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Daily quest visual guide by @piyo_fgo
The son of Odysseus, the slayer of suitors and the heir to Ithaca. For twenty years he fought for his family far-away from the grand scheme of the Odyssey. He took charge when his mother could not lead the home, he fought the suitors to hold them back from his mother, he slayed traitorous female slaves for his own honor.
The matured boy, the idealistic man and the ruthless killer with the blessings of Athena.
Charisma of Conflict E+: Drawing conflict around himself through existence, he pulls away aggression and ill-will from his allies. In the same manner, he places bravery in the hearts of his allies. This skill has the potential to be greater if he would draw more into his aspects as a king.
Effect: Increase Attack by 20% for all allies for 3 turns. Apply Target Focus to self for 1 turn. Drain all removable debuffs from allies.
Blessing of Faith A: The protection of Athena granting him wisdom, Telemachus can provide accurate predictions of enemy actions in the long or short term. A manifestation of quick thinking and instinct that allows him to fight off multiple enemies in a controlled manner.
Effect: Remove debuffs on self and for each removed: Increase Attack, Critical Damage by 10% for 3 turns. Increase Debuff Resistance by 40% for 3 turns. Increase Attack and Defense by 50% for 3 turns.
Wandering King B: Skills and wisdom gather as a king travels. Their speed and endurance growing beyond what is normal. Telemachus may have not been most well known for being a king due to him mostly going off on a journey in his story, but he did undoubtedly become a king who traveled far a and wide.
His absence often caused worry for his mother. His absence in his father's world made him worry.
Effect: Increase Star Generation by 100% for 3 turns. Increase NP Generation by 50% for party for 3 turns. Increase NP Charge for self by 30%. Lower Defense by 15% for party for 3 turns. Apply [Worry] (Treated as a debuff) to all allies for 3 turns every turn for 5 turns.
Magic Resistance D: A decent protection from most modern magecraft and some advanced curses.
Territory Creation C: Upon appearing, Telemachus designates an area as his "home" or a workshop that gives him strength. This area cannot change and will lower his abilities if it falls. In a typical HGW (Holy Grail War), this would normally be the area where the conflict is most likely to occur.
Riding C: Basic riding skills and the ability to handle a ship, requirements when traversing the isles of Greece to find your lost father.
Independent Action A-: With the presence of his "home", Telemachus is able to maintain his manifestation
Τηλεμάχεια προς Ὀδύσσεια - From Telemachy to Odyssey
A compilations of a side-character who serves as the lead for the beginning of a journey home. A moment when a boy becomes a man. Passing the torch. Arrival. The core of this servant's spirit origin, a blessing that lets this hero continue fighting and protecting. An anti-unit (self), D-rank Noble Phantasm.
Bite down.
This is a fight for what's right, isn't it?
Effect: Increase Attack by 10% for self for each [Worry] on allies for 3 turns. Increase Defense by 30% for 3 turns. Apply Target Focus to self for 3 turns. Increase NP Charge by 30-50% for all other allies <Overcharge>.
Strength C-
Endurance A-
Agility D+
Mana B-
Luck E
Noble Phantasm D
Summon: "Ruler, Telemachus, king of Ithaca, son of Penelope and King Odysseus. I come to aid in the protection of all of mankind."
Ascension 1: "Yes! I think I'm getting close to him. Hm? Oh, this... Yeah, I decided to put on some better armor, makes sense doesn't it?"
Ascension 2: "Hm... No, this isn't enough. I still need to grow, if those bastards would ever face me like this, I might have to throw some weight around."
Ascension 3: "Master. Take a look, it's my father's old armor. I began to wear this after he passed, that is still almost true in this world. So let me show you the might of a traveling king who fought with the legendary king Odysseus."
Ascension 4: "Ah... I think I want to relax a bit, but I can't. You understand that, right? If we don't stand tall for humanity, then is our resolve even that great... We can't just stand aside while everything goes to ruin."
Odysseus: "Father... it's you... This brings back memories, doesn't it?"
Orion: "Man... and I thought dad was big... Guess I should expect nothing more from the legendary Orion!"
Heracles: "That man... what he did to his family... I guess I should know, gods really are fickle."
Achilles: "Achilles!? Man, I heard so many stories about you. Can you teach me some moves?"
Chiron: "Chiron, sir... Sorry, I didn't have time to work on the homework... No, I wasn't goofing around with the others, I swear. Ahaha..." *RUNNING*
Constantine: "That man, he fought with all his might, even if it meant he would fall. But he did fall, didn't he? I wonder what I would have done if father never showed-up..."
Likes: "I like stories, people adventuring the seas and islands of the world. I always wanted to go on one with father, that didn't exactly pan out right..."
Dislikes: "What I dislike... Well aside form the obvious... There's this one chapter in my dad's story, the last one. I don't remember any of this, and I lived to the end of my life. Who the hell wrote it?"
Holy Grail: "A Holy Grail... No, I did everything I truly wanted in life. It's now for others to realise their wishes. If it is alright, I think I'll find dad if I ever get it."
Event: "A new journey awaits, I'll hold down the fort while you're gone. But I'll be ready at a moment's notice if you need anything."
Kriemhild: "Kriemhild. I understand the frustration, don't tell my father that I'm telling you this. I was angry. I was miserable when I learned that he caused his own exile and my mother's grief. Know that I am sure Siegfried loves you. If not, take my head, oh fare lady of revenge. At the very least, be honest to him."
I don't care where you from. You smell like a Genji. Therefore you must DIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
Muramasa my king! Still the greatest (male) saber to ever exist, still need 1 more copy for np5 so I’m manifesting him coming again 1 more time this year.
(edit) final January festivities
Just like what my question asks (all in good fun), what sort of sports would your favorite Servants play, if any?
To answer my own question, Jalter would probably go with Kendo (because she's such an unabashed otaku as a Berserker), Jeanne would be into swimming (if her Archer form's 2nd Ascension is anything to go by), and Martha would be into MMA (those punches gotta hurt a lot).
Real name yi hoe