It's birds... with arms.
Look - up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane!
No wait, it's a bird...with arms.
Post a picture of it here!
But first:
Make sure it's a bird with arms, and not a person with a bird head! If it has a humanoid body, it needs to have some other visible birdlike features to be allowed.
People with bird heads belong at: /r/peoplewithbirdheads
Check to make sure your image hasn't been posted within the last 3 months!
Run a search first, and help us arm ourselves against common reposts!
Feel free to make a request post for arms on an existing picture, but remember:
All request posts for arms should be TEXT POSTS, or else they will be removed. Don't use direct Imgur links for anything but completed picture submissions.
Need ideas for new content?
Check out /r/birdpics for birds WITHOUT arms!
Squawk chirp SQUAAAWK, caw caw CAWCAW!
Other bird subs:
Found in a hotel lobby in Prague
Courtesy of u/TungstenChef, here comes kindly stolen anti-horny conure, to help with your horny birbs.