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This is a community for the discussion of parrots. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures.

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This is a community for the discussion of parrots. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures.


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Smol cute baby

09:07 UTC


Has anyone used a sound dampening fabric as a cage cover at night? Would it work?

I'm discovering that we're going to have to keep our bedroom door open at night for better air circulation. The issue is that we're in a small one bedroom apartment, and we typically keep the door closed in case our conures in the room over get alerted by some random thing in the building and they let out a few screams. It only takes one to shake us awake and I have a really hard time getting back to sleep afterwards. The door has been the solution, but now it can't be closed. Has anyone tried some sort of sound dampening fabric for cage covers? Their current covers are blackout sheets that came with the cages, but even the heavy blankets we used before those ones weren't very effective for sound. Just trying to find some ideas to keep us from being spooked awake at night.

08:56 UTC


One of my birds died . What do I do now

I had 2 budgies for 5 years and they were mated . Last night one of them got sick and died . We took them to the vet but unfortunately she didn’t make it . Now my other budgie is sad and stressed out . She keeps looking everywhere for her mate . Should we get a new bird to accompany her or should we let her be by herself ?

08:27 UTC


My 5months old parrot

I got him about 3 weeks ago, untamed and not even touched, he was very scared and agressive. Now he flies to my hand, is curious and likes pets on the head. He also loves my phone a little too much 💀 I’m just so proud that he has developed so much in such a short time!

1 Comment
07:34 UTC


Should I keep my budgies in balcony? I have two budgies and I have been sleeping with them in the same room for about 6 to 7 months. Recently I came to know about bird fancier lungs disease and iam scared. I do not want to give away my bird's. Should I keep them in my balcony(on the second floor at

07:30 UTC


Giddy Up!

Please meet my 31 year old African Grey Parrot, Kelly. ❤️

My “ride” or die. 😊

1 Comment
05:51 UTC


Dance party

1 Comment
04:16 UTC


lifted nose in sun conure

Hey everyone, my sun conure got hurt really bad recently, he ran into a wall and hurt his head, i’ve taken him to a vet and he said that he’s ok, today i noticed that his right nostril is red swollen and lifting from his beak, to be honest i’ve noticed the lifting a while back but since it wasn’t red or swollen, i thought it was normal but now i’m not sure…could it be related to the trauma or is it a bacterial infection? i’ve always started him on vitamins via doctors advice so maybe that’s the reason..please help.


03:14 UTC


My bird licks my face, is it ok if I continue to use my skincare products?

My bird licks my face (max 3 times a week). I use the Cosrx all in one snail cream and the Patanjali kersar chandan aloe vera gel.

Is this bad for her?

02:18 UTC


help!! need tips for leaving birb for one week.

I’m leaving my little one for vacation soon for a week. She is going to my dog sitter’s house and she has experience with birds since she has previously worked at bird shops. (Also, she’s keeping dogs and other animals separate so she’s safe) However, I am still very nervous and am soo protective over my gcc. I am going to provide my sitter with a cage but the one I have for her is too big to go in the car. Any suggestions for a cage she can stay in for a little less than a week? And possibly any suggestions to relieve the parental and obsessive anxiety of your little ones 😅? Anyways I am going to give her a list to remind her about fragrances, teflon, etc. so let me know what else I should add to the list. Thanks!!!

23:30 UTC


Baby cockatiel wont stop begging

My bird is approximately 12 weeks old. He screams at the top of his lungs bobbing his head like he’s hungry all day no matter how much i feed him. The vets where i live are not the most knowledgeable when it comes to birds. I’m really worried and the vets are unsure and have been of no help. What do i do?

23:16 UTC


i found a hurt black legged kittywake and he has a broken wing close to the joint in his wing, is there ANYTHING i can do besides mercy killing

i also have access to a fablab so if a speciality part is required then i can design and create it however i dont have unlimited money so any expensive surgery is unfortunately not an option

1 Comment
23:05 UTC


Bissell has now been on a road trip

He now knows where the fabled land of walnuts is. It's Grandma's house, she is quite fond of her grandparrot.

21:11 UTC


Quaker won’t stop trying to get in the others cage

I have an African grey and a Quaker parrot, they have their own cages and they usually kind of ignore each other when they’re both out. They’ve never really had issues prior, they’re not bonded but they aren’t mean to each other. I usually make sure they aren’t spending too much time close together because of the size difference, as well as the fact that the Quaker in particular is very bonded to me and territorial.

I noticed this more recently but while they’re out the Quaker has been hanging out more on the African greys cage (while the grey is on a separate perch), more than he’s ever done before despite the fact that his cage is right next to his. Yesterday while they were out he was eating some of his food (he had plenty of food in his own cage, stuff that he likes) when I had turned my back for a second, I had to prod him to get out and stop eating his food.

Just today I put the grey back for a bit while the Quaker was still out, to which the Quaker proceeded to attempt to get in his cage, but ofc he couldn’t cause the door was closed. While I was watching carefully, the African grey climbed around the cage to chase him off, which he did.

Is my Quaker just being an asshole and stealing his food or is there something else going on? I’ll probably have to watch them even more while they’re out to prevent them from ever getting aggressive with each other, especially with the recent behavior which I fear will provoke the big guy and get my Quaker hurt cause of how much their sizes differ.

20:31 UTC


Wax melts

I’m moving into a new house with two conures , they will occupy a second story bedroom which the door will be closed to if we aren’t in the room , would using a wax melt in the basement ( a whole floor between them) still harm my birds ?

20:27 UTC


Vinnie the galah and his bathing troubles update!

A few weeks ago I posted about our galah trying to bathe with an ice pack and asked for advice on how to make bath time more enjoyable for him… Well, my partner went to the barbers to get his hair cut this weekend and saw they had this fine mist spray bottle - so we bought one.

And this was Vinnie’s reaction 😍🥰

19:07 UTC


Vinny Enjoys His First Bath

19:07 UTC

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