Community for current and past members of the US Air Force.
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All Airmen from any Air Force are welcome here, though we are overwhelmingly from the US!
Hello everyone, I am a military spouse and I need some guidance. My husband and I have been married for 8 years. We have been separated for almost a year. I’m currently in Utah because our last assignment was Hill but he’s currently at Luke AFB. I found out about 6 years into our marriage he had been having an affair with a girl who worked under him. The affair lasted 4 years. I stayed and he promised to be better but the next two years I caught him 2 more times talking to the same woman and then the last time I caught him talking to a new woman who is also in the military but she was the same rank as him. He decided that he no longer wanted to make it work between us so I moved out with our 5 year old daughter. I originally told him I wouldn’t tell the military but I am really struggling. I still have access to our joint account and use it when I really need to with groceries for my daughter but he doesn’t like it when I do that. I work doubles as a server pretty much every week as well as working almost everyday and I barely make $2000 a month and my rent is $1800. I’m really struggling to provide for my daughter. He gets paid almost $8000 a month and I right now he pays for her school which is $1200. I know it’s pretty steep for her tuition but she goes to a really good school and that’s what I needed for her as I was going to be a stay at home mom and homeschool and this was the one condition I had. I just finished my school to get my real estate license but I still need to get certified but it’s a career that doesn’t have a steady income and I’m so worried. I need to move forward with the divorce and I need some help because I don’t even know where to begin. If I seek legal advice, I have to pay for it which I don’t have the money right now to do so. Do I tell the military what he’s done? I have proof of the messages. He saw her on work trips, right before I was going to deliver our daughter, and they are both in the military. Sometimes I feel like he was the one to do this to our family but yet, I am the only one suffering the consequences of his actions.
Diagnosed with MDD. What if meds never help? What medications are disqualifying?
After you receive your DD Form 4 and DAF form 901 for reenlisting, what am I supposed to do other than reviewing it. For whatever reason anyone who's reenlisted has forgotten and being that it's the weekend I can't ask CSS. I'm supposed to reenlist this Tuesday but just got done with a 2-week exercise, so I am just now seeing this.
Hello I am an A1C with a little over a year in service and am asking what is the likelihood or me getting separated if I seek treatment for suspected ADHD? The other post I saw which has decent answers was about people who have been in for awhile and have an established career, so not exactly pertaining to me. I just want any input on this as I've heard it's grounds for admin sep so which I do not want. Thank you in advance.
We, The Notified, submit to the Nation, a sacrifice of fresh urine. We pray that our bodies have produced waters in sufficient supply and quality. As we offer up our sacrifice, we pray that we be found worthy of continued service.
So… now that CSAF’s changes are effective today, does anyone in HHQ know when we are getting an official 2903 update to see what else has changed?
Hello! I am an Air Force spouse and I’m looking to pursue a career as a crisis intervention specialist, but not necessarily a full fledged counselor that will have one on one sessions with a client. Does anyone know if there would be any positions within the military community that I would be able to pursue? MFLC seems to be more for full fledged counselors with a masters degree, they don‘t have a designated Crisis Intervention Team. I want to pursue this path regardless and I know that there are positions available on dedicated crisis intervention teams off base, but as a military spouse of 10+ years, I would prefer to specifically help out the military community if possible.
Is anyone’s PCMs allowing them to get on this? Or anything similar to it?
Kinda a Hail Mary at this point I think but I have no idea what's going on with my retraining so maybe I'm someone here will know? I'll try to describe as best | can. So I applied in August when the listing dropped I'm currently on a short tour and I'm PS.Cing in May. I did everything I was supposed to and my package was sent to the CFM in late October then approved by him in mid December. Fans forward to a week ago I was denied for a lack of class seats by APFC very confused I called them and explained my situation to the civ. She attempted to call retraining with no answer but she reopened my case and asked my questions. A day later my case was looked at and brought back to a waiting status of AFCC review. Even more confused I bring all this up to my supervisor who's been tracking my retraining he's also confused and calls AFPC for me both times retraining was unavailable but the civ on the phone put the questions in the case. I honestly don't know that's going on I really want this job but I PSC in May so I need to know if I need to extend to meet the training deadline or anything else I need to do maybe someone here knows more than me. I was approved by the gaining jobs CFM but I can get a class seat?? I don’t know if anyone who can have an idea please let me know I’m tried of living in limbo.
Maintainer here who got orders to Davis-Monthan (DM). Greatly appreciating any information on how the work is on the line such as work speed/flying schedule, how often do we deploy, how the base/city is, and recommended places to live and where not to. Looking to buy a home. Where are the must go places to eat/visit. Overall opinion of your experience. I am the type of person who makes best of what they got. All good recommendations and advice is appreciated!
Im just trying to promote.
Should I get any days to shadow before I go to tech school? My current job is just working me to the max right now and not holding back at all and I leave for tech school this month. Also I’m being told I’ll have “maybe” 5 days max where I’ll be ROD before I leave. Just wondering if all of this is normal.
It’s been in the news recently, and I’m honestly just curious about how being transgender would’ve affected someone’s BMT/military experience.
Do most transgender people who are in the Air Force enter having already transitioned, or is that something that you do after joining? How would something like that affect your MEPS processing? What is/was your afsc? What do you like about the Air Force? How was the PT and dorm situation? In BMT how did your MTI’s treat you?
The Air Force has let me learn about so many people from all parts of the country and all walks of life. However, I’ve known trans people outside the military but haven’t met anyone in the military who is trans.
I’d just like to know from a personal perspective what it’s like because I haven’t actually met anyone in that situation.
PLEASE nobody turn this into a national political conversation no matter what side you’re on, or make any snarky or whatever comments. I just want to hear personal accounts to better understand my fellow airmen with nuance and empathy.
Genuinely asking, morale would tank without the free beer to power mx.
PCSing in about 2 months and haven’t divorced yet. At my current location I get a good amount from BAH and Cola being relatively high . When I move I will lose about $2K a month because I won’t get the Cola or same BAH anymore. Is it best to wait and divorce in my new state so my LES can reflect the new state for child support concerns or does it matter?
So I have been seeing the docs for about 7 years about my back pain... a piece of equipment was dropped on me and I havent been the same since. I have also recently had a panic attack ATLEAST once a day... I kind of wish I was dead... or I wish I wasnt married, and had a kid. I wish I could curl up into a ball and forget about everything... I am seeing a psychologist on base for my emotional avoidance problems, and my anxiety and I am TERRIFIED to tell him about my thoughts about death... I would never ever ever kill myself... because of my son and my wife. I don't want to be sent to the "fuzzy socks" place, so I refuse to tell my psychologist about my thoughts about death and how it feels like it would be nice not to be dealing with any of this anymore. I dont know what to do. I am so close to getting out of the military and I have opportunities that are available to me that I CANNOT miss out on. I put on a show and dont show my depression but I know its there. I am literally unable to talk about any of this to anyone but some anonymous reddit post... But... I also want help with it...
Some of their name tapes were red with gold borders, others red with black, green with gold, some had the aircraft they fly next to their name, some had a mascot next to their name, some were simply their name and wings.
So why the hell can’t my airmen have a standard coyote brown patch that has a reference to the job they do on their shoulder?
Edit: People in this thread are acting like I’m hating on aircrew and want to get rid of what they have. I don’t. I want everyone to have what they have.
Was pulled into my supers office was questioned about something essentially accused of and I confessed to doing it however my article 31 rights were not read. What's the worst the can happen I'm freaking out.