
Photograph via snooOG

A community dedicated to broad news, analysis and commentary of the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.

This community is a sister project of the /r/SyrianCivilWar subreddit.

MENAConflicts Rules

  • 1) Keep all discussion civil. If you see a comment that isn't, report it.

  • 2) Offensive, violent, bigoted or abusive posts and comments or those including ad hominem attacks and dehumanizing language will not be tolerated.

  • 3) Racist comments will result in an immediate ban without warning.

  • 4) Sarcastic comments that contribute nothing to the discussion will be deleted without explanation.

  • 5) Quotes from articles can be used as the title of your submission provided that it does not take away from the message of the article.

  • 6) If your post links to content with a biased or editorialized title, adjust the title so it is presented in a civil and unbiased manner.

  • 7) Posts cheering death or trivialising violence will be removed.

  • 8) Automoderator will automatically remove comments containing sectarian and offensive language.

  • 9) Juvenile sexual comments will be deleted on sight.

  • 10) If you are warned, you will receive a message from a moderator stating as such. On your third warning, you will receive a ban.

  • 11) First time bans: 7-14 days. Second time bans up to 30 days; length in both cases is up to the moderators' discretion.

  • 12) Habitual offenders will be issued permanent bans.

  • 13) AMAs from users with interesting personal stories or perspectives relating to regional conflicts, while encouraged, must be vetted by the mods and scheduled. All spontaneous IAMA/AMA posts not vetted will be deleted and automatically counted as a warning against their submitters.

  • 14) This forum is intended for up-to-date news and analysis of the conflicts in and around the Middle East. If you wish to post older content for added context please do so in the comments section of a relevant thread.

  • 15) The moderators of this subreddit reserve, in extreme circumstances, the right to exercise disciplinary measures based on violations witnessed in modmail or PMs and the right to arbitrarily discipline users for violations of the spirit of the rules or disruption of the subreddit's healthy functioning.

  • 16) Follow the content guidelines.

Content Guidelines

  • 1) /r/MENAConflicts is intended to complement the other Middle East Conflict subreddits, not replace them. If your content is related exclusively to one specific conflict please post it in the appropriate subreddit (list included in sidebar).

  • 2) /r/MENAConflicts is intended to be the default destination for content about the meta-conflict in the Middle East, North Africa and their peripheries between the supranational actors, major blocs and powers, i.e. US/West/Nato, Iran/Shia/Resistance Axis, Islamic State, Gulf Actors/Sunni Bloc, Russia, etc. An example would be coverage of the relationships between the assorted branches of the IS or how Yemen relates to Syria, etc.

  • 3) /r/MENAConflicts is intended to be a launching off point for users new to the conflicts in the region and a central hub directing users to relevant Middle East conflict subs. It focuses on a bird's-eye-view of assorted middle eastern conflicts and then directs users to the relevant subs for detailed discussions. Due to that, "party x took checkpoint y" type posts are explicitly banned.

  • 4) /r/MENAConflicts is a meeting place for discussions involving more than one middle eastern conflict. Where applicable we will bring two communities together here via mutual x-posts when an issue that affects two conflicts happens (i.e. Ruble collapses and /r/syriancivilwar and /r/ukrainianconflict communities join to discuss the potential ramifications).

  • 5) Tweets and single-source reports should not be posted as submissions. If a tweet or a single-source report corroborates a broader story please include it along with extended context in a self post.

Related Subreddits

Welcome to /r/MENAConflicts! Feel free to submit anything that has to do with conflicts in Middle East and North Africa


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16:55 UTC

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