
Photograph via snooOG

This subreddit is dedicated to news, analysis and discussion on the conflicts in Syria and Iraq along with the regional and global ramifications.

About us

This subreddit is dedicated to the current conflicts ongoing in Syria and Iraq, along with their regional and global ramifications.

Due to the sensitivity of the topic, every and especially new users are strongly encouraged to read the rules and inform themselves of the conflict more generally before posting. The moderators enforce the relatively strict rules and it is strongly encouraged to put thought into one's activity on this subreddit. It is expected that user put back their individual bias as much as possible and respect other users no matter what background they're from.

We especially encourage critical and substantive on-topic discussion, as long as it is done in a civil and respectful manner to any other user of the community. This forum is especially useful for bringing in new perspectives to new users and provide new specific and circumstancial information.

If there are questions, please contact the moderators via modmail or ask in the Dumb Question tuesday threads. Other information can be found in our wiki.

SyrianCivilWar Rules

  • The rules are relatively strict and should be followed as close as possible. Warnings are enforced by the moderators and depend on the context and a user's history; a similar offense may thus be met with very different responses based on the user that made it. Punishments will generally follow this scheme: 1. Warning -> 2. Warning -> 3. Warning and 3 day ban -> 4. Warning -> 5. Warning -> 6. 7 day ban and last warning -> 7. Permaban or longer ban. Mods will try to always give valid reason and reference to the rule that is being broken, but please keep in mind they are humans and make mistakes too.

  • It will frequently happen that threads get locked and entire comment chains removed without comment. Please understand that it is your responsibility as a user to remain "clean" and contribute to this sub in a meaningful way. Mods are not perfect and also operate under time constraints.

  • Appealing warnings and bans is only allowed via modmail, appeals via comments will be removed and ignored. Do not PM mods about warnings/bans/post removals. Please try to understand that mods will show little willingness to walk back on a punishment if your message is agitated, aggressive and uncivil. If you see any comments breaking the rules, please report them with the report button. A more extended version with explanations can be found on the subreddit wiki.

  • 1) Civility. Comments must be civil and respectful of other users. Ad hominem attacks, insults, flair-attacks, slander, etc. are impermissible. Do not ridicule opinions, personas, stances, or questions.

  • 2) Editorialization. The editorializing of titles to conform with these rules (especially tweets) is heavily encouraged. Inflammatory and biased wording is not allowed (incl: "liberate", "terrorist", "hero"). Post/submission titles should thus be as informative and objective as possible. Exceptions can be made for clearly marked quotes from individuals.

  • 3) Racism. Any sort of racism or derogatory group-generalisation is not allowed.

  • 4) Baiting. Intentionally provocative or baiting comments targeting a particular user or the user-base are not allowed. This includes accusatory and inflammatory wording on comment (like: “butthurt” and “Are you serious?”).

  • 5) Sarcasm and Cheerposting. Light and friendly sarcasm is allowed. Excessive or mean-spirited sarcasm or snarkiness is not. Simple cheerposting, be it positive or negative, is not allowed. This includes insulting, judging or cheering for any side (RIP posts are allowed), player, or individual in the war.

  • 6) Relevance and Derailing. Any sort of derailing from the Syrian Civil War or issues directly related to it is not allowed. This includes the inner Turkey-PKK conflict, inner-US politics (“deep state”, the pro-Israel lobby). Exceptions will frequently be made for specific events.

  • 7) Terminology. Groups/factions/individuals have to be called as they'd call themselves. See clarification here. There will be no punishment for breaking only this rule.

  • 8) Trivializing violence. Dehumanising, death-wishing, and posts disrespecting the dead are not allowed. This includes joking or snarky comments and blame-trading.

  • 9) Non-Substantive Comments. Low-quality comments that contribute nothing to the conversation are heavily discouraged and will be removed. Borderline shitposting, strange formatting, memes and jokes, talking/whining about votes and brigades is not allowed unless specifically allowed.

  • 10) Recruitment. Any form of recruitment material concerning any party in the conflict is forbidden. A list of reputable charities can be found in the wiki.

  • 11) AMA Any sort of AMA should be coordinated with the mods beforehand. Do this by sending a modmail.

  • 12) Media Personalities. This subreddit is about the Syrian Civil War and the involved actors, which includes twitter users and commentators. Discussion and posts regarding their reporting on the war or anything that could influence their bias is allowed; anything about other social media activity or their private life is not.

  • 13) Timeliness. This subreddit is for discussion of current up-to-date events. Refrain from posting old articles dealing with past issues even if it wasn’t posted back then when it was relevant. Articles dealing with older events but with newly emerged evidence or relevant facts are allowed.

  • 14) Mod actions Accounts of inflammatory and baiting user names and suspected alt accounts may be banned on sight by moderators.


Related Subreddits


/r/SCW List of translators | International Review| Encyclopedia | Subreddit Rules | New User Guide | Wiki Index | Charities in Syria and Iraq


104,359 Subscribers


What will happen to Syria if trump wins the election?

15:59 UTC


Security In Iraq July 8-14, 2024

18:19 UTC


French Judiciary's Decision on Bashar al-Assad: Implications for Syrian Refugees

Syria remains the largest refugee crisis on the planet after more than 10 years of conflict. Prosecutors in France have requested the highest court in the country to rule on the validity of the international arrest warrant for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for alleged complicity in crimes during Syria's years-long conflict. The Paris court's decision is likely to contribute to exacerbating the Syrian refugee crisis.

More on the same in our article:

13:09 UTC


Assad forces have opened fire toward Karama Square, and there were reports of injuries among the protesters.

10:12 UTC


What's the symbolism when IS fighters would threaten to attack( conquer they say) Rome ?

I heard it pretty often

if they meant to defeat a great empire/civilization like the Roman Empire that's not possible because its not the Era ,

or where they meaning back in time of Muslim conquest of the Roman ( Byzantine ) Empire ?

16:56 UTC


Why IS was first called "the organisation of the (Islamic) state "

How did it transform from an organisation ( a militia ) to a state ?

even if it wasnt' recognized as a state , did it have an administrative configuration ? services ? a government ??

20:23 UTC


Were there attacks or attempts from rebels (including IS) towards Israel ?

because i'v never read that anywhere

12:19 UTC


2024_07_10 - Russian strikes on alleged HTS command-and-control centers and drone launch sites - Idlib Governorate area

00:56 UTC


Mosul from 2017 to today

19:21 UTC

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