A subreddit totally dedicated to Cockatiels. Feel free to talk about anything related or to post pictures of your own parrots.
This is a community for the discussion of cockatiels. Talk about anything related, or post pictures of your own :)
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r/parrots. For more parrots including but not limited to cockatiels. Cross-posting welcome!
r/Conures. Small to medium-sized parrots with huge attitudes.
r/magpies. The Australian magpie, loveliest songbird in the world
r/BIRDit. Everything birdy, both wild and companion.
r/illegallysmolbirbs. Birds that are just way too small.
List of animal subreddits: Reddit's Animal Kingdom
I have two cockatiels, who have yet to sync the braincell. One thinks she's people and gets her attention from them, and this is the other. . . She's not super comfortable with hands or fingers, so begging her toy for scritches it is.
I already have a cockatiel, a baby of 4-5 months old. Maybe it’s a female because she doesn’t seem interested in singing or whistling. She wants to spend all of her time with me, but I have only 1 to 3 free hours max to let her fly around the house and spend time with me. Is it better to have two cockatiels? That way, I could have a male cockatiel that likes to whistle and sing, and she would have a companion. Is that a good idea?
My cockatiel nipped at my hand because he was stressed and he got my finger kinda good. But it was only a puncture, it bled like the way a thumb prick test bleeds.
Anyways it's been like a month and there's still a tiny black dot on my finger! It's not like a scab, it's just under the skin. No pain or anything. It just freaks me out a tiny bit.
Poor Jasmine is not a fan of showers
Idk why but mine only ever wants to stand on my wrist, forearm and shoulder
I’ve recently adopted a cockatiel from my nan as she sadly passed, I wanted to know how it was an it’s gender but don’t want to take it to a vet just yet with recent move is there a way I can tell??
Even though the store I got him at (yes I know you shouldn’t buy from pet stores, but I didn’t want him to be miserable and I fell in love at first sight) was feeding him pellets they were the sugary colored ones and he doesn’t seem to want to eat anything besides seeds. I haven’t given him any seeds all day and instead of eating his pellets he is not eating at all.
Hi I noticed this on my Tiel this morning, he’s in quarantine I’ve only had him a week. As you can see right in the center he banged his nose in a panic but the stuff beside is a different colour more a brown hue. It doesn’t seem to be coming out of his nostril though. Please help me easy my mind and tell me it’s just another banger and just dried blood.
But with this behavior she was also not behaving normally, even if my hand was moving a foot or farther she would open her beak like she eants to bite, she bit me few times as well. Don't know what's wrong with her
Hiya everyone so this is my pet birb Cookie,he is About 3 months old and i have had him dir 2 weeks he enjoys spending time with me and Even sleeps on my Head once in a weile.He knows how to step up and to fly to me,my question is i just have one cockatiel and i red that you should best keep them with a Partner so should i get a second one?
I was told my cockatiel is a boy and 5 months. He never got much interaction with his previous owners and I have no clue who his breeder was (but he does have a leg ring/band). He used to be extremely skittish with his previous owners but after three days with us, he's pretty chill and will (FINALLYY) step up to your hand and climb about. He HATES being scritched and will attempt to bite you though. I'm really worried because how will I help him with his pin feathers, harness train him and especially, take him to the vets for examinations???
He flock calls all the time though - especially when we play whistling training videos. He hasn't mimicked anything yet and doesn't make any sounds but flock calls... this is what makes me believe he's female. If he's male, at 5 (probably now 6 months), should he be starting to whistle and mimicking sounds?
What were your male/female tiels like at this age?
He’s a little guy with a lot to say…
My cockatiel is around 25 years old. Recently his face had a wet look to it around his feathers. He also had a small bald spot on the back of his head. I took him into the vet and she told me that he may have some kind of gastrointestinal disease that can’t be cured and was likely causing him to vomit and that was what I was seeing on his feathers. She suggested he was very sick and I put him to sleep. She gave him an antibiotic and a pain medicine and I brought him home to see how he would do. He’s still very active. He eats and drinks like he always did. The bald spot looks much better. Has anyone else seen this with their cockatiels? I know he’s very old but he’s doing so well it’s hard for me to believe he’s in as bad of shape as she made him out to be.
This picture is of him at the vet. That is not his home just his travel cage.
Link is one today! He likes his snack sticks and in general to be left alone to supervise my wfh job. Terrible supervisor always yelling at me 😂
I’m planning on making him a special treat today. Give me some recommendations on things your cockatiel loves!
Hi everyone!
My sweet JoJo has become obsessed with this picture frame. If he’s out of his cage, he’s up there 95% of the time. He laughs and sings and talks and hits it with his beak quite a lot. He can’t be tempted down with millet, seeds or toys which he normally loves. He comes down much less to interact with us. It’s not reflective, and he isn’t aggressive over it. Is this a problem? I don’t want to take away a spot he loves but I suspect it might be hormonal? Please help ☺️
I just woke up and noticed this on my birds wing (my birds usually stay with my dad and i started to notice this on her feathers) i myself am not so experienced with birds. Could i maybe get advice?