
Photograph via snooOG

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    186,728 Subscribers


    Question: What/who connects the Alawites dynasty to the Prophet Mohammee PBUH?

    Genuinely asking because there is not a lot online

    16:22 UTC


    My dad ruined our family.

    السلام عليكم الإخوان، اليوم سمعت أكفس حاجة فحياتي و جيت نعاود ليكوم و لي بغا ينصحني بشي حاجة ولا لي كان. المهم أنا بنت فالعشرينيات ديالي و الحمدلله المعيشة ديالنا مزيانة و لكن مؤخرا شي 5 شهور الوالد ديالي مبقاش تيصرف على الدار قلييل و ولات ماما هي لي كتكلف بكلشي بحكم أنها خدامة و شحال من مرة كيوقف عليها الوالد ديالي و كتعاونو واخا هو كيعيق عليها كل مرة كتسلفو مليون و لا أكثر و حتا الأخ ديالي الكبير تيعطي الفلوس للوالد ديالي واخا مسكين مخدامش غا تيضيباني و منين كنقول الفلوس راه الفلووس . اليوم جاتنا الخبار بلي الوالد ديالنا كلا واحد 4 د المليون و الا مخلصهاش غادي يتشد. المهم الناس من العائلة الله يجازيهم بالخير كل واحد عطا مليون و غادي يفكوه إنشاءالله. الإشكال لي كاين هو أن الهضرة ضايرة بلي الوالد طايح مع واحد السيدة مطلقة و تيصرف عليها هي وولدها . أنا الا تأكدت بلي هاد الهضرة بصح ماغاديش نقدر نعاود نشوف ليه فوجهو. شنو بانليكوم

    15:46 UTC


    Perspective on UK moroccans

    I feel like UK Moroccans are always forgotten when it comes to the Moroccan diaspora. Like we know that French Moroccans are what we think of when we hear zmagria, and people think they’re stuck up. But as non british Moroccans, what do you guys think of them?

    15:06 UTC


    المهم خاي بوتين حنا غا ضاحكين و صافي

    14:25 UTC


    How can we have more Green Spaces ?

    If you take a look at the satellite maps of Morocco, it's mostly brownish arid lands.

    Now that's only natural given the prevalent climate.

    But isn't there a way to artificially expand green lands ?

    The desertic landscapes sure are charming, but planting more trees and grass wouldn't hurt right ?

    14:24 UTC


    What's One Thing You Wish Tourists Knew About Morocco?

    Hey everyone, I was reflecting on how diverse and beautiful Morocco is, from the Atlas Mountains to the medinas, and even the little things like mint tea rituals. It got me thinking—if you could tell a tourist one thing about Morocco that they have to know, what would it be? Could be about culture, hidden gems, food, or even etiquette. Let's share the real Morocco! For me, if you came to Morocco you have to try tanjiya :).

    14:06 UTC


    How to get to a forest if you don’t have a car ?

    Hello , I want to have a picnic in a forest , maybe bouskoura since it’s the closest and I’m in Casablanca.

    I don’t have a car. So how do I get there the safest way and most affordable?

    14:04 UTC


    Is it snowing already in ifrane?

    Need to prove to my parents its snowing so we can go there this year

    13:01 UTC


    People who used E-blagh, does it actually work ?

    Hello there. I had a problem with a vendor on the Internet and I reported him via the plateform, did anyone ever have success reporting such issues using it ? or should I go the classical way (seek help in the department) ?

    12:46 UTC


    Coffee Restaurant Casablanca Suggestions

    Hey Redditors,

    I’m looking for recommendations for some great coffee restaurants in Casablanca(Near Maârif). I’d love a spot that serves not only excellent coffee but also has a cozy ambiance, maybe with good food or desserts on the side.

    Whether it’s a hidden gem, a trendy café, or a classic favorite, I’m open to all suggestions! Bonus points if it’s a good spot for relaxing or catching up with friends.

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

    12:42 UTC


    learning french

    Hello guys, I've been learning English for quite some time now and i think im doing well, and i wanted to start learning french too .

    My question is am i going to lose my progress in English if i started to learn french? (I asked on this sub because i noticed that Alot of you speak both french and English very well)

    12:36 UTC


    I am looking for a place to take pictures

    I need a spot to take some urban style pictures in a rooftop in Casablanca for my brand. If anyone knows a random rooftop in the city which may suit my need please tell me. If it does have some graffiti it would be better. Thanks in advance.

    1 Comment
    11:24 UTC


    i am looking for a baking and cooking classes in casablanca

    hello guys i just wanted to know if there are any baking and cooking classes in casablanca that i can join i am very interested. thank youu

    1 Comment
    11:09 UTC


    Can we receive packages from friends abroad without issues ?

    Friend abroad is sending me a gift, will i have to buy custom fees or something to get it ? It's just a small package, thanks

    11:05 UTC


    Can Everyone Afford to Connect?

    Hi everyone, a few weeks ago I came across a YouTube video that discusses the internet in Morocco, and addresses many issues, and also provides a hashtag so our voice is heard.

    In a country that will host the World Cup in 5 years and still has max internet speed set to 200mbps and with a whopping price of 100$ a month, this is ridiculous, and the other 2 operators offer a slightly lower price but they are not available in all areas and cities. If we compare the prices and the speed offered by other countries, for example, in France the price for 600mbps is 20 EUR monthly, that is the price for an ADSL 20mbps in Morocco, which offers 1mbps in the upload speed, let's not compare with a European country, if we compare to Algeria they have 1.2gbps internet speed with a price of 32 USD, and 240mbps 21 USD, in morocco its 5 times more expensive, I don't know who calculate these prices, are they based on their own interest or our purchase power, but I guess its the first option.


    These are the hashtags, if anyone wants to support this cause.

    #Good_Internet_Fair_Prices #أنترنت_مزيان_أسعار_معقولة


    10:51 UTC


    Client doctor privilege

    Hey! Is there any legal consequences if your doctor reveals something about you, i am starting therapy with a professional from Morocco whereas I live in Germany, I am not very religious and I have some unsolved issues I want to talk wiyh my therapist about, I perfer talking moroccan when doing therapy that is why i chose this. Can my therapist reveal any info about me legally? It is my first session so I don't know how it works.


    10:21 UTC


    Picking up a new hobby in your late 20s or 30s

    Hey everyone!

    I’m in my late 20s, and I’ve been feeling like I need to explore some new hobbies but haven’t quite found one that sticks yet. I’m curious, did any of you manage to pick up a new hobby in your late 20s or 30s? How long did it take for you to really get into it, and what was the hobby?

    Looking forward to reading your comments.

    10:05 UTC


    Hofy delivery in morocco

    Hi everyone,

    I recently learned that Hofy provides hardware delivery services globally, including to Morocco, and I’m expecting equipment from them soon. However, I couldn’t find detailed information about how they handle deliveries in Morocco specifically.

    Does anyone here have experience receiving shipments from them? I’m curious about:

    1. Which courier service they use (e.g., their own network, Amana, DHL, etc.)
    2. How the tracking process works locally

    Any insights from those who’ve dealt with Hofy deliveries in Morocco are greatly appreciated!

    09:57 UTC


    Moroccan atay - Ambar vs Jawhar grain?

    I’ve recently returned from Marrakech and since returning purchased on Amazon some pearl green tea by the brand ‘Sultan’ which I saw as a recommendation on Reddit on another thread. The one I purchased was ‘Grain Jawhar’ which I’ve been enjoying, but I’ve seen they also have a ‘Grain Ambar’. I was wondering what the difference was?

    I was also recommended the ‘Sultan Grain Amabr Green Tea With Orange Blossom’ which I can find online for £8.98 (including postage) for a 150g box, so I’m debating whether to try that, albeit quite pricey.


    09:53 UTC


    Seeking Surfing and Climbing Adventures in Morocco: Tips and Guides Needed!

    Hi, I would like to surf and sport/trad climb in Morocco from late December to early January. I’m looking for guides for both activities. I’ve surfed once and picked up climbing this summer. Male, 29, above-average athletic, and want to have fun doing activities and meeting new people. Do you have any recommendations for places, guides, or people? :)

    09:47 UTC


    Permission to bring a drone in Morocco

    Good morning,

    I will be visiting Morocco in a few weeks and I would like to bring my drone into the country to shoot some videos in the desert.

    I did some research and learnt that drones are forbidden in Morocco, but apparently you can ask for a permit in advance, declare when and where you want to use it, and you should be good.

    However I cannot find any information at all regarding this procedure. I have tried:

    -writing Morocco embassy in my country: no answer

    -writing Moroccan Aviation Civile: no answer

    -booking a video call with Moroccan Aviation Civile: no one showed up at the meeting

    I would really appreciate if you can share your experience or provide useful information in this regard.

    09:43 UTC


    Weather next week in Marrakesh

    Why is it forecast to be 15 degrees Celsius next week?! I’m meant to be visiting for some warmth and winter sun! 😡

    09:17 UTC


    What do Moroccans think of afghans?

    Hi guys i have been thinking about this for a while but what do moroccans think of afghans?

    09:13 UTC


    Looking for advice - Marrakesh NY eve restaurant recommendation

    Looking to stay in Marrakesh for this NY eve celebration. Seems like there are quite a few restaurants with entertainment options so hopefully someone can recommend the best ones. We’re family of 5 people, including a 3 years old baby, with a total budget of $400-600. Thank you for any advice.

    08:45 UTC


    Black Friday or any ”Soldes” in Morocco is a sham ?

    I don’t know for you, but find all Black Fridays adverts in Morocco somehow gimmicky!

    08:39 UTC


    NYE 2024 events in Taghazout?

    Will be in Taghazout 28 Dec member - 4 January as a solo traveller and wondering if there will be any New Year’s Eve event? Not looking for something very fancy in a 5* hotel. Thx. If anyone travelling around the same time feel free to get in touch.

    08:25 UTC


    قاعدة بيانات للمخطوطات الإسلامية بالمغرب

    السلام عليكم، هل هناك قاعدة بيانات للمخطوطات الإسلامية بالمغرب؟ أحاول البحث عن رقم استدعاء مخطوطة والمجموعة التي تنتمي إليها ولم أتمكن من ذلك. المخطوطة هى جدل الشريف المراغي.

    08:17 UTC


    Where do you get your news/stories from?

    Hi guys, i was just wondering but where do you get your news/stories from. Is there any news outlets where you can send your story to, to be featured on their website?.

    05:20 UTC


    Childhood TV-Show

    Khoti m7tajkom brojola I wanna rewatch Safiya w lHossain I watched it when I was very young with my parents and I saw a clip recently of the movie on ig it was v nostalgic maskhitxi if someone could help me find where I could watch it broooojola

    04:55 UTC


    iphone shops in agadir

    any safe and legit iphone shops in agadir or casablanca ? i came accross one with pretty good prices but idk if theres better and more legit ones.

    04:51 UTC

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