A place for all things regarding Bend, Oregon and surrounding areas.
All submissions should be relevant to the Central Oregon area. There is some wiggle room. If you have a question, send modmail.
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Anti-mask, anti-vaccine, COVID-19 denialism, spreading misinformation, attempts to downplay the severity, danger and/or risk of COVID-19 and standing up for those who do so will earn you a ban. Encouraging complacency, neglect, unhealthy habits and unwellness in the community is not allowed. Attempts to get around these rules will get you banned.
Use suggested titles from publications for any news articles. Feel free to discuss in comments, but putting a personal spin on the title often ends in arguments.
Do you see smoke? Check here:
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Helpful links for around Bend
Anyone know of a restaurant most similar to Chills in Bend? Yes, food is important but I’m talking vibes. Decent food but big ole drinks, where you can actually see the people you’re hanging out with, and the music isn’t overwhelmingly loud?
I am hoping to visit Bend and was hoping someone could recommend a psychic? I thought it might be a fun thing to do on my birthday 😊.
Does anybody know if any of the local breweries (or literally anywhere else) sell hop water by the case? I really like the Sparkle Hops from Pelican, but I have to make a special trip to 3rd street to get it for $9 a 6 pack. I looked into Hoplark but they are $43 for an 18 pack which is more criminal than the former. I was hoping someone locally might sell a case for a decent price.
I wanted to pack some lunches and feed the homeless in Bend, where is a good place/address?
Or along Highway 20? The dog could have moved quite a ways. They have a white snout and black mask around the eyes. Not my pup, just hoping for any info to pass along.
Has anyone heard of any local plans for some sort of gathering, protest, march etc in response to this weeks events
For the last three years I have been storing my tires(on rims) on an elevated stand outside on my patio. Tires individually wrapped, tire cover over that, then triply covered with a tarp. They get some direct sun and are exposed to snow/rain, but the covers keep them dry (except for one year when I didn’t notice a tear in the tarp).
Tires seem to be just fine, but I’m researching getting or building a special purpose shed for them to prevent moisture mishaps. While researching, I’ve read plenty of opinions going back and forth about whether a shed which gets hot in summer (even with some ventilation) is a bad thing or not. Purists say store in a climate controlled garage, others say no big deal in a shed. Since I don’t have room for them in my garage, my choices seem to be shed or paid storage.
What say you?
Just moved here to Bend. Anyone know of any grad meetups around this area? Or just any Bama fans that want to meetup to watch games? Roll Tide!
Does anyone have a recommendation for an obstetrician in Central Oregon? Specifically one who understands hormone therapy and stays up to date on best practices. I found a great dr in Portland but wanted to see if there’s a good option in Bend. Thanks!
You look like you stop for pedestrians on Galveston.
Anyone else notice an uptick in poor air quality in Bend and a lot of the PNW right now?
What's causing it? Wildfire smoke? Traffic pollution?
Centurylink DSL user for over 10 years, maybe one outage not related to power. Paying them $30/mo for "100mbps" which is actually around 55 down/5 up. Been satisfied but lately I'm starting to notice the 55mbps limit.
TDS is offering 1g for $45/mo "price for life" or $30/mo "1-year price lock" (reg. $64/mo)
Weighing the common TDS outages, is it worth the switch? Seems like most Bend redditors are using them so thought I'd ask here. Also, after the 1 year price at $30 will I be able to call the retention line and get my price back to the $45 price for life?
Hi all,
Does anyone have any leads on a job that is looking for help only Saturday or Sunday?
I'm a salaried worker but I'm looking to work an extra day a week. Physical labor is cool if any construction or farmers need a hand. Thanks!
Keep getting bloody noses this time of year. I’m caving in and want to know what are some good humidifiers? How often am I going to need to change filters or clean? Do I need to use filtered or distilled water vs tap? I prefer local to buy and I hate ordering online but if I have to I will. I don’t want something hundreds of dollars as I am a broke college kid 🥹
Edit: I appreciate everyone’s responses!! I think I have found my best fit 😊
Hi, are there going to be any fireworks in Bend this year?
Trying to keep this as non-political as possible while hopefully helping small businesses avoid some pain.
The policies of the incoming regime are expected to significantly increase the cost of goods due to both the tariffs and labor shortages. Friends of mine that work logistics for large companies are working overtime right now to get ahead of those price increases. That includes things like stocking up on non-perishable goods before prices increase.
Just something to consider that might help smooth out the pain. I'd hate to see more small businesses close because they're caught flat footed when the cost to operate increases 10-20%.
You look like the kind of person that doesn’t signal exiting roundabout.
My mind is in need of some time with nature but I’m not much of an outdoor person. Are there any recommendations for waterfalls this time of year? TIA 🤍
Anyone know about this restaurant? Saw it on DoorDash and they seem to have a website, but no store front address and fairly limited info. I’d love to support a soup restaurant, I’ve been saying we need one for years! Let me know if you have the inside scoop on Central Oregon Soup Co.
The title. Owned or operated. Services, restaurants, products, etc. in Bend or Central Oregon.