
Photograph via snooOG

This is the central community hub for all Fate and Type-Moon works. Including Fate Stay Night and everything TM-related. For everything related to Fate, including Fate/stay night or its spin-offs. Fate/Zero, Fate/hollow ataraxia, Fate/Extra, Fate/EXTELLA, Fate/Grand Order, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate/Strange Fake, The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II, Fate/Requiem, Fate/type Redline, etc., discuss all of these and more on this subreddit.

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Updated: 11/18/2014

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And more! Check out the post for all of the ones we currently have!

VN Installation Issues?

Check out this guide by /u/torik0! Post any and all issues here.


191,044 Subscribers


Where to watch fate stay night 2006

New to the series and can't find this anywhere, anyone know where I can watch it?

22:47 UTC


Which VN should I buy first?

Really hyped to be able to officially play Fate Stay Night in English so in anticipation I figured I’d experience a different localized type moon VN, with that being said, should I check out Mahoyo or Tsukihime?

A little about me.

-I’ve played Melty Blood, and put off reading the original tsukihime because of my anticipation for the remake.

-I really like the concept of a true magic wielding mc, but am also a fan of vamps, and am thinking about picking up strange fake pretty soon if that helps with anything.

So yeah what would you guys recommend to read first out of the two?

21:54 UTC


A question regarding Mana, Od, and magical energy.

According to the wiki and the series, Mana and Od are the life energy of the world and individuals respectively. The greater source and the lesser source. Life energy essentially (ki or chakra like in DBZ and Naruto).

My question is: Is that life energy and the magical energy Magus use fundamentally different? According to the wiki "Mana and Od are energy in its raw state, whereas Magical Energy is the name given to the energy once it is converted by the Magic Circuits ", so I'm confused on the nature of magical energy.

Is it no longer life energy when it passes through the magic circuits of a magus and used for magecraft? Is it still life energy?

21:02 UTC


Sakura fanart (by @menezesarts1)

1 Comment
18:53 UTC


*Happy Pancake Noises*

1 Comment
12:55 UTC


My first figure ever arrived today! But...

I wanted to put her inside my pc case, since it has glass side panels. I just forgot to check size details while ordering her lol. I certainly didn't expect her to be 31 cm tall hehe... Well anyways this will be the start of my figure collection. I really want Taira no Kagekiyo next, but haven't seen any yet... Might go for Jalter next


11:46 UTC


What's wrong with Vlov's Principle? Has Vlov reached the level of DAA yet or not?

08:28 UTC


Trying to download the sources for F/SN[Realta Nua]

Does anyone know where to get the source files for the 3 routes because everywhere i looked it all points back to the ultimate edition, which keep in mind only merges and patches them

08:24 UTC


i have a really stupid question about Avalon

since Avalon was made by the fairies and has fae magic lettering could it be affected by cold iron?

like would the shielding from any attack work on something made of cold iron or with the concepts of it?

since it is fairy magic or is it completely unaffected by anything at all and it wouldn't matter?

Edit: are fairy made magic items affected by iron?

07:42 UTC


It is truly wild how antithetical the two are and how long it took me to post this here.

05:42 UTC


Is Space real or is it just manifestation of human belief on Texture?

I’m confused on how this works. So after the Age of God, the world follow the law of physics and everything lost its Mysteries and humanity couldn’t create Gods out thin air anymore if they believe hard enough, and the existing Divine Spirits and other Phantasmal Species have to migrate to the Reverse Side to not die, which i assume goes for space, sun, moon, stars, etc. But those still exist up until modern time so that should means that space is real in Age of Man right?

But then CHALDEA exists which confuses me. It’s a planet separate from Earth. It was created as a copy of Earth and its history so that it can be used as a prediction simulation. It can interact with Earth when it swapped the top Texture. But my question is how is CHALDEA history be exact the same as Earth if it lack space, sun, moon, and stars? Shouldn’t the history of CHALDEA be deviated because of this? What did Neal Armstrong of CHALDEA do when there was no moon? The only other explanation i can think of is that space isn’t real in the first place and its just a manifestation of human belief on the Earth texture, but then how would that world during CHALDEA’s Age of Man?

01:49 UTC


Can mages use magecraft without relying on a Foundation?

Basically, is there a way for them to take the magic formula for their spells and carve it into their circuits or something so that they aren't reliant on a Foundation so that if they went to the other side of the planet, they could still use that spell without issues?

00:38 UTC


Saber's last words?

Saber talked about a dream, when she died in the forest. I don't know if I'm the only one, who asks this, but does anyone know the meaning behind it?

Maybe it's the dream to see Shirou, again? I'm curious and can't really rest without knowing what she meant. Would be very grateful for someone to explain it to me

Maybe the whole ending in the VN and Manga, was just the continuation of her dream with Shirou in Avalon? I personally don't believe that, 'cause we also show Shirou's perspective before arriving at Avalon

+what did she "really" meant by "I think I will sleep much longer this time..." Was it just meant that she would rest longer, because she won't be a servant and fight in HGW? Maybe not more waiting on a throne of heroes, if she can WITHOUT being a "true" Heroic Spirit, due to her contract before death

+why did Saber and Shirou saw younger selves of themself?

One more question: am I the only one that feels sad about Saber's death in front of Bedivere, even though she arrives at Avalon?

18:50 UTC


What servants can resist the grail mud?

When touched with the grail mud, different servants have shown different reactions. Some like Saber became Alters, while Gilgamesh laughed it off. So what other servants would be affected by the embodiment of All The Worlds Evils? Who can laugh it off like Gilgamesh and who can not resist the corruption. And can skills effect the outcome. For example some have anti brainwashing or mind control skills from magecraft, but do those count in the face of concentrated evil?

16:11 UTC


HibiChika + The 4 Heroines (By: 暁蕾/@Pa1mira_Moi01)

15:10 UTC


Name Castori- I mean the character

14:22 UTC


So does there happen to be a high quality textless version of this cover?

1 Comment
14:12 UTC


How to switch between from classic to realta nua version in Ultimate edition

I have completed the fate route and since it has h scenes so it must be classic version, i want to check the changes in realta nua version but nothing seems to change after changing the textual, movie and music content from mixed to realta nua

1 Comment
10:08 UTC


Does the Beast's Lair link include the Realta Nua Game?

As the title says, do I need to download a complete copy of realta nua and then the ultimate edition from beast's lair, or does the link they provide include the game and the patches?

Edit: I cannot see in the rules to not post links but I assume it is frowned upon, so if anyone could point me in the direction of where to find the game files in I need them, I would appreciate it.

1 Comment
10:55 UTC


Which Tsukihime A Piece of Blue Glass Moon fight has been the best so far?

Shit opinion. Arcueid route vs Vlov/Ciel's True End (vs Red Arc was great up until the giantess segment that gets insanely dragged out. Its probably going to be fixed in the adaptation by trimming.) is a great climax to A Piece of Blue Glass Moon. And it would look fantastic animated.

08:38 UTC


Can a master AND servant forfeit a grail war together?

Like if somehow you got a master who didn’t want the wish and was powerful enough to keep their servant manifested, and a servant like Scheherazade who’s desire to live outweighs her desire for the grail can they just dip together or is that unable, because I know servants can exist after the war, but I’m pretty sure 6 servants also have to die for the grail to manifest. So is it possible or are they just stuck in the Murderdeathkill?

01:05 UTC


Guys i think im ready fo arcueid

19:09 UTC


she got class

16:08 UTC


How would you make the Third Magic (Heaven’s Feel) more versatile?

The 2nd and 5th Magics are crazy powerful but also have multiple ways of being used. But all that can be said about heaven’s feel is that it makes you immortal and gives you infinite magic energy. But I feel like there could be much more than that.

12:24 UTC


Struggling to Install

I tried using that massive guide with 7 parts that I found in this subreddit, but I get confused when I try to follow the instructions.

  1. I used the link in said guide to install, but when I download it all I get like 5 different zip files that I don't see in the google drive.
  2. I don't know how to apply a patch
  3. I am confused by the entire part about separating the pathways, since they're all scattered throughout the zip files and some are duplicates.

This is as far as I got, I only got to step 3.

This is the guide I tried to use: https://www.reddit.com/r/fatestaynight/comments/2r1qvl/fatestay_night_vn_installation_guide/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

This is my first time getting a visual novel, and this is giving me a headache.

09:08 UTC


Just finished fate stay/night

I have just finished watching the fate stay/night anime and oh boy did the end leave me sad.So now i have come here on reddit to ask you all what should i do from non. Is there a good ending for saber or not.And also what other material can i find saber in? Thanks.

05:40 UTC

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