
Photograph via snooOG
  • Arab Country Subreddits
  • Rules

    Rules Description
    1. Be civil Above all, be civil. The internet is already saturated with hate and toxicity; there is no need to make this yet another corner of misery. Don’t use personal attacks against other users. Don't engage in racism, sexism, sectarianism, homophobia, or any other form of bigotry. If you must argue, argue in good faith. Keep this maxim in mind: فلتقُل خيرًا أو لتصمت. Users displaying poisonous behaviour and who are here just to pick a fight and spread negativity will be banned.
    2. No nationalism Check your nationalism at the door. This refers to a set of attitudes incl. attacking others for commenting on one’s nation; concerns about cultural ‘purity’, its preservation, its tainting by immigrants; jingoistic cries for isolationism, self-victimization, ‘sticking together’ at the exclusion of others; appeals to genetics, ancestry and 'race' to define nationhood; and others, whether confined to a state or extended to all Arabs. Nationalism is the basic material which furnishes fascism.
    3. No homophobia Homophobia is strictly forbidden. There are plenty of online Arab spaces where LGBT people are vilified and their existence constantly scrutinized, this does not have to be one of them. No one cares if you "don’t approve".
    4. No preaching This is not a Muslim or Christian subreddit. There is no obligation for anyone to abide by your religious values, and browbeating, religious chauvinism, and preaching is not tolerated.
    5. No low-effort posts As the subreddit grows and the volume of posts with it, the need to be regulate them becomes a necessity. As such, we favour posts that are in-depth, insightful, analytical, and encourage discussion, over posts that have little substance and little educational value. Examples include links to wikipedia articles; unsourced historical pictures with no context and information; screenshots from social media; your personal DNA ancestry results, and so on.
    6. No political news articles This is not a news site like Aljazeera. We are not concerned with the daily political developments in the Arab World. Instead, in-depth commentary articles on political events and editorial pieces that offer a ‘big picture’ are much more valuable.
    7. Keep posts relevant to the subreddit Broadly speaking, anything concerning the Arab World, Arabic culture, and the various Arab states, including ethnic and linguistic minorities therein, is welcome. Some exceptions apply: for purely Islamic matters use r/Islam. For help learning Arabic use r/learn_arabic. For Arabic translations use r/translator. For questions that are not open-ended and only require a quick answer please use the pinned open discussion threads.
    8. No outrage posts Crossposting offensive and obviously inflammatory social media posts is not allowed. Posts like this only serve to produce outrage and indulge in the worst and most toxic aspect of an online community - circlejerking in self-righteous rage and frenzied mob mentality. If you feel you must bring light to such posts, please use the open discussion threads.
    9. This is not a photo album All non-original photograph posts – cities, nature, bedouins, etc. – belong in the open discussion threads. This does not apply to other image posts – art, infographics, and so on are still allowed. This only applies to photographs. OC photographs – i.e. ones you took yourself, are allowed.
    10. No self-promotion Unfortunately it is not feasible to dedicate the frontpage to promote everyone’s YouTube channel, merchandise, website, subreddit, discord, and so on. We ask that you use the pinned open discussion threads instead, where you can promote your content, engage with the community, and get feedback.
    11. Memes... ...are tentatively allowed, although to prevent them taking over the subreddit they will be approved or removed at the moderators' discretion depending on their quality. A meme has a better chance of being approved if the base format is Arab, if it is apolitical, if it isn’t mocking or disparaging, and if it expresses a shared Arab experience. You can still post your meme without risk of removal in the pinned open discussion threads.
    12. Don't derail threads Please try and stay relevant and on-topic. Digressions are welcome when they open new avenues for discussion and mutual benefit, however when these digressions descend into shouting matches and bickering they may be removed.


    89,699 Subscribers


    ما هو أفضل صب عربي؟

    ما هو أفضل صب عربي من ناحية المواضيع المطروحة والنقاشات ؟

    01:22 UTC


    Ethiopia wants to join the Arab League, will it be accepted in?

    00:18 UTC



    18:13 UTC


    First sigma male ever was Al-hajjaj

    Don't worry, JK

    16:17 UTC


    Minimum wage in Arab countries

    13:22 UTC


    ثُمَّ ماذا؟

    ثم ماذا؟ هل أنا باقٍ هُنا؟ لَسْتُ أَدرِي مَن أكون؟ مَن أنا؟ قَدْ مَضَى النَّاسُ لتحقيقِ المُنَى وَبَقِيتُ؛ لا ضلالٌ أو هُدى

    ليسَ بي يأسٌ ولا بي أمَلُ لَستُ أَدْرِي بَعدُ كيفَ الْعَمَلُ إنَّما أَحْيَا وكَُِلِّي وَجَلٌ أنْ يَكُونَ العُمرُ قد ولَّى سُدى

    حَاجَةٌ في النَّفْسِ تأبَى الانْقِضاء لَسْتُ أدْرِيها ولا أدري الدَّواء رُحتْ أسْلُوهَا بِترجيعِ الغناء كيف أسْلُوها بِلَحنٍ قَد شَجى؟

    كَتَبَها أَحَدُهِم

    1 Comment
    03:34 UTC


    Learning Arabic for a Pakistani

    السلام عليكم ورحمته الله و بركاته So as the title suggests I would like to learn Arabic (Fusha) in the upcoming year till next Ramadan I wish to have superficial knowledge enough to communicate and hold basic conversations. At the moment ik some words and phrases especially from the Quran and by picking up from people speaking at a local mosque. As well as some words which are similar in Urdu and Arabic. Any recommendations on where I should start?

    02:46 UTC


    لي منك؟

    أَلَمْ يَأْنِ لِي مِنْكَ أَنْ تَرْحَمَا؟

    وَتَعْصي الْعَوَاذِلَ وَاللُّوَّمَا

    وَتَرْثِي لِصَبٍّ بِكُمْ مُغْرَمٌ

    أَقَامَ عَلَى هَجْرِكُمْ مَأْتَمَا

    يَبِيتُ إِذَا جَنَّهُ لَيْلُهُ

    يُرَاعِي الْكَوَاكِبَ وَالْأَنْجُمَا

    وَمَاذَا عَلَى الصَّبِّ لَوْ أَنَّهُ

    أَحَلَّ مِنَ الْوَصْلِ مَا حَرَّمَا

    ـ عبد الله بن المبارك ـ

    1 Comment
    01:18 UTC


    Nothing will change and the people of Gaza have no saivour

    No one helped or moved a finger when Iraq was invaded, no one did anything when Libya was bombed, no one did anything when Syria was riddled with nations fighting for oil, all that will happen in Gaza is as the west sees fit, if the west decides to kill all of the people of Gaza they will, can you guess why? BECAUSE NO ONE IN THE REGION HAS THE BALLS TO STEP UP TO THE WEST, what are the people of Arab nations doing? Screaming, that's it, don't try and tell me "actually it has benifits and it is this", no, yelling in a group will not change anything, people from certain nations can actually help Gaza and weaken the army by stopping the trucks and robbing it, or hijacking the car, or straight up kill the drivers and anyone who protects them, but noooooo, God forbid someone takes action, instead of forcing the trucks to turn and leave all that the people do is hold signs, paper changes nothing, before someone calls me a zionist or a coward I am not, I am looking at the situation from an objective view, the people are not doing anything when they can do a lot, instead they just hold signs and yell, which does nothing and adds nothing at all, what is happening in palistine is exactly what happened in Syria, Iraq, Libya, the only difference is due to widespread use of phones than in 2003-2014 we can see what people from those nations went through that history didn't show, and how didn't the people from those nations win the conflict? They didn't, we still suffer from actions taken decades ago and no one does anything about it, same thing in Palestinie, no one will do anything if everyone in Gaza will be blown to pieces, there is no one stopping the zionist from going bonkers on them, so don't really look at the situation with a positive view and "hope", hope does nothing look at the situation realistically and accept the facts, that's the only thing that people can do and not turn a blind eye and educate ourselves, you can protest all you want but unless you are aiming to chop the leaders' heads off nothing will change and blood will continue to be spilled

    01:08 UTC


    Where can I find Arab concerts / events / social events in London

    So lately I’ve been wondering where can I find a website or app that would show me that there’s an Arab convention or Arab concert in London / uk.

    it’s important to be in those settings to feel at home and be more in touch.

    Do any Arab singers come to London like hussein al jasmi/ elissa etc ??

    thank you

    00:37 UTC


    Monday Majlis | Open Discussion

    For general discussion, requests and quick questions.

    1 Comment
    00:00 UTC


    فائدة أخری ...

    للنشرِ فائدةٌ لِناشرِ شعرِهِ 

    ما بعدَ أغراضٍ لَنا قد تُعرفُ

    تلكم لَتنبيهٌ لما قد فاتَهُ

    مِنْ نحوِنا أو حبْكِ وزنٍ يُرهَفُ

    • عبد الله د. مصطفی الجبوري
    20:54 UTC


    Isnotrael has a history of lying about everything. Don’t believe their propaganda, and don’t believe their military/leadership! (Annihilating Hasbara in a 3:18 minute compilation video)

    19:16 UTC



    ٌفَلَيْتَكَ تَحلُو، وَالحَيَاة ُ مَرِيرَة ٌ

    ‏وَلَيْتَكَ تَرْضَى وَالأَنَامُ غِضَابُ

    ‏وَلَيْتَ الّذي بَيْني وَبَيْنَكَ عَامِرٌ

    ‏وبيني وبينَ العالمينَ خرابُ

    ‏إذا صَحَّ مِنكَ الودُّ فالكُلُّ هَيِّنٌ

    ‏وكُلُّ الذي فَوقَ التُّرابِ تُرابِ ..

    17:29 UTC


    Poems of day


    17:20 UTC


    كلمة يوم الأرض - تميم البرغوثي

    16:43 UTC


    رحلة إلى حافة الكون المرصود

    15:47 UTC


    Al Massih Kam! 🐇🪺

    Just here to wish Happy Easter to everyone for those who practice. Hope you all are stuffing yourselves with ma’amoul as well!

    15:10 UTC


    Movie about Indian man who was enslaved in Riyadh, not out in GCC except UAE and Bahrain

    هذه قصة رجل فقير من ولاية كيرالا بالهند يُدعى محمد نجيب، ذهب إلى الرياض في التسعينيات على أمل كسب لقمة العيش وإعالة أسرته، لكنه حوصر في الصحراء كعبد لسنوات. الفيلم مقتبس من رواية أيام الماعز للكاتب بنيامين. وهو متوفر حالياً في الإمارات العربية المتحدة وقريباً في البحرين (3 أبريل). أحاول نشر الوعي حول هذا الموضوع كمحب للسينما

    12:44 UTC


    Chadian journalist Saad Abkar Ahmed has publicly disputed multiple misleading statements in a UN report on Sudan regarding Chad.

    From inaccurate timelines of airport construction to accusing retired officials no longer in power, the evidence presented does not line up with reality. When sources lack cultural understanding of a region, fact-finding becomes impossible. We must demand accountability and application of critical thinking from organizations entrusted to report objectively on global conflicts.

    12:27 UTC


    سعی وعسی...

    أناْ مِنْ عبادِ اللهِ مِثلُهُمُ سعی 

       وعسی أُجازی بالفضيلة أفضلا

    لا خيرَ  فيمن  قد سعی   لِتَكَبُّرٍ  

       وَوِشايةٍ   أو  إمّعاً  أو   أخطلا

    *عبد الله د. مصطفی الجبوري

    • سعی إمّعا أي سعی مع الناس يقول ما يقولون ولا رأي له.

    • سعی أخطلا أي سعی وهو يقول الفحش والبذاءة.

    08:37 UTC


    Opinions on Arabizi?


    i'm doing a small research study on Arabizi and how it's percieved/used in online Arab spaces. if you could fill out my form i'd really appreciate it, it's super simple and should take literally about 30 seconds!


    shukran ktir w ramadan kareem!

    1 Comment
    07:31 UTC


    ليش هم كذا

    ليش اغلبهم يكرهون العرب ؟

    03:53 UTC


    Are Arabs mentally checkout from these current event

    I can't explain enouph how huge this war is and how much is on stack the winner of this war will. Take everything the loser will lose everything; litteraly Zionist and USA are putting There entire weight to finish Gaza and hammas And build the Ben-Gurion canal and there is nothing will stand against theme to finish the job .

    Lets get you up to the new USA are taking rubble full of skulls and bones of Gaza population to build the new port; while Arabs are waiting to celebrate the end of ramadan Holliday .

    On the other side you have Arabs leaders or whores what ever there name are preparing the narrative; blaming hammas and Iran for the entire event while they will receive some money in form of investment loans to keep there country stable or Arabs population to rebel against them .

    At this point I don't know what can wake us up Beside few people on these sub or the 1 percent of people who protest in street the rest of Arabs they just don't care .

    For some reason the alarm is not working for us Gaza are so close to be erased and yet Arabs morons are still repeating what ever the whores In power told them.

    03:41 UTC


    Sudan sumbits an official complaint to the UN Security Council against the UAE

    21:41 UTC


    What if the French became more brutal during the Revolution in Algeria, if not outright genocidal? Would the FLN end up losing?

    Years ago I saw a martial arts debate which self-defense instructor Marc MacYoung (who has a degree in history) participated. Basically the debate was asking about working manual laborers beating martial artists and used a clip from a fictional TV show of a butcher who was overwhelming a trained soldier who was well-versed in martial arts (in fact he took out a bunch of bandits who held an entire train by hostage in prior episodes). to the point the soldier who was making movements to defend against the blow panicked at some point and the butcher was able to put some nasty cuts on hi arms because he fell down and was unable to continue proper defensive movements because he got overtaken by fear. Though in the end the soldier survived.

    The person who asked the question said his relatives come from Algeria as a bonus point and were far more effective their cutting techniques when preparing for food (including cutting chickens heads off and preparing animal meat from the slaughterhouse) and also pointed out about the Algerian Revolution and rebels ambushing police and even a few military police with knives.

    MacYoung made a point that being a soldier is different from fighting skills and a sa the debate continued it went off tangentially into military and history. From what I remembered MacYoung was telling the poster that the reality is that insurgencies never win wars and its the conventional army that wins wars and points out many examples like the Viet Cong getting demolished when they confronted a military force and made a mocking statement about multiple guerrillas like the French Resistance, Filipino bushwackers against Imperial Japan in WWII, and the FLN in Algeria not being able to beat the enemy until they get help from a conventional army like the American military battling the Japanese in Manila or the Allied forces commencing D-Day and other operations to force the Germans to retreat from France or alternetely the government decides its not worth spending money to occupy the territory (which he used for the FLN example)?

    He adds with a comment asking the other person who sent the question that I remember going something along this lines.

    What if the French decided to take Algeria for themselves and settle the country? They decided to start killing Algerians in every territory they send their own people from France into and rebuilt the new place for themselves with French infrastructure? You see for all the talk about all's fair in love and war, there are actual rules of engagements. You don't fight a people you seek to conquer and enslave the same way from stabilizing a country where most people don't really care about foreign occupation and just want to live their lives. In the same way an army's policies are completely different if the government's intention is to take new land for their citizens' benefits. Think the FLN will still be able to win if the French decides to goo hands offhandle Algeria as a new settler colony? While we are at it, people remember the 6 million Jew s who were killed in WWII. WHat people don't remember is the over 10 million Poles, Ukrainians, and other Slavs along with other unwanted peoples in the Eastern Front of World War 2. If the French decided to copy what the Nazis did in Eastern Europe, do you honestly believe Algeria would win? They only could operate the way they did because of French hesitancy to do genocides in the aftermath of WWII and fear of being associated with Nazi Germany's shadow.

    THen he writes the other details I posted earlier about French Resistance being saved by the Allies, etc which I didn't write in this quote because I don't exactly remember how he said it. Even the quote above is just my recollection and not the exact thing he wrote but because I remembered it much better I did the best to my memory to rewrite it.

    So I'm curious. What if the French became less restraint and decided to go more brutal in Algeria. If they take it to "wipe whole towns and cities level" or possibly even genocide? Would the FLN be unable to win the war? If avoiding outright genocide and preferring to avoid slaughtering whole towns and cities just not being white French and being "desert savages" as a racist French politician from the 19th century called them during the final years of complete conquest of Algeria , say they left it to Soviet style reprisals in the 70s and 80s in Afghanistan.

    How would it all turn out in any of these 3 approaches? Would it lead to the complete destruction of the FLN and absolute victory for the French as Marc MacYoung claims? Or would none of this work and Algeria was bound to independence no matter what even if FLN and followers were systematically exterminated without any hesitation akin to Nazis and gassing entire populations they saw at subhumans? Is MacYoung wrong despite being so sure about his takes when he posted these resposnes in the martial arts discussion?

    19:58 UTC


    Non-Arab songwriter seeking perspective on Arab identity

    (Don’t speak Arabic so can’t use the pinned thread, mods feel free to move.)

    Hi, like the title says, I'm working on an English-language song involving modern Arab identity. I’m looking for first-hand perspective about how you perceive Arab culture to better inform the lyrics.

    The song describes a middle-aged non-Arab learning about Arab history for the first time. It is sung from this person's perspective as a thank-you (for realizing how Arab influences have shaped the world around them) and an apology (for not recognizing this influence sooner).

    I’m hoping some of you would be comfortable answering some questions:

    • What parts of Arab identity/culture are you most proud of?
    • What parts do you find most beautiful or inspiring?
    • What contributions to society from Arab history do you think have been most impactful? Most overlooked?
    • What qualities do you feel describe a modern Arab today?

    Obviously my intent is not to pander. No answer is wrong. Feel free to be as detailed or as brief as you’d like, and thanks for taking the time to contribute.

    17:26 UTC

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