This is a community for the discussion of parrots. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures.
This is a community for the discussion of parrots. Feel free to talk about parrots in the wild, owning parrots, the pet trade, rescuing parrots, purchasing parrots, avian veterinarians, and anything pertaining to these beautiful creatures.
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Shameless self-promotion is strongly discouraged. Posts made solely to direct traffic to your blog, forum, shop, or social media page will be removed. We do not allow crowdfunding.
For images that are not your own, you must provide your best guess at the original source. All non-OC image posts without a source will be removed. Memes will be removed.
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Posts about sick or injured birds must be marked NSFW.
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Frequently Asked Questions - Please read before making a post. Topics covered include nutrition, flying with birds, first aid, vet visits, and suggestions for first-time owners.
ASPCA Poison Control - (888) 426-4435. They're available 24/7 for a $65 fee. It's probably better to get to your regular vet, but if he/she is unavailable this is the next best thing.
Lost your bird? Check out these sites: Parrot Alert and 911-ParrotAlert.
The Bird Clinic website has several informative handouts on the care of companion birds. Topics covered include wing clipping, common toxins, poisonous plants, and nutrition.
Considering rescuing a bird? This thread contains a list of rescues!
Looking for bird necessities online? Here's a list of stores that carry toys/cages/perches/everything.
Check out the California Parrot Project for information about wild flocks in California
Want more birds?
/r/grassparrots For all your Australian grass parrot needs
/r/birdpics Mostly pics of wild birds
He bit my big toe 💔
Hi guys, I'm used to giving walnuts with the shell to my African grey. Today I didn't pay attention while he was eating and he ate a piece that looked mouldy. It looked perfect on the outside. What am I supposed to do now? Is he going to be fine?
My female cockateil knows how to recall and she can step up perfectly fine but all of a sudden she keeps hissing at me for no reason! I didn't do anything to her. I didn't change anything, I didn't change her environment, I didn't change anything about my appearance, I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!. She keeps hissing at me whenever I walk past her. Even if she's ontop of her pegboard thing and I'm not even close to her, she'll still look at me and hiss. I didn't even do anything. I dont hate her or anything, but I am very upset with her behavior She is 11 months old btw so I'm not sure if it's hormones since that only comes in spring and starts when their 6 months, unless it can differ
And the confusing thing is, she hisses at me, but yet she's still willing to go on my hand If I need to put her back in the cage?
Its 81cm lenght /77cm widith /89cm tall (without the legs), Ill let the bird out for atleast half a day. Will it be suitable for an indian ringneck or any other parrots?
well hello there, i went to the parakeet/cocktaile seller and I was getting two parakeet for 800 PKR ( roughly 3 USD ), now my concern is that the guy said you cant train them because their adults and cant take them outside of cage or they will fly away, I was devastated he said only newborns can be tamed and they will need parents and newborns don't come in market often and are expensive? im wiling to give alot of time to train the adults for it to be out the cage roam freely but come back or dont go outside? my routine is just wake up gaming and sleep i dont go to school and i want something else to do than gaming., should i give up?
To cut it short I thought I had a male ringneck, but turns out he's a she. I found out because she is doing all off the hormonal behaviors of a female ringneck and now everytime I try to pet her she leans her head over, tries to find a nest everywhere and now she started to do a thing where she tries to kiss my hand or my nose which I find funny, but I know it's a hormonal behavior. What can I do to calm her off? I am scared because she is my 2nd ringneck and the 1st one was also a female that died on me because the previous owner used her to lay chicks to sell and when I got her she tried to lay a egg but died in the process and I don't want that to happen again.
I have a female cockatiel and I'm thinking of getting her a friend. My parents are suggesting me to get a male cockatiel this time but I'm not sure. How are male cockatiel behaving daily? Are they loud and chirping all day long? I don't think my parents know how male cockatiels can be loud and persistent with singing since our female cockatiel is really quiet. How is y'all male cockatiel behaving through the day?
I have a 4 month old galah and MY GOD that bird doesnt shut up during training. When he is just chilling out of the cage its fine but whenever he sees training equipment he loses his mind and becomes so inconsolable that he refuses to target at all! I’ve tried the waiting till he cals down but i waited 20 minutes and it didnt stop so i couldnt even award him for being calm. I feed him veg and pellets twice a day and there is always some left over so he isn’t actually hungry but is just begging for the sake of treats. I genuinely have no clue what to do anymore cuz everything i have tried hasnt worked at all
I've basically got a couple of budgies, the male has been acting pretty weirdly since yesterday, by that i mean that he doesn't fly, walks very clumsily and keeps falling from the branch he stands on, it's as if he is drunk. Since we assumed this could've happened due to a lack of sleeping we've had to isolate him in a separate small cage so he could rest. Any kind of advice is welcome, i am extremly worried. Thank you.
I got my first cockatiel a few days ago and i cant help but feel worried if i am doing good.
My cockatiel in its weaning stage and i have been hand feeding with formula and trying to introduce it to solids now. Ive been cleaning its cage , i let it have time out of the cage, it has access to fruits and vegs, i spend timw with it. Even my friend( who has birds for many years) says i am doing good for a first time bird owner, as long as i love it it will be okay .However, i cant help but think about whether my bird likes me or is it healthy or feeling comfortable. Just wondering if anyone else also experienced excessive worry when they first get their bird.
Had to share this amazing video
I have two pet lorikeets. Both are rescues. I’ve had Louie for 7 years, Moony for 3. Basically, Louie would make an excellent wild bird. He would thrive in the wild, and I wish I could let him go. Moony makes a very good pet, she has a deformed wing and can’t fly, she’s so gentle and sweet and loves everyone and everything. Louie just wants to make babies. I’ve done so much to try and temper his hormones but they’re so strong. Rainbow lorikeets are native where I am, and I fantasise about integrating him into a local flock so he can be free like he deserves.
I know if I did that he would die, most likely. My question is, are there any rehabilitation courses or something of the sort that I could do for him so that he could go? Like a rehab place that teaches them to find water, conditions their bodies to drink untreated water, find places to sleep etc? I feel like this doesn’t exist, so I’m not considering letting him go, but if it does exist I’d be interested.
Hi there, I have an 11 month old cockatiel and I've been having trouble getting him used to pellets. I've tried all different ratios of seeds and pellets, but he'll always just dig through the pellets, hardly eating any of them if at all, looking for seeds. However, I've noticed that if I take a few pellets by hand and put them on a surface like a table or bed, he'll actually eat them with no issues. How can I transfer this behaviour onto his bowl? Bird tax included.
Hey guys, I recently got a budgie about a week or so ago. I trained him to the point in which he could sit on my finger. He got out and flew around and I couldn’t get him back in with food I had to grab him a few times then with a towel. I’m worried he won’t trust me again
I noticed this since I got him, I thought he hated me at first because he start screaming and running around when i get close to him and my hair is down😭 I figured its my hair yoo I started to put my hair up or wear something to cover it now I know he thinks its a snake ahh😂 He’s African grey parrot…..
My little chickens like to cozy right up to the edge of the spray and stand there for shower time. The one on the left shoves the one on the right towards the water until it says.. nope too far and shoves her back. That is their equilibrium spot they hang out in getting soaked.
Our 3 month old cockatiel, Mango.