Subreddit dedicated to the Kara no Kyoukai / the Garden of sinners movies and novels.
This subreddit is dedicated to the Kara no Kyoukai / Garden of Sinners movies and the light novels. Due to the age of the movies, a lot of people have already watched them. So it could happen that you might take some content posted here as spoiler.
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It's a crossover between My Hero Academia and Fate called Assassin Among Heroes, but Shiki plays a big role in the fic.
How is my depiction of her? She doesn't appear right away, and she's not exactly the Shiki from Kara no Kyokai, but her personality is the same. Her first proper appearance is in ch. 17
In fact the only one that I can find now is Crunchyroll via an Amazon US sub:
But that is missing movie 8, 'Epilogue'. And of course the two later movies Recalled Out Summer and Extra Chorus.
Edit: My bad, all of the movies are in fact still on Crunchyroll's main site, I had to use a VPN set to the US to see the episode listing.
Cause like how the hell did this guy seduce his girlfriend three times! SHIKI, shiki, Void. Like it’s just mad.
I've actually started this series around 13 years ago when the novels were published in Korean and life happened that i just finished watching the entire series today. Maybe it was fate that the last epilogue scene was set on new years; Very fitting to have finished it today.
What's next that i should be reading to continue this journey? Is it Mahoyo? I heard its sort of a story of Aozaki Touko. What also happens to Touko at the end of the story as Shiki seems to have taken over her office in 2010. Is there something else that covers her story after KNK? Is it Tsukihime?
One of my favorite key visuals, was fortunate enough to get a hold of one of the B1 promotional posters second hand, and just got it back from framing.
Different directors, different ideas so they all have their own take on how things should look, plus ufotable's style changed over the years.
I think that my favorite art style would be that used in the first five movies, particularly the faces - especially notable are Shiki's large, dark, almost dead eyes. The art has a lot of texture, plus it of course takes on an even more gritty and in some ways 'rough' appearance in Paradox Spiral (movie 5).
Compare and contrast to the change that took place in Oblivion Recording (movie 6) where the art style became somewhat 'cleaner' and almost more generic, fitting in more with the art style of ufotable's other works, particularly the Fate adaptations. Shiki in particular had a more 'cute' face from movie 6, while I preferred her darker, almost plain look from the earlier movies.
Wondering cuz I've only watched the movies.
Who would’ve thought my novels would’ve arrived on Christmas Eve
For anyone who hasn't heard, the translation for Kara no Kyoukai's light novel was recently completed thanks to the efforts of numerous translators on Beast's Lair. All the arcs are readable as PDFs or EPUBs here, compiled by ProtoformX. Credits for the translators are contained in the end of each book.
This has been awaited for decades, since up till now we've only had Cokesakto's "Empty Boundaries" translations, which are widely considered borderline fanfiction. This is the first time we've had faithful translations for all the arcs.
EDIT: For clarity, arcs 1-4 here use the Baka-Tsuki translation, which is based on the contents of the KnK web novel rather than the light novel. The remaining chapters are translations of the LN.