
Photograph via snooOG

A place to share pictures, ask questions, have discussions, and share articles about our favorite avian, the conure!

The r/Conures Comprehensive Conure Guide!

Welcome to /r/Conures - a place to share pictures, ask questions, have discussions, and share articles about our favorite avian, the conure!

Subreddit rules and guidelines:

  • If you are posting images of a sick or injured bird, please tag your post NSFW. This will warn those who are not prepared to view such images, as well as clearly mark your submission as asking for urgent help or advice. Thank you.

  • Images of birds in dangerous situations - in close proximity to a carnivore (dog, cat), outdoors without a harness, etc - may be removed. See this post for further information.

  • We welcome images of conure paintings and handmade conure-related items! But please, no promotion of your work for sale. This includes Etsy or other online store links in comments, "find more in my profile", "pm me for details", etc etc.

  • No soliciting donations. We understand that not being able to afford vet care for a sick or injured bird is stressful and distressing. However, we do not allow solicitations for financial support.

External links:

Parrot First Aid - Facebook group

Conure Owners Unite - Facebook group

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Check out the r/Conures Comprehensive Conure Guide here!


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he loves his bell

he’ll play with this all day, he’s hardly interested in any of his other toys

07:05 UTC


post nail trim and shower hangout

i love how they look when they are wet 😭

1 Comment
06:19 UTC


My New Favorite Picture 😍

Jade and Mint ❤️ aren't they beautiful??

02:52 UTC


Little buddy

My pineapple conure, starburst :D

01:21 UTC


Really odd question about salt.

I think I was told to stop putting salt in my pots of boiling water when when owning a bird. Something to do with the salt in the air? (Salt in water supposedly makes it boil faster)

Is this true or did I just make this up? 🤣🤣

01:00 UTC


Pet sitting a conure - would love some advice!

Hello! I don't have a conure and haven't had much bird experience, but I am house sitting for someone who has a conure. I'm very interested in them, just have never had the capacity to have one myself. Unfortunately this means I'm also not very familiar with their body language and interactions. I could use some advice for the time I'm caring for this one.

She is a sun conure. So far I've been around her for about an hour. I don't think she trusts me very much, understandably. I opened her cage to give her more water and she came out. She is not clipped, so she can fly around the house if she's not in her cage, which she did. The owner taught me how to ask her to step up, which she seemed okay with doing for me, but she did not want to go back in her cage. She flew off when I approached the cage, and following me around the house for a while. I watched her wherever she perched and just observed. I noticed a few behaviors I'm not familiar with.

  1. Fluffing out her feathers and either bobbing her head or moving it in a sort of S motion, or tapping her beak on the wall

  2. When asked to step up but she did not want to, she turned to the side and looked at me through a narrowed eye

  3. Owner showed me how to ask if she wants to be pet (on the head only, of course), but I realize I actually don't know what indicates that she wants it. When I asked, she crouched down and turned her head to the side and sort of ruffled her neck feathers. Does this mean she's nervous/afraid, or that she wanted to be pet? I did not pet her.

  4. Eventually I knew I wasn't going to get her to volunteer to go back, so I grabbed some treats (a blueberry and a seed ball). When she saw the blueberry, she was willing to step up, but not go back in her cage. She flew on top of the cage. So I grabbed the seed ball and asked her to step up again. She did, but she also bit me really hard (not enough to draw blood, but it did hurt) instead of gripping gently with her beak to step up like she had done before. Is there some specific thing I did that may have caused her to bite me? or just general distrust and didn't want to do what I was asking? I was sort of expecting it, so I didn't pull back or make a loud sound because I don't want to scare her. I just said "ouch" and moved her back into her cage. And that is where she is now.

I'm sorry if I sound clueless. I just don't have much experience. I tried looking up some body language stuff, but I couldn't figure out exactly which behaviors I'm seeing and what they mean. So I thought I would reach out hear and see if someone can give me some advice and information on interacting with a conure as a stranger.

1 Comment
00:21 UTC


Clipped Bird Advice

I feel a little bad, I know there’s lots of discourse about bird clipping but recently my dad let out usual groomer cut some of my birds wings (around 4/5 on each wing). I know they can still fly but they won’t be able to ascend and will mainly glide. But the reason for this being is that they’ve been getting really hectic when it comes to their flying. They almost flew out a week ago when they spotted my dad entering through the front door and they recently ran into shower curtain and there’s been a couple close calls of almost running into walls.

When I first got Pepper (my bird) they were clipped but for the last 4 years I’ve had them and I taught them to fly myself. Granted there was a mishap 2 years into getting them where they flew hard into a window and I had to take them to a hospital because they weren’t eating, they would sleep too much, and when they did eat they would regurgitate. Total bill was around $500 (including medication) and some other tests done. I know my dad meant well but I feel like a horrible owner, I forgot to tell my dad to say no to the clipping option when they took my conure to their appointment but it’s been done. So far they’ve reacted well but I can’t help but feel guilt.

I just wanted to know if there’s any advice for dealing with flighted conures who got clipped? Like for activities or things to do to keep them entertained or how to help them get used to it?

I’ve also been trying harness training but they’re a very anxious bird and get scared of the harness. So are there any good training videos or advice to get them used to it? Because the moment I place it next to them, not put it on — they get scared.

Thank you.

23:14 UTC


She is a sleepy girl! 💤

took a pic of Korra while she took a nap on my leg today…she looked toooo cute ☺️

22:13 UTC


What should I feed my green cheek conure?

I'm planning on getting a green cheek conure soon, so I'm trying to plan everything out before I buy it without knowing anything. I've been trying to figure out what food I should buy for my conure. I know I should feed it pellets and fruit, but I don't really know which brands are better.

20:08 UTC


How can I help my new baby feel more comfortable and confident when I'm not around?

Long story short, my family has always been very into birds and I've had pet birds all my life. For my bday about 2 weeks ago, my family got me a green cheek I'd connected with at the pet store. Gizmo is a sweet bean and I love him lots, but I'm in need of a bit of guidance around training him and making sure he's ok when I'm not around.

My first green cheek, Rocky, wasn't like this when I got her 15 years ago. She already knew how to step up and didn't freak out if I wasn't in the room. I know all birds are different but I guess I didn't expect him to be this different lol! I was also a teenager when we got Rocky so my mom helped a lot.

Whenever I leave the room, he calls for me. If he's not on me, he calls for me. I'm trying him on music and a bit of TV but idk if that's working. He has toys but I've never seen him play with them (though, it's only been two weeks). He also doesn't know how to step up. We're working on it but I think the issue is that he doesn't know that he's supposed to sit on my finger. He just looks at my had and either waits for me to pick him up or flies at me.

What are some ways I can keep him occupied when I have to work or, God forbid, go to the bathroom? And any tips around step up training? We're still figuring out favorite treats.

1 Comment
19:39 UTC


Trying to afford new toys and a cage for my conure.

I feel like my conures set up is now extremely underwhelming because the cage is a barely passable size and the toys I bought were all worn down and destroyed. I’m trying to save up for his new man cage.

19:35 UTC


Will she ever calm down?

My conure is 6-7 months old, and is literally hyperactive. She will not leave us alone. She either wants head scratchies or to play, and takes mini breaks to nap or sleep throughout the day. She’s crazy. She does not stop. We love her and knew what we signed up for. But I was wondering, is this how she’ll be forever? Or are baby birds kind of like puppies and she’ll calm down over the years? 😅 I’ll add a video of the gremlin for your entertainment

19:18 UTC


happy baby

Very happy baby after getting the scritches (the stress bands are from nutritional issues prior to my ownership and he’s only 3 months old, so he still hasn’t shed them)

1 Comment
19:02 UTC


Conure leg band

hey guys just wondering what my pet conures leg band means i know right is boy and left is girl but i can’t understand any of the letters or numbers it says HRC 24 565

1 Comment
18:35 UTC


Hi all! Some help and advice would be amazing!

Today, I am picking up a baby green cheek conure! It was handfed and has been weaned! There is still keratin on some of the feathers and I’ve always had birds, but I’ve never had a parrot so I’m not exactly sure if there is a specific food for younger Conures that I would need! Also any advice would be welcome on how to make sure they are comfortable and happy! I have been doing tons of research and I feel like it’s also just a bunch of nervousness making sure I take the best care of this little chicken nugget!

1 Comment
18:11 UTC


Poui Poui wants to puzzle too

1 Comment
17:21 UTC


Help, why is my gcc obsessed with trying to get into my mouth and nose.

My gcc had a cage mate who drowned somehow and ever since they have been picking dead skin from my lips and chewing on my septum piercing. Just the other day they managed to hold open my mouth and chip one of my teeth! Today they started trying to shove their beak up my nose. At first i attributed these to preening behaviors but now im not so sure

16:27 UTC


Does anyone else’s Conure try to attack their phone?

This is Connie my wife and I adopted him a few months ago we know he’s somewhere around 2 years old whenever we interact with him and our phones are out he will go bananas and bite at the phone, does anyone else’s do this with phones or other items?

16:21 UTC


Enjoying their morning ride

15:34 UTC


I am just sick over this...

I brought home my 5 week old Sun Conure, Loki Sunday 7/14. I am hand feeding him (I am an experienced hand feeder. Please do not come after me for getting a chick so young. I'm not asking about feeding). I noticed when I got home that his foot/leg looked a little swollen. I checked his band, it is not to tight. I asked the breeder, just to be sure and he said it the band is in right location (and he said the foot wasn't swollen)

🦜SIDE NOTE: When picked up baby bird, the breeder needed his band number for paper work. It was coated in feces. Theoretically, It could be possible that during that process his little leg might have been injured? I reached out to the breeder to see if he had any advice He said he did not know what happened in "transit" (I know what happened in transit, nothing happened) but give him a few days and if he's not better then I could bring the bird back and he would swap it out.

I am not swapping out the bird. When I mentioned I would like to take him to the vet and see if thru the breeder told me that he was not in a position to pay for a vet bill but he would still swap out the bird. I didn't even ask about payment.

The first day I had him I noticed he wasn't putting weight on the leg at all. He will not grasp (my finger) with it either. The foot is not hot, no open sores, but is swollen a little. He is eating well 10-15 ml 4x , active as much as he could be. Seems to be more stable in a bowl.

This baby was a gift to me. I am struggling with some personal issues. I hate that he seems to be hurt.

I was able to get a vet appointment today but my car is in the shop. So now I need to find a ride . I haven't left the house in weeks. Wasn't a big deal. Well it is now .

Please say a little prayer for my Loki. I am having knee replacement surgery next week. We can both heal our wounds

14:17 UTC


Saw a post about bat hybrids; meet Karma! feat. Mango as sidekick!

12:04 UTC


Js Chilling

Js chilling with my buddy 😃 Y'all will never guess his name, He's a sun conure, 3months old, super cuddly n sweet. If y'all don't get it I'll tell ya ❤️👹✨

10:44 UTC


What kind of gaze do your Conures have?

I feel like their eyes tell me a lot about their personalities!

08:57 UTC


Older brother is jealous of new family member

06:56 UTC


What sounds does your conure mimic?

Ponyo has started making kissing sounds and that’s the only identifiable noise she can make but she does it all the time and I find it adorable

06:32 UTC

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