A subreddit for the Cascadia movement. Bioregionalism, independence, sovereignty, community, identity, soccer and good beer. Broadcasting from the heart of occupied Cascadia!
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Keep it about Cascadia Posts & Comments Reported as: Keep it about Cascadia Keep it about Cascadia, the Cascadia Movement, or the Cascadia region. This is a broad rule. This can be information you find interesting, information that you think the Cascadia movement should incorporate, or about recent news or events.
Keep it Civil Posts & Comments Reported as: Offensive Behavior Be civil - Cascadia is a broad movement and represents a broad political and social spectrum. Please be civil and constructive at all times. We don't censor people due to their opinions.
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Cascadia is the place we live. It is also a social movement to empower individuals and communities to be active around issues they care about to better the Pacific Northwest. It is also a positive vision, built around shared principles and values that each of us can be working towards, to create a bioregion that is resilient, vibrant and autonomous.
If you'd like to host a Cascadia meetup create a post, or message a mod and we'll get it added here.
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Guys where do I buy a flag/merch from locally? I would love to go to a place IRL, instead of buying online. I recognize that might be my only option for flags, but was wondering if anyone knows of places locally.
(Local is Seattle). Pins and smaller merch are easier to come by for sure. Not as worried about that
I grew up in the foothills of the Cascades basically at the base of Mt Adams.
Growing up we were taught the actual names of the mountains were Pahto (Adams) Si'yett (St Helens) and Tahoma (Rainer). My dad told me about how the mountains common modern names were given by random white people to random white people. But that the mountains had names long before then.
But I only know the original names of those 3 because where I grew up the original name of the mountains are used as commonly as the modern name
So. Other cascadians - do you know the original names of your mountains near you? What do you call them?
Wondering; don’t have definitive answer but might be sitting on it? Probably depends on definitions…I’m thinking in terms of a standalone plug or cone of volcanic origin, not just a partly eroded remnant bit of igneous rock on a hill. And yes, excluding CAN/BC/AK where things veer quite a ways further out there.
She's circling the drain as we speak. RIP to a cascadian institution.
I tried posting it as a link but it seems dead now. Anyone know if this group is still around? Their instagram seems inactive.
Looking around at all of this and the rhetoric and probably not enough anxiety medication...
What do you think the chances are of the Republic of Cascadia coming into existence before 2030?
Nimby Rails is a really chill game where you build train lines and so I decided to start building in my hometown. Sorry if this doesn't fit here much but thought you guys might like this game too because of the vibes.
Since I was asked but could not get it load here is the print for the second flag in my previous post