deaf?” He lit up! He asked how I knew the signs. I said verbally and in sign, “I’m learning ASL.” He said he could read lips, but he wasn’t wearing his hearing aids.

I knew he wasn’t rude. I figured he was hard of hearing or deaf to not turn around. Turned into a wholesome moment.

03:43 UTC


Robin Williams in "Mrs. Doubtfire" improvised so much there are PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 cuts of the film.

02:25 UTC


went to go see what was up with the new update. thanks chime

20:24 UTC


Found this

17:34 UTC


A comforting quote from the tale of Adastro!

11:16 UTC


I am having a really nice birthday today!

I have never been one to care much about my own birthday, but today my friends and family made me feel really special. I got texts from everyone. I was given a couple Amazon gift cards, my sister sent cookies to my work! I got to hand them out like a little kid at school! And tonight we are going out to mini golf!

So if you normally don't care like me, just remember that you might someone else's day by celebrating them. A little present goes a long way.

19:22 UTC


I am having a really nice birthday today!

I have never been one to care much about my own birthday, but today my friends and family made me feel really special. I got texts from everyone. I was given a couple Amazon gift cards, my sister sent cookies to my work! I got to hand them out like a little kid at school! And tonight we are going out to mini golf!

So if you normally don't care like me, just remember that you might someone else's day by celebrating them. A little present goes a long way.

19:22 UTC


That's true love right there

16:16 UTC


My Noodles 🫶🏼

22:27 UTC

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