A place for sharing and discussing all things related to Sudan. Posts are welcome in both English and Arabic. If you have any suggestions for the sub (or would like to request user or post flairs) please don't hesitate to message the mod team.
A place for sharing and discussing all things related to Sudan. Posts are welcome in both English and Arabic. If you have any suggestions for the sub (or would like to request user or post flairs) please don't hesitate to message the mod team.
العنصرية في السودان مشكله ماف زول بقدر ينكرها ابدا وبكل اشكالها .. "انت ود عرب ولا (الناس ديلك)؟ من وين؟ انت عرب جزيرة؟ دا شايقي ساي اختاو.. دا دنقلاوي ما بفهم حاجة.. دي زرقاء ما تعرسها" وتستمر العنصرية بكل انواعها حتى وصلت بنا الحال للعنصرية تحت مسمى المزح واصبحت مستساغة من قبل المجتمع ولو عارضت او ابديت تضايقك "مالك يا زول اتحسست بنهظر ساي" .
في الحقيقة الموضوع اعمق من كدا بي كتير والعنصرية بقت جزء لا يتجزأ من حياة الشعب السوداني وبقت جزء من تربيه اهلنا لينا معظم الناس في دائرتي الاجتماعية لما اناقشهم في الموضوع دا بالتحديد يتكرر علي بطريقة تهكمية التعليق دا "اي والله بتذكر زمان ابوي كان ما بخليني العب مع اولاد العب*د ديلك".
فهنا نتساءل عن جذور المشكلة.. هل هي تربية خاطئة؟ أم تساهل من قبل المجتمع؟ او عقده نقص كونتها طبيعية الحياة في السودان وسط اكتر من 100 عرق مختلف بتقاليد مختلفة ولغات ولهجات مختلفة كلهم عايشين في ارض واحده بجنسية واحده وكلهم سودانيين؟ .
الجواب صعب يتحدد لكن في حاجه واحده ممكن نسويها وهي ايجاد حل جذري لمشكلة العنصريه والقبلية في السودان والا لن تقوم الدولة السودانية على رأيه واحده وستكون الفتنة بين مجموعتين عرقيتين اسهل من فتنة اطفال على بعضهم البعض.. ابدا من نفسك انت.. وكل مره تسمع واحد ينكت نكته عنصرية او اي واحد عنصري انتقد الفعل بشكل واضح وصريح عشان تمنع من انتشاره.. طبعا دا ما حيقضي على العنصرية لأن العنصرية في السودان اكثر تعقيدا من ما تتخيل ومعضلة تراكمت عبر السنين والاجيال..
ختاما اسأل الله ان ينزل الامن والسلام على السودان وان يديمه واسأل الله ان نرتقي بعقولنا ونكرسها جميعا تحت راية واحده وهي تطوير السودان وجعله بلد يتمنى الاجنبي الوفود اليه.. وان يرجع السودانيون من كل بقاع الارض ليعيشوا في بلادهم أمنيين ومكرّمين بعيدا عن الذل الاجنبي.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته انا شغالة بحث علمي واستبيان عن الأشجار المتضررة وبتعاني من الجفاف او الاهمال او السقوط او متاثرة باسباب الحرب زي الحرق او الشظايا من المقذوفات والاسلحة لو اي زول جمبو شجرة في الشارع او في بيتو بتعاني من الاثار دي لو قدر يصور لي الشجرة ويوريني نوعها شنو واسمها وتكونو مشكورين جدا علي الدعم،👏♥️♥️بالذات في مناطق المتاثرة بالحرب ما الا صورة ممكن بس معلومات عن شجر حصل ليو ضرر مع ذكر اسم المنطقة ونوع الشجر ونوع الضرر و شكراا
Al-Ghabsha - North Kordofan.
Al-Darisa - Sennar.
Umm Al-Qura - Al-Jazeera.
Hajar Al-Asal - Nile River.
Sennar sugar factory - Sennar.
There are more but these are the most notable ones.
The constitution of the Emirates states that the presidency of the entire country should rotate among each emirate, but this was never once implemented. Abu Dhabi has always assumed the presidency and apparently forces its ambitions on the remaining emirates. Some people say that the Maktoum family (rulers of Dubai) is deeply unhappy with the Nahyans' (rulers of Abu Dhabi) interference in Yemen & Sudan... which is why you often see conflicting messaging from UAE re: the war. This [article] talks more about it in general. Wouldn't it be interesting if a powerful country pushed Dubai to takeover the entire UAE in the same way they pushed the RSF to take over Sudan?
I am convinced the problem with Sudan till now is social and we still wouldn’t accept each other. At the beginning i though we are united but the more i live the more i know how we can’t even accept each other. I though it has something to do with the past generation but in my mind i think i am well educated and i consider my friends also are. Nevertheless they are racist. I am from Kordofan which it is considered a central region. Obeid is a diversed city and that why I consider myself someone who is accepting and i have friends from diversed culture. But the thing is, my friends who are educated they still distinguishing between each others tribe. Not like joking because there is nothing wrong with jokes. But really everyone of them feels superior about their tribe. To the point that they are welling to harm each other emotionally and financially. Now i am convinced that this generation is not going to change anything. Maybe the best we can do is to lay the foundation to make the next generation more accepting of each other.
I noticed when people disagree with one another here, a good number of them tend to say " it's not part of my job to educate you on something which is a click away".
I actually get confused when when they do so, cs in the first place they seem completely oblivious to the fact that they're part of the web creation. So probably when someone looks up something, one of the search results will be here plus other sites. Sadly a huge part of the web don't have a way to confirm Truth apart from likes/upvotes.
So now we live in an age when you ask people how do you know something, they usually say I found it on Reddit/FB/Wikipedia or whatever. That's the social dilemma, when people don't know truth anymore.
I know there're many people out there exerting great effort to get this right; Wikipedia editors, their panel and regulations just for instance. But still there's a lot to be done.
Do you think we live in a time when people lack their argumentation and critical thinking skills? Would it be more productive and helpful to our communication if we admit our ignorance as a bliss and motive to seek knowledge and listen to each other?
Elsalam 3alekom u inshaAllah all of you are doing well today and staying safe. I’m a Muslim born and raised and speak Arabic very well. I wanna know, how can I help Sudanese PEOPLE. I feel like Sudanese people nowadays have been reduced to statistics on charts or as numbers or people (mainly black people) just care about Sudanese people’s racial identity and try to claim a piece of Nubian culture as our own (I say “our” cause I’m half African-American). I wanna know what I can do to simply reassure my Sudanese brothers and sisters in Islam that I got their back and am down to help and support them and their communities. I already do this by talking about Sudan via Social Media, checking up on the Mental Health of my Sudanese friends but I feel like that’s not enough. Muhammad (one of those friends) thanked me profusely for posting about the war but I told him it shouldn’t be something praise worthy. If talking about such a huge catastrophe caused by decades of authoritarianism, military ruling, power struggle, corruption ect that’s killing millions and displacing many more is such an honorable thing to do then imo the bar isn’t even at the floor it’s in the basement. Imo talking about it’s the bare minimum. So what can I do to further help. I don’t think what I’m doing is enough and I wanna do more for my brothers and sisters in Sudan and in the diaspora
Salam 3alekom and have a good day/night ya jama3a
"Bring even Israel itself" - Joint Forces and other factions with a message of readiness after they've successfully thwarted the transfer of drones from Chad into RSF territory adjacent to Nyala. The drones were likely supplied by the United Arab Emirates regime and appear to be a modified version of the Chinese CH-95 model and carried a payload of multiple air to ground missiles.
Hello everyone, I’ve recently heard about the Altras app and I wanted to ask if anyone had any experience using Altras to send money to people who have bankek
I also wanted to know if its secure and trustworthy and if there is anything I should look out for since I don’t want to upload my documents just anywhere, thank you very much
Just looking for some feedback from the community in this. Until recently I didn't even realize the two manufacturers were different 😬
But looking for a solid sedan since we are expecting twins. Any experience with either good or bad is appreciated!
Whoops! Looks like I posted in the wrong sub! In terms of Sudan I honestly don't know much but I have heard some good music. https://ostinatorecords.bandcamp.com/album/two-niles-to-sing-a-melody-the-violins-synths-of-sudan
It feels like I'm not living my life as I used to be because when I left Sudan in my mind it was temporary but now it seems like this is my life now far away from Sudan and far away from everything that is Sudanese. I Just can't adjust no matter how hard and the thought of getting back one day to Sudan keeps me into living half life. Do I make any sense?? Can anyone relate..